StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 165 The Trap That Can't Be Scanned (For Support)

In the depths of space, above the flagship of the Earl's fleet.

Jason's face was full of enthusiasm.

The Earl's Fleet is a high-standard small fleet built by Rothell with a lot of money, and the number of its main battle starships is maintained at two hundred.

According to the common sense of Endless Xingyu, if the number of starships reaches 100, it is a small fleet.

A thousand medium-sized fleets, more than five thousand are large fleets.

Russell formed a total of six small fleets, namely the lord fleet, the duke fleet, the marquis fleet, the earl fleet, the viscount fleet and the baron fleet.

Among them, the Baron Fleet is the lowest level, and is usually responsible for patrolling in its own galaxy.

The Viscount Fleet was a small commercial fleet in Rothell.

After that is the Earl's fleet commanded by Jason.

Although the Count's fleet is a small fleet with only two hundred starships, none of these starships are advanced models.

The combat power is extremely strong, and it is not a problem to face a fleet twice as large as his own.

"Let those weak Terrans see what a real fleet is!

Jason wanted to laugh when he thought of the Terran fleet made up of all frigates in the report.

A frigate, a cannon fodder-like existence in a star battle.

The greatest significance of its existence is to consume the ammunition of the opponent's main battleship.

How can such a fleet composed entirely of frigates have any combat effectiveness?

"Go on, let the fleet move forward at full speed!"

An Oath-class destroyer took the lead, and the fleet 967 swayed towards the Fan Ting star system.

The Fan Ting star system is in front of you, as long as you pass through the asteroid belt in front of you, you will reach the galaxy where the target is located.

Jason couldn't help but see the scene of the opposing fleet being crushed by himself.

On top of the Oath-class destroyer headed.

"Captain, we have reached the target star field, are we in alert mode?"

"What are you panicking about?!" The captain smiled contemptuously when he heard the soldier's words: "We are destroyers."

With the meager firepower of the frigate, in front of the destroyer's hull armor, it was no different from scraping.

It is not too late to see the opposing fleet entering a combat state.

The captain waved his hand and said confidently: "Go on!"


At this moment, the Oath-class destroyer suddenly swayed slightly, as if it had hit a meteorite in the planetary belt.

"What's the matter? Why did it hit a meteorite?"

"Do you know that hull paint is very expensive!"

"A scratch, can you afford it?"

On the bridge of the Oath-class destroyer, the captain's roaring voice came.

It's just that the atmosphere inside the bridge is a little weird.

(cbcc) "Captain of the ship, not a meteorite, yes, yes."

A soldier stretched out his hand tremblingly and pointed to the direction in front of the bridge, his face full of horror.

"It's not a meteorite, you can't say anything at all..."

The captain looked in the direction of the soldier's finger, his eyes suddenly widened.

When it comes to the mouth, it seems to be stuck.


Through the glass of the bridge, the captain could clearly see a semi-circular hole in the center of the front hull.

It was as if a piece of cheese had been bitten out of thin air.

Before the captain could understand what was going on, a violent explosion burst forth.

In the meteorite belt on the periphery of the Fanting star system, a firework blooms brilliantly.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

Jason's flagship, the only Dreadnought-class heavy battleship, sounded a harsh siren.

"What happened?" Jason's expression changed.


"The communication of the Oath-class destroyer No. 09 has terminated, and the power source response has disappeared."

"Suspected of being attacked, he was killed!


Hearing the soldier's words, Jason stood up suddenly.

"What is suspected of being attacked?!" Jason looked at the soldier angrily and asked angrily.

"Because the Oath-class destroyer No. 09 did not return any news, and the follow-up warships did not find any abnormality, but saw that No. 09 suddenly exploded."

Jason looked at the guard in disbelief: "How is this possible?!"

The starship is running fine, how could it suddenly explode?

Did you meet a ghost?

"Order the entire fleet to turn on the scanning device and focus on the meteorite belt for me!"

After thinking about it, Jason felt that the most likely thing was that the other party had set traps in the meteorite belt in advance.

For example, a large number of space torpedoes are hidden in the meteorites of the meteorite belt.

Detonating these torpedoes at the moment when the opposing starship passes by can indeed achieve unexpected results.


Jason was furious at the loss of a Covenant-class destroyer.

Didn't Captain 09 know that the other party might set traps in the meteorite belt?

A captain with no common sense at all?!

Before the battle even started, he was the first to lose an Oath-class destroyer.

Even if he completely wiped out the opponent's fleet behind him, it would be difficult to cover up this flaw!

When he thought of such an easy task, his record was not perfect, Jason was so angry that he wanted to curse his mother.

Just when Jason was furious, several fireworks flickered one after another in the dark deep space ahead.

The dazzling flame was so dazzling in Jason's eyes.

"Report: Three Sandfield-class cruisers and two Shuttle-class frigates suffered unknown attacks!"

Without the soldiers reporting, Jason knew what was going on outside.

Looking at the fleeting explosion outside the window, Jason's face was hideous.

"Order the fleet to stop moving and do not approach the meteorite belt!"

Now Jason is 100% sure that the other party has set up a lot of traps in the meteorite belt.

Otherwise, how could the starship of his fleet explode for no reason.

"Hasn't the trap device of the meteorite belt been scanned yet?!"

Jason personally walked to the radar scanning device and questioned the soldier who was controlling it.

"Report, report! According to the scan results, the meteorite belt does not have any special signal, and there is no energy response."


Jason looked in disbelief.

How could it not be?!

"What about scans from other ships?"

"Report! No traps found!"


Jason's punch hit the edge of the console, and he looked at the dense meteorite belt ahead with a grim expression.

Although I don't know what means the other party used to shield the signal source and energy response of the trap.

But Jason trusted his own judgment.

All "The battleship unfolds in one word, the main gun is aimed at the meteorite belt, and blow it up for me!"

Jason's face was gloomy to the extreme.

If you can't find it, just blow it up!

No matter what traps, it is impossible to escape the baptism of naval guns!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The meteorite belt flashed violently with explosive light, which was not spectacular.

However, I don't know if it was Jason's illusion, he always felt that he saw a little blue fluorescent light through the explosion.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!!

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