StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 166 Easily crushed (seeking support)

The meteorite belt is so dense that it is impossible to see from one side to the other.

except through investigative means.

Cross, however, saw it clearly.

This is not to say that the First Fleet of the Imperial Navy led by Cross has reconnaissance ships.

Instead, it was an image from the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate deployed in advance on the periphery of the meteorite belt.

The holographic concealment system where the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate is located provides it with a good shadow hiding effect, just like an assassin in the shadows, staring at every move of the Count's fleet.

The unforeseen explosion of several starships in the Earl's Fleet was naturally the masterpiece of the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate.

Although the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates have good concealment, they are still too few in number.

Not the main combat force of the fleet.

Cross's original plan was to have the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates divert the attention of the Count's fleet.

In this way, the opponent must be worried when crossing the meteorite belt.

The dagger-class frigate can take this opportunity to wait for work on the other side of the meteorite belt and launch an unexpected attack on the opponent.

In essence, Cross's battle plan is similar to that of "half-and-dive".

It's just that when Cross saw the Earl's fleet lined up and began to bombard the meteorite belt, he was almost happy.

What does it mean?

Was the attack of the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate as a trap for the Meteor Belt?

Looking at the picture transmitted in front of him, Cross had a deep look of contempt in his eyes.

Ignorance! Ignorance!

These people have no idea how terrifying the Imperial Starship is.

In front of the fleets of the Empire, the fleets they are proud to have built at a great price are just as backward as the barbarians.

Cross smiled self-deprecatingly, he felt that he looked down on each other a bit.

Setting traps in the meteorite belt, of course, Cross has thought of this method.

But it was quickly denied by Cross.

There is no reason for him.

Cross didn't think any fleet commander would be foolish enough to cross the meteorite belt without scouting ahead.

Meteorite belts are simply natural barriers to set traps.

This is almost recognized in Endless Xingyu.

In the cold weapon era thousands of years ago, human beings knew that they would send troops to reconnaissance in advance when they passed through canyons, dense jungles and other terrains.

There is no reason to enter the interstellar age, but instead I don't understand the reasoning.

But the scene in front of him is actually happening.

Set! Hopelessly stupid!

Cross felt that it was an insult to himself to regard the Earl's fleet as an opponent!

As far as the commander of the Earl's fleet is concerned, it is not worth his attention.

If Jason knew what Cross was thinking, he would probably vomit blood.

He really did not scout the meteorite belt.

But that is based on the fact that the own fleet has an absolute advantage.

Just like an elephant trampling a mouse, do you care about the traps set by the mouse?

The Count's fleet led by Jason himself was all advanced starships purchased.

On the other hand, Cross's fleet, the intelligence only said that they are composed of frigates.

In Jason's perception, aren't frigates the cannon fodder on the battlefield?

Since it is cannon fodder how strong the combat power can be.

Therefore, Jason did not scout the meteorite belt in advance, and the powerful fleet brought him unparalleled confidence.

In fact, with a regular frigate fleet, there's nothing wrong with Jason doing it.

However, the frigate he encountered was not the frigate he was familiar with.

Especially after being attacked several starships, Jason also reacted immediately and began to scout the meteorite belt.

However, the results of the investigation were somewhat surprising.

Jason stubbornly thought it must be a trap, a trap he was unfamiliar with.

After all, how can normal people think that the culprit is a stealth starship?

Jason is wrong too.

Poor information, unequal technology, coupled with Jason's own vision and cognitive problems, has long led to a somewhat absurd scene.

But for Cross, it was a surprise.

The starships of the Earl's fleet lined up and bombed the meteorite belt, intending to clear a passage.

This is simply a good fix for Kroos.

As an excellent commander, knowing how to respond on the spot is the most basic ability.

Seeing the Count's fleet rushing to die, how could Cross not satisfy their eager wishes for reincarnation?

...for flowers...

Immediately, Cross abandoned the previous battle plan.

Instead, order the short sword-class frigate blue laser beam cannon to charge!

After the other party bombed the meteorite belt clean, Cross planned to give the other party a big gift.

"Report! The progress of the meteorite belt cleanup is 890 percent, 100 percent!

In the bridge of the command ship, the voices of the signal soldiers echoed back and forth.

Hearing this, Cross's mouth twitched.

"Blue laser beam cannon, fire!"

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

It takes time, and the blue beams of light run through the universe.

That deep, azure beam of blue light illuminated the nearby meteorite belt and dark space.

It is beautiful, dazzling, and it is impossible to resist being immersed in it.

Similarly, the bridge on which Cross was located was also extremely mysterious, illuminated by the blue light.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Cross thought of the sea of ​​Terra Star.

At this time, the blue lasers emitted by the blue laser beam cannon are connected together, and at first glance, it looks like blue waves rolling on the sea.

The blue light flashed away, and then there was a burst of gorgeous fireworks on the other side of the meteorite belt.

In the dark and grand space background, orange firelights are blooming, which is very beautiful.

"I sent the death courier to you, don't refuse it."

Cross murmured, and the flames of the explosion in the distance were reflected in his pupils.

"Report! The enemy fleet's battle loss rate is nearly 70%!"

Not long after, according to the video data returned by the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate.

The losses of the first contact with the Count's fleet were counted.

Hearing this, the corners of Cross's mouth twitched slightly.

"Reconnaissance the enemy's movements, keep a distance and bite them, while the main gun is ready to charge."

Since you're here, don't even think about leaving.

On the other side of the meteorite belt, the Earl's fleet was in chaos.

The starry sky where it is located is full of wreckage after the starship was destroyed, like a large space junkyard.

The sudden scene made Jason dumbfounded.

PS: Thanks for the reward of "Missing Bear Chicken and Soroy", thank you big guys!!!

Kneeling and begging the big guys for more support, please!!! Knife,

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