StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 167: The Desperate Earl's Fleet (For Support)

"what happened?"

"So what happened?!"

Jason looked at the fireworks one after another through the bridge glass, and slumped on the chair.

He felt everything was like a dream.

Originally, the fleet had cleaned up the meteorite belt well, but now it is time to clear a passage for the fleet to pass through.

As a result, what caught my eye was not a smooth road, but an endless blue light.

Immediately after that, his fleet was completely shrouded in blue light, and violent explosions continued to occur.

The command ship of the Count's fleet -- the Dreadnought-class heavy battleship, this huge big guy.

It even shook violently due to the shock wave generated by the explosion of the surrounding starships.

The Dreadnought-class heavy battleship at this time is no longer a giant.

On the contrary, it is more like a flat boat in the sea, which may capsize at any time in the face of strong winds and waves.

Jason clung to the armrest of the chair tightly, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Report, report! The fleet lost more than seventy percent!"

"Discover the enemy fleet!"

Hearing the soldier's words, Jason quickly walked to the podium with the handrail.

Looking at the few green light spots on the radar screen, the whole heart is ashes.

These green dots are the starships of the Count's fleet.

There were a lot of large pieces just now, but in the blink of an eye there were less than sixty ships left.

Jason couldn't accept this cruel result.

Jason raised his head and looked through the glass to the fleet on the other side of deep space.

Wherever the line of sight passes, there are starship wrecks everywhere.

Farther afield is the cleaned-up meteorite belt.

And at the end is the enemy fleet ready to go!

Looking at its starship size, it is undoubtedly the standard frigate size.

But why do frigates have such ferocious firepower?

That kind of blue laser, Jason had never heard of it.

what weapon is that?

Jason rubbed his fist tightly, and looked at the fleet in the distance.

Eventually, Jason gave the order.


Earl's fleet, two hundred starships.

Nearly one hundred and fifty ships were wiped out by the opponent in one face-to-face.

The war has not begun, it is over.

Although very unwilling, Jason knew that he had lost.

There is no need to continue this battle.

The most urgent task is to tell Rosell this terrible news so that he can prepare as soon as possible.

Now, if Jason doesn't know where the problem is, he can really hit him with a piece of tofu.

According to the information, this human fleet is all composed of frigates.

Indeed, these are all frigates.

However, this frigate is different from everyone's imagination.

The difference can be said to be worlds apart.

This is not cannon fodder, but a well-deserved starship killer!

With a laser weapon of that size, Jason was so frightened that his heart was broken.

Looking at the fleet in the distance, Jason ordered the fleet to retreat immediately.

That expression was as if he was afraid that the other party was going to give him the exact same attack as before.

According to the level of firepower just now.

If the opponent is shooting once, then the Count's fleet led by him will be wiped out.

Even the Dreadnought-class heavy battleship at his feet.

The Earl's fleet began to retreat quickly, leaving the battlefield.

On the other hand, Cross also noticed the other party's move.

"Report! The enemy fleet begins to retreat!"

No need for soldiers to report, Cross himself can see each other's movements.

Want to run?

How can it be so easy!

Each ship "maintains the maximum range of the blue laser beam cannon and pursues the enemy fleet."

Cross couldn't let him go so easily.

If you dare to provoke the empire, you must be prepared to be suppressed by the empire.

All things are responsible for their actions.

Under the order of Cross, the imperial fleet kept the maximum range and followed slowly while the other party began to retreat.

At the same time, each ship began to charge its own main guns.

On the flanks of the battlefield, the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates hidden in the shadows were also quietly sneaking.

When the main fleet's blue laser beam cannons were charged, the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates also began to contain the enemy fleet.

Don't let the other party escape too easily!

One starship after another was blown up, such a strange scene can be said to make Jason tremble.

If Jason still felt that he was trapped by intelligence before and was unwilling to admit defeat.

So now Jason has completely lost his mind...

He just wants to get out of this hellish place now!

"Report! The Battlefield-class cruiser No. 029 was destroyed!"

*Shuttle-class frigate 116 was destroyed!"

No. 175 Shuttle-class frigate signal source disappeared!"

"Oath-class destroyer No. 074 confirmed to be hit!"

In the bridge, the voices of the communication soldiers, like a talisman, smashed into Jason's heart one by one.

Following this one-by-one report, Jason's heart also fell into the bottomless abyss of despair step by step.

Jason didn't know what was going on.

Obviously those devil-like frigates did not launch the second round of attacks, but the starships under his command were blown up one by one.

It was just like the death god kept waving his scythe to harvest life.

In just a few short minutes, the remaining fifty or so starships in the Earl's fleet were directly reduced to seventeen.

This terrifying battle damage made Jason lose his ability to think for a long time.

Jason is completely panicked now, and he doesn't know what to do to stop the opponent's attack.

He wanted to keep the last fire of the Earl's fleet, but found in despair that he could do nothing at all.

He didn't know what was attacking them, or how these attacks came about.

He only knew that a good starship exploded in front of his eyes inexplicably.

This unknown fear has been lingering in Jason 2.2's heart, making him almost crazy.

"Destroyer 012 was destroyed!

"The 041 Sandfield-class cruiser was hit!"

"Two Shuttle-class frigates were killed!


Jason prayed in his heart that he could leave safely and get out of this devil's place sooner.

Yet his prayers had no effect.

The bad news keeps coming.

In the end, Jason closed his eyes in despair and accepted the result he never thought of.

Before coming, Jason was in high spirits.

He thought about all the possibilities, but never thought that he would fail so embarrassingly.

Jason picked up the communicator beside him and dialed Rosier's communication with trembling hands.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!.

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