StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 173 Imperial Assassin (For Support)

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Assassins are all selected from the orphans of Stormwind College, and have been personally trained and trained by Dr. John Xun.

Cambore began to explain to Lu Ming the details of the formation of the Assassin Court.

The focus is on the selection and training of Imperial Assassins.

The Imperial Assassin, in John's words, is the most secretive killer and the most perfect humanoid weapon in the Empire.

Like Astarte, it has also been trained at the genetic level.

But unlike the genetic modification and surgical modification of the Astartes, they are pure human beings.

Astarte is positioned as a weapon with super explosive power and reflexes, as well as amazing speed and durability.

The essence of Astarte is to put it bluntly in the service of war itself.

Compared with Astarte, the Imperial Assassin is much purer.

Imperial Assassins are trained for one purpose - to kill!

The only thing that imperial assassins care about and be good at is how to kill people and how to complete the assassination task efficiently.

The efficiency of its killing methods can make anyone in the empire feel ashamed.

Each of the 21 imperial assassins has passed rigorous testing and training, and has strengthened their combat qualities through various means.

In this way, the absolute loyalty and efficient assassination of the imperial assassins are guaranteed.

Imperial Assassins are specially trained, and their weapons are also specially designed.

Such weapons will even be tailored to each Imperial Assassin.

Imperial Assassins are armed with an Extinction Sniper Rifle specially developed by the Institute.

The Extinction Sniper Rifle is simply a miniature version of the Plasma Beam Cannon.

This sniper gun shoots silently and invisible, and it is definitely the top weapon for assassination.

In addition, the Imperial Assassin is also equipped with a holographic cloak, which can help it better hide its shape and movements.

It is similar to the holographic concealment system of the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate.

In addition, every Imperial Assassin was given a Polymorphic Potion at the training site.

This shape-shifting potion allows Imperial Assassins to transform into any form, including but not limited to Terran.

After testing by the Imperial Academy, the shape-shifting potion can transform the Imperial Assassin into an alien appearance.

However, it is impossible to identify its true identity from the outside.

In order to cooperate with the transmutation function of the shape-shifting potion, there are also special memory modification subjects in the training program of the imperial assassins.

This subject allows Imperial Assassins to modify and seal their memories.

There are rumors that the Imperial Assassin modified his memory to disguise himself as an ordinary soldier of the Astral Army for the mission.

Then he was shot to death by his own military prison.

As the saying goes: the highest state of deception is to deceive yourself.

The Imperial Assassin is without a doubt the best among them.

Technology, training, and all the elements make for a formidable Imperial Assassin.

Lu Ming believes that these imperial assassins will definitely be enemies, or the dream demons of anyone in the empire who dares to have two hearts.

"Were there only six of the first Imperial Assassins?"

Lu Ming just read the information that Cambore brought.

The information on the Imperial Assassin recorded above is only six thin pages.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the training and selection of Imperial Assassins is extremely difficult, so..."

Cambore didn't finish his words, but Lu Ming understood what he meant.

In a sense, the birth of the Imperial Assassin was more difficult than the Astartes.

Lu Ming remembered that someone on the post in his previous life said that the Imperial Assassin could be said to be the most capable individual soldier in the Empire.

none of them.

Not even Astartes can beat them.

"Although I didn't lose, I felt like they could kill me at any time."

This is the most common sentence that people in previous lives said comparing the Imperial Assassin and Astarte.

It seems that this sentence is mostly ridiculed, but it is not difficult to see the strength of the imperial assassin.

Maybe head-on, the Imperial Assassins are no match for Astartes.

But if we only talk about the result, then who will die is still unknown.

Some people say that with the cooperation of several imperial assassins, they can even complete the assassination of the Primarch Astartes.

And in fact it is.

Konrad Curze, the Primarch of the Night Lords of the Eighth Legion of Astartes, was assassinated by the Imperial Court of Assassins.

And there is a saying in Astartes.

There is only one other Primarch Astarte who can kill the Primarch Astartes.

From here you can see the power of the Imperial Assassin.

The Imperial Assassin is a powerful double-edged sword, and Lu Ming doesn't want anyone to abuse his power.

Therefore, there is a crucial regulation in the transfer of the Assassin Court.

That is, the deployment of every Imperial Assassin must be ordered by Lu Ming.

Otherwise, no one has the right to mobilize the Imperial Assassins.

This is also the last and most effective shackle set by Lu Ming in order to prevent the imperial assassins from being used by those who wish to.

"Did you bring only one Imperial Assassin this time?" Lu Ming looked at Cambore.

Camberley nodded and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty, according to your order, in order not to attract attention, only one imperial assassin was brought.

Lu Ming didn't say much after hearing this.

Although Fan Tingxing had just surrendered to the rule of the empire, he was far from using the imperial assassin.

The reason why Cambore brought an imperial assassin was because Lu Ming was a little curious. 970

"Okay, leave the person to me, and then go and do your business."

The main purpose of Cambore's visit was to personally report to Lu Ming about the Assassin Court.

Now that the task has been completed, as the patriarch of the Terra Sect, it is time for Cambore to do his part.

Fan Tingxing has just been conquered by the empire, although the human race here is very welcome to the empire.

But there is no guarantee that there will be no ulterior motives among them.

You must know that Fan Ting is not Terra, although he is also a human race, but compared with the Terra human race, his loyalty has yet to be tested.

The most important thing is that Lu Ming is not sure if there are vampires among the Fanting people.

If vampires do not show their wings, teeth and claws, they are just like normal humans and are difficult to spot.

Therefore, the first purpose of Lu Ming's teaching Terra was to preach, so that the Fanting people would be loyal to the empire.

The second is to investigate the vampire remnants.

Lu Ming didn't want to leave Fan Tingxing on his front foot, and the vampire on his back foot created a large number of family members through blood poison and re-ruled Fan Ting.

Fan Ting is Lu Ming's base for defending the wormhole, and he does not allow any accidents here.

Cambore left the office with Lu Ming's orders and went to prepare for the next mission.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!.

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