StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 174 Unknown Fleet (For Support)

After conquering Fan Tingxing, the defense base of M9 wormhole already has the basic prototype.

At the same time, Lu Ming also fulfilled his wish to complete the Empire's air combat troops.

For Lu Ming, the Fan Tingxing campaign was quite rewarding.

The construction of Fan Tingxing is also in full swing, and Lu Ming has also begun to deploy in detail the details of the competition for the M9 wormhole.

"The M9 wormhole is currently under the control of the Zhou family. On the periphery of the wormhole, there are four defensive fortresses built by the Zhou family, and a large amount of anti-aircraft firepower is deployed."

Exchange No. 3, temporary office.

Zero was explaining the basics about the M9 wormhole to everyone.

"In addition, the Zhou family also stationed a fleet in the wormhole. According to the information, the size of this fleet is a small fleet, and its number is about 500.

Everyone listened to Tao's words and patiently waited for the follow-up plan to be deployed.

The ultimate goal of the empire's grand expedition this time is not Fan Tingxing.

But the M9 bug.

In other words, Fan Tingxing was just a matter of Lu Ming, and he had only one goal in this trip.

M9 Wormhole!

Drip! Drip!

Suddenly, a harsh sound came from the quiet conference room.

Hearing this voice, Lu Ming frowned slightly.

Looking at the source of the sound, I realized that it was from the communicator in the office.

Take the first two steps and pick up the communicator.

Empire "National Conference Room, what's the matter?" Zero asked softly, holding the communicator.

"What? Already established?"

"Well, I'll pass it on to Your Majesty."

"Before that, please stick to the line of defense, reinforcements will arrive soon.


After speaking, he put down the communicator in his hand.

Turning around to look at Lu Ming, he said with a serious expression: "Your Majesty, the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate reports that a large number of fleets of unknown forces have appeared outside the Fan Ting star system. Looking at their direction, the target seems to be Fan Ting Xing."


Hearing Tao's words, Lu Ming was taken aback.

A large fleet of unknown forces?

Could it be the follow-up fleet of the Anqika Union?

Lu Ming immediately thought of this possibility.

After all, there is a deep rift between the Empire and the Anqika Union.

Fan Tingxing was taken from the Anqika Union Alliance, and the Imperial Fleet also wiped out the Earl Fleet sent by the other side to support.

It can be said that the two sides have an endless relationship.

At this time, the people who will send the fleet to the Fanting star system, except for the people from the Anqika Union.

Lu Ming couldn't think of other possibilities.

"This is the end of today's meeting." Lu Ming said helplessly, looking at everyone in the office.

Originally thought that he had conquered Fan Tingxing and defeated the Earl's fleet.

The empire can then wholeheartedly start planning to capture the M9 wormhole mastered by the Zhou family.

But now it seems that the wormhole scramble plan will be delayed.

"Cross, immediately you lead the imperial fleet to the edge of the Fanting star system and prepare for battle.

In addition, "Hannah, Ma Bo, Yang Zhongtang, and Ruth, make arrangements to defend against Fan Tingxing.

Lu Ming began to give orders to the crowd.

The information in the Shadowthorn-class report said that there were a large number of fleets of unknown forces.

This "large number", it is conservatively estimated that the size of the opponent's fleet should be more than a thousand ships.

Thousands of starships, this is already the lowest standard medium-sized fleet, and even Lu Ming needs to pay attention.

"Yes! Your Majesty!

Upon hearing this, Cross saluted Lu Ming, then picked up his military cap and turned to leave the office.

Cross left, and Hannah and the others did not stay too much.

To defend Fan Tingxing, a lot of anti-aircraft firepower is necessary.

Fortunately, the previous exchange had a lot of anti-aircraft firepower, although a considerable part of it was destroyed in the previous battle.

But well-preserved anti-aircraft fire installations are not rare.

Fan Tingxing began an emergency deployment here.

The cloud of war that had just dissipated was once again shrouded in everyone's hearts.

But this is simply unforgivable for the residents living in Fantingxing.

They finally got rid of the enslavement of vampires and just moved to a safe city in the sky.

As a result, it was only a few days before someone came to attack them.

A good life is not easy to come by, and the residents of Fan Tingxing are more aware of this matter.

Therefore, when they heard the news of the war, many residents were filled with righteous indignation and expressed their desire to do their part for the empire.

Taking this opportunity, Cambore led the officials of the Terra Sect and began to organize these residents to help the empire with some trivial matters.

On the other side, Cross boarded the ship at Exchange Port No. 3.

Then the fleet of the empire docked at the port set sail directly, and flew past the outer edge of the Fan Ting star system.

The first thing Cross did after boarding the ship was to ask the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate in charge of reconnaissance for detailed information about the enemy fleet.

However, after getting specific news, Cross fell into silence.

The number of this fleet is about 1,300, and it is a veritable medium-sized fleet.

The scale of this fleet is even comparable to the previous Moon Lake fleet.

But what makes Cross bizarre is that the fleet is very loose.

According to the information sent back by the Shadowthorn class, it was said that these starships were divided into distinct groups.

There are only a dozen or so starships in the small ones, and there are a hundred or so ships in the large ones.

Moreover, the speed of this fleet is also uneven, not to mention what combat formation it maintains.

A plate of loose sand!

This is Cross's most intuitive evaluation of this fleet after reading the information.

It is not difficult to see that this fleet was put together on an ad hoc basis.

And if nothing else, they haven't gone through any running-in at all.

That's why there are such strange things in the intelligence (Nuo Zhaohao).

If this is not the other party's intentional formation of suspicion, deliberately using this method to numb him.

Then in this battle, Cross has a 100% certainty of victory.

If this was a deliberate trick by the Anqika Union, then he would have to deal with it carefully.

Not long after, the imperial fleet led by Cross arrived at the edge of the Fan Ting star system.

The ships entered combat mode and waited for orders. "

"All Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates have turned on the holographic concealment system, looking for a suitable location and waiting for the opportunity."

Arriving at the designated location, Cross ordered the fleet to enter a state of alert.

In the silent and vast space, the starships of the Imperial Fleet were quietly suspended in this area, lined up.

Like a cheetah hiding in the dark, ready to show its fangs at any time.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!

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