StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 190 The Imperial Fleet Joins the War! (For Support)

Anqika United Alliance, the war of the Prince's star system is in full swing.

Starships shuttle back and forth in space, and various space torpedoes and missiles fly all over the sky.

The war was arguably the worst space station the Empire had ever fought.

Without him, casualties on both sides were increasing every second.

The casualties on the Empire's side came mainly from mixed fleets.

Mixed fleet, to put it bluntly, is the fleet that Lu Ming absorbed and joined the new star masters before.

The starships of these fleets are just ordinary starships, and do not have the deflector shields and blue laser beam cannons of the imperial starships.

In addition, Lu Ming intends to weaken the strength of the mixed fleet, so the casualties of the mixed fleet are extremely tragic.

In other words, this is the true face of interstellar warfare.

In the space wars that the Empire carried out before, because of the excellent performance of the starship, the casualties were not large each time.

So at first glance, it is a little uncomfortable to see the shocking casualty figures.

Cross's fleet is much simpler.

This space war has been going on until now, and it is no longer what they want to end.

Facing Lu Ming's attack, Rosell could only choose to resist.

Otherwise, he could only watch his homeworld being occupied by Lu Ming.

The parent star is occupied, which is impossible for any star master to accept.

Also the bottom line per -980 star masters.

Your Majesty, "Pang Bo came to report just now that the loss of the mixed fleet has reached 80%."

On the command ship, Tao came to Lu Ming and whispered.

"Are you going to continue to let the mixed fleet fight?"

Lu Ming lowered his head and thought for a moment.

With an 80% loss rate, it was initially estimated that the number of starships lost by the mixed fleet should have reached about 600.

This figure is neither exaggerated nor tragic.

However, in order to maximize the strength of the weak mixed fleet and facilitate the management of those star masters, Lu Ming can only make this decision.

And the loss of the mixed fleet is not in vain.

At least Rothelle's fleet is not feeling well.

In the face of the mixed fleet commanded by Pang Bo, who is not afraid of death and does not care about casualties.

Rossell's fleet casualties also skyrocketed.

After thinking for a while, Lu Ming said softly: "It's almost there, let Pang Bo retire.

The goal has been achieved, and the rest of the mixed fleet can no longer become a climate.

And after the war, he will not return the command of these mixed fleets to those star masters.

Although these starships are not comparable to the Dagger-class frigates and the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates.

But it's more than enough for routine patrol and security duties.

With the issuance of Lu Ming's order, the space battlefield situation of the Prince's star system has changed once again.

Pang Bo, who received the order to retreat, was also relieved.

Not that he felt bad for the mixed fleet.

After all, this mixed fleet was completely obtained for nothing, and even if it was exhausted, he would not feel distressed.

On the contrary, the terrifying casualties shocked Pang Bo.

He was a star master before, and later followed Mengxis's barbaric fleet to fight south and north.

But Pang Bo had never encountered such a terrifying number of casualties.

After getting the order, Pang Bo didn't delay too much.

Soon, the mixed fleet began to slowly retreat.

Seeing that the mixed fleet began to retreat, Rosell remembered being happy before he came.

I saw the recharged First Fleet of the Imperial Navy.

Rosell originally thought that the mixed fleet was retreating because Lu Ming could not accept the loss, and planned to withdraw and rest for a while.

In this way, he can also have a chance to breathe and think about the next countermeasures.

However, seeing the Imperial Navy's First Fleet, Rosell found himself thinking wrong.

Where is Lu Ming going to retreat? He clearly wants to get rid of him in one go!

At this moment, Rosell's expression was as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

All ships "Attention, the deflection shield is open, and the blue laser beam cannon is ready to charge!"

When the mixed fleet is withdrawn, prepare to take over the battlefield!"

Cross stood on the command ship bridge (cbcc) and gave orders skillfully.

Lu Ming on the side nodded in satisfaction.

As the expansion of the Empire intensified, Cross became more and more comfortable in commanding the Imperial Navy fleet.

This is a good thing!

"Your Majesty, do you see any omissions?"

After finishing, Cross came to Lu Ming and asked softly.

Lu Ming shook his head slowly: "You commanded very well, follow your wishes."

Lu Ming has always felt that laymen should not interfere in the affairs of experts.

As the ruler of the empire, he only needs to be responsible for controlling the general direction and ensuring that the empire does not go astray.

As for the rest, leave it to professionals.

It was as if Lu Ming would never intervene in the training and combat of the Imperial Corps.

Take Krieg Death Corps, for example.

Although Lu Ming didn't want to see his soldiers die in the charge, he knew that if he insisted, Hannah would definitely change this habit.

But again, the layman should not interfere.

Since Krieger has always done this, there must be some truth to it.

Recklessly intervening is not necessarily a good thing.

Cross heard Lu Ming's words and nodded.

Then turned around and returned to the command position of the bridge.

Although the fleet of the Anqika Union Alliance has already fought fiercely with the mixed fleet of the Empire.

Both sides suffered heavy losses.

But the number of Anqika Union Alliance fleet is there after all.

Even if Pang Bo commanded the fleet, he was not afraid of death and launched an attack regardless of casualties.

After a war, the fleet of the Anqika Union Alliance remained at about 800 ships.

The number of the Imperial Navy's First Fleet is only over a hundred ships.


"The supply fleet is always ready to support the front lines!"

Each ship "must ensure that the deflection shield will not be closed due to energy problems!"

The Imperial Navy fleet is small in number, but it is better than with deflector shields and blue laser beam cannons.

Moreover, there are Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates supporting each other in the dark, and Cross is not afraid of the fleet of the Anqika Union Alliance.

As long as the deflector shield of the Imperial starship can withstand the pressure, with the powerful firepower of the Dagger-class frigate and the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate.

The Anqika United Alliance fleet is just a lamb to be slaughtered!

Following Cross's order, the First Fleet of the Imperial Navy moved forward slowly.

Behind the main battle fleet is the logistics supply ship that is ready to go.

These supply ships can approach the Dagger-class frigates at any time to ensure that there will be no faults in their energy sources.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!.

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