StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 191: The Doomsday of Anqika Hezhong Alliance (For Support)

Soon, Cross commanded the Imperial Navy's First Fleet to replace Pangbo's mixed fleet and became the main force on the battlefield.

"Report: The blue laser beam cannon is fully charged!"

"Deflector shield is ready!

Listening to his subordinate's report, Cross stared coldly at the huge fleet in the distance.

There was a flash of murderous intent in his eyes.


Om! Saki: Ho!

With the slight vibration of the dagger-class frigate underfoot, the blue beams of light quickly shot forward.

Viewed from a distance, it was like a horizontal blue light curtain, spreading towards the Anqika United Alliance fleet in the distance.

No matter how many times you look at this blue light, it is so deep, mysterious, and beautiful.

Can't help but get addicted to it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It started at the moment when the blue light curtain came into contact with the Anqika United Alliance fleet.

The grand fireworks show was staged in the Prince's Solar System.

As far as the eye can see, there are fireworks blooming everywhere, making people dizzy.

However, the price of these fireworks is a bit high.

Of course, this price is for the Anqika Union.

For the Imperial Fleet, it was nothing more than a grand fireworks display for free.

"All Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates are ready to enter the battlefield from the flanks, be careful to hide yourself.

"Priority to attack the opponent's battleships, destroyers and other major firepower battleships!

"Once the energy is exhausted, withdraw from the battlefield immediately, and don't rush in greedily!"

Cross stared coldly at the explosion in the distance.

Although the fireworks were gorgeous, Cross didn't indulge in them.

He knew exactly what he was going to do.

Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates are not suitable for the frontal battlefield, but as snipers, they are suitable for supporting the fleet in the dark.

An invisible sniper can cause enormous psychological pressure to the enemy.

For the positioning of the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate, Cross is very clear.

Just because it is clear, it is also handy for the command of the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate.

When to enter, where to join the battle, and what is the priority of the target.

These all require Cross to comprehend for himself.

Fortunately, Kroos did not disappoint Lu Ming.

Above the bridge of the command ship, the corner of Lu Ming's mouth raised a slight arc.

For Cross's performance, he is very satisfied.

Lu Ming himself had personally commanded the fleet to fight, and he naturally saw the arrangement of Cross.

Lu Ming looked back.

If nothing else, this space battle will soon be over.

Thinking about it, Lu Ming turned his head slightly to look at Zero, and said, "Notify Hannah and the others, and let them make preparations for landing on Lord Star.

The Anqika Union Alliance, the Lord Star is the star parent star closest to the M9 wormhole.

So Lu Ming intends to completely occupy this place.

Lord Star, as the home planet of Rosell, Lu Ming could not let it go.

Merely destroying the opposing fleet is not enough.

Lu Ming guessed that Rossell had something to do with the Zhou family, as long as he was given time.

It was easy for Rothier to rely on the help of the Zhou family to form a fleet again.

At that time, Lu Ming is likely to be fighting for the M9 wormhole and fighting with the Zhou family.

If Cross stabs a knife in the back at this time, the imperial fleet will be attacked by the enemy.

This is not what Lu Ming wants to see.

Therefore, the Lord Star must be effectively controlled.

As for the other parent stars of the Anqika Union Alliance, Lu Ming has no plans to occupy them for the time being.

There is a change in the empire now, Lu Ming wants to take down the M9 wormhole as soon as possible, and then return to the empire.

The remaining star masters of the Anqika Hezhong Alliance can only clean up after waiting.

This space battle has already crippled them, and it's a lot easier to clean up later.

Unlike Lu Ming's relaxed and happy side, Rosier sat on the chair in despair at this time, and he was completely dumbfounded.

What was that blue light curtain just now?

Could this be the blue laser weapon Jason mentioned?

Why is the range so far?!

Rossell's face was full of disbelief.

As soon as his fleet came into contact with the blue light curtain, more than a hundred starships were killed in an instant.

This result made Rosell somewhat unacceptable.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

More than 100 starships were blown up, and this speed is too fast.

Rothelle thought that the previous battle with the mixed fleet was cruel enough.

But now he realized that compared with Lu Ming, he was almost a thousand miles behind.

…for flowers…

His proud fleet was not worth mentioning at all in front of Lu Ming.

To say that he can be destroyed is an overestimate of him.

Rossell looked at the imperial fleet in the distance, and the layers of fluorescent masks almost wiped out his last hope.

At this moment, Rosell finally knew why the Earl's fleet and Lu Ming were wiped out just by face-to-face, and even only a few words of news came back in time.

If it is the total fleet, then the count's fleet is not wronged.

"Report! Enemy fleet high-intensity energy response detected! Second shot!"

"Eighty starships lost contact!

"Report! The 014 Big Mac-class battleship suffered an unknown attack, requesting support!"


A piece of news was gathered in front of Rosell, looking at the news, Rosell's heart was ashes.

Suddenly, Rossell seemed to have thought of something.

"What about the one surnamed Zhou?!"

After the battle has reached such a level, the man in black robe still shows up.

This made Rosell feel a strong sense of unease in his heart.

"Report, the other party has returned to Lord Star on the starship long before the battle started."


Hearing the arrest, Rosell was instantly furious.

He brought the soldier beside him to the ground with one foot, and roared with a grim expression: "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"He's holding your order book, I thought you knew, so...


Rosell-slap knocked over the table beside him, and he was on the verge of losing his mind.

Hello, your surname is Zhou!

It's okay to use me from start to finish.

At the end of the day, you slipped away on your own.

Rossell wanted to kill angrily in his heart.

But soon Rosell calmed down.

Glancing at Lu Ming's fleet, Rosell sneered in his heart.

If you want to return to Zhou's house, you must pass through the M9 wormhole, but at this time the channel to the M9 wormhole is blocked by Lu Ming's fleet.

This also means that the surnamed Zhou can only hide in the Lord Star, and it is impossible to escape here.

"If you are surnamed Zhou, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

Rosell sneered, then picked up the communicator on the podium.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!! Knife.

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