StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 109 Warfield’s Promise

Augustus stayed in the city of Tarsonis for about a week, and the city left a deep impression on him.

The great and majestic Tarsonis is the center of the Terran Confederacy, its countless gleaming towers and sprawling industrial areas that have permanently changed the appearance of much of the planet's crust. In a few dozen centuries, perhaps the Tarsonis will level the mountains and fill the oceans, and nature will be completely conquered by humans. The stars will one day become the garden of this race, and the Milky Way is just a path in it.

Tarsonis is a prosperous economic and industrial center. The most cutting-edge new technologies will be used here. Anyone with talent or skill will have the opportunity to soar in the dreamy world of science and technology, but it may also be possible in an instant. Lose everything.

This is the cradle and original birthplace of Tyran human civilization. The power of Tarsonis alone is enough to crush Korhal IV. Even if all the colonies of the Federation unite to oppose it, a full-scale war will have to be launched across the Koprulu sector, and countless sacrifices will be made.

However, in the prosperous scene, under the peak of economic and technological prosperity, there are countless poor people. The extreme imbalance between the rich and the poor has caused an irreparable rift between classes.

Corruption and favoritism have penetrated into every department of the federal government and various subordinate agencies. The privileges enjoyed by the nobles have put them above the country and the world. Being away from their people for too long has made them arrogant and indifferent.

Those in power are afraid of innovation because they are the ones who need to be transformed.

The world needs to change.

On January 22, Augustus and his men boarded the starship back to Meinhof, and safely returned to the battlecruiser Iron Justice staying in orbit around the planet on the night of the 25th.

In the captain's room of Iron Justice, Augustus met his old boss, Lieutenant Colonel Horace Warfield, who had been away for many days. The other party asked him to see him immediately.

"You stayed in Tarsonis longer than those people expected, and they asked me why you stayed an additional five days."

Warfield was a minimalist. He would never decorate his military camp like some aristocratic generals like a king's palace. The captain's room where he lived only had an ordinary camp bed and a few cabinets.

"Who are they?" Due to the fatigue caused by time travel, Augustus was looking for soft sofas in Warfield's multi-captain cabin, which was wider than ordinary crew members, but only found a few angular ones. Stool, but he didn't care much.

"It's not us. The Marines don't care what you did in Tarsonis. It's the Tyranid FBI who are here. The agents have already targeted you." Warfield was originally planning to fly on a transport ship. Heading to the High Command of the Marine and Fleet Meinhof, so he was wearing an officer's uniform.

"This doesn't surprise me, and there may be more than one agency watching my every move. But maybe even if I go to buy a dress, they will think deeply about my purpose of doing this because they can't figure out my purpose of doing this. And he was as anxious as a monkey whose butt was on fire." Augustus casually moved a stool and sat down.

"The reason why they are so nervous is just because your surname is Mengsk." Warfield nodded in agreement: "It turns out that I didn't know much about what happened on Korhal IV, but now I begin to understand why you and Aktur Si will choose to leave in a hurry."

"But what exactly did you do on Tarsonis?"

"Nothing, just dancing with the noble ladies and their daughters, and then visiting some leaders of the founding family of Tarsonis. In the last few days, I went to several universities in Tarsonis to give lectures and tell the people there Students should cherish the hard-won peace, safeguard the federation that gives them all rights, and fulfill the obligations of every federal citizen," Augustus replied.

"It's a cliché. You know, I had to have a script from the organizers before I was allowed to go on stage. To my surprise, there were indeed some 'progressives' among those students, who were ambitious and frustrated by the incompetence and incompetence of the federal government. Corrupt and dissatisfied.”

During his time in Tarsonis, Augustus met the leaders of the three founding families, including the Terra family, the Hort family, and Brubaker, and visited the other four founding families as invited guests. The Sky Tower of the Saga family and the industrial factories under its family group.

Without exception, these seven founding families have no ill feelings towards the Mengsk family or Augustus himself, or they want to seek more benefits from Korhal IV. During this period, the Creation Family did not expect that Korhal would break out into a more serious rebellion or even a war.

The other twelve founding families, including the Bennett family, coldly shut out Augustus and refused to have contact with anyone from the Mengsk family, even if Augustus' remarks in public All showed that he extremely hated the ideas of his father Angus, which brought Korhal IV's desire for peace.

The attitudes of these founding families range from hot to cold, and their views on the Khamensk family and their judgment of the day's situation are even more different. For example, the Holt family is the least senior among the founding families. One, they seem to be more happy to see some changes in Tarsonis, which has been fixed in the distribution of power and is becoming saturated and a backwater.

After these days of personal contact and the intelligence provided by Umoyan agents, Augustus has a general understanding of which families are likely to win support. As for the members and dignitaries of the Tarsonis Confederation, Augustus wisely stayed away from the cunning and fickle politicians.

"Yes, this kind of thing should be said by a 'hero' like you." Warfield said: "You are Angus's son, but your words are completely opposite to him. This is the result they want. .”

"This is also the result I want." Augustus stood up from the stool again and looked into the deep black sky through an openable observation window in the captain's cabin: "They asked me what I thought of my father. I said he was a madman, and they asked me if I was a staunch patriot, and I often had tears in my eyes and said that I deeply loved the pure land beneath my feet."

"Maybe you have the potential to become a politician." Warfield laughed.

"Actually, I'm not suitable to be a politician." Augustus said: "I think Arcturus is a natural politician, although he may not notice this."

"I can't see that." At this time, Warfield suddenly remembered something: "I want to tell you one more thing. Your application for retirement has been approved. Where are you going to go next?"

"Go to Umoyan first, and then return to Korhal." Augustus replied: "Some of my subordinates also want to retire in the near future. So many people retiring at the same time may cause some trouble. I beg you Can you help me again."

"Okay, no problem." Warfield came over and patted Augustus on the shoulder.

"If you need any help from me in the future, please feel free to contact me."

I don’t have an air force, so I can’t post pictures here, so I won’t post any fish catches.

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