StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 110 Umo Yang

Umoyan is the purest corner of the human world in the Koprulu Star Region, just like the bright dimples of a young girl when she smiles.

This beautiful planet has romantic orange skies and scented fresh air. The city made of white steel and glass stands among the vast plains and meandering rivers. On the vast grassland are the pastures of Umoyang shepherds and their "cattle and sheep" strolling comfortably.

The Pasteur family's manor villa is a large silver building complex with a symmetrical and harmonious layout. These magnificent and well-proportioned buildings are composed of white steel and bronze wide-pane glass windows, which look like clusters of bright silver and regular crystals sparkling in the sunlight.

There is a fenced garden in front of the manor villa, which is planted with a wide variety of green vegetation. The slightly raised pergola is covered with green vines, and the vines bear many Umoyan unique berries and raspberries.

The gardener robot takes care of the owner's beloved garden day and night, watering the flowers and mowing the lawn, selecting and replacing the types of garden vegetation to make it evergreen all year round, and flowers still bloom in the cold winter.

There is a meandering river in the lush and lush garden. The water is clear and trickling, and the banks are lined with soft, neatly trimmed lawns.

Augustus's aircraft landed on the heat-resistant ceramic landing platform on the private apron of the Pasteur Manor. The faint fragrance in the air made him think that he was in a garden world, which showed that the Umoyan people were developing rapidly. For hundreds of years, they have protected their home environment quite well.

Umoyan's white steel cities and manors with pale blue lights coexist harmoniously with nature, complementing each other's strengths.

After the aircraft came to a stop, Augustus shook hands with the pilot in the main driver's seat and said goodbye before jumping out. The craft and pilot belonged to the Umoyan Protectorate, so he didn't have to worry about his whereabouts being exposed. At most, others only knew that he was on a star shuttle bound for Korhal.

The sun was just right at this time, and it was the morning of Umoyan. Above Augustus was a beautiful orange sky, and the faint scent of flowers reminded him that he was in an alien world. Just outside the small tarmac is Pasteur's lush garden with flowers in full bloom. In the manor is a robot gardener with a white metal shell.

This is a world with highly developed technology, and emerging technologies can be seen in every aspect of Umoyan life.

As only a few people, including Aline Pasteur, knew of Augustus' arrival, no one was waiting on the tarmac to greet him. In addition to seeing his family in Umoyan, the main purpose of Augustus's trip was to visit the headquarters of the Umoyan Protectorate Army.

After obtaining permission to recruit troops from the elected assembly of Umoyan, Augustus also prepared to summon a large group of volunteers on the planet.

Aelin Pasteur is not at his estate today. He spends most of the year in Korhal, the Umoyan Council, or on the road between the two.

Augustus was guided through the gardens into the Pasteur mansion by a hastily arrived steward. This is a building trimmed with white steel and marble. Wide bronze frames make up the doors and windows. The circular vaults are topped with gradient stained glass. Umoyan's architecture emphasizes symmetry and harmony.

This is a beautiful and peaceful world, and its humanities and architectural styles are completely different from desolate worlds like Meinhof.

Under the leadership of the butler, Augustus walked into the living room of the Pasteur mansion through corridors with large glass windows that let in sunlight. He noticed that the furnishings of Pasteur's house were completely different from the luxury of the Tarsonis nobles, but every piece of wooden furniture or display window was a carefully crafted craft.

When Augustus entered a room with hardwood floors in Pasteur's villa, he heard a scream of joy. Dorothy ran towards her brother in a black and white checkered dress, and Mother Catherine and a blond woman with her hair tied up in a bun sat on a couch, peeling fruit with a knife.

He immediately realized that it was Juliana Pasteur, the current mistress of the Pasteur estate, the only daughter of the Umoyan diplomat Aline Pasteur, and the mother of Valerian, the son of Arcturus.

I have to say that Julianna is quite charming. She is wearing a white dress at home, and her figure is still as graceful as a girl's. It can be seen that Catherine likes Julianna very much. They are very similar. They also have aristocratic elegance and demeanor as a hostess. They are proficient in etiquette, cooking, gardening, history, geography and everything that people think a noble wife should know. skill.

Catherine was a very strong woman, and Augustus believed that Juliana would not be weak either.

Before he could greet him, Augustus's eyelids suddenly twitched. He noticed that next to his mother, Catherine, there was a little girl wearing a white skirt and golden twin tails.

This little girl has smooth and gentle skin, as white and smooth as milk, and shining golden hair. Her big cold gray eyes like Augustus confirm her Mengsk family lineage, which makes Augustus almost scream. There was a groan of pain.

Valerian's facial features are softer than those of Augustus as a child. Even from the perspective of Augustus as his uncle, he felt that this child was a bit too feminine. His father Arcturus's face should be more cold and hard, as if he had been cut with a knife or an axe.

Maybe the child Valerian was already relatively weak, so Augustus didn't feel any sense of violation. This is normal, after all, men like small skirts.

"Augustus, you should have told me in advance that you were coming back." Mother Catherine complained while being happy.

"This is very dangerous. I can't communicate with you anymore, because it is very likely to expose your position." Augustus walked towards his mother. At this time, he felt Julianna move a little uneasily, and at the same time he tidied up. own skirt.

"Nice to meet you, Augustus of the Mengsk family." Juliana said to Augustus.

"Me too. Julianna, I apologize for my stupid brother." Augustus smiled his signature smile. He didn't know that he smiled so much like the eighteen-year-old Arcturus that it made Julianna's heart skip a beat.

"Who is this? Is it dad?" Little Valerian smiled happily at this time. He had never seen his father, only a photo of Arcturus when he was twenty years old.

Like many children, Valerian admired the father he had never met and looked forward to meeting him day and night.

"This is your uncle." Catherine said to Valerian with a smile.

Thank you Kurumi Tokisaki for being my wife, Agent Rongrong, Lao Deng upstairs, hanhzh, Miao Shapao, Poxingliuhuo, Snow Iron Cat, Book Club 2017041712574900 monthly ticket, thank you Kurumi Tokisaki for being my wife, Agent Rongrong , rewards from Breaking Stars and Commandllche! Thanks for the recommendation vote!

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