StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 111 The destiny of the Mengsk family

The fireplace in the room burned two sections of incense wood. A special fragrance calmed Augustus's tired heart from interstellar travel. The temperature and air conditioning system made the place warm and comfortable.

"I can't stay here for a few days, not too long. I will return to Korhal after a while, maybe a week later."

Augustus sat next to his mother, while Valerian had been observing his uncle curiously. He was a quite well-behaved child, far less naughty than his father and uncle were when they were children.

"You have to be careful of those enemies who hate the Mengsk family, the old aristocrats, the senators and agents in the Palatine Chamber who strive to maintain federal rule." Catherine said worriedly: "They can assassinate you and your father through many means. The Toronto MP was shot to death by a killer while he was speaking outdoors. There are countless ways they can kill a person."

"Don't worry, mother, they don't dare to kill a congressman in public." Even though he was unsure about this, Augustus still comforted his mother: "We will not die."

"Every Mengsk is a man of destiny, and it is our mission to lead the Korhal."

Catherine smiled, no longer expressing her worries, and waved to Valerian, who immediately happily threw himself into his grandmother's arms.

"Valerian is seven years old, but he still hasn't seen his father." Catherine looked at her grandson with affection: "We can't contact Arcturus, it's like he is missing."

"Mom, why do you want to put a skirt on him? I think it is not conducive to a child's physical and mental growth. Valerian." Augustus said to his mother in a low voice.

"You wore it when you were a child." Catherine reminded Augustus: "I think it looks very good. The other ladies are envious of the fact that I have two beautiful daughters!"

Augustus was immediately speechless, but he did only wear skirts when he was a child.

"Yes, brother, the eldest son of the Duqueend family swore to marry you in front of the descendants of the Keha creation family when he was a child." Dorothy suddenly appeared and stabbed her hard.

"So I beat him up later." Augustus recalled his embarrassing incident in high school: "That beast Du Quende actually said that in fact, wearing women's clothes is the same, and he doesn't care about my gender."

"Okay, let's not talk about it. Mom, I'm begging you, please don't mention it again." Augustus focused his attention on his young nephew and expressed it without reservation. own favorite.

"Juliana, you will become the greatest mother in the world. Your name should be left in the history books. Both the Korhal and Umoyan people love you because you gave birth to this child." He said some words first. The compliment that surprised Juliana diverted the attention of her mother and sister.

"He is the continuation of my brother's life, and the blood of the Mengsk family flows. I swear that I will protect this child, love him like my son, and treat him as my own." Then Augustus looked at Valenri Ann's big, shining cold gray eyes.

"When I first saw you, Valerian, I saw your infinitely brilliant future. Valerian, you will become a young man with outstanding appearance. You are brave and upright, and you are willing to fight for the protection of the world." Fight for your people, like all Mengsk has ever done."

“You will not be corrupted by the admiration of boys or girls, nor corrupted by the ambition of flatterers.”

"Valerian, you will be a hero one day."

Augustus' words deeply touched the still young Valerian. He looked at his uncle with wide eyes: "A hero, like my father?"

"Yes, just like your father." Augustus hesitated for a moment before replying.

"Uncle, my mother said that my father is a hero. He is a soldier and is now fighting aliens in the universe to protect other people." Valerian said to Augustus excitedly.

"No, he is not a soldier now," said Augustus.

"Huh?" Valerian tilted his head, and Augustus had to admit that the nephew with the twin tails was indeed cute: "He is no longer a soldier, why doesn't he come back to live with me and my mother."

"Because." Augustus glanced at Juliana and thought about his words: "Because your father has other great things to do, and he also wants to conquer a starry sky."

"So, he is taking risks in the universe, and my father is a brave adventurer!" Valerian's beautiful cold gray eyes shone even more.

"Yes, he is an adventurer." Augustus said with a smile: "Your father is busy with his great career, so he can't get away, but he will return to you one day."

Although Augustus knew very well in his heart that a man like Arcturus would never be bound by his family. His restless heart might never calm down. For the sake of his family, his husband and his father duty to stop.

"If I also become an adventurer, then I can go find him." Valerian said.

"What do you want to do in the future?" Augustus' eyes lit up, and he saw some shadows of Arcturus in his nephew.

"I like the stars. I am determined to take risks and go to another world to find aliens. But I am not going to defeat them, I am going to make friends."

Valerian said: "I will dig up alien ruins and find mysterious palaces."

"The mysterious starry sky is worth exploring." Augustus was surprised that Valerian actually knew these things.

"Valerian has liked to look up at the stars since he was a child. At the same time, some Umoyan magazines that published mysterious alien ruins also had a great influence on him." Julianna explained: "Those like giant ribs The mysterious palace, the crystals and beautiful but undecipherable words in the huge niches in the palace, and the city lying under the polar ocean, only the ruins of ruins remain on the desert planet."

"Xiao Wa is motivated to search for the remains of these alien civilizations and firmly believes that aliens are real and humans can find a way to live in harmony with them."

"I think this is right." Augustus looked at Valerian and said: "But if you want to be an adventurer like your father, you must become strong and knowledgeable."

"Children of the Mengsk family have already begun to practice swordsmanship and ancient fighting at this age. You have to learn a lot of things, including economics, politics and literature." Augustus said.

"In the morning, you will spend the morning with the most knowledgeable elders, cultivating your sentiments with books and poetry. In the afternoon, you will stay with the soldiers, learn to use swords and guns, and learn to gather those who trust you , to be your spear and shield." Augustus was full of expectations for his nephew.

"But I just want to see aliens." Valerian felt torn: "I like reading, not swords."

"Well, what kind of person you want to be depends entirely on your own choice." Augustus thought of his father Angus and was determined not to force Valerian to follow the path planned for him by his elders. .

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