StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 119 Beheading Operation

Sixteen-year-old Sarah Louise Kerrigan bent down and walked into the half-closed cockpit door of a Wraith fighter plane. Her blue and white environmental mimic combat uniform that clung to her skin followed her movements of bending and bending her legs. Closer to the body.

So the beautiful curve between the slender waist and the perky buttocks curved into a beautiful arc, and the flat abdomen revealed the sexy waistcoat line. At this moment, her graceful figure was clearly visible.

Kerrigan sat in the height-adjustable driver's seat to adjust the equipment, ably calling up the star map of the Koprulu sector and testing the sensitivity of the sensors. The cushions on the driver's seat were so thin that she could almost feel the steel support underneath.

Outside the aviation glass, the dust storm blocking the sky above the Victor V Military Base Airport has dispersed, but the sky is still deep and dark.

This unattended planet, located in the edge system of the Tyranid Federation, has no differences for most of the year. Even the latest UNN flash report has to be delayed by a week to arrive at this "land forgotten by God." ".

The soldiers stationed here are all marines who have undergone resocialization changes, and only they can endure this deep-seated loneliness. For Kerrigan, who left her family at the age of eight and began training to become a ghost agent at the age of twelve, loneliness and pain are both unfamiliar emotions.

The psychic suppressor in the brain of every ghost agent can block most useless emotions. They are as ruthless as real ghosts or humanoid weapons, just as the instructors of the Ghost Academy expect.

Ghost 24718 climbed up from the other hatch, handed Kerrigan a fully enclosed helmet and a C-10 shrapnel shotgun, then sat in the main driver's seat and pressed the operating lever. The voice that came from behind his helmet seemed to come from another world, hoarse as if liquid nitrogen had been poured into his throat.

"Reset coordinates, adjutant. Korhal Galaxy, Korhal IV." Ghost 24718 said: "Call the control tower, the Wraith fighter AG-18 is leaving the port, over."

All ghost agents are referred to by numbers, simplified names, or codenames with specialties and personality traits, and the communication between them is always brief and efficient. These are ghost agents. They are killers. They do not need extra emotions and communication. They should be as cold as steel. After being forged and polished, they will become hard and deadly.

Kerrigan put on her helmet and tucked her long, fiery red hair into a shoulder-length ponytail. The helmet is light and strong, and the HUD display is activated in a breath, and various values ​​appear in front of Kerrigan's eyes.

When the engine of the Wraith fighter was started, a stack of mission briefings appeared on the HUD display: Assassination targets: Angus Mengsk, Senator Korhal, Catherine Mengsk, famous philanthropist, Arcturus Mengsk, former Marine Colonel, Augustus Mengsk, former Marine second lieutenant.

More than ten days after the rebellion broke out on Korhal, all Prime worlds learned the shocking news. The Federation Council of Tarsonis immediately issued a solemn statement. They condemned Angus's anti-government, anti-democracy and anti-humanity atrocities. Any act of independence from the Federation was treason, and they claimed that they would take immediate countermeasures. Measures were taken to free Korhal IV from the control of terrorists.

Now it seems that their first reaction is to kill the terrorist leader, as if that way they can cover their ears and everything will be solved once and for all.

For Kerrigan, this is just an ordinary assassination mission. She does not need to feel sentimental about the person she is about to assassinate, because after the mission is over, the Ghost Academy will quickly erase all information about this mission. Memories of action, as in the past.

She couldn't remember how many people she had killed, and she might never remember it again. At this time, Kerrigan's cold heart was suddenly touched. She was only sixteen years old, the age of youth, but she could not even remember the people she had killed.

The memory of my parents and hometown is even more blank. Only when I think of these words, I occasionally feel heart-wrenching sadness.

Sometimes, Kerrigan also thought about changing, but the psychic suppressor implanted in her brain made her cold and calm when facing enemies, and extremely docile when facing orders - even if she did not agree with these cruelties in her heart. The assassination mission and its significance. This emotion was quickly erased by the psychic suppressor.

While looking through the information of these people, Kerrigan paused for a few seconds on the photo of Dorothy Mengsk, who was only sixteen years old like her, but had a happy family.

"Catherine and Dorothy Mengsk have not been seen in public on Korhal IV for nearly four months, and Angus' eldest son Arcturus Mengsk has also not been heard from. Only Senator Angus "Mengsk and his second son Augustus are still on Korhal," Agent 24718 said.

"It doesn't matter, but Angus Mengsk is the only one who must be killed," he said.

"24506 will take care of that Augustus."

There were three Tyranid Federation ghost agents participating in this beheading operation. Their average PSI value was above level 8. At this moment, another ghost agent 24506 was sitting in the small crew cabin of this Wraith fighter. This is enough to show how much the Ghost Academy attaches importance to Angus.

"Intelligence shows that the Mengsk family has strengthened the defense measures at their leader's residence. There is a large number of rebel armed forces stationed in Stirling, the capital city of Korhal IV." Ghost 24718 drove the Wraith fighter out of the launch port.

"Even the most rigorous defenses have loopholes. We will find those loopholes and sneak into Angus's bedroom to take away his head without anyone noticing." Kerrigan's voice under the helmet also sounded quite distorted. , she checked her C-10 shotgun as usual.

This powerful "rifle" is a masterpiece of fine steel and lightweight polymer. It uses 25mm anti-personnel "can" ammunition and special locking bullets that can paralyze the machine for a short time.

"Like a snake that climbs into the canopy of a tree and devours birds in their nests."

The cockpit fell into silence again. Ghost 24718 drove the Wraith fighter attentively. The plasma thruster sprayed out hot and bright flames. After a few short and powerful jumps, it drove out of the gravity field of Victor V. In synchronization The orbit jumped into a hyperspace channel.

This modified and upgraded fighter was equipped with a jump engine, allowing it to quickly travel across the galaxy, and its advanced stealth system prevented it from being discovered by the rebels entrenched there when it sailed into Korhal.

Mengsk Sky Tower, Stillling City, 2 am on April 12th.

The Gothic curves of this more than 60-story sky tower are incompatible with other skyscrapers. Like other high-rise buildings, the Mengsk Sky Tower is still brightly lit even in the early morning and stays on all night.

The security personnel of the Mengsk family tried their best to build this magnificent tower into an airtight, detailed and seamless fortress. In each entrance and long corridor, laser sensors connected to the security network block every blind corner, and vibration sensors under the marble walls and mahogany floors can detect even the abnormal movement of a mouse crawling.

Any financial tycoon or powerful politician or high-ranking official in Tarsonis will believe that such security measures are already seamless. Intruders will be detected the moment they step into Mengsk's Sky Tower, and by then they will have already You can't escape even if you have wings.

When Kerrigan, who was made invisible through the environmental mimicry combat suit, walked into the corridor on the 42nd floor, but those who passed her body showed no reaction, she couldn't help but feel overconfident of the Mengsk family security personnel. And regret.

It seems that the Mengsk family's security system is impeccable, and they even use quite a bit of Umoyan technology to make up for it.

The latest Umoyan laser sensors can detect invisible people, and the previous combat suits of ghost agents can block infrared and laser. Even the security measures of Tarsonis's largest bank are ineffective for ghost agents.

Kerrigan admitted that this was perhaps the safest place in the entire Terran Federation, second only to the Federation Parliament and the Tagore Family Sky Tower.

But their opponents are ghost agents, and these ghost agents can use more than just their own powers.

It took intelligence experts working for the Terran Federation Intelligence Service a week to crack the laser sensors in Mengsk's sky tower. By changing their combat suits to simulate their reflected wavelengths, the ghost agents caused their sensors to mistakenly identify them as two people. An ordinary servant.

The security personnel of the Mengsk family change the algorithm of the security system every day to guard against hacker intrusions, but they ignore the most basic laser sensor and forget that humans can be deceived by their eyes, not necessarily the brain that makes judgments. .

Kerrigan and her companions walked quietly among the noble works of art, beautiful sculptures and oil paintings of the Mengsk family ancestors. They climbed up from the first floor via a spiral staircase instead of an elevator, passing numerous security personnel in black uniforms.

As she walked through the corridor to the next level, a troubled maid walked past Kerrigan. At this moment, more emotions, including fatigue, excitement, pride, and fanatical adoration, poured into Kerrigan's mind like a torrent.

Kerrigan was already used to this. The security personnel and servants inside the Sky Tower were all fervent admirers of Angus. They felt that they were engaged in a great and glorious cause.

Liberation, freedom, saving others, sacrifice, dedication.

Kerrigan was surprised by what she considered to be noble emotions that she had never felt before. Most of Kerrigan's assassination targets in the past were unscrupulous politicians or rebels from the federal government. People with noble personalities were never her targets, because those people could not sit in high positions in Tarsonis, which hides evil and evil. of.

Korhal IV has completely escaped the control of the Tarsonis federal government. Those members who were still loyal to the Federation were guillotined. The government was reorganized in a very short period of time. Angus and his supporters controlled the entire Keha.

This prosperous planet, the bright pearl in the hands of the Federation, has actually separated from this huge political power.

Kerrigan occasionally considered the implications of revolution, but even she viewed Korhal's uprising as an attempt to strike a blow against a stone.

When the maid in a black dress walked past Kerrigan, she never noticed a pair of pale golden eyes staring into her pupils. The powerful telekinesis instantly controlled her brave but still not strong thoughts. .

Then the maid suddenly stopped, her trance-like eyes looked straight at Kerrigan, and then she mechanically turned around and walked towards a cubicle on the 42nd floor, which was the Mengsk family's chief butler, Charles Borre. Special room.

If you observe carefully, people in the monitoring room will find that this is a bit strange, but in fact, the time from the maid stopping to turning around is only a second or two.

The maid pressed the doorbell gently, and then pressed it several times in a row as if she was furious. When the butler Ciel, who was sleeping in his clothes, came out and was about to ask, his black pupils suddenly became dilated, and then he walked in front of Kerrigan like a zombie.

In Kerrigan's telepathy, Ciel's will was constantly struggling. This seventy-year-old man had a tenacious will that surprised her. But Kerrigan is an unprecedented level 10 psyker, and the gap between her terrifying telekinesis and ordinary people is like an ocean and a stream.

When Ciel led Kerrigan towards Angus Mengsk's bedroom on the 60th floor, the maid walked towards the kitchen where she was going to prepare breakfast for the security personnel in a daze. Remember what you have done before.

After dozens of tense and long minutes, Kerrigan arrived on the sixtieth floor. The top twenty floors required the butler's retina and genetic recognition to pass, but Ciel avoided all directions for the ghost agent.

Ghost 24718 thought maliciously in his heart about what this loyal servant would think when he learned that his master died because of him. He was determined to keep this poor man alive and let him feel eternal pain for the rest of his life. .

This ghost agent was mentally distorted by the torture in the laboratory. He was originally a kind person, but the instructors permanently changed him through various tests that tortured human nature, making him cold-blooded and feeling deeply for the pain of his enemies. of happiness.

Kerrigan felt a moment of displeasure at her companion's despicable thoughts. She thought she would never do such a thing——

The butler Charles was trembling with fear. He seemed to be controlled by a ghost. He knew what he was doing but was unable to resist.

The bedroom door opened gently, and the graceful ghost agent stepped on the dark red carpet of the bedroom with light, cat-like steps through the tiny gap between the door and the door frame, followed closely by his companion. back.

Angus Mengsk was lying peacefully on the bed, sleeping peacefully under a velvet blanket. His slightly snoring breathing indicated that the quality of his sleep was not very good.

Kerrigan drew a sharp dagger from her hip and held a loaded pistol in her other hand. She didn't need to use the gun on her shoulder. The assassination training she had received told her that if she just put the dagger across his neck and grabbed his collar and pulled it, the respected head would be hit by the extremely sharp titanium alloy dagger. Cut off.

She was certain that this was Angus and not a double pretending to be him, because in his sleep Angus was dreaming of his own version of the Terran Democratic Republic.

The scene of spending time with his family in my memory is so warm. Six-year-old Augustus Mengsk was wearing a pair of jeans and stacking blocks with his sister. He was running up and down on the black and white checkerboard floor at home. Arcturus Mengsk is like a brainless monkey.

Something happened today, so I almost missed the update. It’s not that I wanted to break the story...

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