StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 120 This is a trap!

Sarah Kerrigan put the pistol on her waist. The powerful power given to her by the environmental mimicry battle suit and psychic powers made her flip the dagger and cut his neck the moment she grabbed Angus Mengsk. The dagger easily penetrated Angus Mengsk's neck, cleanly severing the trachea and arteries, and the movement was smooth without any stagnation.

It was like cutting through a piece of unblocked rubber or cowhide. When Kerrigan grabbed Angus's hair and lifted his head up, the blood spurting out from the carotid artery splashed on the ceiling like water jets. and on the walls.

A revered freedom fighter and pioneer of revolution, his ideals may have been ludicrous, but he was still a hero worthy of Kerrigan's memory—until the next time scientists at the Ghost Academy erased her memory.

It all seemed too simple. He walked past hundreds of security personnel, sneaked into the Korhal Genesis Family Sky Tower protected by sophisticated security systems, and cut off the head of the rebel leader with ease.

Kerrigan has never failed since she began her assassination missions. Ghost agents carry out assassinations in a way that far exceeds the boundaries of ordinary people's cognition and imagination. They are like ghosts walking in the world and messengers of death who harvest lives.

Unless the assassin knows the assassination methods of the Ghost Agents, learn how the largest organization of psychic assassins in history operates.

But that's impossible - it's top secret. Even the Federal Council knew nothing about this, they only knew that ghost agents existed.

And that's enough. The people in charge of Tarsonis don't care how the weapons work. They only need to destroy the enemies of the Council. This is the meaning of the existence of psykers.

Angus Mengsk's cold gray eyes were tightly closed, and his face with a hawkish nose and three-dimensional features was like a statue. After the senior officials of the Federal Parliament receive the frozen heads, they will definitely look at their trophies carefully.

Kerrigan wondered if the nobles atop Tarsonis's tower and those high up on the Federation Council still had humanity. This is a fact that all Tyranids know. There are two huge criminal groups in the Federation-the Marine Corps and the Federal Government.

The former is a collection of the most ruthless criminals. Nearly 50% of the soldiers are criminals with numerous criminal records. The crimes of the federal government are far greater than those of the military. All laws that safeguard justice are against corrupt officials. And the professional politicians with exquisite packaging are ineffective.

If someone can be tried with authority over the federal government, then a new set of sentencing standards must be used to judge these people's crimes.

And Kerrigan knew that the only ones in the world who could exercise this right were the gods, but if they were real, then the gods must adhere to an inverted standard of good and evil. The gods allow those who deserve punishment to go unpunished and innocent people to die in vain.

While Angus' still-beating but slowing-down heart was pumping blood through the broken artery, Kerrigan inserted the blood-stained dagger back into the leather holster, and then threw away the bloody head. Enter the backpack on the back of Ghost 24718.

The headless body was discarded carelessly, and the ghosts walked out of the bedroom to leave. Mr. Charles, the butler of the Mengsk family, was standing at the door. He may have known about the death of his master. The sad emotions made Kerrigan, who was very sensitive to this due to his telepathy, feel the same emotions.

Kerrigan offered the poor man a modicum of sympathy, and the psionic suppressor began to take effect again, erasing any extra emotion from her with the sting.

But something's wrong - psionic suppressors don't work that way.

Her special psychic intuition suddenly flooded into her mind, as if ten thousand needles were piercing her brain, and some unknown danger was approaching her.

At this moment, Kerrigan's calves tightened, and her spreading telekinesis began to spread in this layer, but only a dozen security guards and servants who knew nothing about it were found.

But something is wrong. Her powerful psychic intuition is never wrong. Since the danger does not come from people, then...

"It's a trap!"

The moment Kerrigan spoke, the Umoyan psychic shielding device that was originally on standby on the floor was activated. The entire sixtieth floor was placed under a shielding force field that suddenly unfolded, and her spiritual energy began to decline, as if being drained by the invisible force field.

This kind of psychic shielding device is definitely not Korhal's technology. They come from the Umoyan Shadow Guard Military Academy. They are valuable and hidden under the hardwood floor. The activation mechanism is connected to some kind of feedback device. In order to achieve the powerful effect of suppressing psychic energy, the installer set up at least twenty psychic shielding devices frantically.

Kerrigan didn't know what weakened her strength. She and another ghost agent 24718 ran in the corridor at extremely fast speeds. At this moment, even the fastest athletes in human history could not match the ghost agents. With the help of the burst of speed from the combat suit, it was already too late.

At the same time that the psychic shielding device was activated, everyone in the central area of ​​Steelling City heard a deafening roar. People were awakened from their sleep, and the light produced by the explosion seemed to light up the night sky in an instant.

Bright flames poured out from the windows on the 60th floor, and the window glass of dozens of floors below were shattered. After a few breaths, the top two floors collapsed because the support structure was instantly blown off.

The huge Mengsk letters on the roof fell uncontrollably to the ground, and the walls peeled off by the shock wave fell like scraps of paper.

Revolutionary soldiers who were still on duty in shops or on the humanoid streets at this time could see the extremely bright light emitting from the top of the Mengsk Sky Tower.

Augustus woke up from the table in a command center conference room. He quickly changed into the dark gray military uniform of the Revolutionary Army, and with the assistance of two personal guards, he put on a power suit composed of buckles and adhesive armor. Armor, and then issued orders to the bewildered soldiers through the communication system of the command center.

After a brief silence, the military camp in Mengsk Sky Tower erupted, and hundreds of soldiers from the 1st Division of the Revolutionary Army rushed to the barracks. Several companies of the Revolutionary Army in power armor ran towards the Mengsk Sky Tower as quickly as possible. Their armor was dark red in color, and there was a white whip ring logo on the shoulder armor.

Neither these soldiers nor their officers knew what was happening. They were suddenly told to arrest several Federation assassins with powerful psychic abilities.

As they advanced on the road, another unit of only a hundred people joined the ranks of these revolutionary soldiers. Their armor was the same as other soldiers, except that the golden wolf head logo of the Mengsk family was added to the breastplate. This means that this force is still directly under Augustus himself and the actual Guards.

Only some officers knew the name of this unit - Stillling's Raiders. They were a professionally trained anti-psionic force, and their organization was established when the Korhal Revolutionary Army was officially established.

The Stirling Strikers are equipped with anti-stealth goggles on their armor, and each squad is equipped with a 20mm Bosun Heavy Sniper, which can fire anti-ghost weapons such as EMP rounds.

Military planes rose from the commandeered Skyport of Stillling, and the sky above the city was filled with crisscrossing searchlight beams.

Augustus walked around the conference table several times, and more marines poured into the conference hall of the command center. An invisible Umoyan shadow guard put his hand on his shoulder.

Then, as a holographic projection was turned on, a real-time image was transmitted back from a transport ship hovering at the top of the Mengsk Sky Tower. The servants in the Sky Tower were fleeing in panic. Some were knocked to the ground by the revolutionary soldiers who rushed into the tower. There was even a stampede in the narrow area.

"Find them." Augustus said on the communication channel: "Keep distance from each other and be vigilant. Your enemies are psykers, and their attacks can directly affect the spirit."

More images were transmitted back from several troops entering the Sky Tower. One troop climbed up step by step through the spiral staircase, followed by security personnel holding hounds tamed by Steele Spirit Wolves, circling behind them. The civilian modified armed spacecraft in the sky searched for life signals under the rubble.

Augustus stared at the holographic projection screen divided into multiple panels, staring closely at every troop that might encounter the ghost agents.

Augustus started to make arrangements two months ago. After thinking for a long time, he believed that passive defense was disadvantageous. Strict security measures could stop ordinary assassins, but ghost agents were a group of people who were difficult to defeat. A superpower who makes common sense.

The advantage of Augustus is that he knows that the ghost agent will definitely come to assassinate Angus. In this case, he might as well set up a death trap-using his father Angus as bait.

Augustus has always been accustomed to taking the initiative to complete the transition between offensive and defensive roles. This is his style.

Of course, that Angus was just a criminal who had undergone plastic surgery and a memory transplant, using false memories to deceive the ghost agents.

The explosives buried in the floor are connected to the pulse monitor of this "Angus". Once the heart beating frequency is inconsistent with the normal value, the psychic shielding device will be activated to weaken the power of the ghost agent, which is enough to destroy a building. The explosives will detonate.

At the same time, this also means that in order to deal with the mind-reading ability of the ghost agents to make this trap more difficult to detect, the Mengsk family security team and servants on the 60th floor who are completely unaware of this will become victims, including those loyal to Mengsk. Charles, the housekeeper of the Sk family for many years.

The old butler sacrificed himself voluntarily.

Due to time constraints and the immaturity of memory transplantation technology, Augustus cannot yet find so many criminals to replace these people and ensure that everyone's memory will have no holes.

When Augustus made this decision, he was silent about his ruthlessness. What started out as resocialized soldiers can now be anyone else.

Augustus found that he had begun to sacrifice others to achieve one goal.

Augustus still feels at a loss now, but maybe one day, even if he has to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people, he will not hesitate at all and will become accustomed to it.

The high-level security personnel and servants are the most loyal family guards of the Mengsk family. Most of them come from the Stillling slum and are beneficiaries of the Mengsk family's children's charity. They have been trained to serve the Mengsk family since they were young. . These people are willing to die for the Mengsk family, but that does not mean that they can be sacrificed at will.

But Augustus has no choice. His enemy is Sarah Kerrigan, the most powerful ghost agent in history. As long as Kerrigan is alive, the lives of Augustus and his family will be threatened at all times, like a threat to their throats.

Hope it's all worth it, as long as -

Suddenly, a section of the holographic projection screen went dark. It was a small spaceship that was about to land on the collapsed building. The lens of another spacecraft parallel to it showed that the lost spacecraft was spinning and falling, and the glass of the cockpit was blurred by the splattered blood.

"What killed him? The spacecraft was hit."

"Raise the altitude and get out of there!" As Augustus shouted, another spacecraft was hit, and the pilot's head was exploded by a 25mm bullet. At this time, he could already see the ruins. red-haired ghost.

The fiery female ghost was holding a Gauss rifle tightly in her hands. Her helmet had fallen off, and her blue and white environmental mimic combat uniform was covered in blood. Even with her powers weakened and at the center of the explosion, Kerrigan's powerful psychic powers protected her.

Although she already looked much weaker.

Perhaps this is why Arcturus Mengsk abandoned Kerrigan in the end, filled with hatred for psykers due to the deaths of his family. And if Kerrigan stood up against him one day, he would undoubtedly have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Kill her," Augustus repeated.

"Kill her."

Augustus would not put his chips on capturing these three ghost agents alive. Kerrigan's psychic power was level ten, just because the Terran Federation's highest psychic level was only level ten. Augustus didn't know much about Kerrigan during the Ghost Agent period, but he had at least seen the power of the Queen of Blades.

As the last spacecraft began to rise and zoom out, the soldiers sent by Augustus rushed to the 60th floor, which had become the top floor.

The Gauss rifle began to roar, but all the bullets suddenly stopped a few yards away from Kerrigan, as if they were shot into gel. Then the bullets were crushed by powerful telekinesis, and then the bullets that lost kinetic energy seemed to be It fell to the ground like a crushed can.

"Don't get close to her, shoot from a distance." The revolutionary army commander commanding this unit gave an order on the channel.

"Her spiritual power is far beyond our imagination." The Umoyan shadow guard next to Augustus said: "Maybe her spiritual power is above level ten?"

"Her psychic powers are about to be exhausted." He said: "A living tenth-level psyker for our use is far greater than a dead one. The Shadow Guard has the technology to remove the Federation's ghost agents, which can turn her into a Return to a normal person—if you were a normal person before becoming a ghost agent."

"Or study her." Augustus said with a coldness that surprised the Shadow Guard.

"Corporal Faraday," Augustus said, "Put on my channel."

"I'm here to talk to the ghost agent."

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