StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 121 Sarah Louise Kerrigan

Chapter 121 Sarah Louise Kerrigan

More Korhal Revolutionary Army soldiers wearing crimson power armor rushed into the 60th floor of the Sky Tower, whose upper structure had been completely destroyed. Gauss rifles roared, thousands of spike bombs, copper bullets, B2- C concussion bombs poured on the invisible psychic shield of the red-haired ghost agent, and the falling bullets piled up at her feet.

The young Corporal Faraday commanded his troops with aplomb, even as they faced unheard of psykers.

Like many of Augustus's officers, Corporal Faraday was promoted from private to sergeant almost overnight, all promoted for their loyalty to Augustus himself.

Augustus found hundreds of Faradays among the Kerhal Revolutionary Army and foreign troops of more than one million people, and finally found this young man who was only twenty years old by comparing photos, place of origin and even his voice.

As commander of Augustus's Guards, Corporal Faraday was so trusted that many believed it was only a matter of time before he rose to prominence.

"Cease fire, load EMP bombs." Corporal Faraday issued an order on the command channel: "Turn on the external broadcast device on your armor, connect to the command channel, and let the commander speak."

Corporal Faraday's troops stopped shooting. At the same time, the soldiers' armor hovered in the sky and August's unhurried voice came from the spaceship.

"Sarah Kerrigan, we should shake hands and make peace."

At this time, Sarah Kerrigan was exhausted, she was scarred, and her psychic energy was almost exhausted. Her long fiery red hair was originally tied and scattered on her shoulders, covering the left half of her face.

Kerrigan was only sixteen years old at this time, and traces of her youth were still visible on her face, and her pale lips were trembling from the tight wound. Kerrigan gasped in pain, her breath slightly trembling with obvious trembling.

"Who's talking?" Kerrigan was stalling for time while looking for a way to escape, but under her feet were broken ceilings and walls, with no shelter and no way to retreat.

"Can you hear me?"

She is condensing the last of her psychic power, preparing for a desperate fight. The psionic suppressor renders the Ghost agents absolutely loyal to the federal government, erasing any thoughts of rebellion or surrender.

"Augustus Mengsk, enemy of the Federation." Augustus said.

"Augustus." Kerrigan injected herself with a dose of adrenaline under the eyes of the Revolutionary Army soldiers.

"People say that memories will become vague silhouettes as time goes by, or scripts that can be changed, added or deleted at will. So, Kerrigan, how many of the memories you firmly believe in are real? ?”

"You actually discuss philosophy with the enemy on the battlefield?" Kerrigan was trying to reactivate the invisibility function of the combat suit, but this function seemed to have completely failed. She also tried to talk nonsense with Augustus to delay time, but she couldn't think of anything more to say for the time being.

Sixteen-year-old Kerrigan is taciturn. She rarely speaks, like a silent mountain.

"You should take a good look back." Augustus said calmly, as if he was just chatting with Kerrigan.

"Think about your mother. She may be gentle and beautiful, or she may be a sharp-tongued and impatient woman. But it doesn't matter, because you killed her when you were still young."

"What are you talking about? Damn it." Kerrigan's light green eyes widened a little, and the nightmare that had troubled her for many years reappeared in front of her eyes. She has broken with her nightmarish past - and it was her own choice.

There was blood.

"Your uncontrolled psychic energy inadvertently crushed her head, like crushing a bug. Blood splashed like juice. The cracked skull, the eyeballs with tendons, the gray brain tissue and half of it were... The mandible is connected to the skin." Augustus said coherently as if he was announcing the name of a dish, watching Kerrigan's face suddenly wrinkle into a ball.

"She is your mother, but how did she become like that at that time?"

Sarah Louise Kerrigan!

Kerrigan began to tremble, and the childhood nightmares that had been declared eradicated by scientific researchers came flooding towards her. A horrified expression appeared on her face. The ghost agent, who was strong and calm and seemed to never shed tears, fell to her knees, hugged her face and cried bitterly.

For the first time, the psychic suppressor that Kerrigan hated and was cursed by her didn't take effect.

The Korhal Revolutionary Army soldiers who were staring at Kerrigan were stunned. They had no idea what was happening. They hesitated whether to continue firing.

Of course they didn't understand what Augustus was saying. Perhaps in the eyes of these young people who were easily influenced by mysticism, the combination of those unclear words was a kind of witchcraft spell that could make psychics lose control.

Perhaps the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the son of the great revolutionary leader Angus Mengsk, the wolf of the Mengsk family, and the Eagle of Korhal will have a new name.

"Your father, who witnessed all this, became insane as a result, and years later you were told that he committed suicide," Augustus said.

"In a prison full of psychics. Your peers are defined as madmen, monsters and aliens, but you are an alien among aliens, a super monster."

The steel frame structure around Kerrigan began to bend in incredible arcs, broken pieces of marble were suspended in mid-air, and the steel bars were twisted and twisted like snakes.

The Revolutionary Army soldiers here all heard bursts of psychic screams at the spiritual level. Their eyes began to become bloodshot, blood flowed from their ears, and some of them fell to their knees and fell into coma.

The telepathic spread came from the collection of consciousness levels of everyone here. Kerrigan's uncontrollable sadness filled the hearts of the soldiers, and tears flowed from the corners of their eyes, with bright red blood.

Kerrigan's psychic level is increasing exponentially due to strong stimulation, and a "psionic storm" from humans is brewing. Stimulation that strikes the mind can cause a high-level psyker to lose control, and his uncontrolled psychic energy will sweep across everything.

"Are you the devil?"

Kerrigan almost remembered that she had destroyed her family with her own hands in her hometown of TarKossia.

Her fate is a ridiculous tragedy.

She longs for beauty, but always destroys everything with her own hands. She wanted to bring salvation and hope, but destruction and despair followed her.

"What are you waiting for, Corporal Faraday?" Augustus switched channels and said to his commander: "Get her."

With tears streaming down his face, Corporal Faraday snatched the boatswain's heavy sniper rifle from a crying subordinate and aimed it at Kerrigan. Other soldiers also struggled to shoot.

Fortunately, before the soldiers could prepare to shoot, the exhausted Kerrigan suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. The rocks suspended in the air fell, and everyone escaped.

"How do you know this?" The Umoyan shadow guard guarding Augustus asked Augustus doubtfully.

"From my loyal and trustworthy Korhal Intelligence Agency."

The Shadow Guard tilted his head, naturally in awe of this mysterious department that didn't seem to exist.

Post first and then proofread for typos, sorry for the typos.

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