StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 122 The removal operation was successful

The sobs became softer.

Kerrigan hugged her quilt tightly.

The quilt was taken away, and everything was gone.

In my sleep, some scenes from the past seemed to reappear - the small town, the garden with a greenhouse and the green lawn in front of the door, the sky was warm and light yellow like petals.

Suddenly, the sky and everything were stained a deep red like blood, as if someone had poured the same color paint on it.

In front of this house with a red dome. Kerrigan, who was still ignorant of everything and was only five years old, accidentally used psychic energy to detonate the head of her mother who was scolding her due to an emotional fluctuation. Just like Kerrigan's father who was preparing to drive the family to town, Kerrigan fell into a long-term sluggish state after witnessing all this.

But unfortunately, she didn't go crazy with her lucky father, Patrick Kerrigan.

Kerrigan was numb from the pain. She wanted to escape, but the reviving memories kept coming back.

During her graduation training at the Ghost Academy, fifteen-year-old Kerrigan sneaked into a politician's home alone.

A politician dies for telling the truth at a government-organized press conference, along with his wife and young daughters.

Then the sex scandal involving numerous victims was suddenly revealed. After a seemingly arduous investigation, the professional detectives and sergeants of the police department could only regretfully announce that the poor man who had half of his neck cut off with a knife died from suicide.

A year later, some righteous speakers spoke up for politicians and were furious at the groundless slander. So the emotional people spent several days commemorating this great man and typing keys on the website with ease.

It's not just this family.

Since becoming a Ghost agent, Kerrigan has killed more than a thousand people, most of whom were innocent family members of the assassins.

Each time a person is killed, their memory will remain forever in Kerrigan's memory-storing neuron cells. The people and mentors of the Ghost Academy deceived Kerrigan. On a technical level, currently humans can only cover the original memories with false memories, but cannot completely replace them.

In a sense, it was the psionic suppressor that saved these ghost agents from being driven crazy by such memories. However, the person who ordered them to kill was actually the person who made these psychic suppressors.

Kerrigan feels genuine pain as she remembers the faces of those innocents and their thoughts before they died. As a powerful psyker, Kerrigan is more sensitive to any emotion than others, and the grief and pain of others will be infinitely magnified on her.

In fact, psykers are good listeners. They can always empathize with others and therefore understand the needs of others better. Psykers' emotional sensitivity makes them more loving to their fellow humans and more likely to care for others.

But their compatriots generally reject and fear psykers.

Kerrigan, the ghost agent, is a collection of contradictions. Due to her mother's death and her good nature, she has an abnormal aversion to killing other people.

But the Federation took control of her and ordered her to kill.

My sin is unforgivable.

Suddenly, Kerrigan awoke from her nightmare. She heard someone talking next to her, but she did not open her eyes to see clearly where she was. At the same time, there was the buzzing sound of some instruments operating and the crisp sound of the collision of glass containers.

Kerrigan's body was still aching, and she endured the tearing pain and forced herself not to make any sound.

At this time, Kerrigan also felt some changes in her body. She almost immediately noticed that the psychic suppressor implanted in the left back of her head had been removed with exquisite techniques.

But Kerrigan's mentor in the Ghost Academy said that it was impossible for anyone in this world to remove the psychic suppressor, and that any coercive means would bring extremely terrible consequences.

How amazing.

Sixteen-year-old Kerrigan decided to mentally curse the federal government that had caused her endless pain to prove that the psychic suppressor had really been removed. However, Kerrigan was not good at swearing and her vocabulary was very limited. Call them pigs or stupid cookies.

"It is very similar to the transformation of resocialized soldiers." A strange voice said: "This psychic suppressor, or neural controller, can perform the same function as the resocialization of soldiers."

"After implanting this device, psykers who are considered uncontrollable can become obedient warriors even if they possess powerful psychic talents and telekinesis."

"In other words, they have to do whatever I want them to do?" In the sound of nails scraping against a metal object, there was a gentle and magnetic voice - but it was undoubtedly the voice of the devil.

The words that the church school teacher once said around Kerrigan echoed again: God said, it is the devil who walks in the world, the fallen third of the angels. They are among us, murderers.

If you want to expel the devil, you have to buy——

Just like many edge planets in the territory of the Tyranid Federation that are far away from the core galaxy and the main star world, in Kerrigan's hometown, due to the harsh living conditions of the planet, people always place too much hope on religion.

Religions that were completely banned in the Earth Age began to flourish, and the unclearly described "Holy Words" were tampered with and interpreted at will. What followed was a variety of religious sects derived from this and the worship of various strange creatures or creatures. It is the religion of evil gods.

But Kerrigan is an atheist.

"Energy-producing?" said the devil.

"You mean the psychic suppressor?" said the voice before: "It's not available yet, and we're not sure whether it's effective for ordinary people."

“It’s hard to tell whether after the emergence of resocialization technology, researchers from a certain laboratory, the predecessor of the Tyran Federation Ghost Academy, impatiently used this technology, or whether the resocialization technology was born out of this. "

"Okay, another question, Doctor," the devil said: "Will Sarah Kerrigan return to normal after the psychic suppressor is removed?"

Kerrigan tried to spread her telekinesis and sense the brain waves emitted by people when they were thinking, to figure out what was going on.

But this immediately led to disastrous consequences. Losing control of the psionic suppressor, Kerrigan suddenly released psychic powers far beyond her own imagination.

With the sound of breaking light bulbs, glassware, and spectacle lenses, the operating room suddenly darkened.

Everyone was embarrassed.

Kerrigan covered her face like a little girl who had done something wrong, and opened her eyes after a short silence. But when she brushed back her fiery red hair from her eyes and looked at Augustus, Kerrigan almost screamed in fright.

"Are you awake?" Augustus was pointing a lighting device similar to a flashlight at his face from under his chin.

Those cold gray eyes were looking at Kerrigan: "The operation was successful."

"You are free." He showed his "sharp" teeth.

"Don't forget who saved you."

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