StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 123 Redemption

Sarah Kerrigan struggled to sit up on her elbows. Her tattered ghost agent simulated environment combat uniform had been replaced by a loose, rough-textured one-piece skirt, which was deeply buried in the The several tubes connected to the instruments in the fiery red hair made it uncomfortable.

She originally thought she would be strapped to the electric chair, but it seemed that the actual situation was not that bad.

The staff in the operating room spent a few minutes fixing the lights, and soon the operating room, which could only accommodate two beds and some medical instruments, was as bright as ever. Kerrigan's hearing, which is sharper than ordinary people, told her that there were many ventilation ducts connected to fans in the walls, which meant that this place was probably underground.

Kerrigan looked at an old man with gray hair and a white coat standing next to the bed, and then focused on Augustus, who had his hands behind his back. Kerrigan could recognize his voice, the man who had awakened her worst memories with just one sentence, a demonic whisper.

However, Augustus's initial impression on Kerrigan was not that bad. He looked quite young, with thick gray eyebrows, deep-set eye sockets, a hawk-like curved nose, and a resolute expression.

"You saved me, and what can I do for you?" Kerrigan looked at Augustus.

Although Kerrigan was aware that there were only two unknown and powerful psykers in the operating room, she was telepathically aware of some of Augustus' thoughts that lingered on the surface of his consciousness: friendliness, peace, and curiosity.

Psykers who are too powerful will read other people's thoughts uncontrollably. Training in this area and psychic suppressors can effectively restrain it, but Kerrigan, who has just removed the suppressor at this moment, obviously cannot control his excessive power. psionic powers and telepathic abilities.

"I need to know what you're good at."

Augustus wore a dark gray woolen officer's uniform, a Revolutionary Army uniform with closed, straight Western-style trousers and a sheepskin belt studded with black copper nails. His cold gray eyes were attractive and as sharp as an eagle's.

".Kill." Kerrigan hesitated, her beautiful eyebrows knitted in pain: "No, I don't want to kill."

No one taught her anything other than disguise and assassination. Ghost agents are engaged in the cruelest and darkest work in the Tyranid Federation. They are the best assassins and the most efficient killing machines.

"I won't let you kill anyone." Augustus tilted his head slightly to the left, as if he was listening to someone next to him.

"It's quite the opposite," he said to Kerrigan calmly, seemingly without the negative emotions of fear and fear.

"I want you to save others, free the oppressed and their traumatized souls, and maintain justice and order."

"." Kerrigan was confused about this.

"But you are rebels."

"Your memory is gradually recovering, but there are still many cognitions that are wrong." After a few seconds of silence, Augustus said to Kerrigan again.

"In the past, you were serving a dark government. In order to maintain their cruel, absurd, and ridiculous rule, you were forced to do evil for those sitting on the bench of Parliament," he said.

"The people in power in Tarsonis ruled the people of the Tyranid Federation with high pressure. The businesses of the Founding Family, the descendants of those pioneers and leaders, used the colonies as a source of raw materials and a dumping ground for products, and used heavy taxes to make hard work The lives of people are unsustainable. The Terran Federation won the war with the Kaimorian Federation at the expense of the future of the marginal colonies, and now the suffering people who have been tortured by the war have to pay for the consumption of the war. The Tarsonis government His numerous crimes are too numerous to describe."

"What the Revolutionary Army has to do is to overthrow this corrupt government and the Tarsonis Creation Family behind them, defeat their army, break up the Tyranid Federation and rebuild it again."

"Now, there is an opportunity to change this fate before you." Augustus got closer to Kerrigan, who was listening carefully.

"As long as you stand beside us and fight alongside us, you will understand the darkness hidden under the glorious appearance of the Tarsonis Confederacy, and understand that we and Korhal IV are walking on an extremely bright road."

"I think you are right." Kerrigan glanced at Augustus with her light green eyes hidden under a few locks of fiery red hair: "That's fine, I am already unforgivable. I kill This is an indisputable fact, and I can still remember the memories of those people clearly."

As more memories gradually come back to life, Kerrigan becomes increasingly sad and despairing, burdened with guilt that weighs on her conscience. Those self-condemnations and confessions were self-imposed by Kerrigan, and a true villain would obviously not care at all.

Kerrigan became extremely confused. In the past, when she lived as a Federation ghost agent, her only goal was to become the assigned task. The psionic suppressor can turn the most unruly psyker into the most docile sheep and A slave who obeys orders.

Now Kerrigan has gained the freedom she never expected after becoming a ghost agent, but she feels confused and scared about her future life. She doesn't know what to do next.

After all, she had nothing and was despised by others.

"I know it would be great if you could feel that your soul has been redeemed and comforted in the process." Augustus said: "If you have killed a thousand innocent people, then go and save one." Ten million others. We can never atone for our past selves, but at least those ten million people are saved because of you.”

"But you're not afraid of me, sir." Kerrigan showed a timid smile to Augustus, which looked like a forced smile from any angle.

After removing the psychic suppressor, Kerrigan's calm and strong image of a powerful woman has faded. Now she is no longer a cold and ruthless federal ghost agent, but just a sixteen-year-old girl.

Kerrigan feared getting an affirmative answer from Augustus.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Augustus first quoted a famous saying and then said:

"No matter how others see you, as a monster, an alien, or someone rejected by fate, in my eyes, you are a member of the human race. You should not be superior to others because of your psychic talent, nor should you be superior to others. People should be hated because of their differences.”

"You are Sarah Kerrigan and you will always be Sarah Kerrigan."

"Follow me and stand with me." He said:

“You will no longer be a tool, but a person who lives up to your name.”

Now Sarah Kerrigan seems to have caught a ray of light in the endless darkness, and the light seems to come from heaven.

She has a new goal.

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