StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 124 Ghosts of the Past

Ghost 24718 lost an arm and a right eye during the mission to assassinate Angus Mengsk. Granite fragments from the explosion penetrated two lobes of his lungs, which meant that he had to rely on an oxygen backpack and assistance for the rest of his life. Spent on a ventilator.

Augustus has learned from Kerrigan that he is one of the three ghost agents who carried out the assassination mission, and that the other agent 24506 is still lurking somewhere in Stillling City. His target was Augustus himself, but apparently for some reason he failed to take action.

No one knows where 24506 is at this moment. Maybe he is still planning to take Augustus' life, maybe he has already returned to Victor V Base or the Ghost Academy in Tarsonis.

"He almost didn't survive and was in a coma for a week." In a convalescence room used to house seriously injured people at the headquarters of the Korhal Revolutionary Army, a private surgeon employed by the Mengsk family told August All said.

When Augustus came to this room, Ghost 24718 had already awakened. The pale, bloodless face under his helmet made him look like a vampire lying in a coffin. This ghost agent was wearing a ventilator, and his heavy breathing sounded like the sound of a ventilator.

There are four psychic shielding devices in this room, and as Augustus saw, the data displayed on the console of an instrument used to monitor its psychic index has always been within a safe range. The Umoyan Shadow Guards keep an eye on him.

"Augustus, son of Angus. You should have killed me." Ghost 24718 looked at Sarah Kerrigan behind Augustus and shook his head.

Sarah Kerrigan, who followed Augustus Mengsk, looked like a capable adjutant. Neither the soldiers nor the civilian staff of various departments in the Revolutionary Army headquarters base could ignore her beauty. Kerrigan has beautiful light green eyes with long eyelashes, and her lips are full and sexy.

Sarah Kerrigan changed into a Korhal Revolutionary Army officer uniform. The upper body was a thick woolen stand-up collar jacket with a row of copper buttons, and the lower body was a split skirt. The hem of the skirt was long and thick.

Kerrigan also wears a brimmed boat-shaped hat, with long fiery red hair shawl gathered behind. The hat emblem is a whip-holding ring with a golden five-pointed star in the center. The Mengsk Golden Wolf on the shoulders and the pointed horns are pointing downwards. The inverted V epaulettes indicate that she was a lieutenant in the Guards.

After being captured by the rebels, the powerful psyker was grateful for Augustus' rescue and determined to join the revolutionary cause and atone for his past sins. This was almost a matter of course. The Federation molded her into a killer, and Augustus promised to give her freedom and no longer force her to kill.

After all, Umoyan's Shadow Guards still serve the elected council of Umoyan, and although Augustus entrusts them with important tasks, he still wants to cultivate psykers of his own.

The reuse of the federal assassin who assassinated his father aroused the concern of some, including Corporal Faraday, the commander of the Augustus Guards, and the senior officers of the Revolutionary Army, Augustus Pandi, the former Demon of Heaven, who learned of the incident. But since neither Augustus nor his father thought there was any problem, others would no longer question it.

"But what else do you expect from me? Even if you remove my psychic suppressor, my personality that has been shaped since childhood will still be dangerous to you. I once loved all life, but Now he is just a butcher who enjoys killing." His voice was a little sad, but it didn't make him cry.

“I was once a kid who carefully raised and released chicks that fell from their nests to the ground, but now I love nothing more than nailing a Victor squirrel’s tail to the ground and then bringing it alive. Peel off the skin."

"When I was in this ward, I often heard people talking in my ears, or saw the phantom of my childhood. Countless people I killed were whispering in my ears, but in fact I didn't know what to do. Horrible. Actually, I think they were just singing."

Ghost agent 24718 is quite dangerous. He is always melancholy and likes to talk to himself, so much so that his doctor can't figure out if he is talking to another self. He is addicted to killing, but he is very disgusted with it in his heart.

"This is one of the precursors of schizophrenia. He believes that his nature is good, and his body contains the pure and kind soul of the past, but he also has a hysterical love for killing and cruelty." The doctor said in an absolutely calm tone.

"When 24718 was talking to himself in the mirror, I learned that his mentor had forced him to kill his most beloved pet to test his control over his psychic abilities. There are many similar trainings, such as Choose one of the dozens of handguns without live ammunition and shoot yourself in the temple."

"I was considered uncontrollable, so I was the first agent to be implanted with a psychic inhibitor. I am a devil, and I love torture. Even so, wouldn't you be scared?"

Augustus and the doctor looked at each other and both felt that this was a rather difficult role.

"Even so, I still want to hire you as my ghost advisor." Augustus said: "I want to establish a special agency based on psykers. The functions of this agency go far beyond assassination."

"You are very sincere." Ghost 24718 said after looking at Augustus for a long time: "Honestly, I am happy to deal with the Tyranid Federation for you. The Ghost Academy ruined my life as a normal person, and I am determined to take revenge. "

"But I can no longer integrate into normal people's lives." Ghost 24718 has a pair of melancholy blue eyes in his deep-set eye sockets. His tightly pursed lips are as colorless as his face. : "I will kill for you, if you need me to."

"We don't have to kill anymore, Marshal Augustus Mengsk promised me," Kerrigan told 24718.

"I didn't expect you to believe him so much. You should know that people don't always mean what they say, and despicability and lies are the most deceptive." Ghost 24718 shook his head: "Okay, but I like killing, this is my hobby. Maybe that will make me feel guilty and regretful, but repentance is something that will happen later.”

"If you want me to serve you, it would be better to choose a similar job. It doesn't matter whether it is to eliminate political opponents or to eliminate the CEO of Kaimorian," he said.

"I will do whatever it takes to achieve your goal, regardless of morality and morality. If one day, you need me to bear the responsibility for these crimes, then push me to the gallows or the guillotine, and I will bring all the secrets to Go to hell.”

"." Augustus looked at him deeply and then said: "I will find the best psychiatrist for you and install new prosthetic limbs and eyes for you, and then you can report to the new department. ”

"Thank you." The ghost said and began to lower his head and whispered some kind of inaudible prayer.

"He is confessing to the Holy Spirit. 24718's parents are devout doomsday believers. They believe that all difficulties come from God's punishment of the sinful, and they firmly believe that the end of mankind will definitely come."

the doctor explained to Augustus.

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