StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 126 The people need his master

A huge, oval-shaped mahogany round table was surrounded by more than a dozen former Senators of Keha. They were basically all elders over fifty years old, and anyone in their thirties could be counted among them. Zuo is a young man.

Most of the MPs were very simple. They neither wore crimson robes with gold trim nor carried canes that symbolized nobility, but their words still sounded aristocratic. Some people wear round glasses but still have good vision in both eyes after laser correction.

Where Korhal's Senate was established, its members were the colonial squires and colonial ship leaders. For more than a hundred years, the Senate has never been a place where civilians could speak loudly.

Angus disliked these people, but for whatever purpose they had supported him in Parliament. Facts have also proven that these people really do think about Korhal IV.

Although during their years as senators, the wealth and power of these men expanded exponentially.

The election of new members is still in the counting stage, so Angus can only discuss with these members the establishment of a constitution and the appointment of a new government.

Fortunately, the advantage of a small number of people is that new laws and proposals are passed much faster, and Angus will not spend a lot of time listening to those well-fed and idle members of Congress arguing about whether a change in a law violates the Tyranids. They argued about the Federal Constitution for four or five days.

But for Angus, who has been involved in politics for many years, this does not give him the sense of achievement of fighting with other scholars. When only a dozen or so people were looking at him, Angus would feel restless due to the lack of attention.

It was as if Angus couldn't sleep once he was far away from the center of politics. He simply couldn't imagine

In just one morning, the new Senate passed thirteen bills related to increasing government intervention in the economy, as well as the Global Industrial Recovery Act. At the same time, new heavy factories were being built everywhere on Korhal. Funding and technology came from several Tarsonis creation families and Umoyan people who secretly cooperated with the Mengsk family. More than two million people were unemployed due to the war. The Korhals went to work in factories.

Due to its location on the main world that is the core territory of the Tyranid Federation and its prosperous economy, Korhal is operating at full speed under the leadership of a unified and efficient government.

But Korhal IV's disadvantages are also obvious. Compared to other fringe worlds where uprisings are breaking out, they are too close to Tarsonis and too conspicuous.

"We will eliminate all slums before 2499, so that there will no longer be hungry people in this world!" At this time, Angus impassionedly threw out another of his heavy promises, and there were people next to him. Use non-technological means to record his words on paper using shorthand.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door to the front hall of the Palatine Chamber was opened. Angus and the MPs all looked at Augustus, who was wearing a dark gray general uniform and a wide-brimmed military cap with gold tassels. All. The congressmen were already very familiar with Korhal's eagle, which made his father extremely proud. Compared with this, they were much more interested in the former ghost agent Sarah Kerrigan who followed him closely behind him.

"Augustus, what's going on? You look a little anxious." Angus cleared his throat and said to his son.

"Do you still have time to play the meeting game with them? Now we don't need a parliament, we can just announce the decree directly." Augustus said: "This is a time of war, and Keha only needs someone who can tell the truth."

"The people of Korhal need their masters, and the Council needs its shackles."

"Don't write this down, and don't say this to anyone." Angus looked serious, and his cold gray eyes scanned everyone present, like an old wolf with a fierce flash of light.

Augustus never admitted that he was a revolutionary soldier fighting for the people. In Angus' view, the only reason why he was willing to lead the Korhal Revolutionary Army was just to protect his mother Catherine and sister Dorothy.

No councilor present was angry at Augustus' rude words. They survived this change of power while still maintaining their past status, not because they were more capable, but because they were on the right team.

In the days after the Korhal War of Independence, all corrupt officials in Korhal were tried one by one by Augustus's revolutionary army. They sat in prison cars and cried loudly until they were imprisoned by the Stillling River. Shooting.

For three days, the red river flowed down like a river of blood.

The councilors knew what role they should play, because Augustus was the real wolf of the Mengsk family. He lacked the most basic respect for the nobles and officials, and slaughtered them like cattle and sheep.

"You just chaired a meeting of August's National Security Council and you hope that spy agency will be useful," Angus said.

"You are very impatient." He said: "Have you also received news of the failure of the uprising on Antiga Prime?"

"I just learned about it just now." Augustus said: "No one thought that there is a Federation fleet in a galaxy 4 light-years away from the Antiga galaxy. The news sent back to us by the uprising organizers shows that that It’s Gamma Squadron of the Federation Fleet.”

"Gamma Squadron leveled Fort Ansu with nuclear bombs. Two hundred thousand people were reduced to ashes. More people were severely burned. Radiation permanently damaged the local environment. Mutated creatures appeared one after another like evil ghosts." He continued. explain.

"An unknown plague broke out in Ayanui's Pride, and the resistance there suffered heavy losses due to excessive non-combat attrition."

"What a misfortune. This is the third failed uprising of the people of Antiga." Angus frowned: "But what happened to Lingshui Pride?"

"There is no direct evidence that it was a type of viral weapon, but the timing of the outbreak was too coincidental." Augustus said: "All news media suppressed the matter, and the lack of authenticity reports were misleading. People from other planets in the Federation.”

"Compared with them, Korhal, who is closer to the core world, is luckier. Most of the Federation fleet still stays in the edge world, increasing bargaining chips for the federal government and the Kaimorian Federation."

"But they've been talking for three months." Angus asked as if talking to himself.

"The Kaimorian Consortium has been stalling for time to transfer their assets, but how long can the Consortium hold on?"

"We have to prepare for the worst." Augustus sighed: "The newly established agency is training spies, but at present we mainly rely on Umoyan spies. These people will use various means to In exchange for the support from senior federal officials and the Creation Family."

"At the same time, our fleet has begun to take shape. At my request, Umoyan used a lot of resources to repair the Hyperion. It is expected that I will be able to see a 'brand new' warship in half a month. Cruise ship."

"During this period, in addition to building Korhal's defenses and preparing the army and people for a protracted war, I also plan to immediately lead a fleet to raid a federal base named Victor V. The captured ghost agent told me , there are twenty ghost agents stationed there.”

"Intelligence shows that there may be design drawings for new weapons in the computers there."

"Okay." Angus said, "You have a much better say than I do in leading troops to fight."


"I have another question." After a long silence, Angus suddenly looked at Sarah Kerrigan behind Augustus.

"Son, do you have to let this federal assassin who killed my double act as your personal bodyguard?"

"I think she is quite outstanding." Augustus thought seriously and said, "And I don't have any psychological burden because she wanted to assassinate you."

"No, I'm just worried about your safety." The old wolf of the Mengsk family was a little sad, but he was used to it.

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