StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 127 There is a fleet, but only a little

"The Titan-class cargo ship you want me to modify has been modified. Now you can call it the Titan-class frigate No. 1. Well, I guess you will call it that?"

In the narrow bridge, engineer Rory Swann, wearing orange-gray overalls and holding a toolbox in one hand and a tool box in the other, pointed to the cables and a console on the bridge and said to Augustus: " The ship is 400 inches (about 128 meters) long and 67 feet (about 20 meters) wide. This is a medium-sized cargo ship. The cargo hold from the lower deck to the main beam can be divided into many new rooms. If you insist on cramming some people in, then It can carry about a thousand people.”

The lighting facility on the bridge ceiling is like an extremely bright white ball of light. Under its light, all the consoles connected to the winding pipelines on the bridge are clearly visible. Some of the opened bulkhead covers were filled with cables of various colors tangled together like a group of snakes, and the stale air was mixed with the smell of lubricating oil and sweat.

The bridge of this ship is not as wide as that of a battlecruiser. There are only a few driving positions facing the forward portholes. Augustus and a dozen guardsmen, including Sarah Kerrigan, walked into the ship. The space seems small when the bridge is on the bridge, and there are not many people standing in front of the bridge portholes that are used to overlook the battlefield and broaden the captain's field of vision.

The Hyperion in the Umoyan orbital dockyard will not be repaired until at least the next month. Prior to this, this frigate converted from an interstellar cargo ship was Augustus's largest battleship at present, and he had to accept the meager fact that this battleship would be used as the flagship of the Korhal Revolutionary Army fleet.

While Augustus looked around at the layout of the bridge, Sarah Kerrigan, who was wearing a dark gray Revolutionary Army uniform and a golden wolf armband, began to inspect the facilities inside the bridge as usual. She was straddling a C-10 rifle, and her long fiery red hair gathered behind her hat was tied with a white ribbon. The tied long hair was like dancing flames as she walked.

"Swan, what's the new design? I know you're a genius."

"Thank you, but you don't need to praise me nine times out of ten." Swann's face was stained with oil: "I made a small improvement. My team and I added an extra layer to this spacecraft. The Titan engine and the new central reactor, and the jump engine maintained by a team of professional jump technicians, will allow you to race as much as you want in the hyperspace lane."

"Sounds like I don't have to worry about power anymore," Augustus said. "What about the weapons systems? I've seen you added extra ship armor and laser pulse cannons to this ship."

"Yes, there is a pair of ship-based laser pulse cannons under the bridge, and there is a deployable missile hive on each side. In addition, this modified spacecraft also carries a large number of small plasma torpedoes. Of course, due to The shortcoming of the modification is that we must use manual operations to push the torpedoes out of the airtight chamber, and if necessary, give them a hammer to manually ignite."

Swann told Augustus: "Based on the original armor, I added thicker armor plates and a lightweight energy matrix shield."

"Shield shield technology? This is an epoch-making progress." Augustus' eyes lit up.

"It's actually not difficult to do this. The key is to be willing to spend money." Swann said: "Speaking of this, boss, will the Keha Weapon Research Institute need to be approved for more funding? The research and development of new weapons is very important. Want money.”

"There will be funds." Augustus' voice became louder: "We will discuss this issue later."

The entire Korhal is now spending money constantly on ground fortresses, high-altitude orbital defense platforms, anti-aircraft missile arrays, government departments' capital investment, fleet and army maintenance, etc. The former are all big money swallowers, and there are millions of mouths. It depends on the new government to fill it.

The new government's finances have long been unable to make ends meet by relying on taxes alone. If it were not for the huge war loans provided by the wealthy and generous Umoyan government at low interest rates, Angus would have hanged himself.

The Umoyan people have thought very clearly. If the Korhal IV uprising fails, then the next war in the Koprulu sector will inevitably be the battle between the Tyranid Federation and Umoyan, so their support will be spared.

The little money Augustus made in the army was not enough to buy a bathroom on Hyperion. At this time, he couldn't help but miss his brother Arcturus who was still digging mining on the edge of the Koprulu sector. .

Since we are brothers connected by blood, we must always support each other. Moreover, Augustus initially provided part of the start-up capital, which was regarded as a stake in Arcturus' mining industry.

"Then I'll be relieved." Swann didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at this time.

"Also, do you have any idea about the design of the new main gun of the Behemoth-class battlecruiser?" Augustus said.

"Using the nuclear reactor of the battlecruiser as a power source to use a strong magnetic field to focus controllable nuclear explosions into a concentrated beam of energy. I have to say, this is a crazy idea." Swann said: "Sometimes I always doubt you Did the intelligence department make a mistake? Maybe the federal ship research institute just created a folder on the terminal host to defraud funds."

"If we want to constrain a controllable nuclear explosion and condense it, we need the support of technological breakthroughs in multiple fields of materials science and engineering. You may not understand it in detail, because I can't figure it out myself. "He said.

"Overall, it's easier said than done."

"Then we'll wait until the Federation people's experiment is successful and we'll get the design drawings." Augustus didn't have any expectations for this newly established weapons research institute, although it was filled with information he had learned from various departments in Korhal. Talents poached by technology companies, but in fact, the best talents in the Koprulu Sector have always been in Tarsonis and Umoyan.

Augustus didn't really expect that they could develop the battlecruiser's classic Yamato cannon earlier than the Terran Federation, but what if?

"What about the cooperation research with Umoyan?" Augustus asked again.

"We are still talking. The other party is very interested in this." Swann's thick eyebrows and beard stretched out: "But I am worried that those cunning Umoyan people will leave us alone and go it alone."

"But then again, we don't have a battlecruiser, and I don't know what you are worried about." The grumpy Mrs. Meinho issued a torture that hit her soul.

"How many frigates of this type do we have?" Augustus was hit hard.

"Three, there are 17 more that are being renovated in shipyards across Korhal. At the same time, we also have more than 50 reconnaissance boats converted from civilian transport spacecraft, ranging in size from 65 feet to 165 feet (10 to 50 meters). ), these reconnaissance boats are equipped with small laser cannons, but the damage is very touching. The laser beam hitting the armor of the battlecruiser is like tickling." Swan gestured.

"'s like this."

"This is really a huge fleet." Augustus sighed.

At this time, Jim Raynor's iconic laughter came from the narrow passage leading to the bridge. As the fleet commander under Augustus, this open-minded and optimistic young man was already gearing up for a big fight. .

"Good morning, my lovely friends." Renault stuck out his bare head.

It is not easy to take a hot bath on a battleship. Sonic bathing can remove dead skin and dirt from the body, but it is not effective when dealing with greasy hair, so Renault always likes to shave his hair during this time.

Renault was followed by the tall Tychus, who felt a little reluctant to walk in this narrow passage.

"Hi, honey," Swann greeted. "Good morning."

"Oh - here's another big guy."

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