StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 13 Graduation and Letter

T-54 shooting range of Turasis main base, 8:35 a.m. on June 5.

In front of the twelve recruits of the second platoon of D Company lined up in a row, about four hundred yards away was a running team of Kaimorian Rippers. This was obviously their virtual projection, extremely real.

Starting from Augustus on the far left, the heavily armed Marines raised their Gauss rifles and began to take aim. Since now is the period when new weapons are gradually being installed in the troops and undergoing comprehensive upgrading, the firearms in their hands include old-fashioned E-7 and E-9 rifles as well as C-14 rifles.

Nonetheless, these firearms all use Gaussian technology, which uses electromagnetic induction coils to accelerate magnetic projectiles to supersonic speeds to achieve precise shooting at long distances.

In addition to the well-known 8mm solid steel nails, the Gauss series rifles can also use hollow-point bullets, depleted uranium bullets and incendiary bullets of the same caliber.

Different from ordinary caliber fixed powder guns in the Earth Age, a Gauss rifle can cut an unarmored person in two with just one shot.

Marine recruits can fire 20 to 30 rounds per second and thousands of rounds per minute. Ammunition is stored in the shoulders of the power armor, so they can quickly replace and replenish ammunition with a Gauss rifle on their shoulders.

This allows them to not worry too much about hit rate when they have enough ammunition in fortresses and bunkers, and when facing the vast majority of enemies in the Tyranid Federation, just one hit is enough to be fatal.

But the bullets of the Marines are not unlimited. Only madmen and war madmen can maintain absolute calm on the battlefield. Even after nine to twelve weeks of recruit training, soldiers will panic and fire early when they enter the battlefield, so that they will run out of bullets before the real enemy appears within effective shooting range.

The capacitor system added to the new C-14 effectively avoids such problems, although its controllable burst mode has been criticized by the real tough guys and macho men of the Federal Marines, claiming that any weapon that cannot fire empty ammunition within ten seconds The clip's shots are all slingshot shots.

The first squad's firing ended in half a minute, during which time they fired enough bullets to mow down a squad of Kaimorian Labor Auxiliaries, and the hologram showed the Kaimorian Rippers all falling before the firing stopped.

"Well done, Jim, your progress is simply amazing." Xander Marx, a Tarsonian native, praised.

"What you said really makes me unhappy." Jim Raynor seemed uninterested in this, and his very low hit rate was only covered up when shooting in groups - although his marksmanship was indeed much better.

In fact, in Renault's view, the hit rate is not important at all, maintaining absolute fire suppression is the top priority. When the commander gives the order, all they have to do is shoot hard in the specified direction.

"Line up." The commander of D Company said on the company's communication channel.

"Is this the end? I haven't fought enough yet." Complaints from the recruits came one after another from the first class channel.

"Call it done, call it a day, I'm so hungry that I could eat a Shiloh buffalo." Hanak Hank was always an exception. He lacked passion for anything except fighting and playing cards. He only thought about working.

"I have been informed, brothers, we can prepare for the graduation ceremony." Augustus said on the communication channel at the right time: "The next step is free time, go take a cold shower, 1 p.m. The graduation parade ceremony begins with rehearsals."

"Wuhu!" Following Hanak's cheers, the first class dispersed on the spot. As if it was a signal, the tight formation of the other four squads in the second platoon disappeared without a trace. Facing a group of new recruits who were about to graduate, their platoon leader was helpless.

Renault and Augustus walked side by side towards the dormitory. These days in the boot camp have made them good friends. Augustus does not have the arrogance that is common among nobles, but he is undoubtedly a central figure wherever he goes.

In the past, Renault had always been suspicious of the aristocracy, which he knew little about, and believed that the blood of ancient heroes would not have much effect on those vampires. It was just that Augustus gradually convinced him that at least not all nobles were what his father said were federal worms.

Augustus had a sense of justice that Reno admired. When he just wanted to leave the small place of Shiloh and see the real world, Augustus gave up his luxurious life to save the people in dire straits. The people of the Union joined the army.

If it weren't for this, Renault couldn't imagine why a noble would step onto the battlefield of blood and fire.

Who else but idealists and patriots could join the Union Marines for a noble purpose at such a time?

The young Jim Raynor joined the army with a sense of justice and mission to protect and save. He was not experienced enough in dealing with things and could not imagine that besides patriots who volunteered to defend their country and aspiring people who wanted to make contributions, Young people, and some stupid young men like Augustus who enlisted in the army purely because of their yearning for war and adventure.

The original Augustus was just a simple war maniac and crazy adventurer.

Augustus himself did not reveal his political and war views. He was very cautious in this regard. The so-called sense of justice was entirely made up by Reno himself. Augustus never thought of himself as a noble person, at best an upright person.

So far, Augustus just wants to survive in the army. Of course, it would be best if you can get an official position by relying on your own abilities. Augustus will fight for the Terran Confederacy as his commander until he retires safely.

Becoming friends with Renault is not just for the sake of being surrounded by the so-called protagonist. In fact, in the end, few people around this guy died well.

In a sense, being Renault's good brother is also a very dangerous profession.

But since they are all in the same class, Augustus himself is also his commander, and they are likely to fight together in the future. Try to avoid discord among comrades and enhance the cohesion of this small group. This will at least allow them to survive longer on the battlefield.

"Now that the base's signal shielding has been lifted, we can send emails home." Augustus said as he walked, and at this time his attention was focused on the personal terminal in his hand.

"Information communication across galaxies must be translated by stellar information transfer stations, the signal enhanced, and then sent again at warp speed to maintain the integrity and timeliness of the information. If no additional money is added, under normal circumstances it would take a few weeks for my parents to See my message." Young Renault was saying sadly.

"Yes, time is money." Augustus looked at the letters he had edited on his personal terminal. There were ten letters in total, and the recipients were Katherine Mengsk and Dorothy Mengsk.

Most of these letters were sent to his sister Dorothy, but they rarely mentioned what Augustus saw and heard in the boot camp. Instead, they spent more time talking about the stars above the camp and Tula. The Sith is a very different landscape than Korhal but still very beautiful.

As for his mother, Augustus's words were much more serious, reporting good news rather than bad news. Because he knew that his father Angus would definitely read this letter.

Although he is not among the recipients, even though he is too busy to spare a minute.

"I heard that there is a holographic projection device across the galaxy in the base. You may be able to have direct video calls with your family there." Renault added: "If you don't care about money."

"Oh, I know." Augustus shrugged: "But I think the holographic projection signal is very unstable and the delay is scary."

Then Augustus sent out all the mails. Mail was a real-time communication service, which meant that letters could be delivered on the same day even if they were several light years away.

Renault saw a series of frightening bill numbers pop up on Augustus' personal terminal screen, and he didn't continue to think about whether he could buy a nice farm in Shiloh.

Thanks to Aird, Night Sky, and Hymn of Lotus Root Stewed Dragon for the reward! Thanks to Aird, Hymn of Night Sky, Zerostart, El's Glory, Between Sea and Mountain, and Ous for your monthly tickets. Thank you for your support!

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