StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 14 Vacation

There was no flaw in the review ceremony that afternoon. Major MaBika of the recruit training camp and Lieutenant General Anderson, whose troops were resting at the main base of Turasis, attended the review ceremony.

Augustus and his class graduated on schedule, and both the officers in the training camp and the virtual sergeant Tavis gave them high marks.

All the recruits in the training camp got the vacation they wanted. Before they were incorporated into the frontline troops, they had two days of rest. From then on, Augustus could only have the opportunity to apply for such a long vacation when the troops changed defenses.

The gates were lifted after six o'clock in the evening, and almost all the recruits were rushing to the Alpha Gate nearest them, while Augustus's squad followed him and left the base through the Beta Gate, which was less crowded.

Outside the base, there is a free-fire zone one hundred yards deep, which is filled with trigger mines. On top of the high steel walls of the base, the heavy machine guns, automatic cannons and electromagnetic artillery of the Federal Marine Corps monitor this area at all times. .

War in the 25th century is not completely different from that of hundreds of years ago. On the ground, the army still pursues a strategy of heavy artillery fire coverage and tank and infantry advancement.

Landmines have not withdrawn from the stage of history, but have been replaced by smart induction mines that are more powerful and have a more sensitive and intelligent triggering mechanism.

Augustus and his soldiers followed the bustling crowd across the free shooting zone. The night sky at this time was exceptionally pure, and two jasper-like moons hung above their heads, which made the night in Turasis more beautiful. The earth is even brighter. There is also a moon on the other side of Turasis, a planet with far greater tidal effects than an ordinary solid planet.

Soon Augustus arrived at the nearest town to their base, Braddock, the nearest settlement being twenty miles away.

Turasis II was previously a colony of the Tyranid Federation, so most of the residents here were closer to the federal army, but this proportion was actually far less optimistic than the Turasis Command Center and Combat Command imagined. There are still a considerable number of local residents who lost their homes due to the war and became Camorian slave laborers, anarchists and desperate interstellar refugees.

Even in areas controlled by the Marine Corps, federal soldiers must be careful of black guns that come out of nowhere.

Braddock Town is built on a desert oasis. Most of them are boxy dark brown alloy buildings. The materials for these buildings were delivered here from orbit decades ago through the Interstellar Cargo Company. .

Such young colonies were mostly seen in the pioneering era, and the residents here have survived for more than two generations.

This town is not without other styles of architecture. Its only church looks magnificent, with both the Romanesque architectural style of earth age vaults and columns and the magnificence of Rococo. The sword-shaped cross on the church steeple shows that most of the residents here are Christians.

The streets of the town were relatively clean and tidy, with two rows of well-maintained streetlights emitting bright light. Except for the Marine recruits hanging shoulder to shoulder in twos and threes, Augustus rarely saw locals.

At the end of the road, there is a completely different scene. There are department stores, clothing stores, cigarette shops, and the largest number of bars and strip clubs.

Out of fear of war and the army, the locals hate these frizzy boys and are afraid that they will cause trouble. But in the past two years, these soldiers, who have just been paid, have money in their pockets and are eager to spend, have always spent generously. The resulting industrial chain has greatly improved the economy of the town, and has gradually replaced the tobacco growing industry as the local economic pillar.

When Augustus passed by those feasting places, he had to frown and avoid the women who rushed toward him. The girls in flesh-colored, backless and waistless clothes seemed to be wearing only a piece of clothing.

Augustus looked a little embarrassed. He had never seen this scene before. What reassured Augustus was that none of the girls were minors.

"They are awesome!" Hanak made no secret of his desire for them.

"This is not allowed in the law of Shiloh." Jim Raynor is still an innocent 18-year-old young man. Although the life in the military camp taught him swear words and some bad habits, he is still very fond of these things. Not very comfortable with it.

"Come on, Jim, you don't know what women are good at." Curt Josephine, a Korean recruit, put her arm around Renault's shoulders, with a meaningful smile on her face.

As a Stirling nobleman, the handsome Josephine was already a veteran in love. He had acquired many women, but it was precisely for this reason that he joined the army after graduation to avoid the limelight.

Augustus still hasn't figured out what stupid thing Josephine did that forced her to come to such a ghost place. Probably, things like getting pregnant with the daughter of the chairman of the World Enterprise Company would not appear in major newspapers and periodicals. and news network, so he had no way of knowing what happened.

"Hey~" Hanak followed Josephine and wanted to drag Reno's fellow countryman Omo to the strip club. The latter showed great resistance and blushed.

"Isn't this bad?" Renault looked at Omo.

At this time, the lamp at the entrance of the strip club that resembles a revolving lantern casts a dark red light and shadow similar to that of a naked woman on the ground at the entrance. The decoration of the entire club has strong sexual implications. Under such circumstances, the scene was very chaotic.

"I heard that Camorian spies are often among them. Hank, if you want to die in the girls' bed, don't drag Omo with you." Augustus called Hanak's surname. It can make the other party understand immediately that enough is enough and now is not the time to fool around.

"Okay, okay." Hanak let go of Renault, spread his hands and said, "Boss, don't tell me that you just don't like the old woman here."

After saying that, Harnack and Josephine hugged the girls standing on the street. Several recruits behind Augustus stretched their necks and were eager to try, but only because Augustus didn't look too good. They liked the way it looked here, and they finally suppressed the heat in their hearts.

Augustus took note of the location and name and continued walking. His goal was the largest bar in the area.

"Don't care about them?" Renault followed with mixed emotions. He had to admit that his will may not be as strong as he thought. Those beautiful girls left a deep impression on him. Reno was ashamed to admit that he had blushed just now.

"Josephine is measured. As for Harnack, well, I'm really not too reassured, but maybe only a real villain can thrive in a place where filth and evil are hidden." Augustus replied.

"Why don't you follow?" he asked Renault again.

"I'm only 18 years old. God, what would my mother think if she knew about it? I really don't want to disappoint her." Renault said in embarrassment.

"Maybe, maybe one day, people like you will become a generation of 'love saints'? Haha!" Augustus glanced at Renault and burst into laughter. The recruits behind him seemed to have heard something. What a big joke, everyone was laughing at Renault for a while.

"Fuck you!" Renault could only curse.

Just like that, this group of recruits wearing maroon uniforms and flat caps and shiny leather boots walked into a bar called Bloody Mary.

In compliance with health and military regulations, their leather jackets and trousers with large pockets sewn on were ironed to a straight line with a sonic iron. The trousers had two white trouser lines about a quarter of an inch wide extending from top to bottom. to the trouser leg.

The uniform and neat uniform made these recruits look less like a ragtag group.

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