StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 131 Eye of the Storm

Augustus stood in the empty bridge of the Titan-class frigate. Under the porthole was the gray and golden land of the Victor V. A huge, never-ending yellow-gray tornado almost occupied the entire field of vision.

The leader of the Keha Revolutionary Army had an overview of the entire battlefield through several non-overlapping holographic projection screens, and was in brief but uninterrupted communication with the tank troops on the ground and the troops about to land through the command channel.

As far as this battle is concerned, the role of a commander in coordinating the overall situation and stabilizing the morale of the army is far better than Augustus putting on power armor and leading the troops to charge.

"This is Sergeant Niccolo America, commander of the 1st Battalion of the Steelling Armored Division. My tank is storming - four miles away from the federal military base - and the gravity accelerator has greatly slowed down our progress. "

Among the seventeen arc-ray tanks delivered to the ground by transport ships and traveling in the storm, four came from the Hyperion's armory, the other nine were captured from the Tyranid Federation garrison stationed on Korhal IV, and the rest were Military supplies donated by Umoyan.

The fast-moving storm weakened radio signal transmissions, causing occasional interruptions in the signals sent back by the tank troops.

However, this storm that spreads for more than ten miles not only makes the base at its center difficult to detect by the outside world, but also makes the connection between the base internally and satellites and monitoring equipment outside the storm unstable. Augustus believed that this natural barrier served as a protective umbrella but also blinded the defenders within.

"I'm Renault. I'm in the carrier-based aircraft dock of the frigate. The Little Devil transport ship is currently filled with a platoon of revolutionary troops - it's so crowded here that it can't even fit in two larger transport ships." Renault said. Said in one channel.

"In a few days we will be able to sail the big ship," said Augustus.

"Where is Tychus?"

"Oh... Tychus is on the transport ship. The bastard finally put on his power armor. If only the others were here, a squad of Heavenly Demons could level this base." Raynor replied.

"And I will lead them again," said Augustus.

Next, in dozens of minutes of communication channels with overlapping sounds and silence, Renault drove a little devil transport ship full of soldiers to the eye of the storm.

Another fifteen modified reconnaissance boats carrying a total of more than 400 people followed the leader of the Little Devil. In one of the reconnaissance boats was Sarah Kerrigan and a fully equipped EMP electromagnetic vessel under her temporary command. Steelling Strikers, an anti-psionic force with missiles and psionic shielding interceptor nets.

These cutting-edge anti-psychic technologies all come from the Umoyan people, and there is no doubt that this is just the tip of the iceberg of Umoyan technology.

The paint of these Revolutionary Army fleet spaceships is the same black and gray as the Demon of Heaven. The hooded skull logo painted on the bow of the ship has nothing to do with the Korhal Revolutionary Army. When the Federation first saw this pieced together fleet, they probably would only think it was interstellar pirates.

While Augustus stared seriously at the eye of the storm on the screen and the images coming back one after another above it, the first tank of the Revolutionary Army drove out of the eye of the storm, a contiguous low-rise gray alloy building. The building complex appeared in front of the tanker.

There are dense barbed wire fences and shallow trenches between the building complex and the storm. There are several bunkers and anti-aircraft turrets close to the building. Through the three-dimensional terrain rendering and thermal imaging system inside the tank, the tank driver can see inside the building complex. The Marines were running at full speed toward their bunkers and bunkers.

"We have arrived at the Victor V Fujita Peak Military Base - God - this looks more like a scientific research center than a military base." The signal was obviously better at this time. Soldier Nicolo's voice became clearer.

This native of Stillling was a driver of a maglev train a few months ago. Under the influence of his wife, who was deeply influenced by revolutionary thoughts, the thirty-year-old Stillling decided to fight for the Kremlin. Ha's new leader and the promise of a better future.

Soldier Nicolo U.S. immediately issued an attack order. Amidst the squeaking sound of the hydraulic device, the brackets of the AVV-5 arc light tank were deployed from both sides and entered siege mode, conducting long-range artillery fire one mile away. The 120mm-caliber impact cannon shells flattened two bunkers in the first salvo of fire. The anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns and the missile tower standing in the distance collapsed amidst the roar.

Under the action of the bracket and the gravity accelerator added by Swann, these arc light tanks are transformed into fixed turrets with longer range. A full arc light tank division can destroy any enemy positions and fortresses in an instant.

After the second round of shooting, the arc-light tanks of the Revolutionary Army folded up their brackets in accordance with Augustus's established order, turned around and drove back into the storm.

At this time, the communication channel became noisy again: "Voxen's tank can't move."

"Keep driving forward and don't look back."

One after another, these tanks broke down as they retreated, their equipment paralyzed. Augustus knew what happened - invisible federal ghost agents caught up with them and used special electromagnetic locking bullets to turn the tanks into motionless scrap metal.

Fortunately, the ghost agents couldn't do anything to the arc tank's armor for the time being, but Augustus couldn't imagine how scared the drivers must be at this moment. The tank was parked on the battlefield, and they were in an immovable steel coffin, not knowing whether they would die in the next moment.

"Jim, prepare to land." After receiving the report from the tank troops, Augustus issued another order: "Quick victory."

The landing fleet on standby immediately began to dive through the violent storm from top to bottom, and a sharp whistling sound came from the communication channel.

These reconnaissance boats converted from civilian ships were like falling leaves in the storm. Within a few minutes, three reconnaissance boats and transport ships lost contact with the fleet's flagship. Augustus didn't know whether they were shot down or torn apart by the storm, but that at least meant he had lost dozens of brave Revolutionary soldiers.

The communication channel of the landing force was in chaos, and Augustus had no way of knowing what was going on below.

A group of strangers are fighting.

After waiting in silence for more than ten minutes, Tychus brought good news: "We have occupied this useless place, but it is full of valuable technological equipment, and some of them look like they are worth thousands of dollars." of rare crystal mines—I’m telling you, we’ve made a fortune, but there must be Old Tychus’ share in it.”

"Oh - guess what the unlucky Jim found. Those scientists were actually studying a pool of sticky purple snot. Layers of protection and hundreds of sophisticated equipment just to study the snot. I thought they were studying alchemy."

"Say it again! What did you find?" Augustus's voice became obviously louder.

"Bad Jim and the disgusting purple snot that moves, for God's sake," Tychus replied.

"This is so unappetizing."

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