The battle in the center of the storm lasted for about two hours. Less than a hundred federal defenders showed extremely tenacity in the face of several times the number of revolutionary soldiers. The revolutionary army paid a heavy price.

These federal soldiers must have undergone resocialization. Even if their legs were amputated by arc tank shells, they could endure the blood loss and pain that would shock people.

Even so, the real headache for the Revolutionary Army is the unknown number of federal ghost agents, who may be lurking in any corner like ghosts.

But the once-secret eye of the tornado has now become a closed cage, and psychic powers cannot protect the ghost agents from being torn to pieces by the high-speed airflow mixed with wind sand and sharp gravel when they walk into the storm.

The Revolutionary Army's anti-psychic force, a company of about one hundred and twenty Stirling strikers, was divided into twelve groups to search for ghost agents in the eye of the storm. These powered armors equipped with psychic shielding devices can effectively Protect soldiers' brains.

After the ghost agents were basically eliminated or captured, Augustus flew to the ground on a medium-sized transport ship and entered the place named Fujita Peak Research Institute by the founder - which was exactly what Kerrigan believed. Unlike my memory, this is not a military base.

This institute is a standard alloy building built using modular air-dropped panels. The flat structure makes the building look like a staircase spliced ​​together.

Wearing power armor, Augustus approached the collapsed door of the institute under the protection of the soldiers surrounding him. A straight corridor with a single line and a concise warning line appeared in front of him.

The surrounding Revolutionary Army soldiers are cleaning the battlefield. The Revolutionary Army, which is not well-off, must recover the power armor, guns and ammunition of its comrades and enemies.

"You look ugly." When Augustus was about to enter the research institute, Sarah Kerrigan walked over. Behind her, the Steelling Strikers were carrying several blood-covered soldiers. Ghost agent.

"Augustus, you are thinking something very bad and terrible."

"Tell me, what did you see?"

"Humanity is destroyed." Kerrigan's light green eyes looked at Augustus without blinking: "But why is this?"

".Then let us go and see, to see the hidden truth." Augustus said: "You will know why there are so many ghost agents here."

The surrounding Revolutionary Army soldiers followed them silently, walking through one passage after another and a wide sterile laboratory, and finally stopped in front of an observation room. The observation room replaced an entire wall facing the observer with transparent glass. Renault and Tykes were leading several revolutionary soldiers to stand there waiting for Augustus.

"Where are the scientists in charge of this laboratory?" Augustus asked as soon as he saw them.

"Here" Tychus grabbed a man in white dust-free overalls and slid him in front of Augustus like a cat. Looking at the ID badge hanging on his chest, Augustus learned that he was a doctor named Francos from the Biological Research Laboratory of Tarsonis University.

"This is so touching. I heard that you came to overthrow the federal rule. Holy Mary, you saved me." The doctor excitedly wanted to shake hands with Augustus, but when he stretched out his hand, he was immediately blocked. Kerrigan distanced herself.

Dr. Francos didn't feel too embarrassed. From the outside, he did look happy. This somewhat hunched middle-aged man has long, sparse brown hair and a pair of smart small black eyes hidden under glasses.

"If it weren't for you, I would have to stay here for the rest of my life. I was attending a lecture at Tarsonis University. During the lecture, I mentioned my research on alien physiology, but as soon as the class ended, my eyes went black and I woke up. When I arrived, I found out that I was brought here. Those bastards in the army actually made me strip naked and inspect me." He seemed very talkative.

"Very good, now you are a member of the revolutionary army." Augustus interrupted the doctor when he was still about to speak: "Soon the entire Koprulu sector will know that you are fighting for justice and freedom."

Dr. Francos slumped visibly, like a deflated balloon.

"My dear revolutionary comrade Dr. Francos, can you tell me what is in there?" Augustus pointed to a pool of purple substance stuck to the glass wall. This is by no means a bright purple, but It's a deep purple that's almost black.

This purple substance that almost covers the entire glass wall is like a squirming gel, covered with veins like biological tissue, moving like a slug lying on the glass, crawling like a living thing.

During the dozen or so seconds that Augustus stared at it, the dark purple substance seemed to grow larger, and the tentacle-like sticky ends moved to occupy a larger area of ​​the glass wall.

"It is a living biological blanket composed of biological organic matter, containing proteases and cells that are constantly replicating." The doctor replied.

"Where did it, or where did they come from?" Augustus asked the next question.

"Just two years ago. Originally discovered on several colonized planets on the edge of the Koprulu sector, along with some extremely aggressive xenomorphs. Although different, genetic sequencing revealed that they The DNA composition is highly similar, which means that these organisms are likely to belong to different branches of a race." said Dr.

"That means you were also involved in the initial investigation?" Augustus looked at him and said.

"At that time, I was just a peripheral person handling experimental materials, an assistant who knew nothing." said the doctor.

Then he told a shocking truth: "To suppress the news, the federal government killed all witnesses and even an entire colony."

"How many alien creatures have been discovered?" At Augustus's signal, Kerrigan began to read the thoughts and memories hidden deep in his heart.

At this time, Augustus couldn't help but think that if he could know the inhumane evidence of the federal government's silence, it would undoubtedly further reduce the government's prestige.

"There are not many, and the remaining living bodies are even pitiful." The doctor said: "They are bloodthirsty, like skinned wild dogs, covered with scars and leprous-like cracks, and like snake-like monsters. .”

"These monsters invaded several colonial towns. You simply can't imagine the scene. Half-eaten people were hung on the eaves to dry, and half-gnawed heads looked at you with eyes filled with pus and blood. ——People were disemboweled alive——”

Although Augustus felt extremely perplexed by what the doctor described, he still breathed a sigh of relief. According to Augustus' estimation, this should be the Zerg reconnaissance force that spread to the galaxy in the background. Zerus, the birthplace of the Zerg swarm, is far outside the Koprulu sector, and the large force should not have arrived yet.

"Where are these ghost agents in the institute? Are they experimental subjects?" Augustus asked the last question.

"Research has shown that there is a phenomenon similar to resonance between these creatures and psykers. Experiments have shown that they are attracted to psykers, and this phenomenon is manifested in some psykers with extremely high PSI levels. Obviously," replied the Doctor.

"We are still studying this abnormal phenomenon and obtaining corresponding research results based on it. People who invest in this project believe that these alien creatures can become a weapon."

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