StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 133 Larvae

Renault and Tychus led the Revolutionary Army soldiers to carefully search all the laboratories, isolation rooms and dissection rooms in the entire Fujita Peak Research Institute, including thousands of cubicles. As more discoveries are made, the existing evidence pieces together into an intriguing truth.

As early as two years ago, the Terran Federation was already studying this sudden appearance of alien creatures. Augustus realized that the psychic emitters that had destroyed the Terran Federation came from his own research on the zerg.

After Augustus stared at the deep purple creep behind the glass wall for nearly 20 minutes, a revolutionary soldier wearing dark red power armor and a golden wolf head logo on his shoulder pads walked up to him and held in his hand Carrying a portable battery freezer.

"What is that?" Kerrigan took the suitcase, and the close-fitting Umoyan Shadow Guards refraction combat uniform tightened her waist and hips around her waist.

After removing the psionic suppressor, as a level 10 psyker, Kerrigan was able to unleash far more psionic power than before.

"The dissected alien creature." The orange matte mask of the Revolutionary Army soldier barely reflected light under the bright light. A somewhat palpitating voice came from the loudspeaker unit: "Marshal Mengsk, two of them are alive. .”

"Open it," Augustus commanded immediately.

The iris lock of the freezer had already been unlocked. Kerrigan put on laboratory gloves and held the lock of the freezer to open it. In the white smoke of condensation, three worm-like gnarled creatures covered with a layer of white frost were lying quietly in the frozen layer of the box.

"Maggots, carapace maggots," Kerrigan said quickly, adding, "It scares me to see them."

"Dr. Francos, how much do you know about this creature?" Augustus said to the federal biology doctor who was ordered to stay where he was and not to go anywhere.

One of these three slender, multi-tentacled creatures has been dissected, and part of its beetle-like hard shell has been neatly peeled off, revealing complex organs and white brain tissue that should belong to its abdomen. There is no stomach pouch, intestines or excretory organs. As a result, questions about what this creature should do for a living have puzzled federal scientists for a long time.

"We speculate that these are the larvae of the zerg 'zerg', like the larvae of metamorphosed insects. After they absorb enough nutrients, they will form cocoons and transform into another completely different creature. These creatures seem to be born for killing. . Their bodies have thousands of dense muscles and are covered with sharp claws and fangs." The doctor used the word zerg for the first time. Apparently the Federation had already named this newly discovered creature.

"But the adults of these creatures are not exactly the same. There may be extremely obvious differences in the specialization of traits among each individual. There will also be huge differences in size and aggressiveness between insects with the same characteristics." He explain.

"Later, we realized that the DNA of the larvae of this organism carries billions of sequences, and the possible combinations of these sequences are almost endless, not to mention the possibility of genetic mutation and recombination."

"Endless evolutionary possibilities."

"Is there a way to use catalysts or other means to cause them to deform in the direction we gave them?" Augustus said: "Or to control these organisms through transformation in a more efficient way. Since we can produce resocialized soldiers, Why can’t this method be used on alien creatures?”

"No, this is impossible. It can't be done with human technology." The doctor immediately denied it three times, making Augustus very disappointed.

While Augustus was talking to the doctor, due to the gradual increase in temperature, a zerg larva woke up. Its centipede-like multi-legged body squirmed like a snake, and its polysynaptic head had many A scarlet, triangular eye slowly opened. The slimy little monster didn't seem to be fully awake yet. It squinted its scarlet eyes and looked around for something, but found nothing.

The larva moved, making a pitter-patter sound like walking in muddy mud with rain boots. Every once in a while, it would stop and remain motionless, as if waiting for some order.

The sound of guns being drawn and loaded was immediately heard from all around. The nervous soldiers scrambled to stand between Augustus and the larvae, and the sound of heavy breathing sounded in the communication channel.

"Don't be nervous." Although Augustus knew that this larva was actually not offensive, he still took a loaded Gauss rifle from his subordinates: "I want to take a good look at this beast."

When the Revolutionary Army soldiers dispersed, the slow-reacting larva finally raised its head like a cobra, stared at Augustus, and made a quacking sound.

But the target of the larva was not Augustus. Its gaze stayed on him briefly and then moved to Kerrigan next to him.

The ugly creature immediately let out a high-pitched squeaking sound. It squirmed out of the freezer, landed on the smooth floor of the laboratory, and crawled slowly toward Kerrigan.

Augustus walked over and stepped on the larvae's tail. The heavy pressure of the power armor's power boots made it immediately make a louder noise. However, soon, the larva flopped a few times like a fish that landed on the shore, then lay on the ground and stopped struggling.

"What does it want to do?" Augustus leaned down and looked at the little monster without fangs and claws.

"It's looking for something. It's waiting for something." At this time, Kerrigan suddenly rubbed his temples, looking a little tired.

"Can you read its thoughts?" Augustus looked at Kerrigan in surprise.

"No, I just sensed something. It seems that this low-level creature without thought is waiting for the order of a more advanced and powerful creature." Kerrigan shook her head and said.

"It's waiting for my command."

"." Augustus stared at Kerrigan's face for a few seconds, and then he let go of his feet: "Prove it to me, Kerrigan."

The color of molten gold suddenly appeared in Kerrigan's eyes, and the larva lying helplessly on the ground suddenly formed into a ball and circled around its tail on the ground, like a cat chasing its own tail.

"This is incredible." One soldier couldn't hide his surprise.

"You are special." Augustus said: "The next step is to try to control this larva to transform into an adult."

Augustus originally thought that Kerrigan only gained the ability to control the zerg after becoming the Queen of Blades, but now it seems that she is born with the ability to control these creatures. From this point of view, the Overlord is targeting Kerrigan not only because she is a level 10 psyker, because she is not the only level 10 psyker in humans.

Augustus did not know whether the news was good or bad.

"No...I can't..." Kerrigan replied.

The resonance between Kerrigan and the Zerg during the human period is reflected in the official novel "Uprising".

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