StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 134 Cerberus Project

"My intelligence department tells me that these creatures can transform into other things." Augustus said: "Don't take it to heart."

"Are there any other intelligence agencies besides the August National Security Council?" Kerrigan tilted her head in confusion, her fiery red ponytail hanging on her shoulders, as if she was surprised that there was someone in the Korhal Revolutionary Army who could Departments unknown to mind-reading psykers.

Banned from reading the Revolutionary leader's innermost thoughts, Kerrigan had no way of knowing what was going on in his ocean-deep mind.

"The Korhal Intelligence Bureau is an old department. They were established in the time of my grandfather's grandfather." Augustus said seriously.

"Okay~" Kerrigan winked her big light green eyes playfully.

"Put this monster away and send it to the spaceship." Augustus paused and then said, "Take the thing in the laboratory with you as well."

"As for you, Dr. Francos." Then, he said to the doctor beside him in a gentle tone: "We will send you back to Tarsonis to reunite with your family."

"No, I am willing to serve the Revolutionary Army, Marshal." Dr. Francos said quickly in order to avoid the fate of being silenced by federal agents after returning to Tarsonis.

"Very good, I knew you were willing to stand on our side." Augustus said with satisfaction.

While the Revolutionary soldiers in crimson armor hurriedly put the larvae back into the freezer, Augustus left the laboratory with his guards and headed to other rooms.

Along the way, the revolutionary soldiers Augustus saw were nervously preparing to evacuate. Blood stains and bullet casings that had not been cleaned in time could be seen everywhere. In fact, the precious precision instruments are not the most important, the information in the institute's database is the most important thing.

This was supposed to be a good secret base, but Augustus and his men had to abandon it.

Soon, statistics on the number of casualties in this raid were handed over to Augustus, followed by a stack of tables of seized supplies.

More than 80% of the equipment was left behind, and the Revolutionary Army soldiers buried high explosives throughout the scientific research institute before leaving. In a few hours, this unknown alien research institute will disappear forever in the Koprulu sector.

In the table of seized supplies, the names of seven ghost agents were clearly listed. It didn't take much thinking to know that such a shameless thing was a good thing Tychus did.

It is worth noting that most of these captured agents were hit by electromagnetic rifles and suffered severe pain and excessive blood loss, causing them to fall into coma and shock. When they woke up again, they would find that they had permanently lost certain limbs and organs. .

Only two Ghost agents were rescued from captivity by the Revolutionary Army and found themselves in good health, with records showing that they were quarantined due to brief periods of insanity and intermittent mental breakdowns while freed from Zerg samples.

A researcher's experiment log shows what happened to these psykers - they were forced to live with the alien creatures and spend their days surrounded by the screams of larvae.

Researchers gradually weakened the effect of psychic suppressors on ghost agents to amplify their psychic abilities, but this resulted in the resurgence of the psychological problems left behind in the ghost academy.

There are approximately twenty-three ghost agents in this institute, and their PSI levels are between five and seven. These powerful psychic warriors are supposed to carry out assassination missions, but they are still formidable warriors on the battlefield.

Augustus wanted to know what percentage of the Confederacy's psychic warriors these ghost agents were, and whether the Ghost Academy and the Confederate Council would be outraged by the attack.

There are currently only a few hundred or less ghost agents in the Federation. The rarity of natural psychics and the extremely high death rate when they receive psychic training at an early age are the main reasons for the scarcity of these psychic warriors.

After leaving the institute and boarding the transport ship returning to the Titan-class frigate, Renault, Tychus and about two squads of Revolutionary Army soldiers found Augustus carrying a personal terminal host and a damaged mechanical adjutant.

"It is very difficult to hack into a terminal host that cannot be cracked. This should be the highest level of encryption." Renault carried the mechanical adjutant on his back, and the umbilical cord-like cable was dragged under the adjutant's broken mechanical belly. , sparks flew from the break of the cable.

This intelligent adjutant is a robot with bronze steel skin. The adjutant is designed to have the appearance of a human female. It is mostly used as an artificial intelligence to provide advice based on procedures and calculations to military commanders and colonial governors in command centers.

At present, the artificial intelligence in the Koprulu sector is still quite primitive, so these intelligent lieutenants appear to be quite dull and mechanical.

Although many people believe that Umo Yang's artificial intelligence technology is superior, Umo Yang's foreign trade artificial intelligence robots are also quite prone to glitches.

Tychus said at this time: "Jim believes there may be unknown secrets of the Terran Federation. As you know, Jim always wants to seize the Federation's little braid."

"Good job, Jim, let's see what Umo Yang's decoding experts can find from these scraps." Augustus said happily: "Even if there aren't many secrets here, we should be able to figure it out." To some of the Federation’s military technology.”

"In addition to these scrap metals, I also got a lot of good things." It's hard to believe how Tychus made such a winking expression with such a ferocious look.

"I also discovered more than ten tons of precious and rare crystal mines in this research institute. People here seem to be testing the reaction of alien creatures to crystals. These crystal mines can be sold at a good price, enough to arm you with an army. Fleet. In addition, those machines are worth a lot of money. It would be a waste to blow them up."

"We can't take away those heavy guys. Thank you for your hard work, Tychus. I will definitely give you a raise next time." Augustus said.

"You must keep your word." Tychus's slightly squinted eyes immediately became bright.

"Okay." Augustus replied confidently.

When loading goods and personnel, more Zerg samples were delivered to Augustus, including taxidermied skinned dogs, snake-like creatures, and a head with a thick carapace and giant scythe-like tusks. huge monster.

The only similarity is that these creatures are dead.

"Why do we have to transport these 'frozen meat' back? How many valuable and good things have been thrown away in vain!" Mr. Tychus Finley, a master of facial expression management, lamented.

"Are you going to can these?" Reno asked.

"Actually, I am going to hand these over to a biological company I know. The Mengsk Group has been providing funding to this company for a long time." Augustus said: "As far as I know, people from the Cerberus Project should Make me some war wolves—"

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