StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 136 Nuclear Peace Meeting

Nag'far Council Hall, Tarsonis City, May 16, 2489.

Constantine Terra, the patriarch of the Terra family, the creation family of Tarsonis, the single-minded leader of the oligopoly Terra Group, the owner of Terra City, the seventh largest city on the planet, and the father of Nova Terra. Wearing a complicated dress and a golden-red cloak, he walked into the magnificent domed hall called the "Hall of Reason" by people of this era.

This magnificent building with white marble columns and large square bronze glass is the pride of the city of Tarsonis. Its Roman temple-like dome columns, arches and niches have a three-dimensional beauty. Viewed from all directions, all sides are inwardly curved squares, and the subtle arcs form a gradual curved surface, which symbolizes the vast and infinite universe and the infinite extension of human thinking.

Around the end of the last century, people began to think that the architect of the Nagfa Assembly Hall had an ironic meaning in naming the hall where the federal parliament was held as the Hall of Reason, because someone hinted at his unreasonableness in some of the notes he left behind. Believe in the rationality of human beings. Later, more people began to believe that this was a satire on the fat-minded and bloated members of the Federal Parliament.

Although the Nag'far Council Hall is a landmark building in the city of Tarsonis, many people tend to overlook the largest slum in the entire Tyranid Federation underneath its underlying building when admiring its greatness and glory.

After the Battle of Kailian, the strong hegemonic rule of the Tyranid Federation radiated throughout the Koprulu sector. The capital of monopoly companies was greatly expanded, but the people were still hungry and cold. Technology has greatly extended the life span of rulers, but the average life span in the fringe star sector with harsh environment has never exceeded forty-five years.

Sitting in the seats in the Hall of Reason are some people dressed like Constantine. They are all members of the Tarsonis Council, leaders of the Creation Family, and council operators responsible for maintaining security.

After Constantine greeted the leader of the Creation Family who was familiar with him, he started talking to the head of the Bennett family, Errol Bennett. At first, they talked about trivial matters, complaining about business difficulties or Discuss policies for purchasing land.

After the hostess of the Holt family, Eva Holt, came over, the conversation between them gradually became serious.

"We all know for what purpose Andrea Tagore urged her heirs and the wallflowers in the Parliament to convene this meeting." Eva Holt is an elegant woman with straight black shawl hair. The end was cut by a laser at a forty-five-degree angle, and the drop-shaped golden pendant swayed gently as he spoke.

"Andrea has only one goal, and that is to completely and once and for all solve Korhal IV and their allied planets, and do so cleanly, regardless of the process, and by any means necessary. It would be best if she woke up with the report that this problem has been permanently solved. The servant will read it to her the next morning."

"This is Andrea's way of doing things." Bennett said with absolute calmness and emotionless words: "More than a hundred years ago, she used this method to resolve all competitions within her family. and then rule the Tagore family and Tarsonis with iron blood and despotism."

"The operation to assassinate Angus failed." He seemed to know more about the inside story: "The ghost agent, known as a human superpower and absolutely foolproof, failed. The ghost project will never be taken away from me again. A penny."

"I have seen those psykers who can even use their thoughts to move objects, control other people's hands, and let them cover themselves. I now suspect that those are all fake, and they are all designed to defraud me of money. "

"The failure of the assassination attempt is what prompted Andrea's eagerness to convene this meeting."

"My people got some news." Constantine Terra frowned and said, "Andrea is prepared to resort to force rather than resolve conflicts through peaceful negotiations."

"After Angus Mengsk declared Korhal's independence, he sent an ambassador claiming that he wanted to negotiate with the Tarsonis Congress. As long as Tarsonis recognized Korhal's status as a dominion and gave the dominion the right to formulate its own constitution and diplomacy, then Korhal would Ha will not secede from the Union."

"An old trick." Arrow Bennett snorted: "Andrea must have been mad. It is said that she ordered the ambassador's eyes to be gouged out and his ears and nose to be cut off."

"Korhal IV is over. It doesn't matter that Angus is crazy. The key to the problem is that tens of millions of people went crazy with him."

"And Angus's son Augustus, a little Marine second lieutenant actually claimed to be a marshal. A young boy who doesn't know the heights of the sky! He actually wanted to see me when he was in Tarsonis. But don't think I don't know what he's up to," he said haughtily.

"I immediately sent someone to tell him to get lost! The son of a madman is of course also a madman. No matter how gorgeously he dresses, in my eyes he is just a homeless man on the street."

"But I think Augustus Mengsk is a very outstanding young man. He is handsome and temperamental, and is proficient in art and literature." Eva Holt said: "I think that even the young Philip in the earth age Emperor Te Lie should also look like him."

"Augustus impressed me deeply." Constantine recalled his eldest daughter's unusual love for Augustus, and felt a little angry in his heart, and he couldn't think of any good words to describe him.

"That's all."

"Just wait, that boy from the Mengsk family will suffer the same fate as his father. The matter of Kohal will definitely not be solved by a few deaths. The Council will definitely send troops, and the mob will get retribution sooner or later. ." Eero didn't want to get entangled in this issue, because even if he won the argument, it would not do him any good.

"Then the upstarts of Korhal IV and those mud-legged people in the fringe world will know the price of rebellion, and they will simply be stunned. The losses I suffered due to Korhal's rebellion are enough for me to jump from the Sky Tower."

"Is it really that difficult to work hard, pay taxes on time, do your duty, and be loyal to the federation that gave birth to them? People are always looking forward to getting things that don't belong to them. Our ancestors established the system more than two hundred years ago , the rights and duties assigned to everyone.”

"You must never compromise with Korhal, as long as the mob gets a taste of the sweetness, they will take advantage of it. If greedy people are never satisfied and want more all the time, there will never be peace. Only by following this system, Only the Terran Federation can have long-term peace and stability."

"This is an era of rapid development, Mr. Bennett, maybe we should make some changes and concessions. After all, this era is completely different from two hundred years ago." Eva Holt said.

"I'm not opposed to making some concessions." Constantine nodded: "We are fully capable of making civilians' lives better, and as long as I can build more factories and create more jobs, won't there be more Can more people survive?"

"In terms of charity, my investment is not much less than that of any superstar." Bennett still had a cold expression: "And what about the Holt and Tyra families?"

"You have to think clearly, all of our rights come from this ancient system," Bennett said.

Constantine didn’t want to argue with Bennett anymore. Compared to other founding family groups, Terra Group’s salary, benefits and vacation system were also the most complete and best. He also preferred to hire more poor people. Provide housing and recreational facilities for the group's employees.

In fact, Constantine didn't like Angus and his revolutionary party at all, and he also didn't like politics. He preferred to remain neutral.

As for Ava Holt, she obviously wanted to say more good things for the civilians and Korhal, but she also knew that she would never be able to convince Bennett, a stubborn man.

The Bennett family has a bad reputation, with dirty dealings and scandals surrounding the founding family circulating among sleazy magazines and gossipy housewives.

The recent disappearance of Eero Bennett's eldest son Jaco has attracted a lot of criticism. Some people claim that his sister Tara killed her brother in order to inherit the family property. More versions are that the robbers demanded a huge ransom after kidnapping Jacques Bennett, but the stingy Eero refused to pay the money for his son.

A few minutes later, the current Speaker of the Federal Parliament, Westen McMaster, stepped onto the podium. This strong-minded old man had convincing majesty and magnanimity. When he spoke loudly, even all the dignitaries present The assets held by dignitaries and nobles accounted for 90% of all Tarsonis, and they still looked at him with respect.

"The topic read out below is about the proposal to use an apocalypse-class nuclear bomb to destroy Korhal IV - this is the only proposal that will be voted on today." The respected Speaker McMaster said calmly.

No one exclaimed, as if they hadn't reacted yet.

"Oh my God!" Eva Holt covered her mouth and exclaimed: "What does Andrea want to do? She will release a devil that will destroy the galaxy."

"No matter whether the goal she wants to achieve is tenable or not, this inhumane and cruel atrocity will one day be revealed by those who come after us. The Tagore family, no, the Federal Parliament and all the founding families will be infamy! "Constantine said.

"More than 40 million people!"

"Surprising." Bennett frowned, annoyed that no one had told him ahead of time. "Losing Korhal means that we will lose a major place to buy goods. The mining guilds in Camorion are enough to make up for all losses. However, there is a headache on how to distribute it evenly."

Immediately afterwards, when Speaker McMaster reiterated the principles and requirements of this issue, the proposal printed in black and white was quickly handed over to Constantine and others.

"The inhabitants of Korhal IV and its moons have betrayed their ancestors' oath to Tarsonis. We spared no effort to help Angus Mengsk's ancestors establish a new self-sustaining home and accept them as the Thirteen As a member of the main star world, they are allowed to use the indigenous products of the colonies and industrial products of local technology to trade in the federal trade network to obtain the necessities for development." The speaker read his manuscript and sometimes looked up at the person sitting below. Listeners.

"After Korhal IV tore up the agreement and betrayed the Federation Council, our most public and rational decision is to permanently destroy this blatantly rebellious planet and permanently eradicate the possibility of breeding rebellion!"

"If there are only opponents and traitors left on Korhal, the Terran Federation would rather abandon that land and the people on it. Launch a nuclear bomb! Let Korhal IV turn into scorched earth!"

Constantine sighed at some of the gruesome descriptions as he read: In short, this bill rejected any possibility of retaking Korhal through peaceful negotiation or force, and did not want to create a war-torn world. The fleet would carry over a thousand Apocalypses and release them in high altitude orbit, setting Korhal in flames.

"This is so inhumane."

Eva Holt angrily threw down the bill and said: "This proposal is impossible to pass. It is simply insane. No one with conscience should vote in favor!"

The MPs and invited MPs still showed no expressions as usual, and some even wore ceremonial smiles. They quietly and cautiously exchanged their views on the motion with each other. This was a big decision, and no one was taking it lightly.

"I will never agree." Constantine made his position clear: "No one thinks that we should do that. We obviously have a better solution. The Marines have already defeated the Camorians, how can we still take it?" Not next to Keha?”

Eva Holt was still confident when voting on the motion, but the silence of the crowd during the vote still made her realize something was wrong.

In fact, before the results of the parliamentary vote came out, even Constantine believed that this bill would never be passed. However, the published results quickly gave him a slap in the face.

Yes versus no, majority versus minority, with a dozen people abstaining from voting.

The first vote passed, the second was no surprise, and the third time half of the people were ready to leave.

Everyone knew that Korhal IV was completely over, but this was a top-secret meeting. Only as news of Korhal's destruction gradually spreads throughout the Federation's borders, people on other planets will learn the news.

Eva Holt suddenly slumped in her chair, Constantine could only shake his head, and Arrow Bennett was as expressionless as the others.

The people of the Creation Family have become too indifferent, and the councilors only want to consolidate their rule in the Tyranid Federation.

"How could this happen?" Eva Holt felt unbelievable at the cruelty of her compatriots.

"The time has been decided." When Errol Bennett left expressionlessly, Constantine was very calm: "The negotiations with the Camorion Alliance will be concluded before June, and then the fleet will Head to Korhal IV immediately."

Due to the failure of the assassination plan of Angus, the resolution of nuclear peace was brought forward a year.

"Wait, Robin Hood Holt's daughter." Constantine said: "Korhal IV still has time to escape his fate."

After speaking, Constantine walked out of the Hall of Reason and returned to his private yacht. When the yacht sailed away from the Nafaq Council Hall, Constantine, sitting in its spacious private room, took out a button from the layers of wrapped pockets.

This button is the eavesdropping device of the Umoyan agent. When Constantine pressed his finger on it, a recording began to play:

".Launch a nuclear bomb! Let Korhal IV turn into scorched earth!"

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