StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 137 A desperate move

When Constantine stepped off his private yacht that landed at the Terra Sky Tower, his adorable little daughter Nova Terra was running towards him. Her white pleated princess dress seemed like a blooming Tasan flower. Flowers of Nice.

Constantine, who was feeling depressed, forced out a smile, held his six-year-old daughter in his arms, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Nova was really his angel.

The eldest daughter Clara has no longer clung to Constantine since she was sensible. This once innocent child has gradually grown into a true nobleman of Tarsonis, with an elegant and romantic nature, but her obsession with power and luxury goods has already begun to emerge.

The ten-year-old second son Zebediah can do everything well and has an extraordinary talent for running a company. The future heir of Constantine is both excellent and lovable, but the brat is not as cute, gentle and understanding as Nova.

"Dad, why do so many people die?" Nova Terra, who had a sweet smile on her face, suddenly turned pale when she was held in her arms by her father. Her natural level 10 psychic ability allowed her to see Constantine. A horrific sight to imagine.

Orange-red mushroom clouds rise over the vast and beautiful grassland pastures and pastoral farms. Silver-like stainless steel and crystal-like glass buildings melt in the furnace-like flames and high temperatures.

After the roar of crumbling mountains and extreme brightness, the once lush garden world became a drab, black wasteland of radiation and wasteland. Cities with millions of people disappeared like melted sugar cubes, and all traces of their lives were permanently erased.

In some places that were lucky enough to escape the nuclear explosion, radiation spread like the wind of death. People's skin began to fester and fell off in pieces. Children died in their homes holding toys. The surviving animals became deformed and became deformed. The Harman's friends, the Stirling Hounds, became horned monsters, grotesque creatures that devoured the bodies of the dead.

That planet will become a dead world filled with terrible radiation.

"Death, that is such a painful thing, those people. Why is it like this?" Nova cried, and the tears fell from her light green eyes like scattered crystal necklaces.

"It's okay, Nova." Constantine blamed himself for his negligence. Nova's powerful telepathy means that she can hear the voices of people around her uncontrollably. He was comforting both his daughter and himself: "It's not that bad. It's not that bad."

"It won't be like that. Things are far from reaching that point. We still have room for recovery," he said.

Constantine couldn't help but feel lucky for Korhal. Fortunately, the Terran Federation's fleet still had to deal with the threats of the Kaimorian Consortium and Umoyan. Otherwise, if it were in peacetime, once the resolution was passed, it would only take a few standard Earth solar days for the fleet to jump from Tarsonis to Korhal IV, and the Korhal people would have no time to escape.

Now, there is still more than a month to go.

"Okay, but death is really the most terrifying thing. Why do humans kill each other?" Nova looked at Constantine with tears in her eyes.

"You are still too young, Nova, and you cannot understand the true meaning of death." Constantine looked seriously into his daughter's eyes and said: "And human beings, to refer to our history, are a community that is constantly dividing and interacting with each other. A race that hates and kills each other. Perhaps only a powerful enemy can unite all humans."

After speaking, Constantine handed his daughter to the maid aside: "I still have important things to do, and I must remind Angus."

Constantine then put aside the butler and the manager of the family business who were about to follow him, and walked into a sealed room in the Sky Tower of Terra. The layout of this room is simple, with only a single sofa and a small holographic projector.

When the holographic projector is started, a group of Terran English words rotate and decompose into bundles of three-dimensional holographic projection images outlining light and shadow.

About half an hour later, the encrypted data signal was translated and enhanced by hundreds of galaxy relay stations and then forwarded. It was analyzed into an audio signal and presented on the holographic projection screen in front of Constantine.

"I am Angus Mengsk." Opposite me was Angus, who was rushing home from the parliament: "Mr. Constantine, I learned that you have extremely urgent matters to contact me."

"Yes." Constantine found that Angus was much older than the last time he saw him: "I have a recording of the Federal Parliament here."


When he heard about the apocalypse nuclear bomb, Angus's straight waist swayed a little, but this weakness only lasted for a moment: "Are they really planning to do this?"

"Just before June of this year. As I understand it, that's when the sunflowers and midsummer gardens in Stillling are in full bloom, the Korhal's most important holiday of the year, second only to Christmas." said Constantine.

"We have two orbital defense platforms under construction and a space-based weapons station assisted by Umoyan." Angus sat quietly like a statue, his newly grown beard trembling: "But that is far away Not enough, our ships can't even penetrate the battlecruiser's armor."

Angus lowered his head and said after being silent for a while: "The evacuation of civilians must be completed quickly. It will take less than half a month, no, including the arrival of the edge galaxy fleet, there will still be four weeks. If Umoyan helps us, , that would be much easier.”

"Use large transport ships and cargo ships to continuously transport civilians, fill all the rooms with people, and transport everyone out." He said: "Korhal can be rebuilt if the people of Korhal are gone. If it exists, then I might as well draw my gun and kill myself.”

Fortunately, Korhal only has tens of millions of people. If it were Tarsonis with a population of more than two billion, that time would be absolutely impossible.

"I can provide ships for Korhal." Constantine said: "But there are still some Terra family factories on Korhal. I need to recycle the factory modules, otherwise the Terra Group's losses will be uncountable."

"The Mengsk family will bear your losses." At this time, Angus suddenly turned his head and listened to something: "Wait a moment, Mr. Constantine."

Angus left for a few minutes, and when he came back he had a few more sheets of paper with words printed on them: "I just received news from the Holt family and the Colin family. A Umoyan agent was blackmailing him for a sexual scandal." Members of the federal parliament also confirmed the federal plan to use nuclear weapons."

"My son Augustus once imagined this possibility, but he did not expect it to happen so quickly."

"Evacuating civilians and moving them to other planets is certainly an effective method. But what are you going to do?" Constantine said.

"First of all, forced evacuation will definitely cause panic. How many people will believe that there is no way to know, and how many people are willing to follow you, this is unknown. Then Kohal will fall into internal chaos, and in the Federation fleet You will collapse yourselves before it arrives.”

"Then this information must be made public." Angus said to Constantine.

"I fight side by side with you because of my conscience. God knows what kind of pressure I bear and how hard I try." Before turning off the communication, Constantine looked at the holographic projection screen: "We may not be forever. Friend, but at this moment, I stand with the people of Korhal."

May 17, 14:56 a.m. ship time.

The spacious captain's cabin of the Hyperion has a wall covered with sheathed alloy steel knives and cold weapons. Next to the bookshelf filled with books is a chair facing the observation window of the captain's cabin.

"Did you see everything?" Angus's voice came: "That's what our friends in Tarsonis told us."

"One thousand Apocalypse-level nuclear bombs are enough to flatten Steelling and the surrounding mountains, and dry up the entire Pan-Ocean. In the center of the nuclear explosion point, people and buildings will disappear in an instant. That is truly Literally wiped out."

"Migrate." Augustus spat out one word, and then said: "Go to Umoyan, to those paradises that are far away from the Tyranid Federation and even outside the Koprulu Sector, and that have not yet been discovered by humans."

Augustus had tried his best to prevent the Federal Assembly from passing this resolution, but the bill appeared and was passed too early, and all operations and arrangements were too late. He did make some friends in Tarsonis, but not many.

"The Umoyan Council is very efficient. They only convened a brief meeting on the 17th and decided to provide all the ships of the Umoyan Protectorate to Korhal IV, and at the same time mobilize all civilian ports and ships. All All interstellar routes were suspended. Umoyan promised to accommodate 20 to 30 million Korhals. Arranging shelter and food for so many people was no easy task even for such an efficient government. ." Angus said.

"The Terra family provided twelve Leviathan-class transport ships that can carry a total of 200,000 people. The transportation company under the Huot family dispatched five Mammoth-class transport ships. This type of ship is larger than a Behemoth-class transport ship. The battlecruiser is also huge and can carry 250,000 people."

"Mercenaries." Augustus said, "If this is not enough, then I know a group of mercenaries. They will have ships, as long as the money is enough."

"Certain as many people as possible, survival is the most important thing," he said.

"The most important thing is time. The plan cannot keep up with the changes. The situation has changed beyond my expectation. The Phoenix plan must be revised immediately. The raid on the Dalarian Shipyard must be carried out in advance."

"But the current fleet is not strong enough. There is a fleet stationed at the Dalarian Shipyard, including at least four Behemoth-class battlecruisers and more than 300 attached star fighters." Angus said worriedly explain.

"When the Kemerian Federation has been completely defeated, they will not believe that a fleet dares to attack the largest shipyard in the Federation." Augustus said.

"No, before I hand over more battleships to you...wait a little longer." Angus said: "Someone must stay on Kohal. There are satellite bases and orbits that have completed the main frame of Kohal. Defense platform. We will fight the Federation fleet in space."

"Before I lead the fleet to seize the Federation's shipyard, someone must stick to Korhal." Augustus looked at his gray-haired father.

"I have assigned Colonel Field."

"No, I'll stay on Korhal," Angus said.

"I don't agree," Augustus said firmly.

"But it's me who makes the decision." Angus smiled: "I am your father."


"We still have ways to delay time and create chaos." Augustus stood up and paced uneasily.

"The video of the meeting given by the Colin family and the recording of the Terra family give us the opportunity. We must spread this news to help us successfully transfer civilians and gain public support."

It has to be said that the full video provided by the Colin family is even more outrageous than Constantine's recording. If they hadn't already had inside information and knew what was going to be discussed at this meeting, it would mean that they were recording every meeting.

"Even if the public's protests and voices are louder, the possibility of getting the federal parliament to give up on dropping a nuclear bomb on Korhal is slim, but this may make some conscientious people in the federal army turn to us."

"I thought so too, but the publicity from the newly opened newspapers Pravda and Korhal Global News Network alone is not enough." Angus said.

"Then occupy the UNN headquarters building." Augustus said, "Leave it to my people to complete."

Angus nodded without saying goodbye, and the signal disappeared in an instant.

In silence, Augustus picked up a cup of strong coffee without sugar and gave an order to the dark and empty space outside the observation window:

"Ghost 24718 and all Security Council agents, you are on your way to Tarsonis. The flight log tells me you will arrive in two standard Earth solar days."

"You will be notified that the order has been changed after you wake up from the hibernation chamber."

"The order is changed to this: at one o'clock in the morning on May 21st, 2489 in the standard Earth AD calendar, you will work with the Umoyan Shadow Guards and Umoyan National Intelligence Agency agents to seize the headquarters building of the UNN Universe News Network in Tarsonis City. Take control and hold there for at least fifteen minutes, and upload the following audio materials to the UNN studio - the Federal Assembly SVA-89-13-44 video and the Federal Assembly SVA-89-14-22 audio track."

"The new mission briefing will be sent to your personal terminals. Please read it carefully after waking up from the hibernation chamber, because it is related to the fate of Korhal IV."

"I need to tell you the significance of this operation - we must expose to the entire universe through the UNN the crime of the Federal Council's resolution to deliver a thousand apocalypse-class nuclear bombs to Korhal IV in June. Whether they admit it or not, this is It will inevitably lead to further resistance, as the people will know the heinous atrocities the Confederacy will commit against his people."

"I want to tell you with a heavy heart that your parents, your families, and your compatriots who have never met but are connected by the common home planet Korhal are always under the shadow of nuclear strikes. They have raised a generation The great planet of the Dekhas is about to become a place of death, where our loved ones will suffer from nuclear radiation.

"Finally, I want to tell you how urgent time is. We are racing against time. The fate of the entire Korhal IV and all Korhal people depends on your success." After saying this, Augustus said I drank up the strong coffee in the cup bit by bit.

"We have to buy time for the evacuation of the Korhal compatriots, and for this, someone will have to make sacrifices, including me."

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