StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 138 Occupying the UNN headquarters building in Tarsonis

In a single cubicle on the second floor of the UNN headquarters building, 22-year-old news editorial assistant Mike Liberty is working. His excellent results in journalism at Tarsonis University allowed him to successfully enter the UNN Universe News Network.

Michael was a young man with blond hair and blue eyes. He was of medium height and short, and he didn't even stand out among the generally tall Tarsonis.

At 0:30 a.m. on May 21, Mike, who was working the night shift, had already worked for more than four hours. The holographic projection analog clock displayed on the glass wall of his office cubicle clearly told him that he would not be able to go home to sleep until 4 o'clock.

As the largest and most influential news company in the Tyranid Federation, UNN Universe News Network has countless subsidiaries, covering all main star worlds and numerous colonies. UNN's assets are not inferior to any monopoly company belonging to the Creation Family, and its influence is enough to change the direction of public opinion. They have essentially monopolized the news industry of the Tyranid Federation.

Of course, the studio and editorial office area of ​​UNN's headquarters building are in operation 24 hours a day, and news from various sectors, galaxies and time periods are constantly sent to Tarsonis.

Therefore, the UNN headquarters building not only needs someone to be on duty at night, but the work cannot stop. Of course, the salary during this period is also quite generous, which is why Mike is willing to work hard for it.

Since the last report in Korhal IV, special correspondent Mike was transferred back to the UNN headquarters in Tarsonis as an editorial assistant on the same day due to his unclear position. It is said that this incident even alarmed the "heavyweights" at the shareholders' meeting, and someone told Mike that he was almost fired.

For young Mike Liberty, his exciting career as a reporter in Kharkiv has come to an end. Even so, Mike's curiosity about the truth hidden under lies and corruption and his seemingly endless thirst for knowledge twitched his heart like a cat's paw.

Unlike the other paparazzi reporters in the headquarters who focus their attention all day on the gossip about celebrities and fashion circles and the every move of the Tarsonis nobles, Mike is a man who dares to investigate the corruption within the federal government and expose the truth.

Mike has his own set of standards for judging what is right and wrong, and his reports are always the ones that are closest to the truth without any subjective additions or changes.

In today's UNN, there are very few such people, and the fate of Mike's outspoken predecessors who dared to tell the truth can also be a warning to him to dig deeper into corrupt officials and the management of the founding family business. Enough is enough when there are ugly inside stories - although this kind of vigilance always has little effect every time Mike is about to discover the truth.

This rotten government can dig up so much black material that it will make Mike drool. The scandals and the truth that will make the public indignant will undoubtedly increase the ratings significantly, but once this kind of news is broadcast, it will be because of the influence of some big shots. He was pinched in anger.

In order to deliver news smoothly, editors often polish Mike's reports. After layers of revisions, his carefully prepared manuscripts will be revised beyond recognition.

Even so, Mike still worked tirelessly to complete his work, hoping that one day he would be able to get a news column or even the position of editor-in-chief with his talents, and then let everyone in the Tyranid Federation take a look at the big news he broke.

But dreams are out of reach for those in Tarsonis who have not yet fallen into a life of drunken dreams and dreams. Now Mike, a news editor assistant, still lives a boring life of punching in and clocking in at work.

Mike's daily job is to find breaking news that satisfies Editor-in-Chief Anderson from the complicated and nonsensical trivial news returned from various planets in the Federation territory, so that it can be used to silence the chattering mouths of the executive directors.

When the numbers on the clock jumped to 0:55, Mike finally finished processing the file at hand. Reports on Korhal IV now account for one-third of the news section, and more people are beginning to understand that there are not just riots on this planet.

While worrying about the fate of the people of Korhal IV, Mike also knew that he was powerless to change everything. He shook his head, drank a cup of coffee to refresh himself, then stood up and walked out of his office cubicle towards the toilet.

At this time, some editorial assistants and editors who were changing shifts were walking towards the office area, and Mike greeted some familiar people.

"Old Vermillion, I heard that your son was admitted to Tarsonis University. I look forward to the day when that boy will inherit his father's legacy." Mike said.

"Yeah, that boy, he really makes me proud!"

Mike stayed in the toilet for nearly fifteen minutes and did not come out until 1:15 in the morning. After washing his face, he walked slowly towards his work. He believed that even the destruction of Tarsonis would not stop him from fishing.

But at this time, Mike keenly noticed that something was wrong with the corridor in the building. Usually there would be at least one guard in black uniform guarding there.

These tough guys with strong bodies and round waists are all retired soldiers. They are enough to deal with any unscrupulous people who want to sneak into the headquarters building. Every aisle, elevator and stairway is guarded day and night by guards equipped with magnetic capture nets, stun guns and batons. From the perspective of the executive directors, this is undoubtedly a very strict defense.

After all, this is the headquarters building of a news company, not a bank or a military fortress, and there are no marines in power armor stationed there.

Although Mike has always called the Marine Corps a concentration camp for criminals and believes that the most notorious criminals and incorrigible villains in the entire Terran Federation have entered the Marine Corps, they never leave their posts during working hours.

Although no one has ever forced their way into the headquarters building in the past fifty years, there are always homeless people and thieves from the slums trying to sneak in and steal something.

Moreover, the UNN headquarters building is in the center of Tarsonis City, next to the Bennett and Terra Sky Towers, so neither riots nor demonstrations can occur here.

When the Battle of Kailian broke out, a group of Tarsonis citizens wanted to attack the headquarters building because they were dissatisfied with UNN's false reports, but they were driven away by the Tarsonis police before they could gather. It's also a rare time when they're efficient and reliable, not least because the Tarsonis Police Department gets an extra chunk of revenue from the UNN every year.

After taking two more steps, a guard who was lying in the corridor asked Mike to rub his eyes. But when he was about to shout or do something, the hypnotic gas had already entered his body in one breath. in the blood circulation system.

Mike collapsed to the ground in utter fear.

When Mike woke up again, he found that he was surrounded by a group of strangers holding mini electromagnetic pistols. There were about a dozen of them in total, wearing the same gas masks as himself. Mike's first reaction was to play dead, and he immediately realized that these were unprecedented terrorist attacks.

What are these people here for? I heard that UNN Editor-in-Chief Anderson has filled the basement of the headquarters building with dirty information about dignitaries, which can wrap around Tarsonis——

"Mr. Mike Liberty, our leader is grateful for the kindness you showed to the people of Korhal IV in your report." A man wearing a gas mask and holding a slender electromagnetic rifle said to Mike explain. His voice sounded like the roar of an old bellows, like broken metal scraping against the wall. It sounded very uncomfortable.

"You better open your eyes, I know you're awake."

"." Mike could only sit up. Even though his hands and feet were not bound, he didn't dare to play any tricks. When he looked at the people around him, Mike thought of some possibility, but was interrupted before he could finish his words.

"We are the revolutionary army. To be precise, we are agents." the other party replied.

"Oh - you are a psychic." Although Mike was still very scared, he was not a person who would shrink from danger.

When Mike looked around, he was surprised to find that this was the broadcast room of the UNN headquarters building. The walls were covered with notes from major news, cameras, screens with constantly jumping images, and papers on the ground like snowflakes. Typically, regular employees like Mike work on the fourth floor of the UNN building.

Those who were supposed to be working here collapsed to the ground and were dragged to a corner and piled up by the agents.

"Are they dead?" Mike asked shakily.

"They just passed out." The ghost agent said: "The paralyzing gas we put through the air conditioning system is not fatal."

"We kept you awake just because we thought someone should remember what happened today," he said. "I know you will end up with us. If you write a detailed report, the whole universe will know about today." what happened."

"We will not harm innocent people, today we are just here to expose the truth."

Mike didn't know how to answer. From what this man said, he could tell that these people should be from the Korhal Revolutionary Army. However, even if Mike had reported the true situation on Korhal IV and won the favor of these radicals, that did not mean that he was absolutely safe.

It sounds like he is at the center of a big news story, and tomorrow the entire federation will explode because of the attack on the UNN headquarters. Just like a normal reporter, in young Mike's heart, excitement gradually overcame fear.

"Why are you attacking here?" Mike asked.

"You'll find out soon enough," the agent said.

Mike hated riddlers, but he didn't dare to get to the bottom of it.

At this time, Mike noticed that some agents were operating something in front of the terminal computer in the studio - they were either downloading data or uploading it.

In any case, the executive directors will be furious, and the leadership except the shareholders' meeting will have to undergo a major shake-up, which will cost them their jobs.

At this moment, except for the sound of footsteps and fans, the entire UNN headquarters building was silent. No matter how much time has passed, the Tarsonis Police Department and the Federal Security Service and a series of people responsible for this incident must be sleeping in their warm beds.

Everyone was silently doing the work at hand.

Until the picture on the main screen of the studio suddenly changed and was replaced by a solemn hall with the federal flag flying. The images played above are being synchronized to several main star worlds closest to Tarsonis via the signal tower, and then continue to spread around these main star worlds.

It was still night on one side of Tarsonis, but day on the other side. In other words, there may be hundreds of millions of Tyranids watching this program on all the colonial planets in the entire Tyranid Federation at this moment.

Mike couldn't help but look over. There were at least thirty holographic projection screens playing the same picture. He could almost tell at a glance that what was in the picture was the Reasonable Hall of the Naqfar Council Hall in Tarsonis City.

The faces of those people in the Hall of Reason are very familiar to Mike. Mike knows the appearance and political leanings of every politician by heart. Most of the patriarchs of the Creation Family are too low-key to be known to the public. As you know, these big families with a long history don't like to package themselves in a high-profile way.

A meeting of the Federal Parliament, and normally such meetings are not allowed to be filmed. From the perspective of the camera, this should have been taken by an attendee, as it shows his own perspective.

"The issue read out below is a proposal to use an apocalypse-class nuclear bomb to destroy Korhal IV——" The speaker was the well-known politician Vestion McMaster, who was famous for leading the effective new Tarsonis new system. Best known for his economic policies and the Fringe Sector Farm Grant Program that bears his name.

"What?" Mike was stunned.

"What is he saying?"

". Release the nuclear bomb! Let Korhal IV turn into scorched earth!"

"This isn't true." Mike couldn't recover from the shock.

"Oh my god, does this old bastard know what he is talking about?" Mike's face turned dark: "This is a massacre, this is genocide, this is the truth."

"We can already expect protest marches everywhere, and the federal parliament will be brought into disrepute - even though they are already bad."

Mike can think about what happened in the areas where riots broke out and were quickly quelled. Since the Federal Congress can use nuclear bombs, they can use all other weapons.

"Now, the people of the Federation already know what heinous things their government can do." The agent on the side said calmly to Mike, while other agents had already begun to retreat the moment the data was uploaded.

"These bastards! They can't stand it now." Mike scolded.

"Before I leave, Mr. Beretti, I cordially invite you to join the Revolutionary Army," he said.

"Revolutionary Army" Mike seriously considered this invitation: "But what can I do? I can't even carry a gun."

"Just do what you are good at. Here you are just an unknown clerk. But in the Revolutionary Army's channel, you are the editor-in-chief of the new UNN." The ghost agent said.

"It's a very tempting proposal. To be precise, you hit my soft spot with just one word." While Mike was still thinking about it, a large number of police yachts and armed spaceships appeared in the sky above Tarsonis City.

According to the normal promotion situation, Mike would have to be at least thirty years old before he could get into the position of editor, but he was still not sure whether he should abandon his stable job to do a job where he might be shot at any time.

"Okay, you can think it through before contacting us now, for your own safety." The ghost agent said to Mike before disappearing: "It's better that you faint like them."

Then Mike felt a blow to his face.

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