StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 140 Remember who arrested you

The Hyperion is in synchronous orbit around the star Solo. Bridge, A.D.2489.06.08, ship time 16:21.

"Marshal Augustus."

A revolutionary army staff officer wearing a dark gray thick baize uniform walked towards Augustus and Renault who were standing in front of the star chart table.

"The main control room just received a multi-encrypted communication request."

"Connect." Augustus looked at his staff and said, "Connect to the main screen of the bridge."

"The signal is coming in. This is the Iron Justice. I am Horace Warfield - Augustus. I knew it was you." A dark-skinned Terran Federation man with a mustache suddenly appeared on the screen. An Interstellar Marine officer, he still wore the Marine Corps uniform, but did not wear any medals or ribbons.

"Yes, you are not blind," said Augustus.

"It's not easy." Warfield smiled: "The communication method through the public base station and relay station will definitely not be used, so we jumped directly to Korhal IV. I met with Mr. Angus Mengsk, He was a great and charismatic leader.”

"I can't believe it, Warfield. I heard that you have now become a 'deserter' and are being chased and intercepted by half of the federal fleet." Like Augustus, Renault also wore a dark gray Revolutionary Army officer uniform, but it was far less The former is so clean and tidy, and the collar, trouser legs and cuffs are all wrinkled.

"There are not that many, but there are still half a dozen fleets. It took me a lot of time to get rid of them completely." Warfield waved his hand and said: "Now we have left the hyperspace channel and are jumping into the preset assembly. point."

A holographic projection screen with a green background popped up on the star chart table next to Augustus. In the radar chart, a Behemoth-class battlecruiser was sailing at full speed towards the dazzling main sequence star in the center of the Suoyan galaxy. Below the Behemoth-class battlecruiser is a series of data including service time. The Hyperion's old database shows that the Iron Justice is also an earlier battleship.

"It seems that you have assembled a lot of warships during this period, at least three hundred or more."

"There are a lot of them, and the equipment is also diverse. From the Umoyan phase interference cannon that can shatter matter from the molecular level to the charge cannon, and even a Hikilis sword that can perform beautiful swordplay, you can Found in this fleet." Augustus was not satisfied with the equipment of this fleet, which is why he attached great importance to the addition of the Iron Justice.

Umoyan has been able to obtain the construction technology of the Behemoth-class battlecruiser through deconstruction technology and reverse engineering. The main problem lies in the reactor and the next-generation hyperspace engine. Compared with Umoyan, which has an independent and self-sufficient industrial system and strong shipbuilding capabilities, Korhal IV cannot be built in their shipyards even if it already has the construction technology of a battlecruiser. Therefore, for Augustus Each Behemoth-class battlecruiser is a priceless treasure.

What's more, Warfield has been fighting for more than ten years. He is brave, courageous and proficient in tactics. Among the revolutionary army where military talents are scarce, he can be said to be the best choice to lead the army as a marshal.

"These ships were used to transport cargo a few months ago. The armor was more than enough to deal with interstellar pirates, but our enemy is the Federation fleet. God knows, behemoths like the Hyperion and the Iron Justice How many more battlecruisers do they have?"

"I miss your collection of port wine, Warfield. Let's get together on the bridge of the Iron Justice." Although Warfield's rebellion was also expected by Augustus, after he claimed that he wanted to When he wanted to join the Keha Revolutionary Army, he was still overjoyed.

"You're welcome at any time." Warfield said with a smile before turning off the communication: "That's settled, but drinking is prohibited in the army, so let's drink tea."

"Kerrigan, let the dock prepare the spaceship. I want to go to the Iron Justice." Augustus tilted his head to the left, and an invisible red-haired ghost agent appeared and gestured with his hands. The "OK" gesture disappeared again.

"Damn it, you scared me Kerrigan." Raynor was inadvertently startled by the sudden appearance of the person.

"Jim, you will be in command of the fleet when I am away." Augustus patted Renault on the shoulder: "Is Tychus still asleep?"

"Or he's playing cards." Renault shrugged: "What else can he do? Anyway, he's not doing anything good. During the few weeks we stayed on the battleship, he was idle all day long. When he was drunk, he harassed female engineers or The fight made the Hyperion a mess, and Swann also had a lot of conflicts with him.”

"Don't you know what kind of bird Tychus is?"

"Whenever there is no fighting, he always causes trouble for me." Augustus felt dizzy when he thought of Tychus.

"When the war starts, there is a lot of nonsense." Renault continued what Augustus said: "There are only two places that are most suitable for Tychus, prison and battlefield, where he is as comfortable as a fly in the garbage."

"That's why I didn't let him actually serve as the captain of the second ship of the Titan-class frigate. He just took a false position and received a salary. But what I didn't expect was that he actually didn't have to work to get a salary. He gladly accepted it and asked me to promise not to go back on it. I can’t believe that one day Tychus will ask him to lead an army,” Augustus said.

"God bless you, please don't do that." Renault then asked Augustus: "Let that guy Tychus fend for himself. But, do you really want to go to the Iron Justice?"

"The Iron Justice is full of former federal soldiers. They take orders from Warfield, so they may not be loyal to you."

"I will bring a few more people." Augustus told Renault not to care: "Besides, as a comrade, you can trust Warfield."

After Augustus finished speaking, he walked out of the bridge and walked from the corridor leading to the lower deck to the living cabin where a large number of crew members lived, and pulled out Tychus, who was playing cards with others naked. Forced by the authority of Augustus and the pressure of the food chain, Tychus could only put on his own customized large CMC-250 power armor and grab a Sweet Talker heavy machine gun in five minutes.

"Tychus, I'm taking you to meet an old friend." Augustus said to him on the way to the shipyard launch port with Tychus.

"My old friend only has a lot of money and a large credit card." Tychus said nonchalantly: "What do you mean, are we finally going to rob? I have already picked a place, right in the federal Zanadar Prime or Terrador III, and then go to the Rock of the Dead to sell the stolen goods."

"We are a revolutionary army, insurrectionists against tyranny, not bandits." Augustus said.

"Oh - you don't need to remind me twice."

Steel Justice, No. Ⅲ docking bay, ceramic deck.

Warfield greeted Augustus at the ramp of the "Little Devil" APOD transport ship. At this time, there were only a few federal officers in ordinary uniforms on the deck.

There are about twenty sharp-edged old-fashioned Avenger fighters parked on the deck. These fighters, which were replaced by Wraith fighters at the end of the War of Kailian and were completely discontinued, have been well maintained by the engineers in the Iron Justice, and they look... Just as shiny as ever. Further on on the berthing deck are rows of military transport ships, all of them the latest models that would make Renault drool.

Unlike the Hyperion, which has a much empty hangar, the Iron Justice carries a large number of fighters used to seize air supremacy and gain air superiority, as well as transport ships that are enough to carry several battalions. After all, landing warfare is the strength of the Marine Corps.

"How long has it been since we last met?" Augustus stretched out a hand.

"The last time was in Meinhof." Warfield and Augustus held hands tightly together.

"We are finally comrades in arms again without having to be enemies of each other." Augustus said sincerely: "Just like when I stood in front of you and spoke in the past, we will fight side by side."

"Just like the old days," Warfield replied.

"You have some capable people." He looked at Tychus and Sarah Kerrigan behind Augustus. The former was tall and had a physique far beyond that of ordinary people, while the latter was a woman with her goggles turned red. Sexy ghost agent with forelock. What surprised Warfield was that traces of childishness could still be seen on the face of the female warrior. Counting the training time, she must have become a warrior earlier.

"After arriving at Stillling City in Korhal IV, I chatted with your father for a long time." Warfield said, "That's when I realized that the news broadcast on the UNN TV station was originally your handiwork."

"In Tarsonis City, to seize the UNN headquarters building under the eyes of the Federation Council, I have to say that this plan is both bold and quite effective. Not only the 33rd Ground Assault Division, many troops have rioted."

"Several Revolutionary Army soldiers died." Augustus said: "More people were arrested or killed to cover them. Umoyan's spy network in Tarsonis City was almost uprooted, but this It was all worth it. They are heroes and their parents are so proud of them."

"As far as I know, the riots in the army were quickly quelled. Many officers and soldiers who were considered to be spreading rumors and taking the lead in making trouble were sent to military courts or imprisoned." Augustus shook his head. Shaking his head: "Only your troops successfully launched an uprising."

"It's very different now than it was in the past," Warfield said. "It's an impromptu protest or a complaint that is unplanned because those people are neither prepared to resist nor have the courage to do so."

"After the war with the Kaimorians ended, at least 50% of the soldiers in the Federation army were resocialized soldiers. These people were instilled with the idea that they would never betray the Tyranid Federation. But if there is no detailed list or It is after careful understanding that you cannot tell in a short period of time whether the person standing next to you is a resocialized soldier. Most uprisings in military camps ended before they even started because the young officers actually tried to order the resocialized soldiers. Betray the federal government."

"My solution is to imprison these people together. Only those who have not undergone neural modification and memory transplantation can move freely."

"What are you going to do with these people?" Augustus asked.

"My suggestion is to kill them all." Tychus Finley, who was standing behind Augustus, said viciously: "Save those sissies from turning their guns against us."

"No, since Federation scientists can reprogram their memories, then we can too," Warfield said.

"First we have to obtain resocialization technology, or occupy a resocialization factory for soldiers." Augustus nodded and said, "But before we find a solution, we just have to maintain their minimum living standards. "

"I said, Warfield, why don't you invite us in to sit down?" Tychus said at this time.

"Let's go... let's take the ship's elevator." Warfield led Augustus and Tychus towards the vertical elevator with several of his lieutenants.

"How is the evacuation progress of Korhal IV? I have obtained accurate data, which shows that more than 12 million people have flown to Umoyan in spaceships, and 5 million people have taken Mammoth-class transport ships and colonies. The fleet of motherships flew in ten different directions. But I always felt uneasy without seeing this scene with my own eyes," Augustus said.

"After the initial chaos and despair, the common hatred united more Korhal people."

"That was a grand occasion." Warfield exclaimed: "When I arrived at Korhal IV, the high-altitude orbit of the planet was filled with countless spaceships. The wakes left by the space jumps of the distant colonial fleets were far away. A few light years away. All resources were reorganized and distributed uniformly, and millions of people lined up to board the spacecraft with their personal belongings within the regulations."

"So many people are about to travel far away, and those who go further may never have the opportunity to go home again in this life." The in-ship elevator of the Iron Justice rose to the deck of the superstructure and slowly opened When, Augustus seemed to be talking to himself.

Just as Warfield was about to say something else, their feet suddenly shook violently, and Augustus only managed to stand firm by holding on to Tychus.

"An earthquake?" When Tychus stepped out of the elevator and looked around, Augustus and Warfield had already rushed into the aisle and ran to the bridge one after another. Kerrigan followed closely with a slender C-10 rifle. thereafter.

"You idiot! Someone is firing at our warships!" Augustus shouted.

"I knew you would do nothing good every time you came to me." With the assistance of power armor, Tychus quickly caught up with Augustus and Warfield: "Where should I fire? They are on us. Over my head or under my feet? Damn that’s why I hate being on boats, because I get seasick.”

"Just run forward." Augustus and others ran into the bridge, and Warfield's deputy, Major Charles, was commanding them in an orderly manner.

Red dots flashed on the main screen. Two battlecruisers had jumped to the Soyan system, and more spaceships were jumping in at the same time.

"I am Colonel Edmund Duke, commander of Alpha Squadron," Colonel Duke said in the most smug, arrogant, and inhumane tone of his life. "For theft of federal property, defection, and treason, I declare you to be indicted. Under arrest. Now, put down your weapons and surrender immediately. During the interrogation, the intelligence agents will use fewer knives on you."

"You will never know how I found my way here, because I can smell the stench of traitors from half a galaxy away."

"Remember who arrested you, I am Edmund Duke," he shouted.

"Rebels, go to hell."

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