StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 141 Arrival and docking

Outside the bridge window of the Iron Justice are two Behemoth-class battlecruisers a few miles apart. The armor plate on the hammer-shaped bow reflects the light of the middle-aged sun of the Cable Rock Galaxy, and the spectacular and dense turrets Like a forest of swords.

The orange-red plasma flame behind the cruiser's thruster still leaves the space fluctuations and curtain-like wake left after the hyperspace jump. In the distant deep sky behind the battleship is a dark brown asteroid.

Alpha Squadron's flagship Norad II was in front. When it opened fire with its sister ship Napoleon, Augustus, standing on the bridge of the Iron Justice, could only initially see dense spots of light.

The flames of the laser cannon turrets and the plasma tail flames of torpedoes and missiles in the sky intersect in the deep black sky. In the blink of an eye, an orange laser beam more than ten feet wide plows out a path on the armor under the bridge from far to near. Dark scratches. These are the densest and strongest materials humans have today, vaporizing rapidly like melting ice.

Each attack will cause the battleship to tremble slightly. The surface of this city-like steel fortress is bathed in the light of stars and laser weapons, and splashes of gorgeous, fleeting bright firelight.

Most of the battlecruisers built before the Battle of Kailian failed to add energy shield technology, so the Iron Justice could only rely on thick decks to resist attacks from enemies.

"Reinforce decks No. 6 and No. 3, and repair the No. 2 auxiliary engine. Notify the hangar and send all the Avengers and Wraith fighters out of the launch bay. Tell the Marines that all their vacations are cancelled, and everyone must gather on the lower deck. We There are tough battles to be fought.”

Warfield's second-in-command, Major Charles Chuck Horner, calmly gave orders as sirens buzzed on the bridge.

This stubby borderline colonial man is one of the few remaining members of Arcturus's Imperial squad after the war. Although he is still rude and arrogant, he has long since washed away his brilliance and grown into a reliable commander. official.

Augustus's face was illuminated by lasers from his own turrets and enemy warships from time to time. Even so, he still had time to straighten his collar that was wrinkled by running. In the eyes of Kerrigan and others, Augustus's cold gray eyes were fixed on the stationary figure outside the bridge window.

"Major Charles, are you unable to establish a communication link with the Hyperion?" Augustus looked at Charles and said.

"The signal has been interfered with. Our technicians are trying to re-establish the connection." For a moment, Charles thought his old boss Arcturus Mengsk was standing there, but that young appearance was already ten years ago. situation.

It took Charles a few seconds to realize that although the young man in front of him had the cold gray eyes and gray hair of Arcturus, he was a completely different person. People in the Mengsk family seem to be born with a leadership temperament. In any era, they are pioneers, political leaders or army generals.

"Augustus, how are you doing there?" Reno's face appeared on the main screen of the Iron Justice bridge. The worry on his face disappeared after seeing that Augustus was safe and sound.

"We encountered a little trouble." As Augustus spoke, Renault could also see the deck shaking under his feet.

"Jim, turn on the fleet-wide radio channel."

"Okay, open the channel of the entire fleet, our marshal is going to issue an order." Renault looked to the side: "Swan, you can find a way to make this old ship drive faster."

"I am Augustus Mengsk, and I am on the Iron Justice. Now, the entire fleet is rallying to me!" His voice rang on the channel of the entire fleet, and he received an immediate response.

Jim Raynor's Hyperion had already accelerated towards the Iron Justice the moment the Federation fleet appeared. More than twenty frigates, destroyers and Umoyan cruisers formed a sharp dagger formation below the Hyperion. Hundreds of small and medium-sized ships surrounded the battleship, and the warships at the front and back were more than two miles apart.

"Haha - a bit like your brother Arcturus." Major Charles seemed to be in a joking mood: "If he didn't have to go to the edge world to dig crystal mines, he would be in this position now. "

"Dai and I both found it incredible at the time, but no one could convince him."

"Arctus has always been like this. Sometimes even his mother can't convince him. Only Dorothy can make him change his mind." Augustus replied.

"What's going on? Brother Warfield, anyone with a discerning eye can see that these bastards are coming after you." At this time, Tychus on the side continued to persuade with his sweet words. The machine gun didn't know which direction to shoot.

"Duke probably followed you two weeks ago, but never launched an attack. Not only did you know nothing, you must have exposed the location of the assembly area."

"Now it seems that Alpha Squadron has been following us closely. Their communication channels are always silent. Maybe our communications have already been monitored." Warfield's face was as dark as water. He realized that this was My own huge mistake.

Although Edmund Duke has always been shown to be a violent, reckless and lacking strategic vision, his current position is not entirely due to the prestige of the Duke family, the founding family of Tarsonis, and his unique personality. Different, rare courage that likes to move forward in everything.

While Warfield was still charging on the ground, Duke was already leading the fleet to cruise in the Koprulu sector. In terms of fleet warfare, Warfield, who was born in the Marine Corps, was an amateur after all.

"It sounds like that Edmund has fooled you, but after all, their people have spent half their lives in space." Tychus was rarely comforting, but his voice sounded excited.

"I've wanted to punch his old face for a long time~ He's aboveboard, he doesn't need to violate military discipline, and he doesn't need to go to jail."

"He thinks he is sure of victory, but we still have the Hyperion and other battleships. The current strength comparison is two to two." Warfield is not panicked by this incident. He has experienced far more dangerous scenes than this. .

As if in response to Warfield's words, three more battlecruisers of the same level appeared on the radar chart on the Iron Justice star chart, accompanied by more than two hundred escort battleships and various types of spacecraft. Suddenly the Lieutenant Colonel Zhang's dark face seemed to turn green.

"It's hard to say." Tychus lit a cigar as usual. He exhaled the smoke into his armor and said: "It's five to two now. If you say a few more words, we will kill ourselves." Accept that you are unlucky."

"Mengsk, what can you do." After he said that, he looked at Augustus: "We can't just stand here and wait. Getting beaten is not what I like to do."

"Major Charles, can you get close to Alpha Squadron's flagship Norad II and find a way to dock in port?" Augustus said.

"Honestly, it would be extremely difficult if the other party doesn't cooperate." Charles said calmly: "It depends on whether our pilots are highly skilled and can cut into the enemy fleet as accurately as a scalpel. , controlling the giant battleship one-third of a mile long to parallel the enemy ships and aim at the port amid the dense enemy barrage."

"Unless Duke has this intention too."

"Then please tell me whether the pilot of the Iron Justice can complete this mission." Augustus said.

"Of course, we have the best pilot in the Federation." Charles said on the command channel of the Iron Justice: "Starboard 15°, move forward at full speed, charge the main gun immediately, and all gun groups aim at the Alpha Squadron flagship Nora German II. All crew members have changed into space combat suits and fastened their seat belts."

"Prepare for impact!"

"To welcome the impact?" Tychus looked at the porthole in confusion. By comparing the position of the star and other battleships, he could find that the Iron Justice was heading towards the Norad II at an extremely fast speed.

As the Iron Justice moved forward at full speed, the Avengers fighter jets passed quickly from underneath the battleship, like a stray arrow. The retreating fighter jets sprayed out ice-blue wakes, like disappearing starlight.

"Don't tell me you're going to play bumper cars."

To Tychus's expectation, Duke's vehicle, the Norad II, did not make any tactical evasive maneuvers. It seemed that the battle-experienced captain of the fleet did not think that the Iron Justice could survive the firepower of his own fleet. to get close to his own bridge, or he was more willing to clash bayonets with the enemy.

"How arrogant, Duke."

"I will command the combat troops - I will personally defeat Edmund Duke on the deck of the Norad II." After saying these words, Warfield turned and left the bridge.

"He didn't know that Duke's fleet was following him." After Warfield left, Kerrigan walked to Augustus and whispered: "I can see the hatred for the federal government in his heart. , but Warfield is not loyal to you or your father now, he is just extremely disappointed with the federal government."

"There is no doubt about Warfield, he will always be my friend." Augustus then said to Charles: "Major, you will be in command here."

"Anyway, this is my duty." Charles looked at Augustus and said, "Although I am more willing to charge with a gun."

"I almost forgot what you used to do."

"Old friends are here, of course we must treat them well." Tychus said to Charles before leaving with the heavy machine gun.

"This is the way the revolutionary army treats guests."

Since the last minute, such tremors and shaking have become more and more ordinary. The surface of this giant steel ship armed with thick armor and heavy guns is covered with black marks, and the molten deck has re-condensed in the cold space.

As the No. 6 armor attached to the ground-attack laser cannon group on the port side was completely penetrated, the explosion ignited the oxygen in the crew rest cabin, and a hot and brilliant open flame vented out. The crew members who were sucked into space within a minute They suffocated to death within a short period of time. Their body fluids boiled due to the lowered boiling point caused by the low pressure, and eventually they gradually turned into frozen corpses.

By the time engineers arrived and carried out emergency repairs, the flames had disappeared due to the extreme reduction in oxygen, and the air was filled with the stench of burning and toxic gases, making it difficult to breathe.

The Iron Justice swayed forward, and sirens could be heard in all channels. Charles kept ordering engineers on the channel to repair various cabins or to have the crew take refuge in safe cabins.

The Kohal Revolutionary Army's fighter jets flew over the dense barrage at high speed and launched a suicidal attack on the Federation fleet. Among these fighters were civilian airships with no armor and only small-caliber laser cannons, as well as Avengers from the Tyranid Federation. With the Wraith Fighter.

Fighters converted from civilian spaceships have no chance of surviving if they are hit, but they are superior in number and speed, with more than 2,000 of them.

The young people driving these fighter planes are called the most desperate generation on Korhal IV. They all come from families with more than one child. Before boarding the battleship, everyone was fighting for themselves on Korhal's satellite Canis. He dug a grave and buried his suicide note.

Thus, these people had a name that belonged to them all: the Fireflies of Cannith.

Courage and unparalleled will could not protect these "Sons of Korhal". As they approached the Norad II, they were shot down in pieces, turning into bright balls of light that suddenly appeared.

The pilots on the fighter jets were either vaporized in the laser beam along with the fighter jets in an instant, or died in agony that would make even the strongest person scream before the flames burned out the air.

These men were told that their deaths would bring Korhal IV new life, so they died generously.

Umoyan's "Wraith Fighter" version of the edge fighter has attracted more attention from the federal fleet with its classic inner curved wings and plasma thrusters. These faster and more agile fighters rely solely on the pilots. The reaction is with the cutting-edge optical reactor and intelligent auxiliary program to dodge the dense barrage.

In the field of R\u0026D and manufacturing of small fighters, especially unmanned carrier-based aircraft, Umoyan will surpass the Tyranid Federation.

In the space battlefield intertwined with brilliant light and death, the Iron Justice, a battlecruiser with many damaged tails and flaming tails, still rushed towards the Norad II under the cover of the Hyperion and its attached fleet. .

At this moment, the internal corridors and elevators of docking module II were filled with rows of Marines wearing silver-gray power armor who were running forward.

The paint on the armor of these Marines is different from that of the Federation era, replaced by the eagle and wolf head logo, which has now become a symbol of these traitors.

Augustus, who was wearing the same powered armor, along with Warfield, Tychus and Kerrigan holding a C-10 rifle, walked from the docking bay to the docking port. The warning signs in white characters on the wall told Augustus Beyond the airlock door in front of him was space.

Violent tremors continued, and Augustus seemed to be standing on a boiling furnace.

At one point, the tremors seemed to subside for a moment, and then Augustus felt the battleship pick up speed again.

"Activate the gravity generators of the power boots and grab hold of walls, handrails, and anything you can!" Warfield said loudly on his command channel.

"Prepare for impact!"

Augustus immediately tightened his grip on the armrest, holding Kerrigan's hand tightly with his other hand.

Accompanied by the dazzling light spot that Augustus could not see, the harsh friction sound between the battlecruiser armor and the armor coming from the main structure, and the tremors like the earth shaking. Augustus realized that the Iron Justice was clinging to the side of the Norad II, grazing the enemy ship's armor as it moved forward, like two pieces of soap that were making a piercing scream.

"All preparations." When the Iron Justice stopped again and stood still, Warfield said while looking at the docking port exit airlock door that was slowly opening.

"Come on, come on, I can't wait." Tychus chewed his cigar.

"The show has begun."

Post first and correct typos later.

Thanks to my good brothers for your monthly votes.

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