StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 149 Revolutionary Army Mira

The Korhal Revolutionary Army Recruitment Center in Port of the Dead stands in an open space with a solid concrete floor. Revolutionary Army soldiers wearing dark gray military uniforms with red arm spans use iron fences to block the swarming workers. Most of the workers are Workers operating exoskeleton mechas to transport goods in steel plate casting factories, unloaders at ports, and assembly line workers in suspended assembly production workshops.

Everyone who comes here has a strong body. Both men and women have muscles as thick as tree roots. Mira Han has no doubt that their enthusiasm for revolution is the same as their enthusiasm for bread. high.

Mira pushed and jumped in the crowded crowd trying to see the tall revolutionary army sergeants clearly. The people's body odor and bad breath made her feel dizzy. While being pushed forward by the crowd, Mira gradually had a ridiculous idea in her heart.

No one has ever been able to cause such a sensation in the Port of the Dead. Why do the people of the Port of the Dead admire Augustus so highly? Is it just because he brought something different?

In Mira Han's eyes, Augustus Mengsk, the rumored great leader, walked up to the highest step in front of the recruitment center. On the flagpole behind him was a flag fluttering in the wind. In front is a high wall composed of Revolutionary Army soldiers wearing power armor blocking the applicants.

When someone in the crowded crowd noticed the golden wolf head, whip arm and five-pointed star on the red background flag, no one would associate these with anything noble. Only the soldiers under the flagpole understood the meaning of those signs: Mengsk, the Revolutionary Army and the Republic.

With tens of millions of Korhal people fleeing their homes, the Korhal Dominion has become a fantasy of the past. The ideals of the Terran Republic proposed by Angus Mengsk gradually became the spiritual sustenance of all Korhals and those who were infected by their ideals.

The Korhal no longer seek independence because they have lost their homeland. Now, awaiting the Federation's vengeance will be the vengeance of forty million homeless people.

Today's Augustus Mengsk almost fits the people of the Port of the Dead's imagination of the leader of the Revolutionary Army. He is very handsome, with facial features as three-dimensional as Greek stone sculptures, and his cold gray eyes stare unswervingly at everyone who looks at him. The half-inch beard deliberately grown on his chin and upper lip undoubtedly adds to the charm of a mature man.

When Augustus was not in the army commanding his loyal soldiers, he would often just wear a dark gray military coat and trousers without medals or ribbons over his silk shirt. The leader of the revolutionary army wore buckskin boots and carried an electromagnetic pistol at his waist.

"As a man, he is really good-looking." Mira whispered: "But he is not the type that Sister Mira likes."

"Look! That's Augustus, he talked to me in the glass factory!" shouted a man in a blue suit.

"You know what? We discussed for a long time on how to increase production, and he approved of my idea!" He said looking at the stunned Mira Han, and it could be seen from her understandable facial expression that he wanted to do it himself. Mira got a positive answer.

For a few days, Augustus wore a federal captain's hat he got from Warfield and visited the steel plate cutting workshop with his two loyal friends Renault and Tychus. Workers casting steel next to the furnace chatted cordially.

As a result, Augustus's long military coat would always be stained with some oil that could not be washed away and covered with dust. This made him look more like an outstanding leader who came from the common people rather than someone who was eager to distance himself from the people. A warlord who maintained his rule by clearing relations and using troops and warships.

Augustus was always majestic and oppressive when walking among factories and people, but amiable when he spoke. Everyone who spoke to Augustus could feel that the other person was listening carefully and thinking about each other's words, whether he was talking to workers, managers of urban communities, or some companies that came here to visit the Port of the Dead. Middle managers.

To be honest, everyone feels that they are very important in the eyes of the great leader of the revolutionary army, and every opinion will receive feedback based on thinking and philosophy.

As if this was the man who was supposed to lead the Tyranid resistance against the tyranny of the Tarsonis Confederacy. Of course he was a great man, and he wanted to stand with the people he was going to save, so everyone followed that great figure.

"Augustus, he needs me to stand by his side!" The man in a blue suit said excitedly to Mira: "Do you think so too?"

"Uh - maybe. Maybe maybe" Most people would ignore it or nod perfunctorily, but Mira touched her chin and said with a playful smile on her lips: "Oh, if you insist on asking."

"I would say yes."

"It seems you like him very much." Mira asked him: "Why?"

"Why." The man in the blue suit showed a proud expression: "As soon as Augustus raises his arms, we will follow him to the ends of the earth, because everything should be like this. Whether it is the Federation, the Camorians or the Yumo The Yang people are no match for the revolutionary army, we are invincible!"

During the four days he stayed in the Port of the Dead, Augustus gained many admirers. The ideas of him and the party he represented spread throughout the city and gradually took root in various street communities. People discussed what was happening on Korhal IV, and held Augustus in high esteem and the ideas he brought to the table.

In the port of the dead with no information, people who are as barren as a desert are hungry for progressive ideas. This is not because their thoughts are noble or they can understand the broad concepts of liberation and nation, but because revolution sounds fashionable. And popular.

How many people have joined the revolutionary army because they truly understand what Augustus said: "Break your shackles and shackles and gain freedom", "Swing the sword for fairness and justice", "The revolutionary army is the people's army" It’s unknown, but they all understand a more understandable sentence: I can give you enough to eat and give your children a chance to leave this ruins.

"Keep this belief." Mira behaved like a young girl of fourteen or fifteen years old at all. She was always convincing when she became serious: "Even when you fight to the death, don't regret it."

When the first man started chanting Augustus' name, the crowd quickly followed suit, and the atmosphere was electric, with the people of the Port of the Dead roaring with enthusiasm for the revolution.

However, just when everyone thought Augustus was about to deliver an impassioned speech or call on workers to join the army, Augustus just used a gesture to silence others.

It only takes a little comparison to see that Augustus was imitating his father. Or maybe it was the politician in Augustus' blood, who learned to shape a purpose that would appeal to others and unite them, but never commit to it.

"We are going to recruit another two thousand marines and fifteen hundred sailors. I need reliable soldiers in my team. Whether you choose to join the revolutionary army or stay, everything depends on your free will." Augustus himself may not have enjoyed being in the spotlight, but overall he was able to cope with it.

When the Revolutionary Army soldiers guarding the outermost perimeter made a way, the long queue of applicants rushed to the registration point. After signing up, they would walk into a tent next to the registration point to receive a doctor's examination. Since the Revolutionary Army used the instruments they brought from the Federal Victor V Zerg Experimental Base, their physical health and even hidden diseases could be tested. Results are available in less than a minute.

Some conscripts were quickly dismissed due to "abuse of psychotropic substances," "mental problems," "drug abuse," or even excessive alcoholism, while others were separated from the revolutionary army due to illness or other illnesses that prevented them from surviving their term of service. Missed.

Mira Han just walked around the tent, and the doctor gave her a list to go to the next tent. Mira was naturally qualified. She was not a pampered Miss Core World. She was only fifteen years old but had already been working in the factory in the Port of the Dead for more than four years.

In the Port of the Dead neighborhood where Mira lives, she has been the most creative and creative among the children since she was a child. Many children call her Big Sister.

When entering the last tent, Mira was surprised to find a red-haired female revolutionary army lieutenant sitting behind the desk inside, and Augustus Mengsk was standing behind her.

"Mira Han, look into my eyes." The revolutionary army lieutenant took the list from Mira's hand and said to her.

But Mira Han ignored her and focused her attention on Augustus, looking him up and down.

"Look at me!" the lieutenant patted the table.

"Okay." Mira then looked into the lieutenant's light green eyes. They stared at each other for a full two seconds, until Mira rolled her eyes playfully.

"Answer my question." The lieutenant made some simple notes on Mira's list - it seemed like he just filled in a few letters.

"Our enemy will be the most elite troops in the Tyranid Federation. How are you mentally prepared for this?"

"Ha-that's great."

"Why do you want to join the Revolutionary Army?"

“Do the revolution, literally.”

"What is your intention to find a job after retirement?"


"You are qualified. Report to the Fourth Recruit Training Battalion. Your military rank is acting sergeant major. All recruits below this rank should salute when they see you." The person speaking at this time was Augustus behind the lieutenant. Du: "You have to manage the twenty recruits under your command, and use your results to prove that you have this ability."

"Did I hear you correctly?" Mira looked at the lieutenant with the long fiery red ponytail.

"The doctor said there is nothing wrong with your hearing." The lieutenant said, "Don't doubt it. You are strong enough to tame any young stallion."

"I mean, I have never taken care of so many people." Mira said: "Of all the weapons, I have only used small gadgets like maces. What I filled in in the specialty column is that my hair is all Port of the Dead is the most popular.”

"Your hair is indeed the pinkest." Augustus gave him a positive answer.

"Okay." Mira pursed her lips.

"I'm good at judging people." Augustus said: "You have such a talent, Mira. Usually only veterans can be qualified for this position, but most of us here are recruits."

"Oh-oh, your little mouth is so sweet." Mira is a familiar person.

"." Augustus shrugged: "It's not as sweet as you think."

"Next." Kerrigan wrote a favorable comment on Mira's form.

When Mira took the oath with the other Hong Kong recruits of the Dead, hundreds of shuttles docked next to them. Once the recruits finished taking the oath, these spacecraft would send them out of orbit.

The recruits did not even have uniform uniforms. They still wore the clothes they had before joining the revolutionary army. Some of them also wore ill-fitting coats and shoes with holes.

"Without any coercion, promise or temptation, after being clearly informed of the meaning of this oath and the various consequences." Many recruits had wet eyes, but Mira remained unmoved.

Mira knew that whether they died in battle or lived to the end, most of the people who left this planet today would never set foot on this land again in their lifetime. Few people feel homesick for the terrible world of Rock of the Dead.

Old people always say that even a fly in the Port of the Dead would want to escape this planet.

But like all the other recruits, Mira was indeed infected by the changes brought about by the revolutionary army. She saw some hope in this stagnant port of the dead, and was determined not to let go of this thing that would change her destiny. Opportunity.

Mira neither worships Augustus nor believes that revolution is noble. She has her own mature and unique insights into the right and wrong of a thing. She had no sympathy for the poor and exploited workers, nor did she want to bleed or die for them.

"Whether it's Christians, Muslims, atheists, polytheists, earth-returning sects," they said, "we all have the same faith and the same identity now."

While taking the oath, Mira was naturally distracted: if the revolutionary army had not come to the Port of the Dead this year, she might have ended up becoming a mercenary or a pirate. People in Port of the Dead only have a few choices in the future. If you want to get ahead, you must be much more ruthless and cruel than others.

The reason why she did not choose to join the federal army was simply because the rules of the Revolutionary Army seemed to be much fewer and more liberal than those of the regular army. When it comes to swearing an oath, the length of the oath is also much shorter than that of the federal army.

After all, Mira is such a person. She seems to be born not to follow the rules, and no one can restrain her with rigid rules yet.

"I swear to fight for the Korhal Revolutionary Army, to defend the laws and honor of the new republic, and to defend those citizens of the republic who have been or will eventually be liberated."

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