StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 150 The Battle of Korhal

Korhal IV, the main city of Steelling.

As of June 22, a full month has passed since the gate of the UNN Universe News Network headquarters was occupied by terrorists. This incident, called "the biggest scandal in the history of the Federal Parliament" by news media groups and independent writers, has continued to escalate over time, affecting every aspect of the lives of thousands of federal citizens.

The Korhal people are undoubtedly the main group that has been most affected. There are now less than two million people in the Korhal system, and most of them are troops stationed on orbital defense platforms and satellites. The last batch of colonial fleets that transported immigrants on a large scale have also left.

Today, every city on the planet has a launch port that uses electromagnetic orbital acceleration technology to launch interstellar shuttles. These oblique launch ports with red and green lights flashing on their surfaces are bigger than any Sky Tower of the Creation Family. It is huge and majestic, like a silent giant standing among the tall buildings.

At night, the light pollution problem criticized by environmentalists was finally solved as the city and even the planet came to a halt. The dazzling artificial clouds that illuminate Steelling City every night disappeared for the first time in decades. in people's sight.

Even when standing on the Mengsk Sky Tower, the tallest building in the center of Stillling City, and looking into the distance, one can only see some faint lights in the distance, and those are without exception military facilities and heavy factories. Those towering skyscrapers were shrouded in darkness, as silent as tombstones.

The earliest plan to build a fortress on the surface of Korhal was also abandoned. All available building materials, steel frames, vehicles, and suspended trains were dismantled and cast into ships. All luxuries that were deemed to have no use for the colonists and heavy furniture are concentrated in landfills or burned. After the Korhal people left, even the once prosperous political, economic and cultural center like Stillling was left with only empty shells of houses and high-rise buildings.

In early summer, the originally bustling skyscrapers in Stillling seemed like stalled gears, and the natural solemnity and calmness regained control of the city.

The humans had only been away from Korhal for a few weeks, and fallen leaves were already filling the streets. Plants and farm animals flocked to Stillling, making their home in the abandoned city.

This city that seems to be made of silver and glass is still so beautiful, but it has just transformed from an aristocratic lady wearing a white pleated skirt and luxurious accessories into a melancholy girl as calm as water.

The light of those two satellites was so shining. The stars above Stillling City shone brightly, and a ribbon as thick as milk stretched across the sky. The name of that light belt - the Milky Way - was mentioned in the textbook "To Koprulu".

When Lisa Kesidi looked down from the Korhal Revolutionary Army Conference Hall on the top floor of the Mengsk Sky Tower, she suddenly felt sad for the people of Korhal IV. They had to abandon the accumulation of more than ten generations and leave the inheritance to this day. His homeland, heading to Umoyan and the unknown distant lands far beyond the Koprulu Sector.

However, this disaster also brought nearly all of Korhal together. They are more united than ever and more sympathetic to the concept of Korhal as a whole. The Korhal who colonized further star systems swore never to forget their hatred and homeland.

As more and more Korhals are forced to embark on interstellar travel away from their homes, this humiliation and hatred is infinitely amplified in the hearts of all Korhals.

Even so, the Keha people still have no doubt that they will return to their hometown.

"Speaker Angus" A soft knock on the door of the conference hall made Lisa return to her seat. Despite attending the meeting as the second Minister of Health and a member of the Demons in Heaven, Lisa was well aware that her views were irrelevant.

Lisa looked at the conference table and found a few familiar faces on it, including current Army Colonel Alander Lundstein, a member of the Heavenly Demons, the commander of the airborne paratrooper division, Kurt Josephine, and the Fire Bat hybrid The leader of the regiment was Harnack Hanke. The highest military rank of these people before was only first-class privates, but now they easily have tens of thousands of people under their command.

As for the other Demons of Heaven, they all left the Korhal system in batches as escorts for the colonial fleet. After all, they still had to preserve their strength and seeds for the Korhal Revolutionary Army.

"Let's get started." Angus Mengsk's thick gray eyebrows knitted together, his expression as serious as steel: "This is our last meeting on Korhal IV. It's been 10 years since the last one left Korhal. Exactly forty-eight standard Earth hours have passed since the galaxy’s expedition fleet escaped the gravity of the star.”

Angus looked around and nodded to the officials and military officers who came to the meeting: "This is not a meeting of the Korhal Senate. I have invited the generals of the Revolutionary Army to discuss some boring issue. Instead, I have bad news to tell everyone here: the Kemorian Federation and the Tyranid Federation just completed all the steps and procedures of the peace talks half an hour ago and signed the final peace treaty."

"The peace treaty takes effect immediately and is limited to twenty years."

"The legal representative of Kemorian United Mining Company told us that they tried their best to delay the situation. The diplomats of the Terran Federation were very eager, pressing forward step by step, and even made some concessions." Angus shook. He shook his head and said: "Perhaps it is because of us that Kemorian was able to cede a few barren mining worlds."

"The Federation fleet is coming."

Lisa's heart tightened, this day was finally coming. During the tense month of evacuation, many Korhal people still on the ground did not even dare to sleep, full of fear of the coming disaster.

"." Finance Minister Levi Henry sighed: "The public opinion offensive has had a very good effect. The UNN editors and reporters who secretly serve the August Intelligence Committee have also provided us with many federal government officials. Evidence of corruption and perversion of the law. However, a month has passed, and the spokesperson introduced by the Federation Council has still not said a word about using an Apocalypse-class nuclear bomb to destroy Korhal."

At first, the Tyranid Federation tried its best to block the news of the open rebellion of Korhal IV, but the news of the entire planet's declaration of independence still spread like wildfire and spread within and outside the Federation's borders at a speed that shocked the senior officials and nobles of the Federation.

Gradually, even the most apolitical people were discussing Korhal, and speculation about a federal government blockade spread in the streets.

People generally believe the same thing, that is, the truth must be much more serious than the little gossip we know, and there must be more than one planet in rebellion on Korhal IV. Moreover, the federal marines and fleet must have done a terrible job in dealing with the rebellion, otherwise they would have received news that the rebellion had been suppressed quickly and effectively.

After the scandal of the Federation Council was broadcast to the entire Terran Federation at the UNN headquarters building, excited people concluded that Korhal IV's revolution had achieved such unprecedented success that the Federation Council had to use nuclear weapons. People who sympathized with Korhal began to protest, and many public figures also spoke out and condemned the atrocities of the Federation Council. Rebellions broke out again on many planets, including Antiga Prime.

From the ordinary civilians in the fringe world to the colonial governor and the billionaires in suits and ties in his office, everyone is saying the same few words.

Korhal, Angus, Mengsk family, rebels.

Initially, even Angus Mengsk began to have an overly optimistic estimate of the possibility of the Federation giving up the use of nuclear weapons due to favorable public opinion trends. However, this optimism did not last long because the Federation Congress never committed to it. Do not use nuclear weapons or make any statements about it.

Some friendly leaders of the Tarsonis Creation Family and members of the Federal Parliament told Angus that Andrea, the hostess of the Tagore family, and the large group of nobles around her would never change the issues that had been passed. The glacier that never melts is still colder.

"The possibility of using public opinion to get the Federal Parliament to abandon this plan is extremely slim. Will the leaders of the Founding Family really change their minds because of the significance of civilians who they don't care about?" Angus said: "I understand those who are above us. The founding families, precisely because I was once one of them, are arrogant and indifferent and refuse to admit that they will fail in anything."

"Be prepared for war - I don't think I need to say anything more." Angus said: "The blocking war will start in outer space orbit."

"We have used all the resources we can mobilize, and workers have finally completed the construction of two new high-altitude orbital defense platforms and space-based weapons stations with the assistance of Umoyan space construction drones day and night." National Defense. "The anti-aircraft missile towers towering on the two satellites are enough to shoot down the battlecruisers of the Federation fleet," said Mr. Harry Wilder, the minister.

Angus nodded with satisfaction: "I said that this battle is by no means meaningless. We had the opportunity to leave with the colonial fleet, but we still chose to stay."

"Because this may be the only opportunity to attract and delay the federal fleet. Only in this way can Augustus's First Fleet succeed in raiding the Delarian Shipyard. If the fleet had not encountered the Alpha Squadron, it must have With repairs and ships replenished, the raid could have been far more certain.”

"But that's it, we will continue to believe in him as always." Lundstein said.

"He can't fail." Josephine said calmly.

"Because he is Augustus." Lisa nodded seriously. Although Lisa has reservations about Augustus having a beautiful young redhead by his side recently, this does not prevent her from saying good things for Augustus.

"Colonel Lundstein, like you, I have never doubted that my son will fail." Angus is qualified to say this. His confidence in his son is no less than that of the demons in heaven.

"York, how many people are still unwilling to leave Korhal?"

"People from the Phils Territory and the Icefield Tribe refused to leave Korhal IV. Nearly 3,000 people stayed in Norman Hawk. They left the city and built tents and simple camps on the outskirts." said the director of the Korhal Immigration Bureau. : "After statistics, the number is about 70,000. Some are old people who are unwilling to leave their homeland, and some are surrenderers."

"Let them be." Angus said after a moment of silence, "We did our best."

"How many troops and logistics personnel are there on the surface?" he asked again.

"There are 190,000 people," said the director of the Immigration Bureau.

"Everyone evacuates Korhal," Angus said. "Take what they can."

"We can't stay on the ground anymore." Angus suddenly stood up at this time, and a sudden sense of oppression made him frown: "Inform the guards to prepare the shuttle to fly to the orbital defense platform."

"You cannot go to the front lines," Lundstein shouted. "You must leave Korhal IV immediately."

"Yes, the spaceship directly to Umoyan is ready." said the Minister of Transportation.

It seems that everyone is keeping Angus a secret and is determined to force him out of Korhal. From beginning to end, Angus was the only one who believed that he would stay in Korhal and fight with the revolutionary army.

Several officers held Angus down firmly and tried to send him to the spacecraft, but they triggered his thunderous anger: "You have made me a coward!"

Angus forcefully shook off the hands that were holding him: "How could I leave more than a million Keha warriors to go to Umoyan to meet their parents!"

"If I die in Korhal, then I will still have my son to inherit my career. You think I am a politician who only talks on the podium - but in the end it was me who sent so many people to the battlefield with my own hands. Angus said to them.

"No need to persuade me again, my decision will never change."

Just when Angus was still about to say something, a holographic projection screen suddenly popped up on the conference hall table. On it was a sergeant from the Korhal Revolutionary Army Marine Corps. This sergeant is the commander of an outpost on a deserted planet in the outermost reaches of the Korhal system.

"We have detected spatial fluctuations in hyperspace jumps." In the roar and smoke caused by the explosion, communication came to an abrupt end. Everyone could predict what was going on.

Lisa stood up with the others.

"God—" she whispered.

"So fast?" The Minister of Transportation was shocked: "It will take at least a week to sail from the edge world to Korhal."

"I'm surprised at how naive you are," Josephine said sarcastically, "We don't have an accurate train timetable to follow."

"This is most likely the first batch of federal fleets to arrive. They will set sail a week or two in the morning." Angus said: "They don't care whether this will distract the military or alert the enemy."

Harnack made a sharp assessment as he stood up and put on his military coat: "Because they are just crushing an ant on the way."

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