StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 154 Attacking Tarsonis


Four days later, Norad II, ship time 0:27.

When the ship sails in the hyperspace channel, people who grew up on the planet will often feel tired when they are in it. Waking up from nightmares is a rare and common thing. Probably only people as nervous as Harnack and Josephine can sleep soundly without being affected by anything.

In the past, Augustus always attributed the bizarre scenes in his nightmares to his past memories, but now he knew that it was because he thought about it day by day and dreamed about it at night.

"Ever since you left the Dalarian Shipyard, you have been having nightmares." Lieutenant Sarah Kerrigan was wearing a three-dimensional and close-fitting dark gray officer uniform of the Revolutionary Army. The Mengsk golden wolf pattern on the belt and epaulettes meant She could enter and leave the captain's cabin of the Norad II at will without incurring the anger of Corporal Faraday, captain of the Augustus Guards.

Kerrigan has deliberately combed her eye-catching long fiery red hair these days. After becoming Augustus's personal guard, this former federal ghost agent with terrifying psychic powers always wears a neat and neat shawl. She may have a single ponytail, but today she has changed her usual image.

Compared with more than four months ago, Kerrigan looked very different. Her long fiery red hair hung down to her slender waist.

Kerrigan's smooth hair on her forehead was parted in the middle and braided into two braids, forming a ring from around her head to the back of her head, like a crown. Her long and silky hair followed her wiping Augustus' face with a cotton handkerchief. The sweat on his face made him tremble slightly.

Under the soft light blue light of the captain's cabin, Kerrigan's fire-like long hair seemed to be shrouded in a veil.

Although there were always rumors that Augustus would be doomed by placing too much trust in a former Confederate Assassin, these rumors were ignored by the leaders of the Revolutionary Army.

Soon another voice appeared. Augustus Mengsk himself admired the ghost agent's ability very much. He was trustworthy in employing people and immediately entrusted him with important tasks. There is no need to worry about the safety of the leader, because he never confides in the jackal.

However, Jurgen Shawshank, a fleet reporter for Korhal Dominion Pravda, believes that the truth is not that simple. He is more willing to believe that our wise and mighty great leader Augustus also has seven emotions and six desires.

After capturing the ghost agent Sarah Kerrigan, Augustus immediately transferred the Umoyan Shadow Guards who protected him to his father Angus and let Kerrigan take over his position.

If no one can prove that nothing ever happened between Marshal Augustus and his beautiful young personal guard, then this is certainly true.

"Do you know what I dreamed about?" Augustus was still wearing his military shirt when he sat up. To this day, he still maintains the sleeping habits as a marine in Turasis. All clothes, guns, and bullets are placed within easy reach. Augustus will sleep in his clothes when necessary. He is now a soldier who can get up, run, and shoot at any time.

However, perhaps he had just woken up from a nightmare, or perhaps he was wary of a psyker prying into his thoughts. Augustus' cold gray eyes staring at Kerrigan looked like a real head. The real Steele is as aggressive as a gray wolf.

This did not scare Kerrigan. She just said calmly: "Same as three days ago, in your dream there is a huge planet that has turned into a radiation wasteland. I can confirm that it is Korhal IV. Sometimes, radiation There is nothing in the wasteland, but sometimes it turns into a huge megacity. There are many people living there, but none of them are Korhal."

"Oh -" Augustus rubbed his temples and felt a stinging pain coming towards him: "If I didn't do anything, that's what Korhal IV should have become. I just think so, you know I always like to think the worst about something."

"No, you are not such a person." Kerrigan just shook her head, but said nothing next: "You never imagined me as a bad guy or a killer."

".It's time for me to get up." Augustus said nothing more. When he put on his coat, he casually mentioned: "Have I dreamed of you? My dear."

Augustus never imagined what the future queen of the swarm, Queen of Blades, would look like, in order to avoid causing Kerrigan to have some unwarranted conjectures.

Kerrigan can read minds. Although Augustus explicitly prohibits her from delving deeply into her inner world, it is still possible for her to capture some sudden thoughts.

Judging from the fact that Kerrigan still knew nothing about Augustus' dark history, she strictly followed this even out of respect and trust for Augustus himself.

"You should ask yourself." Kerrigan seemed to be frightened. She had always respected Augustus and couldn't help but temporarily forget that a soldier could not yell at his commander:

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Nothing, I just said it was time to get up." Augustus observed Kerrigan's expression and found that instead of feeling offended, she felt that this was what a sixteen-year-old girl should do. Ashamed and annoyed.

In normal times, Augustus might have found this quite cute, but he was worried about Korhal, his father, and the soldiers who were still fighting against the federal army, and most of what he said was random and unintentional.

As Augustus buttoned his coat, he was still thinking: If Korhal IV fails to send coordinates and encrypted information according to the agreed period, the Federation fleet must have arrived in the Korhal system - then Much faster than I expected.

Then, the Tyranid Federation should be prepared to be blown up to the sky.

"Even if you haven't slept for three days and two nights before sleeping for four hours today, are you still going to work?" Kerrigan wanted to put a hat on Augustus, but she didn't until he was pushed away. Only then did she realize that she was not Augustus' personal maid.

Augustus had never needed servants, and although he never mentioned this, Kerrigan knew that he had no sympathy for the aristocratic system that gave him status and rights. This was unlike his father and brother. same.

"You should sleep a little longer." Kerrigan said to Augustus: "The bridge tells me that the fleet will have two hours to jump out of the hyperspace lane and arrive in the Tarsonis system."

"Then I shouldn't sleep." Augustus opened his eyes a little wider, and he immediately said: "My warriors need me."

"But your smart health assistant shows that you are very tired now, and I can also feel that your mental state is not very good." Kerrigan grabbed Augustus's wrist and said: "You are very sad, you are not as good as them You can see how strong he is.”

"I will not fall," Augustus said as he arranged his appearance in a mirror. "Never."

When Kerrigan wanted to say something else, Augustus' determined expression made her give in.

"I know what you want to say." Kerrigan said, holding her forehead: "After all, I am not your mother, right? Even if Lady Catherine is standing here, would you still say that?"

"This is a false proposition." Augustus chuckled, as humorous and natural as he always was: "She cannot appear here, and I will not allow this to happen."

However, Augustus' heart became heavy again, and he couldn't help but began to worry about his mother and sister.

A week ago, with a huge sum of money being transferred to Augustus's account in the National Bank of Umoyan, his brother Arcturus Mengsk had arrived at the Pasteur Manor in Umoyan and met Zhu Lin. The news of Anna's meeting with her son was also conveyed to the Hyperion.

It had now been nearly a month since this message was sent, and Augustus had no way of knowing whether Arcturus had been able to reconcile with Juliana after such a long time, or whether he had just stayed for more than a week and rushed away. Return to your comfort zone in the mines.

No way of knowing.

From Arcturus's sincere but actually full of complaints, Augustus learned that his brother was not satisfied with his nephew.

But since Augustus had already taught Valerian what a real Mengsk man should be like, and Valerian had not relaxed his demands on himself after his uncle left, and he practiced swordsmanship and exercised hard, Aktu Else would never call his son a sissy and a nerd like he did in the original timeline.

Although Arcturus used many words to describe Valerian as far less intelligent and tenacious than Augustus when he was a child, and complained about his mother, sister and Juliana dressing up their son as a little princess, this still made a difference in bridging the gap. The rift between father and son caused by their long separation had a rather positive impact.

With Catherine present, Arcturus could at least feel the warmth of the family, and he felt less angry when he complained about Juliana for hiding him. In addition, Augustus only hoped that his brother could start a family and start a business. Even if it was not possible, he should accumulate some affection with his nephew. A family will feel fragmented no matter which person is missing.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned them," Kerrigan said apologetically.

"I know you said that for my sake." Augustus left Kerrigan with a relaxed smile and said, "You are a telepath. You know what I am thinking and feel the same."

When the heavy airlock door of the Norad II captain's room opened, Corporal Faraday in an officer's uniform was already waiting for Augustus. Behind him stood four Steellings wearing CMC-300 power armor. Hitters.

Corporal Faraday is a man with a stern face. He is a standard Korhal, with a wide chin, a high nose bridge and deep eye sockets. A few months ago, Faraday was just an ordinary federal citizen, but now he has become a popular figure around the rebel leader.

Corporal Faraday responded with absolute loyalty. He never believed that he had the talent to deserve his current position. In order to repay Augustus' appreciation and decisive promotion, this young revolutionary soldier from Korhal devoted himself wholeheartedly to the Korhal Revolution and the protection of Augustus himself.

Augustus Mengsk never missed a person. In order to prove that Augustus still had the same vision for recognizing and employing people, Corporal Faridi treated every job assigned to him by Augustus rigorously and seriously.

Whether he was fetching a piece of toast or commanding an army, even if Augustus had to leave him alone to guard Korhal, Corporal Faridi was motivated to do his best.

The ship was unable to contact other battlecruisers while it was in a hyperspace jump state, so Augustus walked straight to the corridor leading to the lower deck and the bottom of the ship. Augustus first spent some time at Norad II's armory, which was managed by a cousin of Rory Swann's own race instead of the Alpha Squadron engineer.

Swann's brothers all look alike, except that Swann's cousin lost a leg in a mine accident in the New Apollon community and had to be replaced with an alloy prosthetic leg.

"Good morning, sir, if this time is considered morning." Thorin Swann, a tall Mrs. Mainho, said in a deep voice: "Is there anything I can do for you? I have already put the The optional ship weapons, armor, and shield upgrade projects are all listed on the control panel. You can choose the future upgrade direction and projects of the Norad II, and then tell me."

"Then you will upgrade this battlecruiser according to my requirements?" Augustus asked.

"Of course, provided..." Thorin was interrupted by Augustus, who rarely interrupted what others were saying - unless he couldn't help it.

"The premise is that you have money." Augustus spread his hands, as if there were ten thousand game announcers telling him, 'You don't have enough crystal mines' or 'You don't have enough military spending.'

"Well, I have good news for you, I have money now."

Thanks to his brother Arcturus, Augustus had a large sum of money at his disposal.

The only thing Augustus needed to consider was how to turn this money into real revolutionary capital. He doesn't need to be too frugal, because as long as Arcturus still holds the extremely rich mine, Augustus will have a series of "0"s in his account every month, and they will all be Umoyan citizen points. This is a currency that is not easily devalued and can be directly linked to crystal mines.

In addition to the Kaimorian Consortium and Umoyan, Augustus must also purchase weapons, ammunition, and warships from the black market on the edge of the Koprulu Sector. At the same time, Augustus had to overcome the disadvantageous situation of being highly dependent on procurement and support from the Umoyan Protectorate Army for armaments.

The Korhal Revolutionary Army needed a new base, and Augustus pinned his hopes on dozens of Korhal colonial motherships flying to distant galaxies.

After that, Augustus went to the lower deck to review the already armed and ready soldiers of the Korhal Revolutionary Army, and made an impassioned speech to the officers and soldiers to conduct general mobilization on the battlefield.

Only when the Norad II and a fleet of more than twenty Behemoth-class battlecruisers jumped out of the hyperspace jump channel did Augustus arrive at the bridge.

On the star map, Tarsonis is rotating at a rotational speed. The jump signal of the Federation ship, which is much lower than expected, shows that the Tarsonis garrison did not notice that a huge fleet was rapidly approaching.

Since Tarsonis became the beacon of Terran Confederation civilization, it has never experienced the baptism of war.

Thanks to the helmsman for the reward! Thanks for the recommendation votes and monthly votes! You are my motivation for renewal!

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