StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 155 Let Tarsonis Burn

The Norad II's thrusters spurted hot orange plasma flames, and the long wake reflected the armored surface of the fleet behind it orange. Behind the majestic and wide hull of Norad II are six iron-gray Behemoth-class battlecruisers. These seven battlecruisers, led by Norad, formed a perfect cutting-edge sharp knife formation.

The lower left and lower right are respectively the Hyperion and Iron Justice fleets running side by side, as well as 26 giant steel ships including Warfield's seven Leviathan-class battlecruisers, in the silence of the electronic communication channel. Heading towards Tarsonis Prime.

Small and medium-sized battleships and starfighters escorting the fleet's main ship formations accompanied the fleet. From time to time, several fighters left the fleet to expel federal reconnaissance aircraft that were rapidly approaching their own fleet.

The slowly rotating turrets, armor printed with white letters and numbers, and smooth portholes of these battlecruisers are all brand new. Each battlecruiser is a majestic ship, capable of raining death on any rebellious colonial world. Orbital bombardment using nuclear weapons can flatten mountains and rivers, make rivers and seas evaporate, and leave a garden suitable for human habitation. The world has become a charred wasteland.

There were no communication signals between battleships, and all channels remained silent, as if what was sailing towards Tarsonis was not a large fleet but cold, speechless steel coffins. The Terran Federation government did its best to pass on the economic recession caused by the war to every citizen of the Federation, and accumulated funds to build these battlecruisers through heavy taxation and plunder.

Now, these battleships are being used by the Mengsk family's revolutionary army against themselves.

".We are still 32 million miles away from the main star of Tarsonis in a straight line, and the Tarsonis system fleet is directly in front of us."

"The dock of the Norad II has been opened and the Avenger and Wraith fighter formations are being ejected. Umoyan's unmanned interceptor fleet has passed the final safety test and can be put into battle immediately."

"The 321st Marine Corps of the Revolutionary Army and the 1st Brigade of the 2nd Airborne Division are on standby on the first, fourth and fifth decks. The lower deck calls the bridge, and we can deliver landing troops to Tarsonis at any time."

"The energy is full and the shield can be turned on."

There were about thirty or forty officers and technicians talking loudly on the bridge of the Norad II, but the scene did not seem so chaotic because of this. Everyone had a clear division of labor and knew what they should do when and where. say.

The center of these soldiers and crew is Augustus Mengsk, who is wearing a dark gray military coat. He is the backbone of the entire bridge and the Norad II. Just standing there can make people feel at ease, and those who admire Austrian The revolutionary soldiers in Gustus will be ignited with fighting spirit just by looking at him.

At this time, Tarsonis Prime was getting closer and closer to the Norad II. The green planet was shrouded in the bright starlight. Some of the light spots amplified by the sensors on the main screen of the bridge represented the arrival of the jump. Federation fleet.

"They must have been caught off guard," said Sarah Kerrigan, standing behind Augustus. "Even someone who was startled would have been panicked."

"Let's wait and see." Augustus said to another adjutant beside him: "Access the federal communication channel that has been intercepted and deciphered."

The reason why Augustus's revolutionary fleet was able to intercept and decipher the encrypted communications of the federal army depended on Umoyan's powerful deciphering technology and the confidential information of the federal communication codes obtained by the agents of the Protectorate Army. All of this was used, without exception, to help the Revolutionary Army establish their own intelligence network. A large number of sophisticated and sophisticated monitoring equipment and technical personnel were sent to Korhal IV.

As early as seventy years or more ago, when the Terran Federation first proposed the establishment of a joint government to unify the human regimes of the three Koprulu sectors, the governments of Umoyan and Moria were aware of the hidden human power. The ambition behind the ridiculous reason of unification.

The former spent a lot of time building a network of spies and intelligence that infiltrated Tarsonis' power network, while the latter did not believe that Tarsonis' sissies could possibly defeat the tough miners.

To this day, as there have only been a few border conflicts with little or no casualties, the Terran Federation still does not know that Umoyan has deciphered the encryption mode of their communication channels, and is very likely to be openly monitoring it. The federal major occupied the command center communication network and had a love talk with his newlywed wife.

The ending of the Moria people can be imagined. Not only did they lose the war, but they were completely defeated.

"This is the Heisenland outpost. They have nineteen Behemoth-class battlecruisers and seven Leviathan-class battleships, and more than a thousand Avengers fighters." The Norad II bridge sounded at the same time. Audio signals from several monitored federal communications channels.

"I am the First Orbital Defense Platform Command Center, who are they?"

"Rebels - the rebel fleet. If it weren't for the rebels, I would boil Aunt Merry's leather boots and swallow an entire fleet, which is equivalent to a squadron and a half. God, if I hadn't drank too much Ordering a cocktail is blinding you. Goodbye sir, we must retreat."

"I understand. Stand your ground or I will send you to a military court."

Over a piercing electrical noise, a distorted voice could be heard shouting on another channel: "Rebels, they're Korhal, I recognize the markings on those battleships."

"Damn it, this must be some stupid April Fool's joke. Now I'm going to get some sleep. I spent the night with that bitch in the gravity chamber yesterday and you should try that too. Daniel, I will Let her come to you so that you won't be surprised."

Then there was a clang and a confused scream, and Augustus believed that the drunken orbit monitoring station radar monitor had received a good beating from his superiors.

Then there was another communication channel, and the access source showed that they were two Leviathan-class battlecruisers cruising between the outer system and the main star in the Tarsonis system on a fixed route. The two Leviathan-class battlecruisers were far behind the current Behemoth-class battlecruisers due to their aging. The technicians under Augustus quickly deciphered the encryption between them. Communication encoding.

"Ah, there are rebels everywhere, what a ghost." A captain of the Federation Leviathan-class battlecruiser said, "But where is our fleet?"

"Stop them. Don't let those Korhals do evil in the Tarsonis system. They should go back to their hometown in the remote countryside."

The communication between the two Leviathan-class battlecruisers disappeared again. Apparently the artificial intelligence on the ship changed the identification code of the encrypted communication channel according to a fixed operating procedure, and Augustus's technical soldiers wanted to It will take some time to decipher it again.

"The rally signal sent by Tarsonis to other fleets has not been intercepted yet?"

"No, sir." A technical soldier replied: "We have not intercepted such encrypted signals. The constantly changing communication passwords are hidden among millions of codes, but it is possible that we missed it."

"It's impossible to miss it." Augustus said: "If the Federation Council is already anxious, then they will definitely send distress signals non-stop. Always monitor Tarsonis's communication channel and don't miss any one that may affect the war situation. Communications of Significant Impact.”

Augustus listened to several more communications from outposts in the Tarsonis system and habitation stations on several orbiting planets. He soon realized that the Federation Council did not expect that the Revolutionary Army fleet would raid the Dalarian shipbuilding. Rush to Tarsonis immediately after the factory.

But as long as there is any general in the Federation army who has a clear mind and even a little strategic foresight, he should realize that the Tarsonis system is neither shielded nor defended, and the terrifying emptiness is evident on the star map. above.

The monitored channels of the Tarsonis Planetary Orbital Defense Force, space station, and orbital defense platform showed that the Federation forces that were supposed to defend Tarsonis were in chaos. Thousands of signal transmission sources outside the army and fleet systems called the Federal Navy Command to ask what happened. The confused naval generals were scolded bloody by the dignitaries of various systems and families.

"Andrea Tagore and her Federation Council are really calm. She should know that Tarsonis even lacks a marshal who can command the entire army - unless those retired old people are pushed to the front. Augustus shook his head and closed all monitoring channels, but asked the monitors to pay attention and report key information at any time.

At this time, as the Revolutionary Fleet headed by the Norad II got closer and closer to the main star of Tarsonis, the Federation fleet consisting of nine Federation battlecruisers could already be detected on the bridge radar scan. The warships of both sides were about ten miles apart. At such a long distance, missiles and space torpedoes rushed out of the cabin first, followed by laser beam barrages all over the sky.

This is obviously the majority of the warships that Tarsonis can use in a short period of time, because most of those Leviathan-class battleships should have been sent to scrap iron recycling foundries or displayed in museums and naval officers' schools. The cruise ship was also pulled out.

The flagship of the Federation fleet is the famous Leviathan-class battlecruiser Hutt, which is widely praised for destroying two Camorion Alliance battlecruisers and an interceptor carrier. .

However, after suffering two heavy losses, the Hutt had to return to the Bennett Orbital Shipyard in Tarsonis for repairs. With the end of the Battle of Kailian, the large-scale delivery fleet of Behemoth-class battlecruisers and After several upgrades, this warship that once made the Kaimorians fearful could not escape the fate of being eliminated.

The Korhal Revolutionary Army Fleet and the Federation Fleet opened fire while accelerating their approach. Between the barrages of the two sides were numerous interstellar fighters that quickly shuttled between them. At the same time, there were more Federation fighters and self-travelers that left the space dock. The revolutionary warship jumped out of the channel and joined the battlefield.

What was before Augustus was a magnificent scene. It was a collision between fleets. Cannonballs and laser weapons burst into thousands of hot and bright fires on the armor of the battleships. Every fighter exploded. The light spot on the main screen of Norad II seemed like a short-lived supernova.

After a moment of dazzling glory, the flagship of the Federation fleet, the Hutt, was hit by a round of concentrated fire from the Revolutionary fleet. This battlecruiser, which once destroyed a colony on the edge of the Camorian Commonwealth and left nightmare memories for the Camorian people, burned in the sky with flames, accompanied by illumination in a matter of seconds. The incandescence that illuminated the entire Norad II bridge turned into tens of thousands of torn apart steel fragments.

About 1,000 to 2,500 federal fleet soldiers became smoke in the past in an instant, dying in pain that was not short-lived.

The two fleets collided fourteen minutes after they fired at each other. The outer battleships and fighter planes overlapped, and each battlecruiser's earth-shattering explosion was accompanied by bright light and blue electrical pulses.

After kicking the fourth Federation battlecruiser out of the battlefield, the monitor on the Norad II accessed a level 3 encrypted communication channel that Augustus had long awaited.

"Soldiers of the Tyranid Federation, I am Benson Tagore, Chief Speaker of the Federation Council. Tarsonis is under attack by the rebels and the defense fleet has been hit. In accordance with Federation Council Agreement No. 99, I represent the Federation Council and what he represents. The people of the Federation demand it of you."

"All fleets, return to Tarsonis immediately!"

"Well done, Speaker Benson." Augustus laughed, and many people on the bridge could hear his hearty laughter.

"Korhal IV has been saved." Kerrigan, who was looking at Augustus, also smiled. Although she didn't have high hopes that Korhal IV would be able to hold on for that many days, it would be too late to end the siege of Korhal.

"It's not over yet." Augustus pulled down the brim of his wide-brimmed military hat. The expression on his face looked like he was a villain rather than a leader of the revolutionary army: "It's not over yet, Andrea Tagore."

"The superiors of those soldiers did not tell them that the Dalarian Shipyard was attacked by us and a large number of warships were stolen." He stopped smiling: "Someone must have blocked the news, but the Federation Council must have been informed that what happened in the Dalarian System what."

"But they don't know where we will go next." He faced the brilliant starlight outside the porthole: "No one dares to say which galaxy the rebel fleet will go to next. Some people may believe that we will attack Tarsonis, but he did not let The men of Tarsonis brace themselves for a war."

"Whether or not anyone suggests strengthening Tarsonis's defenses, if the Federation is recalling its fleets across the Koprulu sector to strengthen the homeland's defenses, that's exactly what we want. If they haven't done that until now If you don't react, I'll burn Tarsonis to the ground."

"Mengsk, I can't wait." At this time, the figure of Tychus Finley appeared on a main screen next to Augustus. Tychus was wearing power armor, and behind him stood a group of fully armed revolutionary troops. sergeant.

"Tychus is about to appear. And those Tarsonian bastards are about to run away."

"Don't lose your mind." Augustus scolded him: "Do you remember what the order was?"

"Landing." Tychus said: "Doing so while Tarsonis's three orbital platforms and the ground orbital anti-aircraft gun fire network are still in operation is seeking a dead end. Only about 20% to 30% of the troops can reach the surface. .”

"But this is our mission. We want the Tarsonis to know that the revolutionary army has arrived at their doorstep." Tychus didn't seem to be frightened at all by what he just said: "In this way, the nobles and The bureaucrats will be more urgent in asking the fleet to return to Tarsonis."

"The target is the military facilities and scientific research stations in Tarsonis, and to seize the Federation's armed manufacturing map. In addition, we must destroy the starports and suspended train tracks on the surface of Tarsonis as much as possible, so that the Federation You can't project force quickly," Tychus said.

"If possible, we will rush into the city and snatch some noble ladies."

"The last words are not what I said." Augustus turned around and his eyes fell on Tychus: "As long as you don't accidentally hurt civilians, then I don't mind what you do. But no one can jump over me. I’m giving you this order, do you understand?”

"You didn't say that." Tychus lit a cigar: "But I think about it, if I were you, I would do this."

"Those nobles, I'm afraid they haven't been beaten by Tychus' father since they were children." He chewed the cigar in his mouth and closed the mask and said.

"Let Tarsonis burn!"

It's too late, send it first and change it later

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