StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 156 Tychus’ Spanking Camp

Norad II lower deck, launch port, ship time 4:03.

"Follow your orders, Tychus. Don't cause me any trouble." As Tychus strode toward the Demon of Heaven's exclusive APOD transport plane, the little devil, he could still hear Ogu in his power armor. Stu's voice gave the order on the bridge: "Hyuberian gather at me! Open fire on the port side!"

"No problem, sir. Where do you want me to fire?" Reno replied in a low voice: "Ah - I saw that guy, Captain Jim is ready to attack."

Tychus' old friend, Captain Jim Raynor, was an energetic young man whom all the demons in Heaven thought was funny and easy to get along with. Renault is full of endless energy and has a strong sense of justice. Among Augustus's old troops, he was the most successful in integrating into the new role after leaving the Federal Marines.

At this time, no one would associate Reno with the image of decadence and loser. He was the capable and right-hand man of the Revolutionary Army Marshal and was deeply trusted. Renault had already become the captain of a Behemoth-class battlecruiser at a young age, commanding a squadron of more than 20,000 fleet soldiers. However, he did not treat others with arrogance because of his youth and arrogance.

Everyone knows that it is only a matter of time before Renault is promoted to general.

Reno seems to be born to make revolution. He comes from an ordinary Shiloh family and can understand the sufferings of the people of the Federation. And Reno is undoubtedly an activist. He almost never talks about justice and freedom.

There is no doubt that Renault was a gun of justice in the hands of Augustus, hitting wherever he pointed.

At this moment, there are hundreds of transport ships taking off on the lower deck apron of Norad II, and ground crews are busy sending low-ground shuttles to the runway.

Behind Tychus, there were at least three slowly rising APOD transport planes. The thruster plasma jets sprayed downwards set off gusts of crisscrossing winds. The pilots, ground crews, boarding bus drivers, and soldiers and officers lining up were The sounds blended together and were difficult to distinguish.

Amidst the roar of the magnetic rail accelerating track, wedge-shaped shuttles with three-layer plastic ceramic thickened shells disappeared into the distance in an instant, and the transport ships gradually moved away in the orange-red plasma thruster flames. .

The silent soldiers of the Revolutionary Army moved forward under the blue deck lights. The power armor was shrouded in a cold light. Several Goliath armed robots walked among the soldiers walking towards the transport plane and shuttle. The mecha servo system issued an A subtle buzzing sound.

If there is any difference between these warriors and federal soldiers, it is that they are all Korhal IV people who have lost their homeland. They all share the same belief and common pursuit - to overthrow the rule of the Tyranid Federation and form a new nation. A country of freedom and equality.

As propagated by the Revolutionary Army's propaganda department, the Revolutionary Army has its own mission to save all Terran people.

After all, the Korhal Dominion is an unattainable dream, and the new generation of Korhal people are pursuing another more distant dream-the great republic.

Tychus chewed the cigar in his mouth. The helmet was filled with smoke. The air circulation system inside the helmet was working hard like a coughing old man. The small turbofan in the CMC-300 power armor was humming softly. Thirty-two people He was followed by Stirling Wolf Hunters in crimson power armor.

These warriors who are said to be able to dance with wolves have long-handled battle axes and the emblem of the Stiir wolf on their armor. The emblem of the Wolf Hunters is different from that of the Mengsk family in that the Stiir wolf on their armor is pure White, the mane on the back and neck looks like a cloud pattern.

The Wolf Hunters were one of the few elite units in the Revolutionary Army, behind Augustus's personal Faraday Guards, the Warfield Iron Battalion, Raynor's Rangers, and the anti-psionic force the Steelling Strikers.

Augustus also envisioned having Tychus Finlay reorganize the Demons of Heaven and form a special tactical force under this name. But Tychus refused without hesitation, and Augustus gave him another name, the outlaw Tychus Finlay, which was again considered unpleasant.

After much thought, Tychus decided to call his troops the Spanking Battalion, but was immediately overruled by Augustus. Since the unmotivated Tychus was not enthusiastic about forming his own army, the matter soon fell into disuse.

But for now, Tychus still privately calls his battalion spanking camp, which is what he originally called boot camp. Tychus also declared that his camp did not welcome any new recruits, nor would he accept any young boys or young girls.

At first his subordinates tolerated this ridiculous term, but until Mr. Finley used the word in official situations, the captains united and strongly opposed it.

Compared with Renault, who is already the captain, Tychus seems to be the worst-performed among Augustus' old subordinates. Up to now, his military rank is only a staff sergeant, and his position can only command one person. Platoon, in fact Tychus only had a battalion of Stirling Wolf Hunters.

One reason is that Tychus can't lead so many troops now. It's not that he lacks such abilities, it's just that he's too lazy to take care of so many people.

Now, only Augustus among the revolutionary army can steadily defeat Tychus. When others come, even Warfield's words will have no effect.

Augustus still knows who Tychus is. He is not the kind of man who can endure loneliness in any sense. His moral level is worrying, and his bottom line is astonishingly low - so low that it can be seen in the dust, and too small to be seen. clear.

Augustus did not dare to put Tychus in a too high position, far away from his sight. Otherwise, it is almost certain that Tychus will abuse his authority and dominate.

However, Tychus's status was not much lower than that of his old friends. After all, Augustus still had to count on him to fight a tough battle.

When Tychus climbed up the gangway into the passenger cabin of the Little Devil transport ship, Norad II was still shaking from time to time, as if someone was shaking this huge and magnificent steel coffin with a heavy hammer.

If it were the new recruits recruited from the Port of the Dead, they might have peed their pants. But Old Tychus's men are all elite soldiers, and each of them is a warrior who can fight wolves with bare hands.

After Tychus and his troops were seated, the Imp transport began to take off. Through the powered armor HUD display connected to the transport ship's camera, the Revolutionary Army soldiers can clearly see the tragic battlefield outside Norad II.

The orbiting planetary defense platform, which had been a blurry black dot five minutes ago, was now within sight. Countless battleship wreckage were suspended in the space, and the alloy fragments flying towards Tarsonis disappeared in the shining reflection.

The wolf hunters of Stillling remained silent, neither exclamating nor giving any thoughts on this war or their mission.

Whether they are the elite troops of the Keha Revolutionary Army, the regular army or the militia reserves, they all have a more or less cold solemnity about them. The loss of their homeland makes these soldiers full of sorrow and sadness. At this time, no one would think that a crying warrior was a coward, and anyone who laughed heartily would seem abrupt and bizarre.

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