StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 157 Obtaining the artifact: Broken Star Small Revolver

The carrier-based transport aircraft of the Norad II jumped out of the dock like a stray swarm. They, the Hyperion and the landing fleet on the Iron Justice respectively flew to Tarsonis under the escort of the fighter group.

At this time, the situation of the fleet battle has become clear. The hastily assembled Tyranid Federation fleet was defeated. Five of the nine battlecruisers were destroyed and two were severely damaged. The last two Behemoth-class battlecruisers were dragging their wounds. The tired body sailed into the shadow between the orbital defense platform and the planet.

Just as the Imp transport ship Tychus was riding began to speed up, in the space distortion in the hyperspace channel and the vortex caused by the absorption of light, two Behemoth-class battlecruisers with iron-gray armored shells appeared Jump to a position less than 300 feet away from a heavily damaged Federation Leviathan and open fire.

The Leviathan-class battlecruiser's backward armor could not withstand the fierce gunfire. It finally exploded in a bright flash. The main body of the ship was pushed towards Tarsonis by the shock wave generated by the explosion and was then hit by the planet's Caught by gravity, it falls to the earth.

Even so, Tarsonis's three orbital defense platforms are still a barrier between the Revolutionary Fleet and Tarsonis. Its air defense firepower network covers most of the orbit around the star. The powerful Draken II The pulse railgun can even shoot down battlecruisers, enough to block a fleet.

Augustus has no intention of capturing these orbital platforms. Even when the returning Federation fleet arrives in the Tarsonis system, it is impossible for the Revolutionary fleet to capture all platforms, and there is no substantial significance in doing so at present.

Augustus' goal was to attack the mainland of Tarsonis. Even if he couldn't catch a few members of the Creation Family, he had to panic them. Even because of this, Augustus successfully delivered several nuclear bombs to the orbital platform to destroy its main anti-aircraft fire network, giving more landing troops a chance to successfully reach the planet's surface.

Tychus's fleet was among the first to enter the atmosphere. From the perspective of the transport ship pilot, he could see a dense barrage of pulse cannons, anti-aircraft guns and missiles piercing the sky. Every moment, A revolutionary army transport ship was shot down.

But Tychus has become accustomed to it. This is the fate of the airborne troops. Most of the casualties occur before landing.

At this time, Tychus could hear the breathing in the communication channel becoming obviously heavier, and many people turned off the HUD display inside the armor. Even the elite Steeling Wolf Hunters are scared, and many of them have never even been in space before, and there have been many incidents where they vomited all over the inside of their powered armor due to seasickness.

"Listen up, I know that all my men are top-notch heroes." Tychus calmed down. He always has a lot of weird things to say, but when he should be serious, he is still quite reliable: "The next thing It’ll be much easier to handle.”

"Gentlemen, war is calling us. Maybe old Mengsk said that we are fighting for freedom, justice, democracy or other things that we can't see or eat, but in the end, we are killing people." Tychus Hehehe smiled.

Tychus' words did not receive much response. If this were the time of the Demon in Heaven, without Augustus saying anything, Harnak and Josephine would have already started bragging and shouting in the communication channel. Sometimes Tychus misses the past - of course, only occasionally.

"But this is what we are best at. Killing people and stealing goods. Men should do what men should do." When several Stirling wolf hunters looked at Tychus, he was trying to get out of the supply unit of the power armor. Take out a new cigar.

"If you want revenge, you have to show some of the ferocity with which your ancestors hunted wolves. If the Terran Federation fleet really dropped so many nuclear bombs on Korhal IV, then the forests of the wolf hunting territory would be Not even the scum is left.”

Tychus could see several Stirling wolf hunters clenching their gauss rifles and gritting their teeth, but still did not say a word.

"It's so boring." Seeing that no one else responded, Tychus couldn't help but miss the past. To be honest, recruiting a group of villains is much more interesting than leading these silent soldiers, at least those guys usually talk more.

Having said that, if we really want to fight side by side and leave our backs to our comrades, these determined Revolutionary Army soldiers are definitely the most trustworthy.

"Sir, the mission briefing shows that our destination is the main city of Tarsonis, but the central area is a densely populated commercial area." A lieutenant finally took over Tychus's words.

"Yes, we will have a street battle with the Tarsonis defense forces there." Tychus said: "As long as those Tarsonis people are not crazy, they will either hide at home or run away after a few hours. . If they accidentally injure civilians, they will only consider themselves unlucky."

"Where there are few civilians, there are fortresses and military fortresses."

"." It was impossible for the soldiers to remain calm when the transport ship they were riding on could be shot down at any time and destroy the ship and kill everyone.

"This is just a small scene for the Demon of Heaven. If you want to know about my glorious years when I fought side by side with Augustus Mengsk, then old Tychus has to say something." Tychus looked around. People were talking and laughing all around: "When we were in Turasis II, the scene was ten times more dangerous than it is now."

This somewhat attracted the attention of the Revolutionary Army soldiers. In their view, the Demon of Heaven was undoubtedly a living legend.

While Tychus was bragging, the Imp had already arrived over the city of Tarsonis. At this time, the city was still in the dark. A dense anti-aircraft firepower network obscured the space, firing anti-aircraft fire at hundreds of rounds per second. The cannon poured out bullets as if it were free of charge.

The Little Devil transport ship and three other transport ships shuttled between high-rise buildings like a steel forest, avoiding anti-aircraft fire while looking for opportunities to land.

Even though the Korhal Revolutionary Army had no previous signs of sending landing troops, the central city of Tarsonis had actually built defenses in less than two hours, including fortifications, roadblocks, artillery positions, arc tank groups, The Marines and Tarsonis Army formed a tight defensive position in the central city.

Put the founding family, the federal parliament and the people in the wealthy areas under "comprehensive", "strict" and "caring" protection.

In the end, Tychus's landing force could only land inside a research station located outside the central city. His troops eliminated the scattered resistance in the research station in three strikes, five by five, and divided by two, and inserted a side of Korhal. Flag of the revolutionary army.

Before leaving, he lit a fire that quickly went out.

Near the research station is the unloading platform of a trading star port. As usual, Tychus picked up a lot of good things while transcribing the experimental data of the research station. Tychus found a lot of old antiques in a container sent to New Sydney in the edge system. Including an old record player and an antique revolver.

"Tsk - an old-fashioned revolver. Mengsk will like these gadgets. I heard that his collection room is filled with antiques and cold weapons from a hundred years ago, and he especially likes to give them to those who are valued by him. Officers issue guns." On the way to a Terran Federation command center, Tychus fumbled for the exquisitely crafted and engraved revolver in his hands.

This is a Colt military single-action revolver, an antique from hundreds of years ago, and the bullets are extremely precious. The power of this model of revolver cannot be underestimated, and it can easily open the skull of a bison.

But Tychus then thought again. He had never given a gift to anyone other than a woman in his life.

This feels a bit strange.

Well, the pistol that killed Tychus was obtained by him and Renault when they robbed the federal train. The bullet with justice written on it was originally reserved for Arcturus.

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