StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 158 Siege of Tarsonis

The hemisphere where Tarsonis is located is on the other side of the planet facing the star. The number of meteor showers is much greater than ever before. The debris of the city-sized orbital station falls from the sky and shines as it streaks through the atmosphere. Make it look like a sun falling to the ground.

The sky shines with bright orange spots, like dazzling new stars. The brightness of these new stars is hundreds of times that of Polaris. Some of them are even brighter than the sun in an instant. They are battlecruisers that have fallen into low-Earth orbit.

The air raid sirens blaring all night long ravaged the highly nervous nerves of the Tarsonis people. The shrill sirens and occasional roars of explosions were heard above people's heads. The chaos and exodus from the city could no longer be stopped. Men drove away from the brightly lit city with their families, suitcases and children on their shoulders.

The looting of weapons stores and department stores plunged an area into a sea of ​​​​fire, and the billowing smoke made more people believe that rebels and government forces were already fighting in the city.

Chaos, screaming, crying.

On the third hour when the air raid sirens were sounded, seven major cities, including the main city of Tarsonis, were plunged into hysterical chaos.

The sky was full of flying cars and private yachts, and the transportation network on the ground was extremely chaotic. Car accidents, traffic jams, and resulting conflicts continued one after another. The number of casualties caused by mutual injuries and accidents soon jumped to tens of thousands. people.

Before the rebels could land a single soldier on Tarsonis, order on the planet collapsed.

Even the most dedicated Tarsonis police officers didn't know whether to evacuate the crowds or prevent people from fleeing the city at this time. The deputy chief of police was furious because 70% of the Tarsonis police officers were missing, while those above him were Busy hiding in the heavily fortified underground "conference hall" for meetings.

Due to the chaos of management and the incompetence of some officials, Tarsonis's administrative system knew nothing about the war situation except that the enemy was the rebels from Korhal.

Everyone outside the federal parliament and cabinet was confused. They didn’t know how many warships the rebel fleet parked in high-altitude orbit had. The federal naval command had emphasized several times that I had the advantage, but after a few hours, the alarm was still there. Not lifted.

Nearly all of the losses came from within Tarsonis, and the rebels simply moved the fleet into orbit. Although Korhal's rebels have not launched any form of attack on cities and large settlements, every minute of damage to Tarsonis will take dozens of times to make up for it.

Both officials and civilians were at a loss. The information they received was that a large-scale rebellion broke out in Korhal IV, but they never expected that the rebels would have the strength to raid Tarsonis.

During the four-year Kailian War, the Kaimorian Alliance only attacked the main star world of the Sara system. Their fleet did not take the initiative when fighting the federal navy and could only carry out passive defense.

The Kaimorian Federation also has the main star world and the mining world to defend, and it is impossible for the Federation government to mobilize the fleet to attack Tarsonis with all their might.

By this time, even the drunkards who loudly discussed politics and the situation in the bars began to believe that the problem of Korhal's rebels was no longer a geopolitical issue or an insurgency that would be quelled in a year or two at most.

The issue of Korhal is likely to continue to exist with the Terran Federation's regime for a long time, and the possibility of compromise between the two sides is slim. Otherwise, either the Korkha people will establish an independent political power independent of the federal government, or the federal executioners will drive out all the Korkha people.

A cruel fact is faced by the Tarsonis who have experienced this nightmare, that is, it is not impossible for Tarsonis to fall.

——We never imagined that Tarsonis would fall, just like someone told me that God would be assassinated and Jesus was never resurrected. Whether it was the gorgeously dressed politicians in the Federal Parliament, the judges in the Federal Court wearing smelly wigs, or the bureaucratic officials in the cabinet, everyone was rushing around, shouting: Take me home. Where is the carriage? Pick up twenty of my lovers and a pile of diapers, and let me run away first!

While Mike Liberty, editor of the UNN News Agency, was still typing on the keyboard, the "earthquake" happened. The flowerpots in the office shook and fell to the ground, the bookshelves shook, and the ceiling moved left and right.

While taking a calm sip of coffee, Mike made a note at the bottom of the document: 2489.6.21, earthquake, felt in the city of Tarsonis.

"Why are you still sitting here?" Anderson, the editor-in-chief of UNN Universe News Network, is a middle-aged man with a wide body and a fat body. His head is bald and only two curls of black hair remain on his temples.

Anderson looked at the same thing as he passed Mike Liberty's office with his briefcase, and suddenly screamed, the layer of fat accumulated on his belly shaking with the violent movements like breathing.

"The rebels are already here!" He said: "Run, Mike, do you still want to be shot by the rebels again? Let me tell you, you can survive only because you are lucky."

"Rebels?" Mike Liberty immediately showed a horrified expression: "Anderson's, I thought it was an earthquake."

"Didn't you hear the siren?" Anderson was also very surprised. The young man didn't look panicked at all. Could it be that there was something wrong with his ears.

"I overslept." Mike shrugged. He was not worried about what the Revolutionary Army would do to him, because to be precise, he was now a Revolutionary Army soldier.

Not long ago, I joined the Pan-Talon Party, and I am certified as a revolutionary comrade.

"." Anderson was shocked by Mike's blatant fishing and being so honest, but in general, Anderson still admired Mike's calmness in dealing with changes. Only with this kind of character that remains unchanged despite the collapse of the mountain, can he seem to be able to survive in the world. Be the first to appear in dangerous situations and make big news.

Moreover, Mike's sharp and pungent writing style is something Anderson admires very much. News reports that emphasize authenticity are always quite marketable.

However, just as Anderson was about to leave, there was another loud noise that turned his face pale. Outside Mike's office, a Leviathan-class battlecruiser crashed in the northern city, and the flames could be seen in the sky even from a dozen miles away.

The impact point looked like a fleeting, semicircular sun. The shock wave shattered the glass of the skyscraper, peeling off the superstructure and exposing the metal frame below. The phosphorus dust from the explosion was The fires spread for miles and engulfed residential and commercial areas, sending plumes of smoke billowing into the sky.

"Now, the casualties must be more than 10,000 or 20,000. God knows how many people will be burned alive."

Mike looked at the tragic scene outside the ship and shook his head: "We should send more manpower to rescue the affected civilians."

"Tarthonis, burning."

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