StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 161 Son of Korhal

2489.7.12, Umoyan, New Stillling.

"This is a long-planned subversion of the government. The evil and hopeless Angus Mengsk is the leader of the largest cult in the Koprulu sector. He uses a double poison of mind and body to control four people. Fifteen million Korkhas, enslaving the devastated Korkha people and forcing them to join his rebel army armed with pamphlets and drugs."

"In this great battle to defend Tarsonis, our brave soldiers fought bloody battles, shedding the last drop of their blood to defend Tarsonis, and fought bravely to exterminate the rebel forces that threatened the Federation - "Becoming the Federation" will be played below "The Glory", "Our Great Federation", and "The Starship Song" to commemorate these heroic sacrifice soldiers!"

"Long live the Federation!"

"Change the channel." Arcturus Mengsk was sitting on an old sofa in a cubicle in New Stillling City Hall with mining rigs, hard hats and windproof coats hanging from rivets on the walls. Sipping the port wine from the glass, in front of him was an LED advertising screen dismantled from the main urban area of ​​Stillling, the capital of Korhal. It was still playing 2D images instead of three-dimensional holographic projections.

The intelligent voice recognition device automatically identified and switched to the next channel according to Arcturus' words. These channels included UNN Universe TV and local TV stations on multiple Tyranid Federation colonial planets.

"Augustus, the son of Angus, is another leader of their cult and the leader of the rebels. He has planned all the terrorist actions against the federal government and federal citizens so far. Augustus should be crazy for being used. He is responsible for the killings, and the deaths of more than 600,000 federal citizens who died in this disaster should be attributed to him."

"Change the channel." Arcturus had a good drink, but he was obviously a little drunk. This man who shaved and had regular haircuts even in the mining area rarely looked unshaven, but these days Arcturus was always unshaven, his greasy brown hair tangled together, and his cold gray eyes also appeared. Lots of bloodshot eyes.

"This is UNN Universe TV reporter Mike Liberty. At the point where the battlecruiser Century Gothic crashed, the shock wave generated by the explosion destroyed 40% of the main buildings in Queen Mary City, including the New Reims Cathedral, Both the Minsk World Trade Tower and the Vilia Roof of the World were destroyed in this unprecedented disaster, which is a huge loss to human culture."

"Who the hell wrote this manuscript? How many people have died and you still care about historical monuments that are less than a hundred years old? - Enough, finish reading the manuscript. I tell you clearly that this is a live broadcast and there is no room for mistakes!"

“The fire that spread to the East Wales Starport on Tarsonis continued until dawn the next day, killing more than 420,000 Federation citizens in the attack, and 1.3 million people suffered physical disabilities from varying degrees of burns. A spokesman for the Federal Ministry of Defense claimed that the fire was caused by arson in a gas fuel storage well by Korhal rebels."

"After the rebels retreated, fire-fighting work in some areas was still in progress - how could the private fire brigade rescue them? Where are our troops?"

"Change the channel." Arcturus didn't have any sympathy for the Tarsonis' plight. He even found it very satisfying. About a week ago, Arcturus, who had returned to the mines on the planet Peak, received news of the fall of Korhal. Although he had been mentally prepared, he was still furious after learning that Korhal had been hit by a nuclear attack. .

Korhal meant a lot to Arcturus, and he loved his hometown. Like all members of the Mengsk family, Arcturus loves this beautiful world with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. Even if this planet is really bombed to pieces by nuclear bombs, he will rebuild it at all costs. .

"The initiator of this terrorist act was Angus Mengsk, and his second son Augustus Mengsk planned this terrorist attack. This criminal family should be responsible for a series of rebellions. Currently, Augustus Du Mengsk's position on the FBI's wanted list has jumped to second place, second only to his father." Next, the host of Vilitia's Global TV station powerfully complained about the numerous atrocities committed by the rebels. Later added:

"As of today, Angus Mengsk and Augustus Mengsk have been included on the wanted list in seven main star worlds. If you happen to meet these criminals, please call the Vilitia Main Star Police Headquarters, We will transfer you to the Federation Navy——"

"Augustus, the more they hate you and slander you, the more they prove that you are on the right path." There was no one else around Arcturus, he just said to himself With.

"Umoyan is no longer safe, and the federal ghost agents will find it sooner or later."

Arcturus realized that he was getting deeper and deeper into Korhal's rebellion. His father and brother were both on the wanted list of the Terran Confederacy, because the Mengsk family were responsible for this great rebellion. leader. After Korhal was destroyed, Arcturus didn't want or think he could stay out of it.

He had anticipated this day, but had always wanted to escape. Angus deserves it no matter what, but his mother and sister will definitely be implicated, so Arcturus cannot ignore it.

Augustus figured it out earlier than Arcturus himself. Even if they assassinated his father with a sword, Korhal, who was calling for revolution, would not stop his rebellion.

"Change the channel." Arcturus put down his empty wine glass, took the bottle and was about to refill himself, when he found a shiny hand on his.

"Speaker Angus's fleet has arrived at the Umoyan Orbital Star Port." Juliana Pasteur, wearing home clothes, an apron and a headscarf, walked in without Arcturus noticing— — Even after giving birth to a child, the lithe Juliana can still walk like a cat.

His mother, Catherine, had always hoped that Arcturus could rekindle his love with Juliana. Even after so many years, Juliana still deeply loves the man to whom she has entrusted everything, but Arcturus is already tired of the game of love.

"Where did he get so many ships?" Arcturus frowned. His complicated emotions towards Angus and his inner dignity made him always feel defensive when mentioning this man.

The main reason why Arcturus is still unwilling to join the Korhal Revolutionary Army is that he never recognizes Angus's revolution. This is not just a question of who is right and who is wrong. Arcturus left home ten years ago to rebel against his father and hated the revolution. Even now, he will not change his opinion even for the sake of face.

"It is said that the Federation fleet moved too fast and left behind eight battlecruisers that were unable to jump. The life support systems of several battleships were damaged. The Federation captains above asked the Revolutionary Army for help, so Colonel Lundstein I personally led people to board the battleship in a speedboat."

"Well, what to do with the soldiers on the battleship? Those captains can be retained." Arcturus asked: "If they did not dismantle the signal tracking device of the battlecruiser, then the Umoyan Protectorate Army and the Tyranid Federation would There is going to be a battle. When the time comes, we have to find a way to let Umoyang fight with all his strength——"

"The elected parliament will not allow you to interfere." Juliana sat down next to Arcturus and shook her head.

"The members of the Parliament are the wisest elders in each administrative district. Some members are even executive officers and lords of the Dominion a hundred years ago. They still use life-support capsules to maintain their lives and always pay attention to every resolution passed by the democratically elected Parliament. .”

"Then, Angus is at least an elder." Arcturus's bloodshot eyes stared at Julianna's slim body, but there was no lust at all, as if there were those white-haired people standing behind Julianna. Member of Parliament for Umoyan.

"Khal has 25 million people in Umoyan, which is equivalent to one percent of Umoyan's population. According to the laws of the Umoyan galaxy, the Korhal people should have a seat of their own."

"Are you willing to let the Korhal become a nation of Umoyan?" Zhulinanna blinked her charming eyes, but Arcturus was not moved at all.

"Why not?" Arcturus stood up and looked condescendingly at Juliana sitting on the sofa. "We should get as much rights as we pay. Korhal ran into it for the benefit of the Umoyan people." Atop the Terran Federation fleet. If you saw Korhal's miserable state, you would know what we sacrificed for this."

“The Field of Martial Arts is a beautiful grassland, home to the most charming lake in Keha. The water there is sky blue. At night, swarms of silver lantern fish make it look like it’s upside down. The sea of ​​​​stars. But now the grass there is withered and yellow, and the dust raised by the nuclear bomb has adhered to a thick layer on the river. Now only microorganisms are still alive." Arcturus said: "The maple leaf forest of Steeling buried me Many of our ancestors, now only tens of thousands of empty tree trunks are left there.”

"Those who remain are dead, whether they are patriots or traitors. The symbol of the Mengsk family, the Stirling wolves that wander in the dying forest will soon turn into monsters due to nuclear radiation ." He said this, but his voice was still calm.

"The Confederacy has turned us all into monsters."

"Everything will be fine." Juliana could feel Arcturus' sadness.

"Of course, I don't expect the Umoyan people to be moral, but I have other ways." Arcturus has been drinking during this time, but he never let himself get drunk. He always maintained a cold sobriety.

"Umoyan is already doing his best to help the people of Korhal, the people of Korhal," Juliana said in defense of Umoyan who gave birth to her.

"At least they don't look like a group of ragged refugees, right?" Arcturus suddenly shook his head.

If Juliana's father, Federal Council Member Aline Pasteur, and the Umoyan Council he represents behind him are watching all this, then Arcturus obviously acted superbly: "I'm sorry, this is not your fault. It’s not Umoyan’s fault, and it’s not the fault of Angus and the Korhal.”

"It is the Federation that is wrong. The Federation Council and the founding family behind them will not die well."

"You should go tell the members of Parliament." Julianna winked playfully. In front of Arcturus, she was still as cute as a girl in love.

"Is this the attitude of your council or your father?" Arcturus smiled.

"I secretly overheard a conversation between my father and another council member, and they agreed that you would be present at the next meeting." Juliana said quietly.

"Well done!" Arcturus praised Julianna and said, "You did not disappoint me, Julianna. I liked you at first sight."

"Oh~ from among thousands of Steelling women - that's what you said in your letter." Julianna smacked her lips: "But when we first met, only your mother and sister were present."

"I don't remember that I wrote this letter." Arcturus only took a quarter of a second to search for the memory of this paragraph in his mind, and then he quickly gave up: "Okay. , let’s talk business.”

"Valerian is still crying for daddy?" Arcturus tried to change the subject.

"Our son has stopped crying long ago, and he has stopped thinking about you a month ago." Juliana crossed her arms on her chest: "Now what he talks about every day is his Uncle Augustus."

"That's a good thing, I talk about it every day." Arcturus smiled. Although Valerian was weak and liked to read some literary poems, after Augustus taught him last time, Valerian has grown stronger.

"In my memory, Augustus was only a little older than Valerian."

Arcturus didn't realize that the emotional gap between him and Valerian was being bridged, but there was still an underlying rift in their strange relationship as father and son.

When he met Valerian this time, Arcturus was surprised to find that the son he was originally dissatisfied with had turned into a man who would never cry easily. This made Arcturus begin to recognize Valerian as his heir from the bottom of his heart. Of course, in order to prevent Valerian from slacking off, he still behaved quite majesticly.

"Speaking of which, why don't you meet Speaker Angus? He has arrived in New Stillling City and is talking to my father." Juliana said.

"You don't have to respect him so much." Arcturus said impatiently: "I don't want to see him."

"Angus had better die in Korhal, or we will definitely start fighting when we meet."

"I respect him because he is the father of you and Augustus, and the grandfather of Valerian." Julianna said with a smile.

"But you still love him in your heart."

"I hate him." Arcturus opened the curtains in the room in anger.

What appeared in front of Arcturus was the orange-yellow sky of Umoyan and the endless building complex of prefabricated panels and modular houses. Each building was more than ten stories tall and was a column with sharp edges. Umoyan's dragonfly-winged drones surrounded the sky, and from time to time supply ships sailed out from the clouds that seemed to be piled up. Next to the temporary city hall is the open-air market, where the Korhal people are using Umoyan banknotes to trade, and it is bustling with people.

"Okay, I won't mention him." Julianna walked to Arcturus and said softly: "It was you who spent the money to purchase the factory from the Kemorian Consortium and transport it back to Korhal. The reconstruction is weak but important. With your basic industrial system, you provide far more food for all Korhal than Umoyan provides, including eggs and milk for the children."

"Because they are my people," Arcturus said naturally. As a descendant of the nobles who ruled the world over Korhal, he naturally considered the Korhal people to be his own.

But this kindness and generosity belongs only to the Korhal.

Arcturus' share of the wealth gained from the giant mines was used to help the Korhal refugees pouring into Umoyan, and he himself preferred to live frugally. Although the Umoyan government is responsible for the construction of all refugee camp buildings, water supply and power supply facilities and the costs within three years, it still needs Arcturs himself to build a city with complete functions that can support the living needs of 20 million people. Investing money.

Fortunately, the Umoyan government has also promised to use 3% of the fiscal revenue of Umoyan and other planetary autonomous territories to build cities belonging to the Korhal people and maintain the basic transformation of the cities until the Korhal territory can achieve self-sufficiency. Self-sufficient.

For the time being, no one is suffering from hunger or cold.

It's just that Umoyan is not a garden world with a mild climate and suitable for life. The Korhal people still need to go through a lot of hardships if they want to adapt to this planet, which has a much harsher environment than their hometown.

"You also hired thousands of skilled Camorian miners, and took advantage of the internal market turmoil during the peace treaty signed between the Federation and the Federation to purchase mineral scanning equipment and the Camorian planet that filled two orbital star ports at very low prices. Excavator." Juliana asked again.

"How about it, do you want to lead them to become miners?"

"You ask too many questions." Arcturus glanced at her and said, quoting a wise saying: "If you want to be rich, start mining first."

After that, neither of them spoke anymore, and the only sound in the room was the sound from the TV screen.

"Morality is corrupt, good people are forced into prostitution, and people are sold into slavery."

"This is a trampling on humanity. Angus and his lackeys have destroyed the balance of order for their own selfish interests. They intend to turn the entire world upside down and establish a feudal dynasty belonging to the Mengsk family on the free federal regime of fairness and rule of law! "

"We suspect that the Korhal rebels possess weapons of mass destruction. They illegally possess at least ten to thirty Apocalypse-class nuclear bombs. In order to protect the people of Korhal from the destruction of the rebels, we destroyed Korhal IV."


"Interview? That sucks. What I'm saying is, the Korhal are sitting on our heads and shitting on us! The Federation Navy is a bunch of rubbish!"


"Welcome to Franz Vermilion's special show: How did Augustus Mengsk, the leader of the Demons of Heaven, the hero of the people, fall so low?"

"Augustus Mengsk, a murderous butcher, man-eating demon, nymphomaniac, and transvestite, he made women and children carry high explosives to attack the rebels, and ordered underage children to drive without landing gear. fighter planes crashed into a naval warship, and his minions once hijacked a cargo ship and crashed it into the Federal Security Service building."

"." Arcturus suddenly showed an expression as if he was being choked.

"They went too far to smear Augustus. He was once a hero of the Federation." Julianna sighed.

"But not anymore." Arcturus wasn't actually surprised. "Why didn't they report what Korhal had become?"

After a long silence, a Revolutionary Army soldier walked into the room. On his arm was the symbol of the Ringed Whip Arm. Unlike the different Ringed Whip Arms of the Revolutionary Army, there was no five-pointed star in the center of the ring. The whip was covered with Full of sharp serrations.

"You formed the Sons of Korhal," Juliana said, "a true terrorist organization."

"Since the Federation says we are a terrorist organization, then so be it." Arcturus said, "Someone is going to do it anyway."

"They are my people." Arcturus pointed to the city looking out the window, looking at the people with thousands of different faces.

"I will fight for Korhal."

"For everyone to have a home to return to."

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