StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 162 Masala

Chapter 162 Ma Sara


Joey Ray's Pub.

This dirty little bar needs to be renovated. It is built in the red wasteland of the planet Mar Sara. The materials used are rusty cargo ship planks, recycled steel bars, integrated electrical panels and cheap glass, covered with a layer of rust-colored A satellite TV antenna bracket bundled with cables was erected on the windswept roof.

As the wind and sand sweeping across the planet's dry landscape dispersed, sunlight filtered through the bamboo-lacquered blinds behind the bar's windows and woven thinly across the long table in front of Jim Raynor.

Renault held a bottle of No. 8 whiskey in his sun-protective glove and was tilting the bottle to fill the glass in front of him. The cyan bottle shone golden in the sun. People here don't use the temperature stabilizing regulators produced in the core world, and still rely on fans to find coolness.

Compared with its sister planet in the same star system, the lush forested and fertile Cha Sara, this planet orbits closer to the star. The ozone in the atmosphere is thin, and the hot star light scorches Mars mercilessly. ·Sarah's land. About 70% of the land on Mar Sara has been sun-dried for as long as the life of the planet, and the dry and hard land is only interspersed with tenacious shrubs and grass.

A pocket projector was playing the news from UNN Universe TV a week ago. A female member of the Terran Federation Federation Parliament was calling on the people of the Federation to be vigilant about the threat of the rebels, calling Angus Mengsk and his son The most heinous terrorist leader in history: "A crazed terrorist and a scum of society. Those in the Marine Corps who awarded the medal to Augustus Mengsk were simply heinous!"

This small bar has little business during the day. Only when the weather cools down at night will the residents of the town come here to drink and have fun. Joey Ray's Bar was very quiet at this time, and the only sounds in the bar were the sound of the fan and the news.

"We always believe that justice will be done!" The federal congressman raised her hands, while several assistants behind her waved the Federation's X-stars and stripes: "It's Augustus Mengsk and his rebels who ran to the end of the galaxy. , we will also find and capture him and put him on trial publicly!”

"Did you hear that? You scumbag, Augustus." Renault laughed, teasing his old friend: "They will definitely lock you up after they catch you and declare that you have been brought to justice. "

"I have seen her, a mean woman named Beamonchi, a distant relative of the Tagore family. Her figure is just like her unflattering character, boring." At this time, a cowboy with a wide-brimmed cowboy hat He walked in and placed a capacitor electromagnetic pistol on the table in front of Renault.

"Oh - I have no impression of her. I only remember that the Tagore family's raspberry cake and wine were extremely good." Renault didn't look back and just continued to drink the whiskey in his glass. This kind of whiskey is cheap liquor in the core world, but it can only be obtained on edge planets like Ma Sara, which are nominally the first major stars to be colonized but where development has actually stagnated.

"It's still the same, No. 8 whiskey. We often drink this in the military camp. By the way, that was back in Turasis boot camp." The cowboy walked in. He had a fit and well-proportioned figure, and was wearing a beautiful coat. A patterned black vest with eagle and wolf patterns on the buttons, and four revolvers in the four large and wide pockets. Trousers made of thick woolen cloth can effectively prevent sunburn and avoid being scratched by the sharp thorns of Masala branches.

His reindeer leather boots were beautiful, their high uppers squeaking on the wooden floor.

This kind of attire is very common in Marsala, which has a hot and dry climate. Their cowboy hats are always wide and high, which can block the wind, sand and sunshine, and can be used as a water container when necessary. Most of the cowboys' clothes, trouser legs and boots are inlaid with various shiny metal buttons, which in a sense is a status symbol.

This is a world that advocates tough guy style. Sheriffs and sergeants under law enforcement officers always ride their modified vulture cars in the desert and wasteland to chase those criminals who commit crimes.

"Joy Ray Jones, Joey, five plates of fried chicken and a side of tough-guy fries," he said. "Two bottles of Pingtah Island port."

This cowboy has a trimmed gray mustache and beard, and his tough face is full of weather-beaten marks and rough. There is a three-inch long scar at the corner of his right eye, which almost completely ruins his handsomeness. He no longer looks young, but he really looks like a tough guy who grew up in Mar Sara.

"Augustus, it's still the same." Renault handed the bottle to Augustus and watched him drink up all the whiskey unceremoniously before returning the bottle to Renault.

"It's a bit cowboy-y - but Mar Sara doesn't have any cows."

When the owner of the bar brought a plate full of food, Augustus sat down next to Renault. He pulled up a metal chair with a backrest, leaned on the backrest and lowered his head, his face hidden in the brim of his hat.

"How did you do it like this?" Although Renault also made himself look ashen and covered his eyes with deliberately untrimmed forehead, but in fact this is not very clever. This is not a very clever disguise.

But fortunately, Renault is not well-known. The Federation currently only knows that he is a minor leader in the rebels. Since Augustus's performance in the Marine Corps was too eye-catching, under his dazzling brilliance, Renault and others have nothing to show off. . As a minion, Reno's name doesn't even deserve to be on the top ten wanted list.

Even Arcturus Mengsk, who did not participate in the Korhal Independence Campaign at all, squeezed into the top twenty. It can be seen that the Federation still considers a retired colonel to be a huge threat, and the little Marine Corporal does not Not enough to be afraid of.

"The omnipotent Umoyan Agent Disguise. This is a plastic mask, nanotechnology, which uses optical imaging technology to simulate the appearance of other people. It is enough to fool human eyes and most holographic scanning equipment." Augustus just relied on I stared at the food on the plate while sitting back in my chair, feeling no appetite.

Compared to the Terran Confederation and the Kaimorian Consortium, Umoyan has neither large colonies nor a large number of mining worlds. For a long time, Umoyan's emphasis on democracy and its true implementation of the government have been considered weak by the Federation and the Commonwealth, but this planet has always been able to rely on its lucrative economic system and cutting-edge technology that is far ahead of other planets to be independent from Thailand. Outside the rule of the Leon Federation, he made a lot of money by selling high-precision mining equipment to the Kaimorians.

"Give me one too." Renault took a fried chicken plate and munched on the chicken.

"What do you want?" Augustus asked him.

"My suggestion is that the safest way is for a man to dress up as a woman." A strong man who was a head taller than Augustus walked in. He was only wearing a short-sleeved shirt, and his naked body was covered by Mary. Sarah's thick arms, reddened by the hot sun, were full of muscles, and the lavender tattoos made them look extremely impactful.

"In the aristocratic circles of Tarsonis, this is an art. It is as popular as those fat-headed nobles who are keen on dressing up their male favorites and like to keep pedophiles in captivity."

"I think we can start with you, Tychus." Raynor was unmoved.

"I think this is funny." Tychus smiled like a villain, and the wrinkles on his face spread out like dragon scales: "We are wanted criminals, so we must be careful. In the days to come, The fleets of the entire Tyranid Federation will hunt us in the universe, racking their brains to find even the smallest clue."

"The Federation has at least ten fleets like Edmund Duke's Alpha Squadron. After annexing the mining world and industrial city of Camorion, the Federation will build more ships!"

"Then let them come for it." Renault sneered: "I heard that Duke's Alpha Squadron followed Jackson's Revenge all the way outside the Koprulu sector and into the galaxy in the Perseus sector."

"Captain Jackson has a more vivid description of this." Tychus said cheerfully: "Duke has been following the signal source of the signal tracker closely, like a pig chasing an apple."

"Duke didn't realize something was wrong until Tarsonis ordered the entire fleet to return, but even then he still didn't understand that he was not chasing us." He said vividly.

"The pirates on Duke and Jackson's Revenge were a little out of character. That's why they worked so hard with that commission. In order to make the show more realistic, they also simulated the battle between Norad and the Hyperion. Communication between them. In the end, Jackson even almost brought Alpha Squadron into the gravitational field of a newborn neutron star. If Duke's people didn't have some intelligence, they would have been burned to ashes."

"Hahaha——" Renault was overjoyed. He had always disliked Duke's arrogant and arrogant face.

However, Renault's laughter soon disappeared as he realized that even Tychus didn't smile much, and that he should have realized that Augustus was glum from the beginning.

"Josephine is dead." After a pause for breath, Tychus said softly, his expression not showing much sadness. He seemed to have never shed tears because of the death of others, even though Tychus had often been with him before. Harnack and Josephine went out looking for flowers and willows together.

"He may not have experienced much pain. In the high temperature that can melt polygonal steel, death is only a matter of seconds."

Renault was silent, and he remembered the photo they took in Turasis. Now, there's one less person up there.

"Josephine was buried in her hometown?" he asked Tychus.

"No, no one who survived found Josephine's body. The carbon elements that made up her body were melted by tens of millions of tons of fortresses and metal rocks. Canis, the moon of Korhal, is his tomb. Someone died in Everyone there set up a monument." Tychus said, shaking his head.

"I really want to see him again." Reno's eyes were red, but he didn't hold back the tears: "How is Keha?"

"Someone among us has to leave first. Everyone knows that the revolution is not just playing house." Tychus walked straight to the wine cabinet of Joey Ray's bar and took out a few bottles of wine. He said to the boss: "The bill will be settled by Jim." head."

"You mean Kehal? In fact, the situation in Kehal is better than we initially estimated. Most areas have not been affected by nuclear bombs. It can only be said that one day in the future, the Kehal people will not have no chance to rebuild Kehal. "Tychus said.

"Hanak, Rundstein, and Lisa are still alive. They are still leading the formation of the new city and the new government in Umoyan. Kidd and the others followed the twenty colonial fleets that set off in different directions. As for what these colonial fleets will encounter, no one can say."

Augustus did not speak during this period, but listened quietly. During this period, he just stared out the window, watching the hot wind of Mar Sara lift up and down the rust-colored sand. Augustus's cold gray eyes reflected the red world. No one knew what he was thinking except the invisible ghost agent sitting opposite him.

In the end, Augustus seemed to have regained his composure. He picked up a perfectly fried crispy French fries and handed it forward: "Kah-ka-ka."

So the French fries in Augustus' hand disappeared at an extremely fast speed, and from the perspective of others, it seemed as if they disappeared out of thin air. Then a second and a third - until the plate in front of Augustus was swept away.

Finally, a smile appeared on Augustus' face, but it quickly disappeared. Augustus now carries nearly 90,000 lives of the revolutionary army on his back. Fourteen battlecruisers are docked on the back of a solid giant planet in the Sara system, and most of these battleships are in urgent need of resources. It must be repaired before it can be re-entered into battle, otherwise sooner or later it will become a pile of space junk made of steel.

Augustus took his hand back and took out a silk scarf from his pocket to wipe the saliva on his fingers.

"It's time to set off," Augustus said to Raynor and Tychus. "There is still a lot to do before we empty out all the crystal mines and high-energy gases in Mar Sara."

Augustus pushed open the heavy iron gate of Joey Ray's bar. The strong wind raging on the surface of the planet carried the rust-colored sand and poured it into his boots. There was a layer of rust-colored sand attached to the black vest. of fine sand.

In front of Augustus, a large crane rumbled past the main entrance of Joey Ray's Bar. Revolutionary Army soldiers disguised as gold diggers drove into the distance in reconnaissance vehicles and vulture cars, wearing wide-brimmed hats and Soldiers in red turbans salute Augustus.

This is a distant world far away from Tarsonis. Mar Sara may not be a place suitable for human habitation, but its underground is rich in precious mineral deposits——

"After all, one day, we will follow your brother's old path. Money is the last word." Tychus walked behind Augustus: "The people here welcome us, the people of Mar Sara are Bikeha People are even more hopeless. There are rebels in every region and criminals everywhere. But there are only a few million people on this planet, so it can’t make much waves."

"We are going to build a base here to train new recruits," Augustus said.

"Sounds good." Renault said, standing on Augustus' left side.

"The colonial governor of Mar Sara has just made a small fortune these days. He needs to spend a lot of time dealing with the bellies of those women, so he has no time to care about us for the time being. A group of gold diggers swarmed from Agria. Or just small waves hitting the beach." Tychus patted Renault's shoulder.

"What a joy, these corrupt officials."

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