StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 163 The Outlaws of Marsala

Chapter 163 Ma Sara’s Outlaws

The rust-colored wind and sand that blocked the sky dispersed as suddenly as it arrived, and the increasingly cold sun cast a magnificent colorful light and shadow. The evening glow came from the sky like a rising tide, gradually covering the entire sky. A vast land. The orange-gray sky of Ma Sara is connected with the endless red plains, forming a magnificent desert scene.

As the light and shadow slowly faded away, the temperature began to drop sharply.

Augustus put on a thick woolen windbreaker and felt hat, opened the door curtain of the marching tent, held a mining hoe in his hand and an E-7 Gauss rifle on his shoulder, and took a powerful step. He walked toward the barracks garage where the hoverbike was parked.

The revolutionary army camp was built between several low hills and consisted of dozens of square-shaped military camp tents. These tents were covered with a layer of rust-colored tarps that were the same color as the Mar Sara land.

The tent in the middle of the camp has two gas-fuel engines that provide power for signal lights and living facilities. The signal lighthouse that is nailed deeply into the ground shrouds the entire camp in a bright white light.

This camp is home to about two thousand revolutionary soldiers wearing local clothes. No matter what occupation they were engaged in when they were in Keha, whether they were management managers in hotels or salespeople in small shops, they are now working as miners for Ogu. Sidu works.

"Marshal Mengsk!" As Augustus walked towards the parking garage, revolutionary soldiers in khaki thick woolen military coats and boots saluted him from time to time.

The remaining 4,000 of the more than 20,000 Korkha revolutionary soldiers brought by Augustus from Korhar were reorganized into a Marine brigade, and these soldiers were immersed in the pain of Korhal's destruction and loss of their homeland. The soldiers of the Chinese Revolutionary Army have transformed into iron-blooded warriors after tragic battles.

Almost all of them were members of the Pantelan Party, and some were even members of the Party's Revolutionary Committee.

The soldiers of the Pan-Taeran Party all have lofty ideas and extremely high revolutionary consciousness. They firmly believe in the revolutionary goal of overthrowing the Terran federal government and establishing the Terran Republic as mentioned by Augustus, and take this as their own responsibility to return and rebuild. Their home planet Korhal is the ideal that everyone strives to achieve throughout their lives.

At this moment, the members of the Pan-Teran Party deeply understand that this is the most difficult moment for the Korhal Revolutionary Army. They are wandering far away from their home world in a crisis-ridden universe, facing the pursuit and interception of the Federation fleet. Therefore, they refused to accept the salary paid by Augustus and only received standard individual soldier rations and a small amount of tobacco and alcohol.

"Thank you for your hard work. My logistics consultant told me that the engineers had just built a water tower and a reservoir, and their people found an underground river with clean water." Augustus looked at those who were affected by the wind and sand of Ma Sara and the extreme climate. There were faces with scars and frostbite caused by erosion. Among them were middle-aged people in their thirties and forties, as well as young soldiers under the age of sixteen, including men and women.

"Our stove is powered by a generator from an abandoned battlecruiser. You all go take a hot shower before bed."

As soon as Augustus finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter. It was not easy to take a hot bath in this kind of wilderness. The sonic bath could clean away the dead skin and dirt on the body. It cannot replace human beings' desire for water.

Even so, these Revolutionary Army soldiers did not slack off. Under the leadership of military officers and the political commissar of the Pan-Taylon Party, they dressed up and walked towards the residential area in the distance.

At this time, two new moons rose in the sky of Mar Sara, which still had some glow left, and shining stars appeared. Augustus walked into the garage built with alloy steel frames and tent tents, just opened the car door and sat in the back seat.

"The Vixen light infantry armored vehicle, the transport ship Vixen produced by the same company with the same name, is a fast spaceship with good quality and low price. Both the Federal Marine Corps and the Army will purchase this spaceship in large quantities."

A red-haired ghost holding the steering wheel revealed her figure from the driving seat. When she leaned over to adjust the equipment, the curve from the back of her neck to her waist to her hips formed a perfect "S" shape. A black tights bound her The beautiful curves are fully exposed.

"We got a lot of this kind of car from the locals. Its wide and high floor and strong horsepower can perfectly adapt to the desert and rugged rock environment of Mar Salado." Kerrigan was saying Suddenly turning her head to look at Augustus, she was wearing the mask of the Umoyan Shadow Guard. Except for the sexy red lips that were like fire, her entire face was covered by Umoyan nano fabric and gray soft alloy.

"Are you ready to go?"

"It's not that far to the mining area, but we don't have sentries along the way." When Augustus realized that he was staring at Kerrigan's perky butt, he calmly changed his sitting position and wrapped himself In a thick coat.

"Wait a moment, Corporal Faraday is on his way."

As soon as he finished speaking, Corporal Faraday, wearing a cowboy hat, ran over with Augustus's guards. At least twenty fully armed Revolutionary Army soldiers stood around Augustus holding Gauss rifles and shotguns. , they are all dressed in Masala cowboys, with resolute expressions.

Corporal Faraday and his men boarded four other armored vehicles and drove at the front to clear the way for Augustus. Several Vulture Scouts followed to escort him.

"No one can hurt you while I'm here," Kerrigan said as she started up her armored vehicle.

"I never doubt that you are the best Ghost agent," Augustus said as the convoy drove out of the camp.

There are several sentries with high-beam lights outside the revolutionary army camp. These sentries are only used to scare away wild beasts, malicious scavengers and wandering criminals in the wasteland. The real detection equipment includes infrared and thermoformed scanning. There are four kinds of detection equipment in the monitoring center, and three Revolutionary Army soldiers are on duty 25 hours a day to ensure nothing goes wrong.

The road leading from the Revolutionary Army camp to the mining area was recently built and was not too rough. From time to time, jeeps and trucks loaded with Revolutionary Army soldiers and minerals passed by Augustus.

"This rich ore is enough for us to mine for a month." Augustus said: "Swan needs these resources to repair those broken ships-hope for good luck."

He did not mine this mining area illegally, but bought the mining rights from the local judicial officer - using a price acceptable to both parties and some rare crystals.

It is worth mentioning that compared to core worlds like Tarsonis, the corruption problem in Mar Sara is not that serious, and the townspeople can use their voting rights to elect leaders who satisfy themselves. The problem of bureaucratic corruption here is not deep into the bones. In order to manage the fierce Mar Sara people, local judges and law enforcement officials are generally iron-blooded and strictly abide by federal laws-far better than those who made the laws.

"It's not the crystal mines you're looking for," Kerrigan said as she drove.

"Not entirely." Augustus looked at the scenery outside the window of the armored vehicle. Under the illumination of the lights of the front and rear vehicles, beyond the rocks and shrubs and road signs on both sides of the road was the desolate red desert, and the stars were shining in the sky. The beauty of this alien world is very different from the prosperous and brightly lit advanced worlds of Korhal and Tarsonis.

"What I'm looking for are some alien ruins, but it all depends on luck."

"Alien ruins, because those things are very valuable?" Kerrigan asked: "I never knew that you were an alien civilization enthusiast and a rare alien archaeologist."

"Because these things can be weapons."

"I was very fond of alien mysticism when I was a child. My brother and I have always believed that aliens are real." Augustus shrugged: "Anyway, if you find some anomalies in this area, just Please tell me because I have no clue."

"The rich mineral deposits are not the only reason why I came here. I heard that the people of Mar Sara are the most rebellious. The people here tried to launch an uprising many times but failed because of the lack of organizers." Augustus Du said: "I have thought about it. What the people of Ma Sara actually need is a revolutionary idea that can guide them on the right path of resistance, a complete and clear action program, and a real leader."

"Our goal is not just to liberate the Ma Sara people and ignore them, but to reestablish order so that the people here can live a life of ample food and clothing."

"In comparison, only Korhal and Antiga have such a spirit of resistance." He said: "But there are many federal troops stationed in Antiga, while Mar Sara is ignored."

"This is one of the fulcrums for us to leverage the entire federal world."

"I'm sorry I can't applaud you because I'm driving." Kerrigan said with a chuckle: "One more thing, there are three cowboys hiding in the bushes at one mile and one mile at three o'clock on our right front. They were three thieves who wanted to steal something in the mining area and did not carry heavy weapons."

"They're monitoring the road."

"Corporal Faraday, there is a group of local thieves directly in front of you at three o'clock." Augustus turned on the communicator: "Bring them to me."

The armored vehicle that Corporal Faraday was riding in drove away from the convoy after a beautiful turn. The three cowboys hiding in the bushes obviously couldn't outrun the armored vehicle. They hid two vulture vehicles in a nearby cave, but the distance was too far. .

"Can you telepathically detect it even from this far away?" Augustus asked Kerrigan as she pulled up.

"I can sense it a little bit," Kerrigan said. "As long as they are thinking, I can sense it, unless they carry equipment that can block psychic energy."

"Although the effect is minimal, the equipment of the Umoyan Shadow Guards can indeed amplify spiritual energy, rather than suppressing spiritual energy like the equipment of the Federation Ghost Agent." Augustus nodded: "But if the base is large enough, then the effect It can be seen that your psychic talent is unique among humans, and you may be the most powerful psychic I have ever seen in my life."

While Augustus was talking to Kerrigan, Corporal Faraday's armored car had already arrived at Augustus' side carrying three disarmed local cowboys in just ten minutes.

These three cowboys were quite calm. They seemed to be sure that the people in Augustus were not human traffickers or organ smugglers.

"Sir, we just want to stay there for the night, but we haven't had time to set up the tent yet. The Sheriff in Shiloh is best known for enforcing the law impartially. He knows that we are the most law-abiding and good people in this area." Among them. The leader, who had a full beard and deep eye sockets, was held down by two Revolutionary Army soldiers with both hands: "I think you can understand that, no matter whether the person involved is unwilling, it is necessary to restrict a law-abiding person. All federal citizens are breaking the law.”

"Yes, I won't do anything to you." Although the disguised Augustus had a fierce and mature face, he still showed a kind expression. He seemed to be just an elegant and easy-going interstellar businessman or ordinary person. An ordinary mine boss.

"Our car broke down on the way to New Maine and we are starving and cold. If you could send us to the nearest town - near the backwater base. Of course, even if you just provide us with a piece of food to satisfy our hunger, I'd be grateful for any bread." The cowboy beamed.

"They're lying," Kerrigan said. "They're members of a local gang that's in the business of kidnapping children and smuggling illegal drugs. The federation behind this gang is Gustav Pharmaceuticals, a company listed on Tarsonis. of inter-galactic enterprises."

"Their centers of activity in Mar Sara are mainly several large towns near the backwater base."

Augustus walked up to the cowboy and said, "It sounds like you are not only villains, but also unpardonable sinners."

"This beautiful lady also gives you an opportunity to confess your crime. Say: Why do you want to monitor this road."

"I've never heard of this. I don't know anything." The cowboy smiled.

"Do you think I'm an easy talker?" Augustus said with a serious expression, "I'm going to sell you to a slave trader."

"I heard that the nobles of Tarsonis have recently begun to replace their slaves with resocialized servants, and factories are more inclined to replace workers with resocialized slaves. This has made the people who originally disappeared in the early days of the Great Colonial Era The slave trade has revived." He said: "Even the military camps are short of people."

"Perhaps you have all heard more or less what resocialization is. What I want to say is that by then they will do some tricks in your brain and turn you all into dementia."

"This doesn't scare me, the Federation people are all bastards." The cowboy spat on the ground.

"These words saved your life." Augustus said to Corporal Faraday, who was carrying a Gauss rifle beside him: "Send them to mine. We happen to be short of some cheap miners."

Augustus lost interest in continuing to talk to these people. He walked to his armored car, while Corporal Faraday and his men blocked the mouths of the Masala cowboys and drove them to another A larger armored vehicle.

"They are eyeing this valuable new mine and the equipment inside, but they are more wary of outsiders." Kerrigan explained.

"Corporal Faraday, summon all my guards." Augustus said: "Call Renaud and Tychus over, let's go say good night to the neighbors of Mar Sara."

"Leaving now?" Corporal Faraday came over and was not surprised at all by Augustus's vigorous and resolute actions.

"I just probed deeply into their minds and know where this gang's stronghold is. The specific location is not far from the backwater base, but it is not in the town." Kerrigan looked at Corporal Faraday with her light green eyes.

"Black and white?" Corporal Faraday laughed. After all, he was still a young man who loved to joke.

"Wrong." Augustus waved his hand.

"We are justice."

Thanks to the helmsman and deacon for the reward! Thanks for the monthly votes and recommendation votes! grateful! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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