StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 164 The Mine Hoe of Justice

"Oh - Ma Sara, the latrine of hell, and we are nothing but bugs in the latrine."

Tychus Finley put on his own custom-made CMC power armor. The dark red paint has many miscellaneous patterns and badges: nothing more than naked women, cigar brands, beer and the like. This old man The kid also likes gambling, so there are several dice painted on the shoulder pads of the power armor.

Behind Tychus were several columns of Revolutionary Army soldiers. The symbols of the Stirling Wolfhunters and the Korhal Revolutionary Army on their power armor had been erased and repainted in rust color.

The total number of these Revolutionary Army soldiers is just over forty, which is equivalent to an entire formation. At this moment, they were standing among tall thorn bushes. All of them turned off the searchlights on the armored chests, and the communication channel remained silent.

"Come on, Tychus. Except for Korhal and Tarsonis, all other planets are either pits or shit in your eyes." Jim Raynor wore a dark red CMC-200 power armor and smiled. explain.

"Sometimes even shit is worse than shit. Even my pee is more comfortable than it looks."

Renault and Tychus chatted and waited for Augustus's order. About half a mile in front of them was a sunken dry valley that was not easy to find. According to Kerrigan, a group of about sixty members of the local gang "Pegasus Brotherhood" were hiding in an abandoned wasteland stop and several huts in the river valley.

The members of this local gang come from all walks of life. Some of them are robbers, addicted thieves or wandering Masala cowboys, while others are residents of local towns.

In such a fringe world far away from the civilized world, many things are not black and white. Even the most impartial and impartial judges and their police officers are not pure and flawless, and there is no black material to catch.

The Pegasus Brotherhood spends most of their time helping the local branch of Gustav Pharmaceutical Group, their financial backer, to do some shady things, such as kidnapping, deceiving, or abducting experimental materials for minors to be used in in vivo experiments. , or transporting drugs from the smuggling starport to the backwater base and delivering them to their clients in the Federation Army.

The Pegasus Brotherhood often sets up some transfer stations on land smuggling routes to transfer their smuggled goods, and what Augustus learned about was one of them.

But such lucrative jobs are not always available. As the gang gradually expanded to a staggering 800 people in a few years, their ambitions also swelled with their strength. Gradually, the Pegasus Brotherhood focused on the crystal mining area in Shiloh.

Of course, the Pegasus Brotherhood never wanted to take over the mining area in the hands of the Revolutionary Army. They just wanted to use a little force to get them to pay some "protection fees" so that they could draw a generous commission from the mine's revenue without paying any cost.

Unfortunately, the rebels described by the Terran Federation are the most vicious and notorious terrorists in the entire Federation territory.

Just when they were just taking a look and before they kicked the iron plate, the iron plate had already hit them all over.

"If I rush in first and knock down all those third-rate cowboys, then the best spoils will be mine." Tychus was eager to try, not taking the enemy seriously at all. At best, the gangs here have experienced gang disputes between regions, and power armor is a gap that is difficult to bridge.

"Be careful of Tychus." Augustus stood between Renault and Tychus. His crimson power armor was no different from the others: "The people of Mar Sara are not easy to mess with."

"This is the battle plan." He opened his mask and said to Raynor, Tychus and Corporal Faraday beside him.

"We have provided drones to detect the terrain of this gang's stronghold. The river bed is not deep. After descending to the river bed, there are no shelters or bunkers except for a few bushes. They have two sentry posts, but Kai Regan will take care of all the Sentinels."

"It's still the same, Renault took a squad of people from behind them - we set off at the same time, a thousand yards apart from each other, and jumped down the river bed at the same time." Augustus finally said: "I took Tychus Take the front.”

"These people are not necessarily heinous villains, but as long as someone dares to fight back, beat them into a sieve full of holes."

"What Augustus said is right." Renault said to them before leading the first group away: "Quick victory, these Mar Sara bandits have no protection except a few reindeer skin coats to keep out the cold. Their Weapons of all kinds, including P-20 pistols, revolvers and shotguns, but those things are useless against our armor."

"Let's take action." Augustus moved his wrists under the power armor, feeling a little eager to try. Since he became the leader of the Keha Revolutionary Army, the number of times he has led troops to fight in person has been very rare.

Augustus's body is a universal CMC-200. The military technology of the Tyranid Federation is still accelerating its progress after the Battle of Kailian. Compared with what Augustus came into contact with at Turasis training camp, this kind of power armor added some new features, such as alloy boots with computerized balancing and stabilizing devices and ammunition storage units.

The universal CMC-200 and CMC-300 add a heat shielding function, which prevents enemies from tracking soldiers wearing power armor through heat signature detection devices.

When the indicator light on the power armor HUD display remained green, Augustus began running on the red sand of Mar Sara. The servo system connected in series with cables and precision sensor arrays gave him powerful explosive power. With little effort he covered the half-mile distance and jumped into the riverbed. The Pegasus Brotherhood stronghold in the corner of the riverbed was still dark, and the Brotherhood members seemed to be asleep.

Later, Augustus realized that he had overestimated the combat effectiveness of this gang. He regarded all enemies as elite federal troops or Camorian troops as imaginary enemies. As a result, those who usually fought bravely and regarded themselves as cowboys After waking up in horror, the Mar Sara villains mistook Augustus' men for federal marines.

At this time, CMC power armor had not yet been distributed on a large scale to the Planetary Defense Forces and police departments of the governors of the outlying colonies. It was still an iconic symbol of the Federation Marine Corps.

They believed that they had not committed a crime that warranted the death penalty or life imprisonment, and did not want to be convicted of attacking soldiers, so they surrendered immediately.

Not only that, the Brotherhood members also consciously handed over their weapons and squatted against the wall of the abandoned parking lot.

"Guys, move your butts, or I'm going to kick you there hard." Tychus didn't have time to pay attention to them. He kicked several brotherhood members into the corner and began to search for loot.

"I am Captain Caesar of the 321st Battalion of the Federal Marine Corps. You have five minutes to explain the other strongholds of your illegal organization. Otherwise, we have many means to make you tell the truth." Augustus said calmly: "If Your brothers have more to answer for than you.”

Soon, almost without hesitation, the brotherhood members rushed to betray their brothers, while Corporal Faraday recorded all the locations one by one and sent them back to the revolutionary army camp, where dozens of revolutionary army squads were already ready to go. .

"Honestly, this is not what we should do." While waiting for the armored transport truck that was arriving, Renault said to Augustus: "Besides, what should we do with these people, send them to the local sheriff? "

"It's not like you, Jim. Once we deal with these villains, life will be easier for the locals." Augustus looked around and found that the buildings built by the Pegasus Brotherhood were solid and reliable rock structures. , and cast with concrete and slag.

Similar to Meinhof, the planet of the Kemorian Federation, the developed mining and quarrying industry is the main economic pillar of Mar Sara. At the same time, it provides gold prospectors from Jo Sara and other planets in the Federation territory. The service industry provided is also relatively developed.

"Perhaps, with fewer bad guys, good people's lives will be easier." Renault felt it made sense: "But it shouldn't be just that, you should have other reasons."

"Our construction site is still short of some workers. Temporarily." Augustus' cold gray eyes seemed to have light: "It is much more comfortable here than in Mar Sara's prison."

"I hope they can change their ways during this time and become good, law-abiding citizens of the Commonwealth."

The Revolutionary Army's mine is located in a misty valley, with straight and steep smooth walls on both sides. The sun is rarely visible in the valley even during the day, and it is dark most of the time. This valley was once a tributary of a long river, and the bottom of the valley was still flowing with rushing water tens of thousands of years ago.

Hiram Fick, the former Heavenly Demon armor mechanic, drove a brown CSX-410 harvesting robot twelve (approximately 3.6 meters) above the ground to walk in the rich darkness of Mar Sara. Fike sat in the open-air driver's seat suspended high on the ground, with only a windshield in front of him to isolate him from the howling wind. Two beams of white light were projected in front of the robot, illuminating the dark thorns and rugged monsters. stone.

This type of harvesting robot is commonly found in colonial worlds in the Tyranid Federation that focus on farming. It has a compound cutter on the front and a tall threshing barrel on its back. Harvesting robots use bipedal servo-powered legs to travel and are mostly used to harvest rye in rugged mountains and ravine plateaus that are inaccessible to giant harvesters.

The two auxiliary robotic arms of the CSX-410 robot driven by Fick were respectively equipped with T-60 Gatling heavy machine guns and synthetic resin shields. The two pressurized cooling water tanks behind the driver's seat were filled with white smoke. steam. These modifications, added by Chief Engineer Rory Swann, made the rumbling bipedal machine even more cumbersome, but successfully transformed it into a savage instrument of war.

When not in combat, the robot can assemble power clamps and welders for repair and mining operations.

"New miners? I heard that even the kindest of them have sold drugs to minors, so I feel less burdened when dealing with these people. I hope these people can go home soon and surrender to the police. -Would you like some donuts, honey?"

As Fick walked around a corner, the lights of the mining area finally dispelled the darkness around him, and the voice of his good friend Rory Swann also reached his ears.

When Fike stopped driving the harvesting robot, he could see a huge drilling tower occupying the center of the entire valley. Amidst the roar of the drilling tower, dark soil was continuously transported out by the conveyor belt, even these Some sparkling light blue Adeen crystals can still be seen in the deep soil that was sent out.

The crystal reserves buried under this huge mining area are so huge that workers inside the pit can dig out a piece of crystal with a hoe. Even a crystal of only one cubic meter can make an ordinary person rich overnight.

Unlike those open-pit mines above the surface, this kind of crystal mine buried several miles underground is extremely difficult to mine. Even the hardness of the open-pit crystal mine cannot be cut by a small laser welding gun.

"What's going on, my friend, where did the marshal find these people? They don't look like our people." Beside the tent filled with green storage boxes and worn drill bits, Fick found his Friend Siwang. At this time, the Kemorian man with a short stature and a strong frame was wearing a thick vest and brown goggles. His thick mustache was trembling, obviously because he was concentrating on dealing with the honey donuts in his mouth.

"Oh, Boss Mengsk brought a local gang." Swann smiled happily when he saw Fick leaving. After they first met on Norad II, they quickly became good friends because of their similar professions and hobbies. . Swann was shorter than most of Korhal's revolutionary army, and Fick was a "dwarf" less than four feet tall, so the two of them were known as Augustus Mengsk's dwarves and hordes. bit people.

As for Augustus' other capable men, they will also have their own titles. Of course, they will be praised or criticized according to their popularity. For example, Reno is called the Cowboy and Mr. Justice in Joey Ray's Bar, while Tychus Finley is called It's Augustus Mengsk's vicious dog.

I have to say, quite appropriate.

"These people are not worthy of trust. They cannot abide by military discipline like our revolutionary army soldiers. When the time comes, we will have to find extra people to guard them."

In many cases, marginal colonies are synonymous with backwardness, poverty and barbarism. Materials here are scarce and people have become as ferocious as beasts.

"Many of the people here are actually not bad people. In the words of Tychus Finley, if you give them a few whips, they will become as obedient as old hens sitting on their nests - God, this is so bad. Yes." Swann shook his head: "Boss Mengsk seems to be planning to open more mines, which will require more miners, and the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army still need to maintain battleships and train."

"You are too kind, we don't have to be too kind to criminals." Fike said with a smile.

“How many mines is he going to build?”

"At the moment it seems - a lot," Swann said: "The whole of Mar Sara is his mining area."

"It's so great." Fike couldn't help laughing. He obviously didn't think what Swan said was true: "Unless we hire all the people from Mar Sala, we won't be able to mine that much."

"Who knows?" Swann didn't believe it either: "It seems that he just wanted to find some kind of rare crystal, so he searched all over the planet."

"Okay, what should we do with those bastards? Treat them like slaves?" Fick stopped asking, but pointed at a few local cowboys with blank expressions.

"In our mining areas, these villains will live a regular life. They go to bed early and get up early, and have three nutritious and balanced meals at regular times. They will have to attend night school before taking a break from work."

"Class. So, what should we teach them? Literacy?" Fike asked in surprise.

"Studying art and philosophy, they will be taught by the political commissar of the Pan-Taylon Party. I heard that they will also be taught revolutionary spirit, revolutionary tradition and revolutionary military discipline - I don't think they will ever want to go out in this life."

"The textbooks are Mr. Angus's "Korhal and Revolution" and Heinz's "August and Angusism", each of which is five inches thick."

Thanks to the host for the reward! Thank you brothers for your recommendation votes and monthly votes!

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