StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 166 Sheriff Marsala

Chapter 166 Sheriff Ma Sara

Echo Town is about fourteen miles away from the revolutionary army camp. The main population is farmers and skilled workers such as welders. These workers mainly work in factories in Roishibao, the only city in the Hilo Autonomous Prefecture, and travel between their homes and the city via air-cushion buses that run every morning and evening.

It was early morning, and a thin layer of fog shrouded the entrance to the road leading to Echo Town. The Vulture cars driven by Augustus, Renault and Tychus were speeding on the old road, as fast as a phantom. Behind them were Corporal Faraday and more than twenty Vulture cars driven by the guards, as if they were A group of local gangsters are fighting on the road.

Augustus held the control lever of the Vulture tightly and stared attentively at the road passing by the windshield. He was wearing gray goggles, leaning forward with his legs straddling the seat, enjoying the feeling of speed. This Swan-modified Vulture car can reach a speed of two hundred and twenty miles per hour. It can accelerate to a heart-pounding extreme speed in a very short time. It only takes less than ten minutes to go from the Revolutionary Army camp to Echo Town. drive.

Of course, Swann has also upgraded the fixed computer and sensors of this little monster that can even run diesel. The idea is similar to the computer-aided balance stabilization device and sensor automatic calibration system of CMC power armor, which can be used when driving at high speeds. Assists the driver to improve his reaction speed. This design can be seen on all Vultures, but Swann's improvements have made this system more reliable.

Even so, probably only the wildest and bravest cowboys in the entire Masala dare to try the fastest and most ferocious modified vulture cars, because even if you buy insurance, you have to bear a lot of risks in doing so, and those who are missing arms and legs The cowboys are the best proof.

But it has to be said that the Vulture is the perfect single-person vehicle for Masala. This wedge-shaped single-person motorcycle is one of the masterpieces of mankind's pursuit of speed. The Vulture car can hover on the ground tens of centimeters high through magnetic levitation technology, avoiding the fine rocks cut by wind and sand erosion and the bushes and thorns growing wildly in Ma Sara, and will not fall into the desert. ·The vast and unobstructed desert of Sala also provides a vast space for the best vulture riders to display their skills.

"Why don't you take that red-haired beauty with you? Mengsk, I heard that she is inseparable from you." Tychus shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I can't hear what you are saying." Augustus' car drove at the front, and only Renault's car could barely keep up with him.

"I said -" Just as Tychus was talking, he saw a red-haired ghost with her arms around Augustus' waist appearing in the back seat of the Vulture. Her long fiery red hair was tied up. It's like a swaying flowing ponytail. Kerrigan's beautiful figure in a black tights only appeared for a moment and then disappeared, as if it was just Tychus's hallucination.

"What a ghost." Tychus shook his head.

"What the hell are you talking about Tychus?" Augustus still didn't hear Tychus' words. The vulture car was traveling very fast, and the airflow gathered into a strong wind in his ears.

"Damn Mengsk!"

In a matter of minutes, the convoy passed the stretch of road in the wilderness, kicking up long trails of dust and smoke.

A Koprulu gliding eagle with gray feathers hovered over dozens of vulture vehicles parked at the entrance of the town. Its dim yellow eyes stared closely at the humans below, and occasionally let out a short howl.

The temperature was still very cold until the sun rose completely. Augustus put on a crimson cloak, walked to a wooden sign at the entrance of the town, and looked at the sign that read "Welcome to Mar Sara".

Except for one asphalt road, most of the roads in Echo Town are paved with slate. The houses here are mainly built by local residents themselves, with different styles and styles. There are towers with more than ten stories high and low-rise buildings. A low, double-domed house. The only thing they have in common is that these buildings are covered with a layer of rust-colored sand and have narrow doors and windows.

Echo Town lacks tall trees and only grows dark red thorns. In the mist of the early morning, colorful lights hang between the buildings. These lights shine with a dreamlike brilliance, giving people the impression of being in a prosperous place. The illusion of the city, and the dilapidated buildings around it that have nothing to do with beauty always remind those who come here that this is just a border town.

On the road in the town, there are many workers waiting for the morning bus and farmers setting up water-drawing robots to go to the fields. The rumbling roar of machinery makes Echo Town always lively.

There are dozens of hectares of farmland outside this town. Since most of the land in Ma Sara is extremely dry and barren, farmers here must pump groundwater to irrigate their sparse crops. This is similar to Renault's hometown of Shiloh, but the land of Mar Sara can at least make the local food self-sufficient, and even export some to other planets in good harvest years.

All the town residents noticed Augustus and his "cowboys", but they didn't care much. People from other areas often come to Hilo to do "business". However, perhaps these people are accustomed to a life of traveling north and south, and are fierce and unruly, but almost every resident of the town of Mar Sara will do so when they go out. Carrying a long-handled automatic rifle and two short guns. Regardless of gender, everyone can complete the transformation from civilian to warrior in a short period of time.

In the turbulent era of rebellion just after the end of the Kailian War, anyone who underestimated a Cha Sara hippie from Mar Sara would pay a price they would never forget.

When walking on the densely populated streets in the center of the town, just like all planets in the Terran Federation, there are also sex workers in Echo Town, a small town with a population of less than 5,000 people. Girls with hair dyed in various styles frequently courted the young but shy Revolutionary Army soldiers, but the tall and loyal old Tychus immediately resolutely blocked all dangerous women who might be assassins.

Whenever a prostitute pounced on Augustus, Tychus would say, "Hey, Daddy's here!" and then he would stuff a few small Federal Credit notes into her cleavage. Then he drove them away like sheep by slapping their butts. Before Augustus, Renault and others could react, Tychus had disappeared from their sight along with the women.

"Follow him, don't let him forget his name when his tail is raised to the sky!" Augustus ordered Corporal Faraday to lead people to follow Tychus: "With Tychus's urine-I can do to him It’s not surprising at all that something like this happened.”

"This has a bad influence." Renault pointed out solemnly: "The discipline of the revolutionary army must not be violated. Even Tychus should strictly abide by it-revolutionaries cannot go whoring, at least not."

"Yes, this has a bad influence. Officers should set an example." Thanks to Totekes, Augustus quickly walked out from among the girls who smelled of strong perfume and walked towards the center of the town. At this time, Augustus was very close to the secondary court of Echo Town, the destination of his trip.

"Jimmy, let Tychus go. It's better for him to provoke those poor women who rely on this to earn money to support themselves than to harm the female soldiers in the revolutionary army." Augustus chuckled, and he saw that Renault The desire of the young and restless heart for the opposite sex. Augustus was not surprised by this, after all, everyone has their youth.

"When I become Sheriff, we'll have a drink at the bar."

Although it may be very incredible to think about it, Augustus, the most famous rebel leader in history, really came to apply for the position of Sheriff. In order to cope with the possible assessment, he even spent a lot of time without wearing power armor. He practiced pistol shooting under the circumstances and recited the federal laws by heart.

Now members of the Federation Parliament, the government cabinet, the Federal Ministry of Internal Security, the Ministry of Security, the Naval Command, and even officials and senior officers in the army in the Tyranid Federation are racking their brains to think about where the rebel fleet is hiding, but how can they not Unexpectedly, Augustus planned to infiltrate Mar Sara's police system, and also planned to buy a new cowboy hat with the salary from the federal government.

"Okay, I want No. 8 whiskey, you know my taste." Reno obviously didn't intend to embarrass Tychus.

"You like this kind of wine very much. When you were in Turasis, you stayed away from it at first." Augustus laughed: "You can't live without No. 8 whiskey now. Everyone knows you The password for the safe is OLD.NO.8 (short for Whiskey No. 8)."

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. It's actually my mother's birthday - damn it." Reno could only curse and follow Augustus, knocking on the door of the colonial court hall with him.

The Colonial Court Hall is a white marble column-style building with simple lines but magnificent momentum. All the stones come from local quarries in Echo Town, and the door and window glass are all purchased from local factories. Since the allocation received was only one-twelfth of the amount approved, local judge Ada Rio had to apply for a loan from the Federal Bank when building the courthouse in Echo Town. This debt was not available until the first two years. Just paid it off.

When Augustus knocked on the door of Judge Ada's office, the respected judge was handling a civil lawsuit arising from a family dispute. The small office only had two cabinets for storing archive documents. A mechanical clock and a Mark I rail gun.

This man with a beard and short golden sand hair is holding a pen and scribbling on the paper. His exposed forearms have muscles that have been tempered by long-term exercise. The bulging back of the muscles seems to come from a head. Lion. The men of Mar Sara are like the sand and stones that make up this orange-grey planet. They are strong and tough, and they stand firm.

As he was writing, Judge Ada put down the pen in his hand and said "Please come in" before looking at the slowly opening door of the office. Augustus's sharp eyes like an eagle were immediately deeply imprinted in his heart.

"Dear Judge Ada, I am Caesar of Agria. I have previously served as Sheriff in Agria, Hermes, and Tarsonis. Chief of the case team, this is my detailed resume." Augustus handed Judge Ada the printed flyer for the recruitment of Sheriff in Echo Town and the application form with his forged personal information.

The photo above is consistent with the face shown in the nano mask used to disguise him. In a fringe world like Mar Sara, the local government's personal information database may only be updated every ten years. For the Umoyan agents under Augustus and the OGB intelligence officers they trained, It is easy to falsify information.

The registration location of the personal information ID is in a distant world hundreds of light years away from Mar Sara, and these people did indeed exist. Umoyan agents have been integrated into local society in various capacities much earlier than the Terran Federation's FSB was aware of.

Once Umoyan agents kill a Federation man of similar size and use chemicals to destroy the corpse, their nano-disguise masks will disguise themselves as the face of the deceased until the Umoyan agents find the next target, the previous one being killed. Only those who are killed will be recognized as missing.

By disguising themselves as colonists, more than two hundred agents and astute Revolutionary Army soldiers have now successfully settled in Echo Town and two other nearby towns, secretly spreading ideas through various methods. Recruit new members of the Pantalan Revolutionary Party. Augustus believed that over time, as more and more town residents joined the Revolutionary Party and were infected by revolutionary thoughts, this place would become a solid position for the Revolutionary Army.

With the help of Umoyan, Augustus also obtained an almost flawless identity. Even if someone goes to the registration point of this identity to investigate, the life trajectory they get will be consistent with what Augustus described. . And if someone wants to confirm Augustus's identity through retina, fingerprints and higher-level genetic identification methods, Augustus still has many ways to deal with it.

"Your resume is excellent." Judge Ada took a terminal computer from the side and looked up Augustus' information in the federal citizen information database: "However, I am very puzzled that the treatment of the Tarsonis Police Department is better than that of Mar. ·There are many fringe colonies like Sara, and even the local police chiefs and capable police chiefs will immediately apply to be transferred to Tarsonis or other main star worlds once they have achieved some results."

"Why did you give up a job with better conditions to become a small sheriff in Mar Sara." He stared at Augustus's eyes, trying to find any signs of panic.

"Although it's very rude, I still have to say: I have seen many people from the core world, Sarah. Most of them are excellent, but they are actually villains who had to flee here because of crimes or to escape politics. Persecution of Anti-Governmentists."

"So, what kind of person are you?"

Thanks for voting!

I was locked out all afternoon today because I didn't bring my key, so I was in a hurry when I came back to code.

Too harmonious.

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