"I'm just a law-abiding federal citizen."

The Umoyan nano mask on Augustus' face simulated a majestic male face with a neat beard. His eyes were firm but sometimes melancholy, and his voice was low, portraying a man who had endured many hardships but still survived the storm. The Hemingway-style tough guy is performed vividly.

The identity represented by this face is forty-two years old. He had served in the Federation Marine Corps when he was young, and then served as a peace officer and sergeant in three federal colonies and an interstellar orbital residential station, but he was not He was forced to leave after less than five years in office. He had two wives and two daughters, but they all died of illness, traffic accidents and the Kailian battle.

"Tarthanis is far from as beautiful as you think. Even the Tarsonis Police Department, which is supposed to enforce the law impartially, is full of corruption and power-for-money transactions. Secret bribes are everywhere. Tarsonis is too prosperous. , it is a towering tree that stands tall from the sky, with flowers blooming on the branches, but the roots that support it all are rotten." Augustus tightened the placket of his cloak, and the scars under his eyes trembled due to his subtle facial expressions Literally, like a winding and twisted snake.

"The government of the Terran Confederacy is much more corrupt than it was thirty years ago, and the uprisings of the Antiga and Korhal illustrate a lot."

"Then I thought that although the crime rate and economy of the fringe world are far less than those of Tarsonis, at least there is some justice here. Someone told me that only Mar Sara has some good people, and they will definitely give me a A suitable job.”

Augustus' hoarse voice and sad facial expression infected Judge Ada. He searched through the personal ID card attached to the application form and retrieved some information from the federal data network with the judge's authority. Augustus's experience in borrowing this identity cannot be called legendary. Apart from solving a few major cases, it can be called a dedication to his duties.

But he was very "unlucky". Every few years he worked in a police station, there would always be major incidents in which important government officials were assassinated and important documents were copied and transcribed.

No one knows that the owner of this identity has been a Umoyan Shadow Guard from the beginning, a heroic agent who uses powerful psychic powers to control people's hearts.

"Oh - you should be lucky that there are no federal agents or parliamentary secret police here, otherwise they will define you as a terrorist and rebel because of your words." Then Judge Ada motioned for Augustus to sit down.

"Please sit down, Mr. Caesar. Your surname must come from the ancient earth. I have read many books about ancient figures." Judge Ada was very satisfied with Augustus' resume and conversation, and was no longer satisfied with it from the beginning. An attitude that shuts people out.

Most of the fugitives who hang out with Mar Sara can only purchase false identities from friends or merchants in the Gray Port, but it is easy to find something amiss as long as they are compared with the database.

"If I'm correct, Caesar is a noble surname, and Caesar the Great comes from that family."

"Yes, my father always wanted me to become emperor before he died. This was a regret in his life." Augustus smiled softly, humorously.

"Well - let me think about it." Judge Ada's words made Augustus frown, but he only thought about it for less than a second and said: "You graduated from the Tarsonis Police Academy and have reached the level of Minimum requirements to be a police officer.”

"Being a federal citizen, there are no problems with the health report, no overdue loans, good personal credit, and no record of drug abuse." Judge Ada listed the basic requirements for becoming a police officer one by one. Of course, even if these conditions are not met, a criminal can become a police officer, as long as he has a friend who works in the court and can afford a pardon.

"In view of your excellent resume, I can apply for an exception to directly allow you to skip the status of police officer and sergeant and become a peace officer." Then Judge Ada said to Augustus.

"At the same time, you also need to understand. Your immediate superior is actually the Judicial Magistrate of Herod Island, and I am just a judge of the Echo Town Court, recruiting Sheriffs in the name of Judicial Magistrate. We actually have no direct relationship." His The tone was a little gentler.

"We will need to help each other in the future. The judge and the magistrate are actually equivalent to the mutually beneficial, cooperative and symbiotic relationship between the Mar Sara thorn and the thorn moth. I can help you with the lawsuit, and all you have to do is arrest people. In the court After being tried for their crimes, the prisoners will be sent to Al Indio Prison.”

The Sheriff is equivalent to the top law enforcement officer of one or several nearby towns. He is the direct reporter of the Sheriff. His main responsibility is to maintain the stability of the jurisdiction. In some cases, he can also replace the judge in making decisions based on the federal constitution and current immigration regulations. On the basis of legal provisions, laws are formulated that are combined with local actual conditions.

In some remote areas of Mar Sara, when there is only one local police chief, his authority is equivalent to that of a police officer. In edge colonies further away from the core world, the police chief is equivalent to the local police chief. Sheriff, they actually have the same position.

The judicial officer is equivalent to the highest chief executive of a region and is the promulgator and enforcer of the law. Sheriffs like Augustus are their enforcers. In places like Mar Sara, the Sheriff often takes on more responsibilities, and many of the Sheriffs who drive the Vulture and enforce the law single-handedly are really like cowboys roaming the West.

These humane systems are the legacy of the early pioneering and enterprising colonial era of the Terran Federation. During the seventy years of the colonial era, which was later known as the Colonial Era, the far-sighted and enterprising senior officials of the Federation Council gave the marginalized colonies With many freedoms, the most vast and powerful human government in the Koprulu Sector was established.

However, with the formation of the monopoly capitalist system of the founding family and the gradual corruption of the federal parliament, many policies that were beneficial to the development of the colonies were abolished, their rights were once again taken back by the central government, and the colonial people became the objects of exploitation and slavery.

The people of the entire Terran Federation are looking forward to the good times more than a hundred years ago, and that has already become the beautiful storybook praised by the epic opera in the Tarsonis Opera House.

"There are no other problems. You must have a fixed address, whether it is through a mortgage agreement or a temporary lease, as long as you can commute to get off work. You can go through the entry procedures and sign the contract." Judge Ada said.

"The probation period is one month. No matter you are a barbarian from Agria or a merchant from Hermes, if you cannot fulfill your duties as a peace officer, then I will kick your ass and tell you to get out. Do you understand?"

"There will never be such a time." Augustus' confident and firm expression made Judge Ada turn his anger into a smile.

"Very good." Judge Ada said: "In the fastest case, you can go to the Echo Town Police Station to collect your uniform, police badge and sheriff's badge in one standard Earth cycle."

"You can recruit two more sergeants and police officers within the salary allowed by the town government, because there are really not enough manpower."

"Is this a recent problem or has it been going on for a long time?" Augustus asked Judge Ada.

"Shortage of manpower has always been the case. Not many people want to receive a meager salary to chase gangsters and murderers in the desert. Almost everyone here has a gun, even the children who don't seem to be much of a threat. Easy to mess with.”

"Honestly, when no one has applied for the position of Sheriff or even Sheriff for more than a month, I simply can't refuse you." Judge Ada seemed to be relieved: "It seems that you have just arrived in Echo Town. , speaking of which, I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to deal with these rough Mar Sara people.”

"I'm being reasonable." Augustus took out a revolver from his pocket: "If they want to challenge the authority of the federal magistrate, then they'd better pray that they can run faster than my Vulture car and bullet."

"I also want to know, what should I do if I hire too many police officers, more than the town government can provide?" Augustus asked.

"If you can pay them salaries instead of the government, or let these people voluntarily reduce their salaries to follow you, then that is okay." Judge Ada said and pondered for a moment.

"Are you worried that you won't be able to deal with those gangs? Then you can try to apply for the establishment of a colonial militia."

"I know." Augustus smiled on his bearded face. This is why Augustus wanted to be a magistrate, and if nothing else happened, he would be able to gain considerable authority. This was conducive to Augustus' further control of Hero, where he spread the revolutionary ideas of the revolutionary army, targeting workers, farmers and the new aristocrats who emerged from the new industry as the main targets of propaganda.

Sheriff is not Augustus's ultimate goal yet. If all goes well and he stays in Mar Salala for a longer period of time, he can control more areas.

Although Augustus was recruited to become a Magistrate of Mar Sara, he did not plan to stay on the planet for long.

Now the Revolutionary Army fleet is a lone force wandering around. Once the federal fleet is discovered, it will come from all over the Koprulu sector to encircle and suppress it, chasing and intercepting it. This is decided. While the Revolutionary Army does need a base, they must move to other planets every once in a while.

Everywhere the Revolutionary Army goes, they will leave some of the backbone of the Pan-Terran Revolutionary Party and Revolutionary Army soldiers to establish a secret base and leave with the recruits recruited from the planet. The remaining revolutionary armies will form planetary guerrillas to spread revolutionary ideas on the planet and recruit new party members and revolutionary army fighters.

In the remaining three months of Augustus's plan in 2489, he planned to rest and recuperate in Mar Sara for a period of time and accumulate some wealth by mining crystal mines. By 2490, Augustus' next move would be to restock the ships of the Kemerian Consortium.

There are about four thousand Revolutionary Army soldiers disguised as miners on the surface of Mar Sara's planet. The food they need for life comes from the Echo Town market. Among the Revolutionary Army fleet in space, excluding the six that Warfield had brought to Umoyan, there were eight battleships and about 40,000 Revolutionary Army soldiers.

The battlecruiser does not have a self-sufficient ecological cycle system, food synthesis factory or hydroponic plant farm, which means that every two to three months Augustus' logistics officer must visit various locations in Mar Sara. Buying food in the city. However, as the federal fleet continues to search for the revolutionary fleet in federal territory, such a large amount of food purchases may inevitably arouse suspicion.

Currently, Augustus' logistics officer uses disguised businessman identities to purchase food and other supplies from the capital of Mar Sara and two other large supermarkets, but this is not a long-term solution after all.

Then, Judge Ada tapped her fingers on the table and her voice became lower: "Although it is strange, after Sheriff Thomas died in the line of duty, the security of Echo Town has improved a lot."

"Chief McAllen also reported that several hateful gangs have withdrawn from Echo Town and moved their headquarters to other towns. This is a rare thing, after all, those villains and gangsters will only put away their money after being beaten hard. I shouldn’t have extended my hand.” He looked at Augustus and said.

"While crime rates have dropped significantly, reports of missing persons have also increased dramatically - which is alarming even though many cities have significant migrant populations."

"I hope that the first thing you will do after taking office is to investigate this strange thing."

"Sounds really tricky." Augustus knew the reason for the drop in crime and missing people, because that's what he did: "I'll deal with it as soon as possible."

"Very good." Judge Ada stood up happily: "Then I'm just waiting for your good news."

"These years have not been peaceful. Four years of war, rebellions, and sorcery cults in the fringe world. Although no one here believes that the lost dogs that escaped from Tarsonis could come to Mar Sara, you must pay attention to the origins of those who are sneaking around. Unknown person." Judge Ada did not know that Augustus was the owner of the mine. The person who registered the identity of the mine owner locally was one of his Umoyan consultants.

"There is a newly built mine not far from Echo Town. The miners there are all from Agria - well, I think you should pay attention to them."

"I will pay attention." Augustus said: "I have always hated the Korhal rebels. Those scum will definitely pay the price for their betrayal."

"To be honest, I still sympathize very much with the ordinary people of Korhal. The fault is not with them, but with the few rebels who coerced them into rebellion." Judge Ada nodded: "I appreciate your proposal. I originally wanted to ask You went to Zhenning Bar for a drink. It’s the best bar here, small but quiet, suitable for talking about work. But it’s still working time, so we can only make an appointment next time.”

"We will have many opportunities in the future, and I hope we can become good friends." Augustus shook hands with Judge Ada, said goodbye, and then walked towards Renault and others at the door.

"Is it done?" Renault had been impatient for a long time.

"Everything goes well." Augustus put his arm around Renault's shoulders: "Jimmy, let's go to the bar and have a drink, just like in the past, I'll pay the bill."

"Where to go?" Renault smiled: "Good brother, just point here, I will follow you to the ends of the world."

"Judge Ada said the local Jeanine's Bar would be good, so let's go there."

By the time more than 20 Revolutionary Army soldiers, including Augustus, Reynold, and Corporal Faraday, arrived at the Jeanning Bar, the space was quickly exhausted.

Zhenning Bar is a sake bar with a cleaner layout, without so many dazzling lights and loud music. The owner is a middle-aged man wearing glasses. From his words and conversation, it can be seen that he should have received an aristocratic education in the core world and understands the tower. Many rituals among the nobles of Thannis.

– But there’s no No. 8 whiskey here.

Augustus sat at a table with the listless Reynaud and Corporal Faraday, drinking port wine, which Augustus himself liked. Although Renault has no interest in it, he is willing to accept alcoholic beverages.

Originally, Renault was just drinking the wine in the glass without a sip, until a tall girl from Mar Sara walked into his sight.

The other person was probably only slightly smaller than Renault. She was slender, wearing light-colored trousers and a windproof robe, and had light brown skin tanned by the hot sun of Mar Sara.

She is very beautiful, and her natural beauty has neither the heavy makeup of colonial women nor the unnatural traces left by laser surgery on aristocratic women in the core world.

The girl was beautiful and she quickly caught Reno's attention.

"I must have seen her somewhere." Reno looked at the girl standing at the door and whispered to Augustus next to him: "This is my ideal type. How should I put it in Tychus' words?"

"In this poor place of Mar Sara, roses grow in the latrines."

"Hey, little girl standing at the door, my friend wants to know your name!" Augustus put his arm around Renault and laughed.

"Letty Elizabeth." The girl looked at them and showed a natural and unpretentious smile: "Cowboys, welcome to my town."

Letty Elizabeth had long, flowing golden hair. When she smiled, she grinned with straight white teeth and blue eyes that were bluer than the sky.

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Elizabeth was Raynor's wife and the mother of John (Johnny) Raynor, seven years before they met.

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