StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 168 The thief shouts to catch the thief

Echo Town, in front of the immigration police station. 2489.8.28, 9 am sharp.

Putting aside human beings' instinctive reverie about the blue sky, the pure orange-gray sky of Mar Sara also has the psychedelic beauty of an alien world: a desert, a red thorn forest, a dust ocean, a grand canyon, and piles of ginger Dry riverbeds of sediment, lush fields between large irrigation machines and underground water canals, and rugged towns nestled among them.

The architectural style of Echo Town is different from the limestone and marble buildings Augustus built on the equally desolate Kemerian star Meinhof. It is difficult for him to see a standard modular building with strange shapes in the town. The illegal construction reminded Augustus every moment that he lacked the minimum understanding of the height that human architectural art can achieve.

Outside the low two-story courtyard-style building of the immigration police station, there is a skewed round tower. It looks like someone stacked a dozen discs randomly. Whenever the wind starts to blow, this strangely round tower The tower will make a trembling sound from its steel frame, making people always wonder when it will collapse.

The exquisite hut with white walls and gray tiles is a post office for delivering paper letters and freight express. Several capsule hotels with chimney-like spiers pierce straight into the sky.

A few hundred yards away from where Augustus now stood stood a local bar that was shrouded in a halo of purple and pink even during the day, looking like a cut-out starfish. Above the bar is a huge holographic projection. It is a pink-haired girl with a voluptuous and sexy figure. She is wearing a bra in the shape of a Federation X star, with only a one-inch-wide silk rope tied to her lower body.

When Augustus jumped down from the seat of his Vulture Car, several people in the Vulture Car behind him also got off and stood behind him. This time Augustus no longer led dozens of Revolutionary Army soldiers through the city. Behind him were only Reno, Tychus, Corporal Faraday and the Revolutionary Army recruits who had just been transferred from the Revolutionary Army recruit training camp to the Guards Company. Sergeant Mira Han.

Augustus currently has officers and political commissars running the three mines in Mar Sara. The revolutionary army also has a think tank composed of staff officers and Umoyan advisors, as well as an officer corps composed of lieutenant-level officers. You don't have to put so much pressure on yourself and stay in your office all day long processing documents.

Pushing open the old-fashioned swinging composite wooden door of the Echo Town Police Station, Augustus could see at first glance dozens of wanted notices nailed to the wall. Some of the wanted notices were even written with red ink. Fork.

Not surprisingly, the wanted poster for Augustus and his father Angus was placed in the most conspicuous position, with slogans like scum, traitors and rioters scrawled on it like police graffiti.

It's just that Augustus's wanted poster is completely different from his current appearance, and it's hard for others to associate his image in the military camp with the middle-aged man with a thick beard.

There are several police officers sitting behind desks in the police station. They are all wearing khaki uniforms and hats that are very similar to cowboy hats, with police badges of eagles and five-pointed stars on them.

"If you want to report a crime, please follow the standard procedure and report it to our operator first and hand it over to the intelligent robot. If you are here to cause trouble, then we can kill you now." A man with short sandy blond hair The police officer walked towards Augustus, with no smile on his face that had several scars.

This is Augustus's first day at work. Although the immigration police station must have received the news that Augustus is about to take office and obtained Augustus's photo, it seems that the police officer did not recognize him now. A new police chief was appointed.

But Augustus really didn't look like he was here to take office. The fierce Tychus who followed behind him looked like a desperado with several murder cases in his hands.

"I am the new Sheriff Caesar, and here is my police officer ID and badge." Augustus could not be angry about this kind of thing, he just took out his ID and showed it to the other party.

There is a gold-bronze five-pointed star between the round police badge of Augustus, and the regular English letters are engraved on the edge: Federal Sheriff-Mar Sara.

"I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, Sheriff. Chief McAllen is in the inner office," the sandy-blond officer said to Augustus.

"What is your name, young man?" Augustus asked the constable as he passed him.

"Chris Chris Elder." The officer looked Augustus in the eyes without flinching.

"Your future has unlimited possibilities, Mr. Chris. As long as you work hard and work hard, you will get the chance to become a police officer sooner or later." Augustus patted him on the shoulder, and then looked at Renault and others behind him.

Augustus was not being pretentious. In fact, he would say this to almost every revolutionary soldier who could say a few words to him. This had almost become a conditioned reflex.

"These are some of my newly recruited police officers. Time waits for no one, and I have already started looking for new candidates before I took office. Some of them are my old subordinates when I was the Sheriff."

Then when Augustus led Renault and others past Constable Chris, they all "said hello" to the police officer who stood up straight.

"Is today your lucky day? You hairless little bastard." Tychus shoulder-bumped the officer, causing him to stumble back. Except for recruit Mira Han, everyone else has used nano masks to have their faces adjusted. Their skin has become darker, there are a few more scars, and even the facial bone structure has been adjusted.

But no matter how they adjust, their faces become more fierce without exception.

"This guy is just a bastard, just ignore him." Renault smiled proudly.

Renault has been in a pretty good mood these past few days. After meeting Letty Elizabeth last time at Jeanine's Bar, he first tricked her into friendship with a free glass of lemon juice, and then inadvertently talked about his time in the Federation. Some "little things" in the military that are not worth mentioning.

Even after being dressed up with a nano mask, Renault's face is closer to the other him ten years later, and any Mar Sara girl of this age will like Renault's humorous conversation and his resolute expression, and Liddy was unsurprisingly attracted to Renault - while Augustus and others were worried about how to stop the other party's father who might rush in at any time.

Predictably, Renault only needs to spend some time to please Elizabeth. From what Augustus knew about Reno, he was probably a dedicated man.

"You pissed off Mar Sara's big bad wolf, and you're in big trouble." Mira Han was wearing a vest with many pockets, and a pair of hoops on her pink hair to deal with Mar Sara's glare. Sunny sunglasses, beautiful eyes that keep turning.

"Our officers never care about these trivial matters." Faraday's expression was unusually serious: "The man who just passed in front of you is a great man who is going to create an era. He is a giant thousands of feet tall. He can be seen with his eyes. They are countless times further ahead than us, and they won’t care about the pebble under your feet.”

"." Officer Chris felt at a loss. He watched his airborne boss walk into the inner office of the police station with such a group of weird subordinates. Even with his hair messed up, he couldn't think of a reason.

When Augustus walked into the inner office, Sheriff McAllen was dozing off with his cheek in his hand, and the plump and rosy skin of his cheek spilled out from the gaps between his fingers. Our respectable sergeant must have been fighting fiercely with the enemy in his dream. His brows were furrowed and he was completely unaware of the movement at the door.

"Ahem." Augustus coughed, but Sheriff McAllen still didn't wake up.

Seeing this, Tychus calmly lit a low-end cigar in the office, then walked up to McAllen and lit the hot cigarette butt on his forehead, which was covered with layers of fat. superior.


Sheriff McAllen immediately jumped up, his light blue eyes widened, and his fierce eyes were like an angry lion.

"Who?" he roared angrily, his tone no less than that of a lion that was as fat as his body: "You, you bastard born of a bitch mother, I'm going to put you in Indi Prison!"

"Cheer up our Sheriff." Before Tychus could get angry, Augustus looked at Reno next to him, who immediately took out his Colt revolver and pressed it against Sheriff McAllen's. overhead.

"How did you gang of thugs get in! No matter how you threaten me, you can't even get the password to a safe from me." McAllen immediately realized his situation, and he finally came to his senses. Begin to identify Augustus's face and compare him with the familiar faces of wanted criminals.

"Are you the new Sheriff?" The Sheriff's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees: "I am Sheriff McAllen."

"This is an oversight on my part. Last night I received a report that robbers were going to attack a bank in a small town, and I stayed there all night." His trademark smile in official circles showed on his shiny face.

"Then I wrongly blamed you." Augustus threw the holsters containing his revolvers on Sheriff McAllen's desk, without asking if this was true: "Sit down."

"Please take a seat."

Sheriff McAllen, who is approaching fifty this year and still six or seven years away from retiring, is so senior that he became a federal police officer at about the same time as Hiero's oldest sheriff. Unsurprisingly, if Augustus hadn't suddenly taken over McAllen's position, Judge Ada, who was unavailable, would have let the only sheriff in the town take over the position of Sheriff.

"I want to ask you to sit down." McAllen gave up his seat. He was not a weak and incompetent police chief who was domineering in a small place. Although the photo has nothing to do with being romantic, he still has a strong and capable physique.

However, obesity itself is still quite common among the police officers of the Tyranid Federation, especially police chiefs like McAllen who have gradually retreated into the background due to age.

"No, I have my own office." Augustus waved his hand. He had already learned about McAllen from Judge Ada. He was also a tough guy who hated evil when he was young. As he gets closer to retirement age, some of the scars he suffered when he was young can only make him retreat. Second line.

Sheriff McAllen, who was famous for hating criminals and speaking dirty words, finally lost to donuts, carbonated drinks and other carbohydrate foods that would quickly deform his body after he relaxed. Getting fatter.

"Of course." Sheriff McAllen said with a smile, "This is your territory now. The former Sheriff's Office is right next to it."

"He is still on the right path." At this time, Tychus whispered to Renault in a voice that everyone could hear: "Otherwise I will make him regret being born in this world."

"You're right." Renault agreed.

Only then did McAllen look at Reno and the others behind Augustus. His venomous eyes, which were no longer the same as before, revealed that Tychus and Reno were by no means good people, and they were boredly eating rice and blowing bubbles with chewing gum. La Han is just a little girl, and as for Corporal Faraday - his attire and aura are too ordinary, and he looks like an ordinary and unknown young man.

"They are my newly recruited police officers, and they will need you to help them with the onboarding procedures."

"It's useless to talk more. I just want to remind you that from now on, there will only be one person in the Echo Town Police Department who keeps his word, and that's me." Augustus flicked the dust off himself.

"I don't want a respected police chief to have to retire early to preserve his reputation." Augustus sighed heavily and changed the subject.

"It needs some rectification here."

"Yes, the professional quality of the police officers does need to be improved." Chief McAllen realized that his subordinates might have left a bad impression on the newly appointed Sheriff: "But they are still young, they can still study."

"That's not what I said." Augustus said, "I think there are still too few police officers here."

"We need to recruit more people." He made an unquestionable conclusion.

"Well - there are still sixty-nine places left, and there is also a shortage of hangar administrators." McAllen asked: "How many people do you want to recruit?"

"First recruit two hundred people." Augustus said surprisingly.

"That's impossible." McAllen reacted immediately and reminded Augustus that he was talking nonsense: "We can't pay that much."

"Furthermore, this is not your first time in this industry, government employee, especially in a small place like Mar Sara, which is almost forgotten by Tarsonis. We all know that the federal government is the largest and most vicious vampire in the entire Tyranid Federation. They could probably send me to jail for saying this, but the government is hopelessly stingy."

"They didn't owe much in salary, but they always paid very little, and it's been getting less and less over the years."

"In Ma Sara, only those who are blinded by justice become policemen, because the income is less than that of a factory worker, but they risk being shot by bullets."

"Even if we have so much money, we can't recruit people." McAllen said the truth.

"You don't have to worry about this. How many sets of power armor are there in the arsenal?" Augustus asked again.

"Twenty-two sets of CMC-200." McAllen said: "These are junk items that were eliminated from the military camp and given to the local police."

"You don't have to worry about it." Augustus shook his head again. In a few days, he would be able to lead a company of revolutionary troops to the land of Mar Sara openly and openly.

"We don't need that many people. Echo Town is just a small town." McAllen said doubtfully.

"Rebels!" Augustus said righteously: "Remote colonies like Mar Sara are the most likely place for rebels to hide."

"In order to deal with these rebels, we must strengthen the local defense force."

"I also need to know if there are any hard bones to chew around here or which local snake's lair there is, let alone the Pegasus Brotherhood." Then, Augustus thought of something and asked.

"There is one." McAllen thought for a moment and replied.

"There is a canyon in the desert known as the Death Zone, and it is the only way for many people to travel between the Capital District and Hilo District. It is also where the most criminals are. We call that canyon the Corridor of Purgatory."

"According to people from other police stations, there is a special rare crystal mine underground there. The electric pulses released by the crystal mine disrupt the magnetic field and electric pulse signals, making it almost impossible to communicate with the outside world. It is also the best place for criminals to hide. "

"Are you sure that the source of the disturbance must come from rare crystal mines?" Augustus originally asked casually, but now he was very focused.

"I don't know." Sheriff McAllen was asked.

"What else could it be?"

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