StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 173 Xel'Naga Artifact Fragments

Late November, Purgatory Corridor, Revolutionary Army mining outpost.

In the footage captured from a high-altitude patrolling two-wing turbine drone, a circular mine reinforced with alloy plates and a full metal frame is like a black spot on the red sandy soil of the Purgatory Corridor.

Surrounding this giant mine with a diameter of more than 700 feet (about 210 meters) is a drilling platform made of concrete and steel plates. On the platform are continuous miner barracks and ventilation ducts and buildings piled in the open space. Slabs, large cranes, large excavators, and sometimes bustling workers and militiamen patrolling with guns passed by under the drone's camera.

In the center of the camp is a federal red and blue flag fluttering in the wind. The diagonally crossed white crosses and numerous five-pointed stars on the flag indicate that this is a mining base belonging to the Tyranid Federation.

Due to the harsh environment, rampant banditry, and weak police force in the local police station, it is impossible to clear out the large number of gangs and pirates entrenched in it. The Purgatory Corridor has always been in a neglected area, and it is an area where black transactions frequently occur.

For many years, the Purgatory Corridor has been the most chaotic and disorderly area in the entire Hiero region and even the entire hemisphere. Due to communication difficulties, several clearing operations organized by nearby police stations failed. The police chiefs were unable to reach this black and evil canyon that was more than a thousand miles long and were helpless.

It wasn't until a federal peace officer named Caesar emerged that he cleared out the Chimera pirates entrenched in the Purgatory Corridor and brought these notorious interstellar pirates to justice. Only then did a rare order be established in the Purgatory Corridor.

Immediately afterwards, Sheriff Caesar, with the help of Judge Rod of the Hilo Autonomous State, sold part of the mining rights in the Purgatory Corridor to a mining company named Steele in the name of the Hilo State government.

Both Sheriff Caesar and Judge Rhodes are fair and selfless people. They have a noble belief in absolute loyalty to the federal government and solemnly signed the mining rights transfer under the witness of the cross-stars and stripes flag and the Shiloh Goat State flag. According to the contract, all proceeds will be given to the Tarsonis Mining Authority and used to build the Hilo Autonomous State - no one will make ill-gotten gains from it, because all transactions are legal.

If anyone questions Judge Rod's increasing number of luxury goods, luxury cars, and mistresses, then of course he does not give face to the Mining Administration and certain officials in the cabinet. Questioning the mining rights transfer contract is like It is ridiculous to question whether the federal government is fair or impartial.

Augustus, who was in an orange-gray barracks, felt ridiculous when he thought about the scene where he and Rod, the justice of the Hero state, were drinking and drinking in the star-rated hotel in the capital of Hiero state. Augustus just spent his time. A small sum of money made the judicial officer blush with joy.

Of course they all accepted money from the Steele Mining Company, and Judge Rhodes firmly believed that Augustus would not betray him because they were already grasshoppers on a rope.

But in fact, this mining company with thousands of people was composed entirely of revolutionary soldiers and miners who were mainly criminals. The seemingly huge bribe money was just put from Augustus' left pocket to his right pocket. .

Only Augustus himself knew that more than 10,000 revolutionary troops had landed in Mar Sara, and together with the more than 2,000 prisoners who had been forced to undergo labor reform in the mines, the number of these people was already greater than that of any Heroic soldier. The town has a much larger population.

The revolutionary army also owns seven small and medium-sized mining areas, four of which recruit mining workers to local towns, effectively boosting the local economy. Compared with other private mines in Ma Sara, the Revolutionary Army's mine has the best welfare, working hours, and safe environment.

At this moment, Augustus, who was standing in the barracks, had a holographic projection screen playing drone surveillance footage in front of him. Today is a rare rest day, and Rory Swann vowed to dig out the signal source emitting disruptive electromagnetic waves under the Purgatory Corridor today, so Augustus rushed to the Purgatory Corridor mining area.

Although after Augustus defeated the Chimera pirates and seized their scientific research station, other pirates and criminal organizations immediately abandoned their original strongholds and fled, but according to intelligence, there are still a considerable number of criminals lingering in Purgatory. Deep in the corridor, the revolutionary army in the corridor must be careful of enemies with malicious intentions or people with ulterior motives snooping into this mining outpost.

"Marshal Mengsk, the archaeological team you invited has arrived in the Purgatory Corridor." While Augustus was looking at the surveillance screen, Corporal Faraday walked into the barracks. The latter glanced around carefully when he walked in, but did not see the figure of ghost agent Sarah Kerrigan.

Most of the time, the mysterious and powerful former Federation ghost agent Sarah Kerrigan is invisible. It is said that she is standing beside the Revolutionary Army Marshal anytime and anywhere. Kerrigan is likely to be standing next to the Marshal when you talk to him. between you.

This ghost agent, who was only sixteen years old, was already in her prime, but she was already a deadly killer. She should have been a cute and charming girl.

After joining the Revolutionary Army, Sarah Kerrigan always stayed by Augustus' side and never carried out an assassination mission.

Officers close to Augustus, like Corporal Faraday, believe that when Sarah Kerrigan is no longer living as a killer and is forced to suppress her emotions, she may reveal more of herself as a human than as a Federation humanoid weapon. That side.

"Invite them in." Augustus looked at Corporal Faraday.

There are about a dozen people in this archaeological team, most of whom are doctoral supervisors from the history departments of Moria Sachai University and Tarsonis University. The youngest one is also a newly graduated doctoral student.

Team members are or have been engaged in research on mysterious extraterrestrial ruins, have published a large number of papers on this research, and have authored authoritative works. Augustus first asked them to participate in an "unprecedented archaeological discovery" with a generous and irresistible reward, and then waited for their invitees to come.

Due to various factors, including economic reasons, a considerable number of Kemorians and Umoyan people responded. Influenced by the propaganda of the Kemorian Federation and the internal government of the United Umoyan United States, these people resisted The Tyrannic Federation's tyrannical revolutionary army still has a good impression.

Although they did not know where they were going before arriving at Ma Sara, these scholars, who either had financial difficulties or simply wanted to make a career in their fields, still took great risks and came here.

When Corporal Faraday walked out of the barracks, a gray-haired elder and a brown-haired young scholar walked in.

"He is Professor Jordan Kaczynski of Kemorian Zacchaeus University." Corporal Faraday introduced to Augustus: "He is mainly engaged in the study of extraterrestrial ruins."

"His brother Abraham Kaczynski is a senior official in the independent government of the Kemerian Commonwealth. The Kaczynski family is a prestigious family with numerous talents. The Kaczynskis are mainly in the fields of mechanical engineering and starship manufacturing. His achievements are well known to the Kaimorians," he continued in a low voice.

"Hello, professor." Augustus walked over and shook hands with Jordan Kaczynski - the list was finalized by Augustus. To be precise, Jordan was invited more because of his last name. , the Kaczynski family is a Kemerian family that Augustus attaches great importance to.

Unlike Rory Swann's Swann family, the Kaczynski family focuses on the field of military technology. The appearance of the Camorion battlecruiser in the early stages of the Battle of Kailian was due to this family's innovation in the field of starship manufacturing. .

"Nice to meet you, the famous leader of the revolutionary army." Jordan Kaczynski glanced at Augustus a few more times, and then introduced the young man beside him to Augustus:

"This is Jack Rasim, a professor of history at Tarsonis University. Although he is a Tarsonis, he is temporarily staying in my team, and he also hates the tyranny of the Tyranid Federation." In Austria As Gustus shook hands with Jack, he continued:

"I heard that many 'psychic' crystals have been unearthed here, please allow me to call it that." Professor Jordan said: "My friends at Umoyan University believe that this crystal can power the ship's engine. ——Although this energy is less than one ten thousandth compared to itself, it does exist.”

"Are you referring to this dark green crystal?" Augustus took out the Xel'Naga void crystal pendant that the Chimera pirates had given him before: "I call it the void crystal."

"Yes." Professor Jordan nodded: "A very good name: Void: unknown, cold, and dark, very similar to the characteristics of this crystal."

"But the energy of this crystal cannot be used at all with current technology - we can refine the Adeen crystal but cannot use these green crystals. The integrity of its structure and the way it can seal energy are far beyond our imagination. Moreover, I Believe that this is a man-made product rather than a natural resource given to us by the universe.”

"Of course it cannot come from humans." Augustus nodded: "Can this crystal be used to enhance our battleships?"

"As long as you put these crystals on the battleship, they can automatically deliver energy to the engine and various systems - as for further ship steel and ship system upgrades based on this, maybe you can ask my brothers and nephews Let’s deal with it,” Jordan replied.

The Kaczynski family was also affected by the defeat of the Kaimorian Federation in the Battle of Kailian, but they were not like the Swann family who could not even survive. Despite this, there are still people in the Kaczynski family who are willing to serve the rebels for generous salaries. After all, many of them hate the Terran Federation.

"Very good, I originally thought that we could recruit some Camorians to join the revolutionary army." Augustus shook hands with Jordan Kaczyński once again.

Augustus had fought bloody battles with the Caymorians in the Battle of Caerion, but now he was fighting alongside the Caymorians.

"I would also like to ask you to join the extraterrestrial technology laboratory I established to specialize in the excavation of extraterrestrial ruins and study how to apply these technologies to military and people's livelihood." Augustus also handed a letter to Jordan Kaczynski. The invitation was issued.

"I may participate in the establishment work, but I will eventually return to Moria." Professor Jordan shook his head and said, "I am old and about to retire, but I will recommend my students to you."

"Okay, then I can only find someone else to lead the research work." Augustus respected the other person's choice.

"Marshal, Swann reported that he won a big prize! Well, I think he meant that he dug out the culprit that caused electromagnetic pulse interference." At this time, Corporal Faraday came to the barracks after saying sorry. middle.

"Just right, Professor, my people have made new discoveries, let's set off." Augustus said to Corporal Faraday: "Prepare my command vehicle."

Augustus and the accompanying guardsmen and archaeologists headed by Jordan Kaczynski immediately drove to the mine.

As soon as he walked out of the barracks, Augustus saw a magnificent scene before his eyes. Six Draken laser drills stood in the orange-grey sky of Mar Sara, and a towering crane was lifting it with a crane wheel. Baskets of ores and sedimentary rocks weighing several tons, and a group of militiamen in khaki uniforms with Gauss rifles on their shoulders were running past the barracks.

"When I first came here, I was also surprised by the efficiency of the engineering team." As the command vehicle drove to the mine, Augustus, who was sitting in the back seat, said proudly to Professor Jordan sitting next to him. .

"But considering that the engineers in the engineering regiment who drive space engineering vehicles to weld plates are the most experienced engineers in Keha, I am not too surprised."

When Augustus arrived at the mine, Tychus Finley, Jim Raynor, and Rory Swann, all dressed in police uniforms, were waiting for Augustus. As soon as Augustus got out of the car, he was all smiles. Tychus came over happily - he liked leaders like Augustus because he had been making himself rich.

"Did you dig it up? Is it a stone slab or a strange crystal." Augustus had already guessed that it should be the fragment of the Xel'Naga artifact, but he still couldn't make a conclusion without confirming it.

"It looks like a fragment of a triangular prism. When we found it, it was emitting blue fluorescence in the dark." Swann replied: "Along with it, there was also a void crystal that was as tall as a person."

"What a good thing. If you carry this crystal with you, you won't need to install an air conditioner." Renault gave his constructive suggestions.

"It would be a good choice to install it in the engine room of the Norad II. Maybe it can make the battleship's system more stable." Augustus nodded.

"It's a treasure—how much is it worth?" Tychus's eyes lit up.

"It's priceless." When two miners came to Dr. Jordan carrying a titanium alloy storage box, he immediately exclaimed.

Augustus had no way of being surprised by the gaffe of a respected professor, because a dark triangular prism fragment emitting copper-blue light was floating in mid-air, with pattern-like cracks escaping pure energy. The blue light is like the celestial light from heaven.

"Guess what we can do with it?" said Renault and others around Augustus.

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