StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 174 Masala Secession Movement

Chapter 174 Ma Sara Secession Movement

December 29, 2489, Zhenning Bar.

This small bar in Echo Town used to be incompatible with the noisy environment. However, as the security in the Hilo area became more and more stable and workers from newly opened mining areas nearby poured into the town in large numbers, it became overcrowded.

Augustus Mengsk's new friend Mr. Jeanning is overwhelmed. In the past, he and his son could take care of everything in this small bar, but now he has to recruit several new waiters. But the style of the sake bar is the same as before. There are no sexy girls wearing revealing clothes and provocative expressions, and there is no loud heavy metal music. There is only the crisp sound between glasses when glasses are clinked.

The changes brought about by the new sheriff, new policies and revolutionary thoughts in the Shiloh area can be seen on the walls of Jeanine's Bar: "Down with the Federation and Overthrow the Founding Family", "Return the Power to the People", "We Slogans such as "Justice for Korhal IV" and "All oppressed people in the Terran Federation unite" are openly hung on the walls and doors of the bar. People sitting in the bar will all mention "Justice for Korhal IV" without exception. "Revolution", "Freedom", "Teran Republic" - although they may not fully understand the meaning of these words.

In the past, the walls of Zhenning's bar were always covered with credit notes of various denominations from the Terran Federation. In the niches were souvenirs collected by the bar owner. But now, there are propaganda posters and brochures of the Revolutionary Army, which were displayed during the defense of Korhal. It depicts the revolutionary soldiers who died in the battle and naturally portrays the heroes who sacrificed their lives for freedom.

Curt Josephine, the former Demon of Heaven, became the black-hooded heroic warrior in the propaganda poster, while Augustus Mengsk, the spiritual leader of the Korhal Revolutionary Army, painted a rod with the three-star symbol of the Korhal Dominion. The flag of the Golden Wolf of the Mengsk family stood on the rubble in Tarsonis city, and behind him was the dilapidated Federation Council chamber. All paintings are in red, green and yellow colors, symbolizing revolution, freedom and the Tyranids.

A bright red flag is hung at the door of Zhenning Bar, which reads the declaration of the revolutionaries: The people are the cornerstone of all political power.

At this moment, it is the morning of the rest day, the coolest time of the day. Many workers and farmers who have no time to spare have spared time to talk about the revolutionary army thought and the six-point program of the core thoughts of the Pan-Telen Party in the brochure. and current situation information from hearsay.

Augustus was sitting in a corner of Jeanning's bar wearing a denim jacket with shiny buttons and high-top leather boots. Opposite him was the ghost agent Sarah Kerrigan, who rarely showed up in regular clothes.

On a table just a few yards away from Augustus were sitting the Revolutionary Army Major General Jim Raynor, the Sheriff of Mar Sara, and his girlfriend Letty Elizabeth, who was having a heated relationship, drinking. At this time, Elizabeth was wearing a plain white dress and a neat ponytail. She smiled brightly while listening to Renault's cold jokes.

It’s not that Mr. Renault doesn’t want to spend time with his girlfriend, but at least there are no resorts in the Hilo region. Even the only city in Hilo is considered a remote place if it is placed in Tarsonis or the former Korhal. In this wild western town, even the coffee shops are shabby.

"That's great." Augustus held a glass of southern wine with vermilion liquid and looked at Jim Reynolds, who was laughing.

Now Renault would never have thought that Augustus had already thought about the name of his son. The happiness of a good brother is the happiness of Augustus.

Speaking of which, Augustus, who had always been unlucky these days, had a lot of luck, but within four months, revolutionary thoughts had spread widely in the states of Shiloh, New Columbia, Lorenzana, and the capital area further north. Rumor has it that people are beginning to think about the same problem, that is, the shackles bound to them are not irremovable.

"Are you envious?" Sarah Kerrigan, opposite Augustus, smiled at him.

"Envy? Poor Jimmy spent all his time trying to please that woman and neglected his brother." Augustus said jokingly when he suddenly looked at Sarah Kerrigan directly opposite and discovered that she was amazingly beautiful today.

"I'm not envious at all."

Today Kerrigan is wearing a light green low-cut suspender dress. From Augustus's perspective, her deep collarbones and exposed shoulders can be seen. She has lived a life without seeing the sun for many years, so her skin is It's too white, like smooth condensed milk.

Sarah Kerrigan's fiery red straight hair was hanging loose, swaying with her movements, like a wicker swaying in the wind. This was the first time that Kerrigan wore makeup since Augustus met her. The light makeup and lipstick did not appear too frivolous but also gave a sixteen-year-old girl the charm of a mature woman.

Under the sunlight shining from the skylight of the bar, Kerrigan's red hair seemed like a burning flame, her flaming red lips, and her cheeks were flushed. Her beauty eclipsed all the women in Zhenning's bar.

"I'm sorry, madam, I didn't notice that you are more beautiful than ever." Augustus showed his signature smile full of affinity: "And my eyes should have been on you and the wine. , and there are only two things in this world that cannot be lived up to.”

"Uh-huh -" Kerrigan glanced at Augustus with her light green eyes, her long eyelashes fluttering: "You are treating me like one of those noble ladies."

"No, you are different." Augustus told her clearly.

"Of course, it's like red and black," he said. "I mean it sincerely, not insincerely."

"You know how to read minds. You are a reasonable woman. You should know if I am lying. I am by your side, Kerrigan."

"I will not be complacent just because of your few words." Kerrigan picked up the wine glass and drank.

Augustus smiled and didn't care. He knew that Kerrigan had a crush on him - of course, it didn't surprise him that any woman had a crush on him, after all, he was Augustus Mengsk.

For Kerrigan, Augustus was her savior, and after leaving the Ghost Academy, they were together almost every day. Augustus often enlightens Kerrigan, who has fallen into depression due to past experiences. More often than not, he plays the role of a father to fill Kerrigan's lost father's love.

Moreover, everything Augustus said and did was extremely charming, and his subordinates all loved him. Even a rebellious old man like Tychus Finley was convinced by him.

"Yes, I know you don't treat a sixteen-year-old girl as a woman. You prefer women with unique mature temperament, and long for stronger women to conquer you, just like you like butts and..." The blade in the original work The Queen was over thirty years old when she came to the Koprulu Sector, but she was still a girl after all. She liked to watch the calm and calm Augustus show his panicked side.

"That's not the case." Augustus was angry, but he didn't show it. For a long time, Augustus had only hidden the secret that he was a time traveler from Kerrigan, but he believed that he did not need to hide the rest because he was indeed preparing to revolutionize the Federation.

Whether it was based on the consideration that his family would always be in danger if the Federation was not destroyed, or the growing hatred accumulated due to the deaths of those Korhal warriors, Augustus would not do anything until the Federation was completely destroyed. Will give up and give up.

However, there were some aspects that Augustus didn't bother to hide, and Kerrigan caught him red-handed.

"If you ask Tychus, he will definitely say that Mr. Mengsk values ​​people's inner qualities more."

Then, Augustus looked at the tables around him and saw Corporal Faraday and others disguised as customers. Augustus hoped that Corporal Faraday did not hear their conversation, otherwise he would add another dark chapter to his black history.

"This is not the time to talk butts, comrade, we are in the revolution."

Augustus looked far ahead, just as he saw the future of the revolution: "We must focus on the present. I have a lot to do. The people of Mar Sara and other colonies are still waiting for us to liberate. Korhal IV is still waiting for us to rebuild."

"Let's watch the news." Augustus pointed to the holographic projection TV in the center of Zhenning's bar. He was indeed preparing to listen to this channel and changed the subject without any abruptness.

"Okay." Kerrigan smiled and said.

The TV screen showed a UNN TV program studio. The host was Mike Liberty, a member of the Pan-Taylon Revolutionary Party who secretly worked for the revolutionary army. Next to him was a man with gray sideburns but still in good spirits. Senior citizens.

"We are honored to have Ander Alter, Member of the Federal Parliament. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in the interview. In your press conference earlier today, you mentioned Augustus, the son of Angus, and his rebellion. Army, and you also believe that the Sons of Korhal are a terrorist organization under his direction."

"My pleasure, Mr. Liberty. Like I said - who else? If we talk about terror, assassination, blood and cruelty, then you should immediately think of the Wolf of Korhal IV, the one who A member of the evil Mengsk family.”

"Congressman Alter, what is your comment on the assassination of Frank Tagore, the heir to the Tagore family? Some people claim that the incident is related to a sex scandal that was deliberately concealed by the Tarsonis Police Department. Mattet IV News Agency A reporter from Tarsonis wrote that the incident was related to a promiscuous gathering of nobles. Before the incident, he photographed members of the Federal Assembly entering and exiting relevant places."

"Oh - this matter is still under investigation, but the officers of the Tarsonis Police Department have sufficient evidence that the female agent who has committed suicide is Korhal. I am sorry for the death of that young man, it is all A loss to Tarsonis and indeed the entire Terran Confederacy, he should have been a rising star in politics who should have been a blessing to his people."

"It's such a shame, and I hope the police can bring the criminals to justice as soon as possible. We viewers have always wanted to know: about the nuclear bombs delivered by the Federation fleet that completely destroyed the ecology of Korhal, causing the ecosystem there to completely collapse. Are the rumors true?"

"That's not the problem. Any malicious slander against the central government of Tarsonis is groundless slander. The environmental pollution caused by the nuclear bomb dropped on Korhal is close to zero. The questions raised by the Universe Environmental Protection Organization are completely unreasonable."

"So, do you think protecting the environment is more important than people, and should the Federation be responsible for the deaths of those Korhal people?"

"No comment." In order to prevent Liberty from asking more questions that were not on his prompting board, the federal congressman ended the interview with the following words:

"Korhal IV is no longer the jewel of the Tyranid Federation. Those traitors with evil intentions and the bloody Sons of Korhal terrorists should learn a lesson from the destruction of Korhal! The rebels and the Sons of Korhal are butchers of the old, weak, women and children. , dehumanizing demons, they attempt to subvert rule and use force and tyranny to eliminate freedom and democracy. Their existence is a blasphemy to human rights and a trampling of the rule of law. Justice will never be absent. The remnants of the Korhal rebellion will finally be brought to justice. Law!"

At this time, Kerrigan frowned: "They actually think you created the Sons of Korhal."

"This is a good thing." Augustus' expression actually showed relief: "I will bear all this so that Xiaova and his mother will not be affected because my brother is the leader of the Sons of Korhal. "

Just as Augustus was talking, the voice in Zhenning’s bar suddenly became enthusiastic. As Augustus listened, he could hear someone on his right raising his arms and shouting:

When Augustus looked at him, he was shocked to find a cowboy wearing a khaki denim jacket and a cowboy hat standing on the table. He had two short guns stuck in his waist. He looked tough and powerful.

"What nonsense! Do you think the Federation Councilors represent the public opinion? The founding family of Tarsonis has hoarded too much wealth by exploiting the fringe sectors. The colonial 'gold and silver' are constantly pouring into the core world, but they still want Let’s take on more!”

"Are they one of ours?" Augustus called to Corporal Faraday, who just shook his head in confusion.

"Not one of ours, he. He shouldn't be a preparatory member of the Pan-Taylon Revolutionary Party. My people have never even seen him - you know, they always have a photographic memory of the faces of those who go in and out of Echo Town. , I suspect he came from other areas." Corporal Faraday stared at the cowboy sharply.

"He has the Cossack scimitar emblem on his clothes, indicating that he is from New Babylon, which is even farther away from us than the capital district."

The people of Mar Sara have been dissatisfied with the federal government for a long time. This planet is one of the thirteen core worlds of the Tyranid Federation, but its development has almost stagnated. Unlike its sister planet Cha Sara, which is booming in technology and economy, Compared to Rabbi, it was poor and backward.

The rebellious mood of Ma Sara comes more from the tough-guy style and unruly style that is generally rooted in every Ma Sara people. The hatred towards the federal government has brought great consequences to the people with the four-year Kailian War and excessive taxes. The burden is growing. The wealth of the Terran Federation is in the hands of a very small number of families, and even so, they are still exploiting the people even more.

Korhal and Mar Sara are different. The initial conflict was caused by the dissatisfaction caused by Korhal's strong economic strength and the strong voice in the Terran Federation. As the demands of the lower class in revolutionary thought for freedom became more and more It was only when Angus Mengsk raised his arms that the revolution broke out.

"Let us unite under the banner of revolution and let Ma Sara be independent!" the cowboys of New Babylon said impassionedly, arousing many responses.

"This is a good thing, but be careful not to stir up their enthusiasm for rebellion too much, lest it trigger a tragedy and make Mar Sara suffer the same fate as Korhal."

There was no expression of joy on Augustus's face. He said solemnly: "Next, be careful of the police, militia and federal troops' encirclement and suppression operations against the revolutionaries."

"I have received a notice from the Justice of Hilo State, asking us to assist the Hilo militia in encircling and suppressing the Revolutionary Party and possible remnants of the Revolutionary Army. Move the alien technology laboratory on the ground and send the alien sacred object to the fleet. "

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