StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 175 Lure the snake out of its hole

"Judge Ada, I have confiscated nearly 3,000 rebel pamphlets and leaflets, and prohibit the residents of Echo Town from publicly printing and reading these illegal publications. The Echo Town Immigration Police Department is taking all effective measures to avoid them. To poison the minds of federal citizens and protect citizens’ right to read correct and legal readings.”

In the Sheriff's Office of the Echo Town Immigration Police Department, Augustus was still on the phone with the only judge in the Echo Town Courthouse. At this moment, Augustus, who was wearing a brown federal police officer's uniform, was sitting on his wooden office chair with a serious posture and a serious expression.

It was already February 2490, and the Hilo region had entered a short rainy season that lasted from a few hours to a few days. Dense raindrops were splashing on the blinds of Augustus' office. The orange-gray sky was filled with dark clouds. The rain curtain was like an upside-down waterfall, and it rained heavily.

This office of more than ten square meters is filled with bookshelves. On the bookshelves there are books about the legislation and politics of the Tyranid Federation. There are also a large number of related works about the crystal mining industry. There are three flags behind Augustus' desk, the red and blue cross stars and stripes of the Federation, the flag of the Mar Sara Settlement, and the conch flag of Echo Town.

This upright and loyal magistrate also hangs a portrait of Marius Tagore, the current federal cabinet prime minister, in his office to express his admiration for the prime minister.

"I will deploy police forces to prevent those mobs from storming the town government building and the immigration courthouse - no, I have to do that. As the sheriff, I have to protect the safety of all employees serving the government. This is my duty."

"You can rest assured that my officers will not prevent you from communicating with the townspeople who are suing. But I don't think you should go too far. From Shiloh to the Capital District to Elrond, there are millions of square meters." Miles and miles of vast areas where people believe they no longer need the federal government. Sensational, but it’s true.”

"Okay, I'll do what the Governor asks: arrest every rebel and send them to jail."

Putting down the old-fashioned landline phone on his desk, Augustus clasped his hands on the desk and said to Sarah Kerrigan who was standing aside: "Tell my staff and military advisors to draw up a plan to use it in Marseille." ·The Sara Capital District’s plan to attack the Planet Defense Force outposts and destroy the Federation train tracks must allow the Mar Sara Governorate to mobilize the peripheral Planet Defense Forces and militia to return to the capital.”

It was not until February 2490 that the Governor-General of Mar Sara finally realized that the raging revolutionary wave had threatened their rule on the planet. More than hundreds of thousands of people in several autonomous prefectures and municipalities had changed their minds.

Although under the leadership of the revolutionaries, these people who accepted the revolutionary ideas did not attack the government like the Keha people, the federal government could not turn a blind eye to this, especially since so many people had to pay the taxes that had been inherent to them for hundreds of years. They refused to pay what they considered to be such an "unreasonable" tax except for other types of taxes. Of course, the tax officials who could not collect the taxes were furious and complained bitterly against their superiors.

In fact, these are still secondary. Governor Ma Sara, who is indulgent and sensual all day long, will never ask about these matters, but will just leave them to his officials to handle. However, after the Kehal Rebellion, the terms "revolutionary party" and "rebels" were enough for the federal government to attach great importance to them and even go to war.

For this reason, in early February, the encirclement and suppression of the revolutionaries, led by the Mar Sara Civil Defense Force and a small number of federal marines, began.

All Augustus had to do now was to deal with the encirclement and suppression by the federal army and at the same time prepare for the next step.

"Our governor is a cowardly, hedonistic person. As soon as he heard that there were signs of rebel activity in Mar Sara, he was so frightened that he fled back to the governor's palace from the social gathering place." He said to Kerrigan: " All we need to do is give him a scare and he'll reveal his true colors."

"Okay." Kerrigan did not ask why Augustus did that. This was not because they had developed a tacit understanding in the nearly a year they had been together, but because Augustus never deliberately concealed himself. idea.

When Kerrigan walked out of the magistrate's office and delivered Augustus's order to the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army Marshal Command Post in another Sheriff's Office, Augustus opened up Jim Raynor's personal terminal.

"Jimmy? Pull up your pants and come to my office immediately - you'd better take birth control. I don't think Elizabeth is ready to be a mother yet." Augustus changed his position and held the phone:

"Call Tychus here by the way, you know where he usually stays."

After finishing speaking, Augustus put down the phone and picked up a draft of the "Announcement Warning Town Residents to Try Not to Travel During the Rainy Season" that he had drafted to put in his bag.

At this time, Kerrigan, who was wearing a khaki police uniform, had walked in again. She didn't like wearing high heels, so she wore a pair of leather boots that clicked on the wooden floor.

"Your order has been conveyed to the Revolutionary Army Camp Staff. They will submit a detailed plan to you within a Standard Mar Sara day."

"Yes." Augustus nodded and stopped talking. He just looked out the window where the heavy rain, lightning and thunder were falling and he fell into deep thought.

"Is there any news about Umoyan and the six colonial fleets?" After a few seconds, Augustus asked Kerrigan again, but his eyes were on the two picture frames on the desk, one of which was heaven. A group photo of the Demon Platoon, one framed with a photo of the Mengsk family and the butler.

The dozen or so colonial fleets that sailed out of the Korhal system were re-merged and integrated into five huge fleets that fled in different directions with Korhal as the center. Each fleet had more than two million people, and the largest number even had Three and a half million people were led by Xander Marks, Connor Ward, Amy Brandon, Ilya Kurovsky and Rick Kidd, the former senior generals of the Demons of Heaven.

These colonial fleets are sailing in the universe at faster than the speed of light, and everyone except the navigators has entered a state of hibernation. It is likely that they will not find a habitable planet until they sail for several years or even longer, and before that, the settlers must face An unknown and dangerous universe.

The closest to Mar Sara is Rick Kidd's colonial fleet. This revolutionary general did not enter hibernation, but was always awake and would send a positioning signal to Umoyan every three months. .

"Four colonial fleets are sailing in the middle section from Korhal to the edge of the Koprulu sector, and one fleet is about to sail out of the Koprulu sector." Kerrigan replied:

"As for Umoyan, two weeks ago, several conflicts broke out between the Gamma Squadron and Sigma Squadron of the Tyranid Federation and the Umoyan Protectorate Fleet at the border of the United Umoyan Republic. As for who is the final winner of these conflicts? , both sides hold their own opinions.”

"What is the real situation? We should be able to get information that is closer to the facts." Augustus felt urgent emotions in his heart, because his family and more than 20 million Keha people were still on Umoyan.

"The real situation is that the Umoyan Protectorate Army did not gain the upper hand." Kerrigan said: "The Federation fleet wandered within the United States of Umoyan for two weeks before being driven away by the Umoyan Protectorate Fleet. The combat capability of the national army and navy has been questioned by the parliament, but the people know nothing about it, and they think that their army has won the war."

"If the Federation fleet swarms up, Umoyan will definitely be unable to withstand it." Many scenes of the Tyranid Federation fighting Umoyan flashed through Augustus's mind: "But the Tyranid Federation wants to eat Umoyan in one bite. Yang is undoubtedly dreaming, and it will take at least a few more years for them to completely conquer Umoyan. Coupled with the Kemorian coalition and local rebels who are unwilling to fail, the Federation Council does not dare to launch a full-scale war for the time being."

"We have been resting for too long. It's time to make some noise." After more than six months of rest, the combat effectiveness of the Augustus fleet has been fully restored. It is also time to re-strengthen the Tyran government's relaxed nerves. stand up.

"Let the Terran Federation's naval fleet move. When they are exhausted, it is time for us to concentrate our superior strength and defeat them one by one."

Once Umoyan goes to war with the Tyranid Federation, the Revolutionary Army is likely to lose its biggest backing, and there will even be nowhere to dump the crystal mines collected by him and Arcturus.

Just as he was talking, Jim Raynor and Tychus Finley, wearing waterproof cloaks, pushed open the door. As soon as they entered, Augustus could hear Tychus muttering dissatisfiedly: "What happened? I should like to know what is worthy of old Tychus' galloping back."

"Are you going to go to war with the federal army?" Reno knew Augustus well.

"Jimmy is right." Augustus glanced at Tychus: "Finley, no one cares how much time you spend on those gorgeous girls."

"Next time you should give notice in advance." Tychus did not dare to lose his temper with Augustus: "Today, all the good things I prepared to increase the fun are of no use."

"Let's leave it to next time." Augustus interrupted Tychus, knowing full well that if left unchecked, Tychus would moan and groan for another half hour.

Then, Augustus looked at Renault again: "Jimmy, I have to transfer you to Florence to lead the troops there. Take your rangers and set off lightly. I got the exact news, Mar Sara The governor is preparing to order the defense forces to hunt down the revolutionary comrades there, and I want you to defeat them."

"The same encirclement and suppression operations will also be launched in Hilo and other states where we have an advantage. A planned and large-scale encirclement and suppression against us is about to begin."

If you want to ask why Augustus knew so much, it was mainly because he got the news in advance as the local magistrate, and he established a pretty good personal friendship with the governor of Hiero by catering to his interests, and his agents The intelligence network is also monitoring Ma Sara's backward communication network.

"It shouldn't be that difficult to deal with those militiamen." Renault hesitated for about a fraction of a second.

"You can't bear to let go of your girlfriend?" Augustus smiled slightly.

"I can't bear to leave her. It sounds like I'm going to leave Hero for a while." Renault was not vague. He was always very honest with Augustus.

"I can understand." Augustus nodded towards Renault, turned on the wooden holographic projector on the desk, and a vertical map appeared in front of everyone present with colorful light and shadow.

The background of the map is the red and yellow land of Mar Sara. This is a map of the southern hemisphere of Mar Sara, which is home to two-thirds of Mar Sara's population. Since there is not even a vast ocean on this planet, there is only an ocean of dust released like a lake, and the land area occupies a huge proportion.

Compared with this vast land area, the area available for human habitation and wasteland is very small. Hilo State and several neighboring states still have a hint of green on the map, and there are even more in the capital area. Covered by green vegetation. But on the map, this trace of green is surrounded by large tracts of yellow desert. Although the inhabited area is quite vast, the population is scattered in distant towns.

"We already have more than 3,000 party members in the Hiero area, scattered in various towns and cities." Augustus took down the map and unfolded it on his desk, pointing to the fan-leaf-shaped Hiero Autonomous Prefecture on the map. : "At the same time, the combined number of the Planetary Defense Force and Civilian Defense Forces in the area is less than that of an integrated battalion, and more than half of them are from the Civil Defense Force in Echo Town."

On this map, the states of Hilo, New Columbia, Lorenzana and the Capital District are spliced ​​into a very irregular polygon. The first two states have turned red on the map, which shows that they have actually under the control of the revolutionary army. The state of Lorenzana is changing from green to red, and the capital area has sporadic red marks, marking the strongholds set up by the revolutionary army.

Mar Sara is not a completely deserted world. Some areas have very few oases and a considerable amount of green space for reclamation. Several underground river systems nourish millions of Mar Sara and the life on the planet. The higher latitudes have tundra and savannas, and there are even glaciers at the poles of the planet.

"The situation in New Columbia is almost the same as that in Hilo. Although we do not control the local police station and government, we have opened three mining areas there. These mining areas can gather a brigade of revolutionary troops. Our troops are in these The region can take the initiative.”

"Which state should I be responsible for?" Tychus looked at Augustus thoughtfully: "To be honest, the rouge fans in Echo Town here have bored me. Maybe the ones from other places can"

"You have to stay by my side," Augustus said. "I need you to charge into battle."

"How can those militiamen of Mar Sara who have never seen blood be our opponents? My people have been through life and death, and they have faced the most ferocious elite soldiers of the Tyranid Federation." Tychus felt proud: " You can't live without me, Mengsk."

"I don't know what you would do without me."

"Yes, I can't do it without you." Augustus was happy to joke with Tychus. As long as the other party didn't cause any trouble, he didn't intend to keep a straight face.

"However, although those militiamen can never be our opponents." Tychus became serious: "But once I beat them up, the next time the federation sends out is the Marine Corps. Mar Sara has not been organized. Marines, so they will definitely mobilize the fleet."

"What are you going to do then?"

"This is exactly what I wanted. By then we can ambush them in the synchronous orbit of Mar Sara." Augustus said: "The siege of Tarsonis still makes the nobles of Tarsonis With their memories still fresh, they will not send nearly all their fleets like they did against Korhal again."

"I hope it's the poisonous snake Duke who comes, and I'm going to kick his ass hard this time!" Tychus said viciously as the pouring rain outside the window gradually stopped.

"Let's have a blast."

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