StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 176 Rebels are like a plague

Echo Town, Hilo Autonomous Prefecture. February 12, 2490 local time.

It's approaching noon.

This colonial town with a permanent population of less than 8,000 people has a broad bluestone road that runs from north to south and runs through the entire town. The road is clean and tidy, with light blue high-pole street lamps standing on both sides.

There were people coming and going on the road, including ground-hugging eight-wheel cargo trucks and beetle-shaped family suspension cars that were many generations behind the core planet. Farmers working in the fields near Echo Town were driving farming robots. on the way home. The last breeze of the rainy season blew, and the bustling Echo Town became lively and hot again under the blazing midday sun of Mar Sara.

Augustus, who was wearing a brown uniform of a police officer and a cowboy hat, parked with his back on the Vulture car at the entrance of Echo Town, quietly watching the endless flow of people on the street. Next to Augustus stood Sarah Kerrigan and Tychus Finley in cowboy attire, while Corporal Faraday stood not far away with several other Revolutionary Army sergeants in militia uniforms.

"This is all thanks to you." Kerrigan pointed to the prosperous Echo Town and said: "It was you who funded the reconstruction of the roads in Echo Town. Your mines and Adien Crystal Refinery have brought hard-won benefits to these people. jobs and a steady income that gradually makes them rich."

"As long as our government is willing to spend a little more money for their people, they will receive enthusiastic support and advocacy." Augustus crossed his hands on his chest, and his thick thick eyebrows relaxed as he chuckled. unfold.

Then Augustus looked at Sheriff Tychus Finley who was standing next to him: "Tychus, look at the time. I think the Planetary Defense Force sent by the Governor's Palace of Mar Sara should also arrive."

"It's not like you don't have a watch yourself." If it were anyone else, Tychus would have been mocking him for not having long hands.

"They are really good at choosing the time at 12:30." He said: "Why should we wait for them under the bright sun? Everyone is eating a bowl of 'murder and arson'. Who is more noble than others?"

"Because they are pressed for time and have to return to their base in the Capital District before dark, no one dares to stay in this town that is rumored to have a large number of rebels - it is said that the desert of Hiero State is full of ghosts with eyes shooting out. The green ray rebels, they eat people without spitting out bones, and they specialize in eating children." Augustus answered Tychus.

"Only a fool would believe it." Tykespi said with a smile: "Oh, I forgot that those corrupt officials and nobles are all idiots."

Just as Tychus's voice fell, a convoy of more than a dozen armored personnel carriers was rumbling towards Echo Town. The leading armored vehicle had already appeared on the horizon in the distance. There was a huge, attractive side on the front of the vehicle. The red and blue star flag of the Confederacy.

"The 4th Company of the 12th Battalion of the Mar Sara Planetary Defense Force, a force directly under the Governor's Palace. Unlike the Civil Defense Force, they are a regular army with a regular organization, and everyone in them is a professional soldier." Kerrigan walked to O Next to Gustus, she stared closely at the leading armored personnel carrier. Her sharp eyes seemed to be able to pierce through the one-fifth-inch-thick steel plate and see the commander of the Planetary Defense Force sitting in it.

"According to the documents issued by the Justice Office of the Hero Autonomous Prefecture, the person who came to search for the rebels was Second Lieutenant Gray of the company." She continued: "A Tarsonis native, born in the Sylvie City District of the main city of Tarsonis. His father He is a famous banker, and his mother is the youngest daughter of the noble Arrent family of Tarsonis. Lieutenant Dudley Arent Gray did not attend a military academy or serve in any federal military service before serving in the Mar Sara Planet Defense Force. Record, he seemed to appear on this planet out of thin air, and once he appeared, he obtained his current position.”

"I can guess what happened with my ass. This rich young man must have committed something in Tarsonis - but even if he raped and robbed him, he wouldn't be sent to this stinky cesspool of Mar Sara." ." Tychus heard what Kerrigan said clearly: "This bastard must have provoked someone more powerful than himself, so his father, who smelled like copper, spent a lot of money to find connections. They sent him here to get out of the limelight.”

"Of course, the officers of the defense force of the Governor's Palace of the settlement are not idle positions, but they have their own police to deal with criminals. The role of the defense force is to support the governor of the settlement. Although the Camorians attacked here, it turned out to be just a false alarm. One game." Tychus said: "He probably never dreamed that he would be sent to deal with the rebels, and the brainless governor had no plan at all in his mind. He only knew how to use all the cards in his hand to deal with them. throw it out."

"Yes, according to the investigation results of Umoyan agents, Lieutenant Gray was at least guilty of murder and rape. There are rumors that he also took drugs and incest. But all charges were cleared by his father and returned to him. He found a good position in the army of Mar Sara." Kerrigan nodded and said: "Although there is no direct evidence that he continued his atrocities after arriving in Mar Sara, we believe that he continued his atrocities after arriving in Mar Sara. With his flamboyant personality, he doesn’t seem like someone who would keep his tail between his legs.”

"I just hope he won't make too many demands on us." Augustus chuckled and said, "For example, asking us to fight the rebels in the western desert - that would be a bit overwhelming."

At this time, the armored vehicle convoy of the Planetary Defense Force had passed the last section of the road from far to near, and was only a few hundred yards away from Augustus and his men.

"That armored vehicle is the model we used on Turasis - Tuk 228, which is now obsolete. The army is dumping garbage into the marginal colonies, and the local army is still proud of it." Tychus looked at it One of the armored vehicles in front pointed out this point sarcastically: "Look, these old vehicles are all painted with new red and blue paint. I bet they were hurriedly wiping off the accumulated paint on the vehicles a few days ago." The dust on them pulls these big things out of the recycling bin."

The armored vehicle in front had its horn blaring and a shrill scream, and it did not dodge other vehicles on the road with an arrogant attitude. Even when it was dozens of yards away from Augustus, the heavy armored vehicle still did not slow down, like the locomotive of an out-of-control train.

Augustus did not show any panic expression until the armored vehicle stopped hurriedly in front of him, kicking up rust-colored dust and sand.

"Their commander is either a lunatic, or a self-righteous idiot who has watched too many Galactic Heroes movies." When Lieutenant Gray of the Planetary Defense Force stepped out of the truck, Augustus whispered to Kerrigan and Kerrigan beside him. Tychus said this: "I wouldn't mind teaching him a lesson."

"These people are proof of the corrupt rule of the Terran Federation. Incompetent people rule the Federation and hold high positions. Their unbridled indulgence of selfish desires makes this huge but bloated regime increasingly dark and chaotic."

Lieutenant Gray wore a custom-made military coat with golden brass buttons and a long hem. His leather boots were polished to a gleam. He walked with a windy step, but his body swayed violently. The lieutenant's oily dark brown hair was styled in Tarsonis's new hairstyle. His sunken eyes were surrounded by a thick layer of dark circles, and his bloodshot eyes were opened as wide as possible. His lips were pursed tightly, trying hard but trying to look dignified.

The second lieutenant was followed closely by an adjutant and a federal tax officer wearing a tall round hat. As he walked, he shouted loudly: "The road is newly built, and the streets inside are also paved with bluestones - it doesn't look like this here." It’s like I can’t afford to pay taxes.”

"It's such a confusion of right and wrong. I can't imagine that people in places where rebellion is rampant actually seem to have a better life."

"Okay. This is not my business. My mission is to eliminate the rebels entrenched here." The second lieutenant muttered to himself while looking at Augustus: "You should be the local sheriff. It’s such a mess. A few rebels will scare you to the point of crying for father and mother, but in the end you will need us to clean up the mess, let’s talk about it.”

However, the arrogant Lieutenant Gray didn't notice the golden flash in Sarah Kerrigan's light green eyes next to Augustus. He was talking to himself when his left foot suddenly caught his right foot. He lost his balance, and then the tall and thin second lieutenant fell to the ground amidst his unbearable screams.

"It's so ugly -" Tychus did not show any respect for a senior Terran Federation officer. He said in a voice that could be heard by everyone present: "The way he fell really looked like... Tough bacon."

Augustus coughed lightly, and before Lieutenant Gray got up in embarrassment, he said in his deep voice: "Dear Lieutenant Gray, I am the local Sheriff Caesar. According to the investigation, we can confirm that the rebels are here. In the corridors of Hell on the Ridge Plains, but the Civil Defense Forces of Echo Town number less than a hundred."

"Damn, damn, damn," Lieutenant Gray stood up with a vague muttering. Blood was pouring from his mouth, and it looked like he had at least broken a few teeth. Because he was immersed in extreme pain and embarrassment, Lieutenant Gray did not hear what Augustus said, and the latter had to state what he had just said again, and at the same time asked the other party if he wanted to call a doctor.

"The new boots don't fit well." The second lieutenant took a towel from Augustus, who had a concerned expression on his face, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but he did not show any gratitude, but continued to throw him down. Blame it on something else: "A country place is a country place."

"You should see a doctor immediately." Augustus said to him caringly: "I know a good dentist."

"No, no need." Lieutenant Gray still pretended to be calm. He tried hard to maintain his shattered dignity: "I just heard that there are rebels in the desert. Is this true?"

"Of course." Augustus said with a serious expression, "It's absolutely true. Apart from pirates, they are also rebels."

"I heard that the rebels also had electromagnetic guns and railguns, and some people even saw arc-light tanks with the rebel flag flying on the road." Tychus added with jealousy.

"Well" Lieutenant Gray was still unable to speak clearly due to the severe pain caused by the broken tooth. At this time, he still did not believe Augustus's words: "The information I received is that there is only a group of more than a dozen rebels here. and two or three Pan-Terran Revolutionary Party members who privately publish illegal books and support their families.”

The federal government has already learned the full name of the Pan-Terran Revolutionary Party and all of their political and reform demands. Interestingly, the Pan-Teran Revolutionary Party is not a political party, but a revolutionary party composed of countless ordinary Korhals, Umoyans and even other Terran Federation citizens. It is open to everyone. , regardless of high or low birth status.

The Federation Council of the Tyranids is now convinced that members of this party have been scattered to various planets within the Federation territory and are as incurable as cancer cells in the body. Revolutionary ideas are spreading throughout the Tyranids like a plague, making everyone who stands against the Revolutionary Party The dignitaries are like awns on their backs.

The emblem of the Pan-Teran Revolutionary Party, the panda pattern with an inverted triangle with black eye circles and a black pearl-like nose, has become a taboo symbol and is prohibited from being used on any occasion in the Terran Federation.

"Yes, but it has been fourteen days since I last submitted a report about the rebels." Augustus reminded the timid-looking Planet Defense Force officer: "Today is different from the past. You and I We all know that rebels are like a virus that keeps multiplying, they are like a terrible plague. Once a place is infected with the revolutionary party, it will be difficult to get rid of it."

"How many people are there?" Second Lieutenant Gray said calmly: "One hundred people or two hundred people?"

"The exact number is not yet known," Augustus said. "No one can say for sure."

"Maybe there is a division." Tychus chuckled.

"We should continue to observe and observe." Second Lieutenant Gray thought for a moment and said, "Send additional scouts and drones to investigate carefully."

"Okay." Augustus and Tychus looked at each other: "But we lack equipment."

"I have it here." Lieutenant Gray turned around, looked at the orange-grey sky of Mar Sara, and said, "I have to go back and gather more people."

"One company is definitely not enough"

"After your investigation is clear, I will come to encircle and suppress those rebels." After saying that, Lieutenant Gray hurriedly walked towards the armored vehicle.

"Why are you in such a hurry to go back?" Tychus, who was beside Augustus, also didn't expect that Second Lieutenant Gray was cowardly and true, but it was too out of character. He said sarcastically and sarcastically: "You just came to Echo Town. And because of this, I fell down hard and my head was badly bruised.”

"Didn't I say it?" Lieutenant Gray was eager to leave this place where there were said to be many rebels, as if fire was burning his feet: "I want to go back and mobilize my troops!"

"Damn, he actually left." Tychus laughed as he watched Second Lieutenant Gray leave in an armored vehicle after not staying for a few minutes.

"Do you want me to take someone and kill him?" Then he asked again.

"Start in the desert far away from Echo Town, so as not to cause trouble to Governor Victor." Augustus said: "This time we need you to show your face, Tychus. You want the Federation to know that you are the Demon Tychus of Heaven." Keyes destroyed a Federation planetary defense force on Mar Sara."

"Haha." Tychus said before riding away on a vulture: "Old Tychus's wanted warrant should increase the price."

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