StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 177 177 Forced Revolution

Early the next morning, the judge's office in the Shiloh State Immigration Court.

Augustus Mengsk, wearing a brown sheriff's uniform and a wide-brimmed cowboy hat, strode up the steps in front of the judge's office, followed closely by ghost agent Sarah Kerrigan, who was well outlined in a black tights. Show off her good figure.

"Mr. Ada, I heard someone said that you want to see me for something." As soon as he opened the door of the office, Augustus saw Echo Town Magistrate Ada Romanov staring closely at him.

"Yes, I haven't been able to contact you. I can only ask the police officers who take turns to guard outside the court twenty-five hours a day to find you." Judge Ada, who has short sandy blond hair, looked at Ou carefully. Gustus said teasingly, with his dark, bearded face that had experienced many vicissitudes of life.

"If you ask the police officers where Sheriff Caesar is and what he is doing, they will tell you that the Sheriff is busy."

"It is indeed very busy. These days are not peaceful. There are rebels everywhere. My people have exchanged fire with them several times." Augustus did not find a chair to sit down, obviously not willing to stay for a long time.

"What do you need me to do?" he asked Judge Ada.

As Augustus said, he was indeed extremely busy with the rebel affairs. But it's just because he is the leader of the rebels and is busy giving orders, directing the revolutionary army on Mar Sara to stir up the situation and attack the Terran Federation's troops and military facilities.

"What do I need you to do?" Judge Ada smiled weakly: "I just hope you don't hurt my family. We used to be friends. You met my little daughter Ava, and you hugged her. Call you uncle."

"I never thought you were a revolutionary." Finally, the judge, who was well-known and respected in Echo Town, sighed deeply.

Augustus did not speak, but looked at Judge Ada calmly, as if he was not surprised by what the other party said.

"What is your reason for thinking that I am a revolutionary?" It took about two seconds before Augustus spoke. He neither admitted nor denied what Judge Ada said, but there was a gap between his words. The meaning is undoubtedly acquiescing to the other party's statement.

At this point, Augustus felt that he had no need to defend himself. Even if Augustus has never used strong force to arrest revolutionaries to curb the revolutionary wave in Echo Town since he became the magistrate, the officials of the Echo Town government and Judge Ada of the court have enough reasons to doubt his identity or his identity. position.

"Rumors about the Revolutionary Party began to circulate in the streets of Echo Town before you became the Sheriff. But after you became the Sheriff, this situation has not only not been curbed but has intensified. A large number of foreigners have flowed in at the same time. They entered Echo Town, and I couldn’t find any record of them stopping at the Mar Sara Star Port, which means they were illegal stowaways. I can also be sure that these people’s documents were forged, because only people without legal identities I'll do it," he said, looking at Augustus.

"Almost all the newly recruited police officers are not natives of Mar Sara. Just like you. After you came to Mar Sara, the rebels followed. Caesar, I have always thought that you are very talented. A capable person, you are iron-blooded and ruthless when dealing with criminals, but you are weak when dealing with rebels."

"I do have no evidence to directly prove that you have direct contact with the Revolutionary Party, but since you put me under house arrest in the name of protection, I have become more and more firm in my suspicion of you." Judge Ada spoke very calmly: "I made It was a wrong decision.”

"I made a hungry wolf a sheepdog."

"We are still friends now." After listening carefully to what the small town judge said, Augustus just looked at Judge Ada: "As you can see, you have seen the changes in Echo Town. After four years of war, many people in the fringe world have no food to eat, the crime rate has soared, and even the most innocent people are forced to become bandits, while here there is peace and stability.

"I am neither a hungry wolf nor a shepherd dog. I am just an ordinary person who dares to speak for the people at the bottom and resist tyranny and power." Augustus finally said: "I bring new ideas to the people of Mar Sara. ideas and change, and I defend their birthright as human beings and remove the shackles the federal government has imposed on them.”

"This is my mission." He said: "I want to tell those who are oppressed and exploited that if a government no longer fulfills the responsibilities and obligations it promised to its people, then his people will Have the right to overthrow him."

"An elected government should not rule the people, but be ruled by the people. Nothing else in this world is more natural than the people's demand for the rights that should be theirs."

"I know." As a federal judge, Ada Romanoff should have denounced Augustus's treason at this moment, but perhaps knowing that his life and that of his family were in the hands of the other party, he did not show his support for the revolution. Party hatred.

"I have read the pamphlet of the Pan-Terran Revolutionary Party, and these words impressed me deeply. It was said by Augustus Mengsk, your leader, the man who single-handedly formed a revolutionary army."

Ada didn't know that this face full of scars and traces of time came from a nano mask that clung to his face. He still thought that the person standing in front of him was a revolutionary army officer under Augustus.

".So, I want to know what you think of this passage." Augustus looked at Judge Ada and nodded, indicating that he was listening carefully to what the other party said.

"If I didn't know that this descendant of the Khamensk family invaded Tarsonis with a huge fleet, then I would have thought that he was a pure visionary and idealist." Judge Ada hesitated. say.

"I quite agree with many of his ideas, including the program of the Revolutionary Party. As for the Revolutionary Army, if the Revolutionary Army is really able to fight for the people as they say, then I admit that my prejudice against them is wrong." He explain.

"But even if the Revolutionary Army does overthrow the Federation, the new ruler will definitely become a new class, and his followers will become the new founding family. What is the character of Angus Mengsk, the leader of the Korhal Uprising? We have no way of knowing the position and purpose of the revolution launched. To be honest, I don’t have high expectations for the new regime.”

"I don't have a favorable opinion of the federal government on Tarsonis either. I only work for them for the sake of Echo and my family."

"No matter what, the future is better than the present." Augustus did not directly answer Judge Ada: "We want to establish a new republic and let capable people form a government."

"Don't worry, I will never harm you or your family." Then Augustus answered the question that Judge Ada cared about most.

"Even if I believe you, when the regular government troops regain Echo Town, everyone including me will be sent to prison." Judge Ada showed helplessness: "Although I only signed on behalf of Hero's judicial officer, Anyway, I recruited you into the police station."

"Government troops will come sooner or later. How long do you think you can stay in Mar Sara?"

"Then we can only take you away." Augustus said regretfully: "Don't worry, the ship has enough space. I will apply to my boss to transfer you to the propaganda department, and your family will be taken care of." placement.”

"I don't think I have any other choice." Judge Ada spread her hands and said.

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