StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 178 Backwater Base

After walking out of the office of the Immigration Court, the four Revolutionary Army soldiers who were changing guard at the door of the office saluted Augustus and his ghost bodyguard Sarah Kerrigan. The Revolutionary Army's military salute was no different than that of the Union Army, just as their armor paint colors remained the same as the Union Army's.

When Augustus returned the military salute, a Vixen assault vehicle had already driven into the black brick courtyard where the court hall of the settlement was located.

Corporal Faraday, captain of the Guards of Augustus, was driving. This corporal of the Revolutionary Army has always worked conscientiously as Augustus' most loyal subordinate, taking care of all aspects of his travel and security work. Meanwhile, Corporal Faraday remained a corporal even though the other sergeants inducted at the same time as him had all been promoted after the Battle of Tarsonis.

Of course, all the officers around Augustus believed it was only a matter of time before Corporal Faraday would be promoted.

"Marshal, the command post has just received a report from Tychus Finley. His Stirling Wolfhunter Battalion continued to advance south after defeating Ensign Gray's troops of the Planetary Defense Force, and invaded the planet at 22:00 yesterday night. The Defense Forces set up an outpost in the town of Harland." As soon as the Vixen assault vehicle stopped, Corporal Faraday stepped out of the vehicle and reported to Augustus:

"Lieutenant Gray is currently being held in a hoverbike prisoner transport vehicle. The prisoner transport vehicle will arrive in Echo Town soon." He asked Augustus.

"Are you going to interrogate him yourself?"

"No need." Augustus didn't want to waste time dealing with a scumbag. Compared with that, he would rather talk to a person with noble character like Judge Ada: "Throw him into the mine. If we If he's still alive when you leave Mar Sara, give this guy a bullet."

"Where is Tychus?"

"He's at Joey Ray's," Corporal Faraday replied. "That's where the troop assembly point is."

"Go to Joey Ray's Bar." Augustus said and climbed onto the Vixen assault vehicle. Kerrigan scanned the surrounding environment with her green eyes shrouded in a subtle light golden light before following. .

"Yes, sir." Corporal Faraday drove the car himself, and the reconnaissance vehicle sped through the small town of Echo Town.

In Augustus' eyes, except for the town residents standing on both sides of the bluestone road and in front of their homes, they were all militiamen wearing crimson power armor with the abbreviation of the Echo Town Civil Defense Force on their shoulder pads.

The militiamen were arranged in two neat columns. Augustus could count the number of these militiamen. The number of militiamen walking on the street alone exceeded 200, which was far more than the two platoons of the Echo Town Civil Defense Military District. . But Augustus knew that this was only the force to defend Echo Town and the many surrounding mining areas.

The Revolutionary Army, which had tried their best to hide their identities before, began to appear publicly in Echo Town and nearby towns, and they were welcomed by the residents of the town. During this six-month period, the residents of Echo Town were generally influenced by revolutionary ideas and respected these rumored freedom fighters.

Now, the residents of Echo Town know that the Revolutionary Army is gathering, but they have no idea of ​​their plans or their goals. Even so, this does not prevent those who do good things, insiders who say they know the inside story, and those who truly admire the revolution from discussing what they call "a major victory" in various bars in Echo Town.

Joe Rey's Bar is far away from Echo Town, standing in the town of Backwater near the federal military base Backwater Base, about twenty miles by car.

Augustus arrived at Joe Rey's Bar more than an hour later, and two revolutionary army camps with a total of 800 people had already assembled nearby. At the same time, two other battalions were marching rapidly southwest of the assembly area.

An armored company consisting of twelve arc-light tanks advanced in the red Gobi desert of Ma Sara. In front of the vehicle was flying the flag of the Revolutionary Army with the red star flag of the ring of whips, and many revolutionaries in power armor were flying. Army soldiers are sitting on the tank.

When Augustus walked into Joe Rey's Bar, the bar was full of Steelling Wolfhunters. The power armor of these elite Revolutionary Army soldiers had a black wolf head emblem, and the visors on their helmets were plated with silver-white protective shields. Radiant coating.

All the Stillling Wolf Hunters paid the highest respect to Augustus in their various ways. After all, they had been forest guards for the Mengsk family for generations and were the first generation of Mengsk. Descendants of followers.

The members of the Mengsk family have a great reputation among them, and Augustus just waved his hand and attracted a burst of fanatical shouts.

There were no customers in Joe Rey's bar, and now only Tychus Finley, who was drinking cold beer, and hotel owner Joe Rey, who was wiping glasses at the front desk of the bar. At that time, Joe Rey still had his hair and his body was still in shape.

"Rey, don't worry about the shells falling on your head." Tychus was drinking beer and laughing: "They don't dare to fight back."

"Tychus, you bastard." Augustus came in and pointed at Tychus' nose and cursed: "Go back to your position, the attack starts at eleven o'clock."

"Just a drink, and it's beer." Tychus held it in for a long time, trying not to curse.

When Tychus walked out of the bar dejectedly, Augustus noticed that the LED screen TV in the bar was playing the UNN news from earlier.

"I'm Mike Liberty, and the Liberty (Liberty) Morning News brings you the latest coverage from all over Koprulu. Urgent break: New insurrection in Rimworld Mar Sara, rebels An arsenal in the planet's capital city was attacked and a large amount of weapons was stolen - putting our frontline reporters on the line."

At this time, the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army Marshal Command Post and Umoyan advisor hurried over after learning that Augustus had arrived.

Augustus looked back at them: "I hope you are bringing news that my troops are ready."

"5,300 people from the 1st Brigade of the 1st Army of the Revolutionary Army have been assembled and are ready to go." The Chief of Staff is a middle-aged man in his forties who once served as the principal of the only military school in Keha.

Among the 100,000-strong corps first established by the Revolutionary Army, the 1st Brigade of the 1st Army was the first to be fully staffed. This army has experienced all the wars. Every soldier is a veteran of Korkha origin, absolutely loyal and reliable. Originally Lundstein's unit, it is now directly under the command of the Marshal of the Revolutionary Army.

At this time, Augustus' military advisor placed a portable holographic projector on the table in front of him. Between the interplay of light and shadow, a three-dimensional image of a federal military base was presented in front of Augustus.

Backwater Base, a supply center for the Federation Army in Mar Sara.

"This base has less than one battalion of federal marines, and it is also the only Marine Corps stationed in Hiero State." Augustus said to his chief of staff and military advisers: "This should be a quick and efficient attack." Raid.”

"What I want is a fatal blow."

After a pause, Augustus continued: "There are a large number of civilians living in the towns and residential areas near the backwater base, conveying my orders to the entire army."

"Do not affect civilians or hurt innocent people. Robbery and any form of criminal behavior are strictly prohibited. Violators will be shot immediately and their officers will be punished for dereliction of duty."

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