StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 179 Freedom Day

The backwater base is backed by gray mountain ridges and faces the vast gray ridge plains. It is located among several immigrant settlements that have not yet formed towns.

It was originally just a mining station established by prospectors who came to Mar Sara. Many years later, it became a supply center set up by the Tyranid Federation military in the area, used to store and deliver strategic materials to military bases around the planet.

The population composition of the backwater base has always been relatively complex. A considerable number of people come from persecuted pagan families in other worlds of the Tyranid Federation, or people who were expelled due to extremely fanatical religious tendencies and sought asylum here. This is also the case in many fringe worlds, which are refuges for the undesirable and the deviant.

The temporary headquarters built by the revolutionary army's marching tents was only a few miles away from the backwater base. From this position, Augustus could see the bare orange-gray mountains in the distance and the settlement buildings scattered with golden light in the midday sun.

At this time, the sun hanging in the sky was like a point of light that could not be seen directly. It was larger than any sun Augustus had ever seen. The light and heat it released turned Mar Sara into a huge oven.

Even in a tipi tent that lacked temperature stabilization equipment, Augustus and his staff and officers, wearing CMC power armor, did not have to put in extra effort to cope with the extremely hot environment. They had more time to spend on processing Each unit uses the information transmitted back in time by radio and develops combat plans based on this information.

There were a dozen people in this tent talking and exchanging information, and Augustus was at the center of them.

"The bomber formation has completed the bombing order and is returning."

"Tychus's 451st Battalion and Lieutenant Colonel Herman's 12th and 14th Battalions advanced in the open area in front of the backwater base as planned. They were less than half a mile away from the backwater base."

"Captain Manstein's tank force is breaking into the enemy's defenses outside the backwater base."

Everyone in the command post is gathered around a long table, on which is a three-dimensional combat map projected by a holographic projector. The holographic projector used for projection was given to Augustus by his brother Arcturus during the Battle of Kailian. Now this wooden projection, family photo frame and letter box are what Augustus keeps wherever he goes. Important personal items to carry with you.

On the holographic projection map, the four green squares represent the offensive forces of the revolutionary army, while the red triangles represent the enemy forces. At present, the leading troops of the Revolutionary Army have overwhelmingly destroyed the defense fortifications set up by the federal army outside the backwater base.

The Marines at the backwater base have always been criticized by nearby residents for their bureaucratic corruption and chaotic management. In recent years, scandals have even spread to many regions. Sexual assaults that occur every year have made the military here deeply rooted in local residents. Hate hate.

Although the garrison already has a proportion of resocialized soldiers, it is less than 20%, and the proportion is far less than that of the frontline troops in the Battle of Kailian. The federal army, which had low combat effectiveness and lacked popular support, was unable to withstand the attack of the Revolutionary Army, which was several times larger. The only thing that worried Augustus now was the civilians near the backwater base.

"The federal defense radius includes residential areas. They also built bunkers and poured single-person bunkers between civilian houses. This means that our troops have to launch attacks from between residential areas to attack federal officers. Knowing their nature, they are likely to lay spider mines on the way." Augustus said.

"All troops participating in the offensive have been assigned minesweepers and minesweepers. Spider mines will not cause us excessive casualties." A staff officer said.

The Revolutionary Army has never suffered serious losses from spider mines, but during the Battle of Kailian, this deadly weapon with two red signal lights flashing on its oval shell taught both sides a painful lesson. These gadgets, weighing only a few pounds, are derived from ancient Earth technology, an offshoot of the technology carried by the colony carriers.

Although Augustus did not encounter spider mines, there were still countless tragic cases that reminded Augustus and his generals of the terrible consequences this insidious weapon could have on the battlefield.

The spider mine will automatically dive into the ground once it lands. Once any unlucky person walks into the trap, the high explosives it carries are enough to blow an ordinary fourth-class Marine into the sky.

"The problem of civilian casualties is inevitable." Another staff officer of Augustus said: "We have warned the residents near the backwater base two hours in advance, but a considerable number of people still stay at home. unwilling to part with their property.”

"The Federation will definitely blame us for all civilian casualties." said a Umoyan-born military adviser.

"That's for sure." Augustus looked at the military adviser: "Of course everything is the fault of the rebels who caused the riot - if we stick to our duties and be law-abiding citizens, then There will definitely be peace in the world."

"Apart from our friends in the UNN who will put in a good word for us, even the Terra family will not openly express support for the rebels."

"But no matter what, protecting civilians has always been the top priority of the revolutionary army. We must use our lives to protect any civilian, regardless of gender or the elderly, weak, sick or disabled." Augustus said to his men: "No matter How UNN and other media promote the brutality of the revolutionary army, every planet we visit must leave the impression on the local residents that we are an army that truly protects the people."

"Convey our orders to each company to evacuate local residents first, and then launch an attack on the military base."

When Augustus was talking and his mouth was dry, the ghost agent Sarah Kerrigan who had been behind him handed him a glass of water at the right time.

After drinking the water, Augustus asked again: "Where are Tychus's people?"

"The 451st Wolfhunter Battalion has entered Backwater Town and is evacuating local residents. The federal army seems to have retreated after only a slight resistance. The air has been blocked by us. They should be taking the mountain road."

"According to the radio communications we monitored from the command center of the backwater base, the commander there left the backwater base shortly after we warned the local residents." Augustus' military adviser said.

"Move the command forward." Augustus handed the finished water glass to Kerrigan: "No, we will directly follow the troops in front."

The revolutionary army was not a loose organization purely linked by revolutionary enthusiasm and ambition. Augustus formed the rebel army based entirely on the organization and requirements of the regular army, and his orders were quickly implemented.

Since the revolutionary army's air force had gained air superiority, Augustus arrived at the front line in a few minutes on an ordinary transport plane and followed a revolutionary army camp that was heading towards the backwater base into the backwater outside the base. small town.

The armor-wearing rate of the First Brigade of the Revolutionary Army has reached 50%. All front-line troops have a piece of CMC-200 powered armor. These soldiers wearing dark red powered armor bring waves of heaviness when they run neatly. The clicking sound.

This year, Augustus, who was in Mar Sara, could no longer rely on the power armor imitated by the United States of Umoyan, so he could only target the federal army.

Augustus and a group of his staff and advisors walked in the second half of the march, and Kerrigan, who was wearing a ghost combat uniform, followed him invisibly. Behind them was a company of vanguard soldiers tasked with reconnaissance and cover and a heavy truck pulling an electromagnetic gun. The revolutionary army marched quickly across a wide road leading to the backwater base and advanced on the bumpy asphalt road.

According to the latest reports, the vanguard has defeated the fragile defenses of the defenders of the backwater base and crushed their weak breakout.

Tychus's troops took the lead. As soon as Augustus connected to the command channel, he could hear the other party's complaints that the follow-up troops were too slow to follow up.

Along the way, Augustus saw bunkers and heavy machine gun positions that had been bulldozed by tanks, and the minefields were marked with cordons and colorful flags. The era of power armor has arrived, and the power of automatic induction mines has also been amazingly improved.

However, to Augustus's surprise, the residents still did not evacuate. Not only that, they also stood on the road where the fighting had just subsided and shouted the propaganda slogans of the revolutionary army:

"Augustus Mengsk, savior of the Tyranids!"

"The welfare of the people is above all else!"

"Down with the Founding Family of Tarsonis, the world belongs to the people!"

Augustus had never seen these sights in a war zone. In the Battle of Kailian, which he personally participated in, both the Tyranids and the Camorians were afraid of the army. If the Kemorians captured a Terran Confederation planet, they would use the Tyranids as slaves, and the Terran Confederation would do no better than the Kemorians.

In front of Augustus was a small town affected by the war. Many of the dark orange rectangular colonial modular houses on both sides of the road were hit by howitzers. The bodies of Union Marines were everywhere, and several Union armored vehicles were towed to the side of the road and parked quietly. Every few hundred yards a Revolutionary flag was planted, while the red and blue stars of the Union burned on the ground.

Only LED billboards, holographic projection advertising lights and IAA robots are still working. From time to time, small, stupid robots sell affordable luxury products from local companies to passing revolutionary soldiers.

Most of the people who welcomed the revolutionary army were local miners. They wore gray mining overalls with rough fabrics, turbans and sun hats on their heads. However, they looked like no ordinary miners. Almost everyone was carrying a semi-automatic rifle and their waists were covered with khaki canvas bullet belts.

Some of them had not only bullet belts hanging around their waists, but also full of homemade Molotov cocktails. They seemed not to worry that these Molotov cocktails were more likely to turn themselves into a ball of fire. These Ma Sara people are definitely examples of martial virtue. They have been shouting about the corruption and incompetence of the federal government more than ten years ago.

Before the Terran Federation world began to immigrate to the Sara system, the population of Mar Sara was mainly composed of soldiers and miners, with simple folk customs, while its sister planet Cha Sara was a concentrated penal colony for criminals.

The federal garrison at the backwater base was really unpopular, and the revolutionary army easily gained their support.

In fact, it now seems that what the revolutionary army shouted were just empty slogans. If Angus Mengsk and his son are regarded as careerists, then these are just excuses for them to usurp power. Even only 10% of the good prospects shown by the Revolutionary Army can be truly realized in the future. That's enough for the people of Tyranids to praise.

"The revolutionary army is here, we are free!" As the revolutionary army gradually penetrated into the towns outside the backwater base, local residents who took up arms also joined their ranks.

And even though Augustus didn't need their help, he felt a surge of joy.

"Why don't you show up and say a few words to these people?" Kerrigan, who had been following Augustus, said to him through the communication device in his helmet.

"I can feel their voices. They all really support us. These people believe that you will bring some changes to the Koprulu sector."

"Let our propaganda committee member speak for me." Augustus looked around and did not stand up to accept the welcome of the locals.

"There's no podium here, and I can't stand that high."

"Corporal Faraday, let those civilians return to their homes." Augustus continued.

As Augustus' troops moved forward, he could see more and more remains of the bunker. The air defense towers around the base have been occupied by the Revolutionary Army, and from time to time Avenger fighter jets and transport aircraft painted in dark red of the Revolutionary Army pass through the sky.

The battle had already ended ten minutes before Augustus arrived at the command center at the backwater base. Tychus was playing with a captured electromagnetic pistol in the office chair of the garrison commander at the backwater base.

The office of the command center is quite gorgeously furnished, with a white wool carpet on the floor, silver tableware on the conference table and a few unfinished roast chickens.

"Many families in Mar Sara are still starving, but the officers here are enjoying themselves." Augustus lamented.

"You came too late," Tychus said to Augustus, "I have already come out on top."

"The federal army is vulnerable. If it were in the era of the devil in heaven"

"Shut up, Tychus." Augustus looked at Tychus: "All our victories are based on the fact that the enemies we have encountered so far are a bunch of idiots. Don't be complacent."

"Look up, there is a surveillance camera there, and it is still connected to the federal satellite base station." Regarding what Augustus said, Tychus always listened in one ear and out the other.

"Say something?"

"That's what I meant." Augustus smiled and lowered the mask of his powered armor.

Then, Augustus raised his head and took off his nano mask little by little, revealing that handsome face that frightened many officials of the Tyranid Federation.

"I am Augustus Mengsk, and I will bring salvation and freedom to the Tyranids throughout the Koprulu Sector."

"I am your nightmare."

After saying that, Augustus pulled out the P220 electromagnetic pistol from his waist and accurately hit the camera on the ceiling.

"Distribute the food, guns and ammunition in the supply warehouse to local soldiers and civilians." Augustus put his pistol into his holster.

"This revolution is about to heat up," he said.

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